<unclouded> how does fb_imageblit work?  I was expecting this to give me a white pixel in the top-left hand corner of the screen but it doesn't work for me.  what am I doing wrong?
<unclouded>   u8  pixel[] = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
<unclouded>   struct fb_image  im = { dx:0, dy:0, width:1, height:1, depth:32, data:pixel};
<unclouded>   info->fbops->fb_imageblit( info, &im);
<mth> unclouded: you're calling this from kernel or user space?
<unclouded> from the kernel, from fbcon
<unclouded> it seems to be in the correct video mode because if I write that same "pixel[]" data to /dev/fb0 from userspace then I get the white pixel
<mth> does depth mean bits per pixel? (32) or significant bits per pixel? (24) or bits per color component? (8)
<unclouded> I was hoping you could tell me.  It seems to be set to 1 throughout fbcon for writing black & white glyphs to the screen.  When set to 1, the bg_color and fg_color parts of fb_image are used
<mth> I've programmed a frame buffer driver, but that contains only the communication with the hardware, it does not touch the generic graphics routines in the kernel
<unclouded> I suppose it's inadvisable to access to frame buffer directly?
<rafa> kristianpaul: hey! cool news!
<rafa> please, write to mailing list about so other can know your great work and which was the problem
<rafa> kristianpaul: gps should be really cool with nn ;)
<kristianpaul> rafa: yes, in the wiki is explained
<kristianpaul> wolfspraul: 10 seconds to get gps position
<kristianpaul> but nanonamap not yet give some errors http://pastie.org/1039769
<kristianpaul> :/
<kristianpaul> gpsd works fine on openwrt but nah tamngogps, so using JLime for now
<Ornotermes> anyone familiar with framebuffer progamming that could help me finding the bug that screws up text colors on ben?
<Antaga> kristianpaul-> with a sdio card ?
<kristianpaul> Antaga: no, not tried yet sdio
<kristianpaul> i mean i ran jlime from sd flash memory
<kristianpaul> not more uses for sd
<kristianpaul> Antaga: you hva one?
<kristianpaul> i think i'll use it to conect a FPGA to nanonote
<kristianpaul> not sure if SAKC uses for same..
<Antaga> no
<Ornotermes> how do i send a bug fix the proper way?
<larsc> mailinglist
<Ornotermes> ok
<Ornotermes> should i just paste the .patch in the mail?
<larsc> yes
<larsc> unless your mailclient messes up whitespace
<Ornotermes> don't think so, i use gmail
<kristianpaul> jejeje
<kristianpaul> ops
<kristianpaul> xiangfu: hi
<kristianpaul> can you send me the nanomap bin you compiled?
<kristianpaul> is last version  isnt=
<kristianpaul> ?
<xiangfu> kristianpaul: yes.
<kristianpaul> xiangfu: yes plase i want to test the gpsclient capabillites
<kristianpaul> no hay fecha aun
<kristianpaul> ops
<xiangfu> kristianpaul: check your email :)
<Ornotermes> now things start looking like i want them to :) http://gallery.slashhome.se/main.php?g2_itemId=2701
<kristianpaul> rafa: xoscope from jlime giveme segfault :(
<kristianpaul> hmm orrery run now how use?? :p
<kristianpaul> rafa: http://pastie.org/1039890
<Xakh> hey
<Xakh> anyone here able to help with powder?
<Ornotermes> powder?
<Xakh> it's a roguelike on the nn
<Ornotermes> ah
<Xakh> for some reason it lost all my saved data and it's acting all messed up
<Xakh> i usually get help on it here
<Xakh> dang it, i know at least one or two of you play powder, i need some help
<Ornotermes> any ideas why gmu won't find my music?
<wejp> what kind of music files?
<Ornotermes> mp3 and flac
<wejp> those are not supported on the nanonote
<Ornotermes> oh
<wejp> flac could easily be supported, but the flac version that comes with openwrt is horribly outdated
<wejp> until it is updated to a recent version, gmu does not play flac on the nanonote
<Ornotermes> ok
<wejp> as for mp3, this is (still) a patented codec, so there is no way of supporting it on the nanonote out of the box
<Ornotermes> so what is supported on nanonote then?
<wejp> it is rather simple to add mp3 support to gmu though
<wejp> ogg vorbis works fine on the nanonote
<Ornotermes> ok
<wejp> as for flac i really hope the flac version in openwrt gets updated soon. i have no idea why they are still using such an old version
<Ornotermes> anyway, i could live with not completely open codecs for multimedia
<wejp> yeah, but if the device would come with mp3 support, license fees would have to be paid
<wejp> so this is kind of a no-go
<Ornotermes> if it come with it yes
<wejp> of course you can add mp3 support yourself
<Ornotermes> but i would be fine with downloading and installing a package manual
<wejp> you could for example take the dingoo release of gmu and copy the mp3 decoder over to your nanonote
<wejp> i'm just saying ^^
<wejp> or build it yourself, whatever you prefer
<Ornotermes> hmmm :)
<Ornotermes> just too bad i didn't know about the limited filesupport on nn
<Ornotermes> wejp: i managed to fix the console text colors by the way :)
<wejp> nice :)
<urandom_> the ben is a very nice and loud (non)mp3 player ;)
<mth> the git commits notification on IRC seems to be non-working
<mth> failed to open stream: Connection refused in /srv/irc/send_irc_lines.php on line 3
<xiangfu> mth: I just restart the irc notification.
<mth> thanks
<unclouded> does sys_imageblit in the kernel support 24-bit images or only black&white and 256-color images?