DocScrutinizer05 changed the topic of #neo900 to: | conversations are logged to and | 2013-11-04 - the day our fundraiser reached its goal | 2014-05-01 360 devices 75k€| 0712 183 ~30k | 0810 300 ~49k | 0914 346 ~56k
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<Oksana> Quiet...
<wpwrak> think of it as restful sleep :)
<Oksana> Heh... "Stable" software does not start because of trouble and "new" software will not work, and will not tell me why. And the software should have been working, like, yesterday.
<Oksana> And chargers are rumoured to be delivered (according to tracking website), but I do not see them in the post box. Is the local postman lazy, and delaying carrying the parcel to the box until tomorrow? Because the website says "delivered" with quite imprecise location.
<wpwrak> maybe call them. if they think they delivered it but they haven't, that sounds like a problem. i.e., maybe someone else got it.
<Oksana> And the online query was not answered yet. Maybe, it will be answered tomorrow.
<Oksana> I have checked in invoice that I have specified correct address to the sender. No way they could have delivered it somewhere else.
<Oksana> Maybe, call them. Yes. I have written down phone number of the post office which corresponds to "Delivered" location.
<wpwrak> oh, it happens. i once got the wrong parcel from fedex. seems that they mixed up local delivery stickers. and of course, nobody checks that address in the form that's still traveling in the pouch
<Oksana> They will close, like, in 20 minutes. If I remember correctly.
<wpwrak> so i called them and they came back to pick it up. i got my parcel the next day. all went smoothly in the end
<Oksana> Hmm... That's a possibility.
<Oksana> Good evening
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<jonwil> Looks like there are suggestions the NSA is somehow involved with systemd
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<jonwil> yet another entry for the "why systemd is bad" list: "With systemd being so new and so big and with so much code being written so fast, its not possible to know just how secure things are compared to existing options (which are generally older and have had more time to mature and are also smaller and easier to validate or examine for flaws"
<wpwrak> "don't worry about that little cancer. it's all natural, what could possibly go wrong ?"
<jonwil> That said, everything I have seen suggests the biggest push for systemd is comming from gnome and KDE who like systemd because it lets them get rid of a bunch of their own bits in favor of letting systemd handle it
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<fling> how to use gta04 with nokia bl-5c battery instead of gta02? It is not charging and works really slow.
* fling is using qtmoko
<DocScrutinizer05> fling: sorry, I can't help with this. Maybe somebody else in here has experience with gta04
<j4s0nmchr1st0s> it's the fm transmitter
<DocScrutinizer05> fling: ignore that statement of j4s0nmchr1st0s
<DocScrutinizer05> fling: I'd anyway suspect it's a software issue, iirc gta04 has software controlled charging. So a reflashing of OS might help
<fling> hmm hmm
<fling> DocScrutinizer05: ok I will try to figure this out
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<DocScrutinizer05> fling: afaik the gta04 boots from uSD, right?. maybe just prepare a new system on new uSD and try with this one
<DocScrutinizer05> I don't know what qtmoko does during boot and what may go haywire. Usual problems seen on other distros include: edits in one of the initscripts that cause constant restarts of a service that fails to start. filesystem corruption (often due to unclean/missing umount) and from that either init scripts and services' start failing since the fs is read-only, or the system init actually starting a fscheck to fick the fs corruption, which may
<DocScrutinizer05> either fail or at least can take hours during which system is in a rather pathological state
<DocScrutinizer05> fix*
<DocScrutinizer05> generally "system not charging battery" is not that precise a statement, since it often is rather "system failing to indicate that charging is actually ongoing"
<DocScrutinizer05> particularly when using BL-5C instead of gta02-smartbat, the system will not find the bq27000 battery gas gauge chip in battery, and thus depending on how system implements charging monitor, the BL-5C may result in system not indicating charging and battery capacity despite the twl4030 PMU actually charging battery
<DocScrutinizer05> also the system *might* try to talk to the non-existing BQ27000 chip in battery in an endless loop and this may slow down system
<DocScrutinizer05> see
<DocScrutinizer05> ~batteryfaq
<infobot> extra, extra, read all about it, batteryfaq is
<DocScrutinizer05> it's not for qtmoko but some aspects are nevertheless generally applicable
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<DocScrutinizer05> YAY, tmo learned new tricks, now offers "multi-quote"
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<DocScrutinizer05> errr, (_cough_)
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<DocScrutinizer05> >>Supports up to 1500 connections<< MUHAHAHA
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<DocScrutinizer05> and you can't even buy the unrestricted version, at least at digikey
<DocScrutinizer05> anybody using this stuff for slightly more ambitioned projects than "one chip plus birdseed" must be crazy
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<Oksana> Good morning
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<jason___> How much longer until the phone is finished?
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<Oksana> jason___: Neo900 phone will be released in first half of 2015. The earliest estimate (if proto_V3 takes 0 times, which is implausible) is first quarter of 2015?
<Oksana> 0 time*, I meant
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<Oksana> jonwil: Try Firefox 3.6.3?
<jonwil> I found what I needed
<jonwil> not an exact match but close enough for what I need to do
<Oksana> Where? :-)
<Oksana> And still, try Firefox 3.6.3. It matches the date (2010-04-01)
<Oksana> What do you need to do? :-) Apply MicroB patches to old Firefox to see whether you can get current microb-engine?
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<jonwil> no, at this point what I am trying to do is to see what has changed in the ABI of mozilla so we know what needs to be forward ported to keep the plugins working
<Oksana> Plugins... Good luck :-)
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<jason___> Oksana: Will or shall?
<Oksana> Both? :-)
<jason___> No wonder you percieve luck.
<Oksana> Of course, if all the people who donated, will mysteriously disappear instead of paying the remaining part of price of the device, then the devices will not be manufactured. But that's highly unlikely.
<jason___> You are such a gambler Oksana.
<Oksana> jason___: It's quite well thought-through. So no, I am not gambling.
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<Oksana> I am doing everything I can to see Neo900 succeeding.
<Oksana> I will not be ruined, physically, if Neo900 fails. But it will be fairly close to losing hope for future of mobile phones if Neo900 is not successful.
<jason___> Why is that it is a computer, a phone doesnt require DA convertors.
<Oksana> By the way, about speakers: since knowles TINY are obsolete, knowles GRAND are going to be used. They are close enough to fit (hopefully).
<Oksana> DA convertors - where? jason___ , point me, please.
<Oksana> It's not like I am the one who created this diagram :-)
<Oksana> wpwrak created this diagram, and maintains it. What about adding knowles GRAND speakers to it, for Neo900? N900's knowles TINY are obsolete, afaik.
<jason___> I am considering moving can it call a travel agent?
<jason___> It is like being in the matrix.
<jason___> Will this phone keep one from getting beatup while walking to the grocery store?
<Oksana> Hmm... As a phone, it can call anybody. Are you asking about AI for finding a travel agent? And AI for detecting an attack upon you?
<jason___> Speaking of AI there is a malfunction.
<Oksana> Malfunction? Tell, please :-) Bug reports are welcome.
<DocScrutinizer05> no
<jason___> I need to see the debug symbols.
<freemangordon> jonwil: see ^^^ :P
<Oksana> Saera is Siri-like open-source software. It can find food outlets near you, and it could presumably find local travel agents, too :-)
<jonwil> looks good so far :)
<Oksana> jason___: "the debug symbols" - where? What kind of software?
<jonwil> good job on xprot :)
<ds2> Oksana: what does it use for a recogonizer?
<Oksana> ds2: Pocketsphinx for voice recognition
<freemangordon> jonwil: I cheat a bit for the functions that are not exported - I get their entry point by adding an offset to the .so image base. that way I am able to call the stock functions and compare the results ;)
<ds2> Hmmmmmm
<jonwil> neat :)
<ds2> Oksana: is that a thead about it or the only web presences for it?
<jason___> I can't speak my mind, or I get blamed.
<jason___> What does the blaming, malfunction.
<jonwil> as for tracking down microb-engine in the mozilla tree, so far I think the match might be somewhere on the GECKO1922_20100315_RELBRANCH branch
<jonwil> the FIREFOX_3_6_3_RELEASE tag is clearly not right
<Oksana> jonwil: Interesting... I was just working from name of the microb*.tar.gz file
<jonwil> The date is probably the date they last pulled from the mozilla tree
<jonwil> not the date of the branch they pulled from
<jonwil> the 1.9.2 obviously refers to Gecko 1.9.2
<Oksana> jonwil: Interesting coincidence.
<Oksana> jason___: Clarify, please. You speak your mind, then you get blamed, and the one doing the blaming is malfunctioning?
<ds2> very interesting
<ds2> is there a license somewhere for Seara?
<Oksana> ds2: Note that there is saera in maemo repositories. Probably later version than the one attached to opening post.
<ds2> Oksana: Oh I see. trying to do something similar myself for slightly different hw
<jonwil> my god pulling mozilla tree takes ages
<Oksana> Not sure about licence, but it's in free repos.
<ds2> jonwil: worse then AOSP?
<jonwil> Never touched Android
<jonwil> so I cant comment
<ds2> 'k
<jason___> Oksana: That is accurate. What is unclear?
<DocScrutinizer05> please stay on topic! 3rd warning
<ds2> 3rd warning?
<ds2> what was my triggers for 1st and 2nd?
<DocScrutinizer05> not you
<ds2> 'k
<DocScrutinizer05> [2014-11-10 Mon 04:32:16] <Oksana> j4s0nmchr1st0s: Go into PM? DocScrutinizer does not enjoy noise
<DocScrutinizer05> [2014-11-10 Mon 04:33:25] <j4s0nmchr1st0s> Oksana: If you insist, go on, privmsg.
<DocScrutinizer05> freemangordon: you're amazing \o/
<freemangordon> :)