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<rm> there isn't any newer kernel port than 3.0? :/
<dgp> rm: Probably to make keeping android working less of a hassle..
<dgp> post 3.4 you need to implement device tree too IIRC.. and that can be a pain in the ass
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<abrasive> surely devtree can't be too hard - since other imx6 ports already do it?
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<rm> dgp, the "sunxi" port mostly moved on to 3.4
<rm> I hoped to forget about 3.0
<abrasive> 3.4 would be nice but it's contingent on finding someone to do the work.
<abrasive> probably not a lot of work if bdev have een there...
<dgp> rm: what do you want from 3.4?
<dgp> you can backport most drivers without too much effort
<rm> weeell I wanted to keep an uniform set of features across sunxi and imx
<rm> that's just to simplify some building work
<rm> but in practice, one example comes to mind:
<rm> btrfs is in a really rapid development, and running it you must have the latest kernel you can possibly get
<rm> the btrfs developers will think you are insane if you run btrfs on 3.0
<rm> (or in fact on anything not 3.9.x :)
<abrasive> so you'd be insane to run it even at cutting edge :P
<rm> but 3.4 is perhaps somewhat better
<dgp> is btrfs valid for SD cards?
<rm> yeah
<dgp> mm I can sort of see why you might want it then. Most people are just "give me new stuff!! now!!"
<rm> but remember you can connect any amount or type of storage via USB
<abrasive> wor you coudl run ZFS.
<dgp> or XFS
<rm> abrasive, I don't want any out-of-tree drivers
<abrasive> wow, not doing well with the keyboard today.
<rm> have *enough* problems getting stuff to work without them
<abrasive> what are you building for?
<rm> even without*
<rm> dgp, XFS is not on the same feature level as btrfs or XFS
<rm> abrasive, for?...
<dgp> yeah, but it starts with an X
<abrasive> are you a distributor?
<rm> just a "hobbyist"
<rm> my objection to out-of tree is: they are of lower quality than the mainline code
<rm> e.g. are you certain that ZFS is even tested by anyone to even compile on ARM
<rm> not to mention to run correctly in all cases
<rm> and we're talking filesystem here
<rm> not some webcam driver
<rm> correctness is critically important
<abrasive> no, not at all, just bringing it up.
<abrasive> yes, that's why btrfs' requirement to chase head disconcerts me
<abrasive> ZFS is available at least via FUSE
<dgp> Not using out of tree drivers because of quality and then using an fs that is still in development mode and not maintenance mode doesn't make a huge amount of sense to me
<dgp> I would rather have a driver crash the kernel than an fs silently shit all over my data
<abrasive> there are plenty of flaky vendor drivers too.
<abrasive> pretty sure the imx6 crypto hardware drivers cause random crashes
<abrasive> and the RNG returns data that's not actually random.
<dgp> There's plently of code in the various subdirs under arch/ that hasn't worked for years
<dgp> in kernel doesn't mean works or even compiles ;)
* dgp wonders if the h8 stuff will actually build in 3.9
<abrasive> maintaining this stuff is hard work.
<dgp> yeah, and that's the reason vendor trees hover around a certain version for so long
<dgp> 1: get it booting 2: fix stuff up until it works good enough 3: try not to touch it again aside from minor fixes
<abrasive> at least the freescale code is generally quite decent in quality
<abrasive> some of the vendor code i've worked with looks more like it was generated by a genetic algorithm
<abrasive> the leaked RDA bluetooth init code is a good example
<dgp> Chinese SoC stuff..
<abrasive> yeah, i had nightmares with via/wondermedia stuff in the vt8500/wm8505 days
<dgp> yeah, that is a real piece of shit. Those guys need a code formatter badly
<abrasive> also it does things like initialising things twice from memory
<dgp> If the code is that bad you really have to wonder about the quality of their chips
<abrasive> don't want to think about it...
<abrasive> i mean, they boot and run. maybe the MTBF is the only way you'll see it
<dgp> To be honest though even companies like atmel put out some junk. I.e. on some (all?) atmel ARM soc you are advised to use bitbang i2c because the hardware controller basically doesn't work
<abrasive> sigh.
<dgp> TI's USB controllers don't work, I don't think the Broadcom ones are much better
<abrasive> what's wrong with the TI ones?
<dgp> just trying to find the google plus post about it
<dgp> some pretty crappy hardware bugs
<dgp> damn can't find it. The errata for one of the OMAP chips is 125 pages long though :/
<abrasive> they do cram a lot of shit in there.
<abrasive> have you ever read an intel x86 errata doc? :1~
<abrasive> :/
<dgp> I think the longest errata doc for an mc68000 chip is for the mc68060 and that's about 10 pages IIRC.. the good old days ;)
<abrasive> which isn't superscalar... and didn't have an MMU?
<dgp> superscalar, has mmu, fpu
<abrasive> lovely and simple for sure.
<abrasive> really? well then1
<dgp> IIRC it's about the same class as a pentium 1
<abrasive> well, you can still buy its descendants...
<dgp> pentium 1?
<abrasive> 68k
<dgp> mmm you can get coldfire. Getting real 68k chips is getting harder
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<rm> projectgus, I see a zImage_recovery symlink in /boot
<rm> how do I select to boot that one?
<rm> ah, found it all on your page
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<rm> my kernel does not boot :<
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<projectgus> rm: this is one with a new config that you based on your mk802 one?