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<dgp> Does anyone know how the bluetooth is integrated? The wifi is a little USB board.. is the bluetooth chip on the other side near to the piece of wire (bt ant?) or is it integrated into the wifi?
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<projectgus> dgp: I believe it's the package to the immediate right of the external uSD slot as shown here
<projectgus> it's roughly the right package and number of pins anyhow
<projectgus> I haven't actually looked at my board to confirm
<dgp> Thanks for the link. So its connected via a uart
<projectgus> yes
<dgp> Need to work out how to make that work in android.. hopefully not too hard :~
<projectgus> AFAIK noone has it running in gnu/linux yet
<projectgus> ah ok android should be easier
<projectgus> look in an existing gk802 image for a preexisting 'hciattach' binary
<projectgus> it'll be run from init.rc(?) or somewhere, something like 'hciattach -t rda /dev/ttymxc1'
<dgp> yeah will do, trying to avoid copying in binaries from the original image
<dgp> I think I have everything except bt working now from source
* dgp is waiting for a wifi enabled build to finish
<projectgus> yeah, good goal :)
<projectgus> there's a rar file floating around with rda5876 hciattach source code for Telechips
<projectgus> the code will need changing though, the TCC version uses a different trick to toggle a GPIO line to enable/disable bluetooth
<projectgus> i'll be interested to hear how you go
<dgp> At least I have a reference version with the existing android image :)
<projectgus> true
<dgp> I have to integrate an NFC module later too.. fun fun fun
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<dgp> I think I have the gpio pins for the bt if anyone wants them :)
<abrasive> oh, nice one. where'd it turn up?
<dgp> gpio-7 (bt_wake ) in hi
<dgp> gpio-55 (bt_enable ) out lo
<dgp> Thats what debugfs is telling me when android is running
<dgp> I can't seem to export the gpio via sysfs to toggle it and check it actually toggles the pin though
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<jas-hacks> You could dump gpio memory
<dgp> jas-hacks: via /dev/mem?
<dgp> I'm just looking up where the registers are in the datasheet..
<dgp> when android is turning the bt on and off and tcc_bt_dev in the kernel is meant to be turning it on/off the gpios don't change.. so I wonder if it's just hardcoded to be on all the time in the Android image.
<jas-hacks> Yes. I tried but i don't see any changes in gpio.
<dgp> jas-hacks: did it change when you hit the button? it changes for me
<jas-hacks> gpio is only used to reset/initialise the chip
<dgp> so it enables it once and leaves it on?
<jas-hacks> I think so
<jas-hacks> For wifi i saw the gpio change.
<dgp> I'll try pulling the bt_wake pin down and see if it changes. Need to find the datasheet for the bt chip
<jas-hacks> I think it is all driven by 1 gpio pin
<dgp> I have the basic datasheet with the pin out
<dgp> just trying to work out if the wakeup pin is broken out to one of the test pads
<abrasive> our wifi chip doesn't have a reset line.
<abrasive> just an LDO enable
<dgp> abrasive: does that just turn the usb power on and off for it?
<abrasive> sorry, i meant BT
<abrasive> there's also a wifi power enable gpio, but we know that one.
<dgp> sorry google link
<dgp> thats "datashort" for the chip though.
<jas-hacks> The ldo is used to download the configuration settings to enable bluetooth.
<dgp> jas-hacks: is that done over the uart?
<jas-hacks> Yes
<jas-hacks> It seems to be time based after the ldo is high
<jas-hacks> for atleast 20ms
<dgp> tcc_bt_dev.c just seems to provide gpio controls. So is that stuff in hciattach?
<jas-hacks> no it relies on ttc_bt_dev
<jas-hacks> a hack could be done using gpio memory map
<dgp> I'm looking at hciattch_rda5875_5870e.c. That looks like it's using the tcc_bt_dev to toggle stuff for 50ms etc
<jas-hacks> It actually does the initaialsation twice
<dgp> If it's only toggling that pin for 50ms at a time I'll never see that in debugfs :)
<dgp> I'm going to hack up tcc_bt_dev to use the pins listed in debugfs, replace the kernel in the android image with mine and see if that works
<jas-hacks> tcc_bt_dev is a kernel module?
<dgp> not in the android kernel, it's built in
<jas-hacks> but the bluetootb service only starts after the kernel finishes
<dgp> it just provides a char device with some iocntrls to toggle the gpio
<dgp> there is some stuff for i2c in there too but I guess that isn't used in uart mode
<jas-hacks> You could check the gpio status and then start the service to know which pins changed
<dgp> s/iocntrls/ioctrls/
<dgp> jas-hacks: I tried that :). Reading the source for their custom bit in hciattach the only toggle it for 50ms
<jas-hacks> On 1 pin?
<dgp> disabling bt in android doesn't change the pins for an amount of time I can notice
<dgp> yes, they have a function for putting it high and low
<dgp> and that just calls the ioctl on the tcc_bt_dev char device to do the gpio work
<dgp> exporting the gpio to userspace without using /sys/class/gpio
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