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<abrasive_> dgp, projectgus: the CAAM has some DMA bugs
<abrasive_> if you turn on DMA bounds checking it'll throw warnings
<abrasive_> i've never had stability problems but i don't think it gets used under my linux builds
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<dgp> abrasive: I think it was enabled in the the def config from the github source.. thats what I based my config on
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<abrasive> i think it is enabled in mine
<abrasive> it shouldn't be huh
<dgp> it only seemed to crash at the first power on after a period of being of for me
<dgp> by the way. I have a few more gk802 on the way. so I can destroy this one to work out where pins go etc
<abrasive> good, since you've already started :)
<abrasive> i'd like to know why the hell I2C2/HDMI DDC doesn't seem to work on newer revision boards.
<abrasive> but that might be tricky to dig under the BGA
<abrasive> i guess if you just desolder the poor thing...
<dgp> yeah, I'm going to take a blow torch to the bga :)
<dgp> I have 5 of the test pads mapped now. I'm hoping the others are i2c, uarts or jtag (or whatever it has for debugging)
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<abrasive> yeah, jtag would be nice.
<abrasive> i heard there was i2c near the RDA chip
<abrasive> and i2c on the console header too
<dgp> i2c on the console header works :)
<dgp> there are 5 gpios on the pads around the chip
* dgp stabbed with a 10k resister tied to ground
<dgp> s/stabbed/stabbed them/
<abrasive> i was a bit ruder when i was hunting for the wifi power gpio.
<abrasive> just... set all the gpios as output and start setting them high.
<dgp> I set them all as inputs and then used wc to count how many are high from the gpio table in debugs and stabbed around until the number changed
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<abrasive> sneaky.
<dgp> I have some pictures with them noted and the gpio number they are connected to that I'll put on the wiki
<dgp> they'll be useful for people wanting to add stuff
<abrasive> definitely
<dgp> I'm thinking about making a little board to plug onto the uart header that'll give you 24 gpio and some of arduino/raspberry pi style bits
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<abrasive> i2c gpio expander?
<dgp> yeah, maybe use of the of the uart pins as an external interrupt
<dgp> or have some pogo pins that attach to the test pafs
<dgp> pads
<abrasive> then you need a board clip though
<dgp> yeah, I don't think losing the rx pin on the uart is too much of a problem
<dgp> I haven't looked if that can be a gpio yet though
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<jas-hacks_> dgp: Any chance you can dump out the serial out for BT initialisation, it paritially works in ubuntu with your kernel module tweaked + a hacked hicattach.
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<jas-hacks_> The main issue I'm facing is that I'm still getting random timeout's when using hicxxxx utils. It behaves better with the wifi turned off.
<dgp> I can when I get back in about 2 hours
<jas-hacks_> dgp: Thanks!
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<projectgus> abrasive: the only standard things I know of that will use it as LUKS or IPSec
<projectgus> ie things doing encryption in the kernel
<projectgus> actually, the userspace interface is turned off in the defconfig I think. So probably not LUKS even.
<projectgus> the openssl in debian isn't patched to use that interface, I don't know about anything else
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<projectgus> hmm, trying to access a RAID1 volume (with ext2 filesystem) from uboot hangs uboot
<projectgus> that's annoying
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<abrasive> what sort of RAID1?
<projectgus> md
<projectgus> i was under the vague impression that an md raid1 partition just looked like a normal partition with an md superblock at the end
<abrasive> that's a bit poo.
<abrasive> it should afaik
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<dgp> rtw_android_priv_cmd: Android private cmd "BTCOEXMODE 2" on wlan0
<dgp> rtw_android_priv_cmd: Android private cmd "BTCOEXMODE 2" on wlan0
<dgp> rtw_android_priv_cmd: Android private cmd "BTCOEXMODE 2" on wlan0
<dgp> oops
<dgp> didn't mean to paste that 3 times.. anyhow, thats was jas needs I think
<dgp> s/was/what/
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<abrasive_> dgp: the BT coex lines aren't wired in are they?
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<dgp> abrasive_: a gpio isn't registered for it
<dgp> the wifi hal in android is setting that stuff on the wifi
<abrasive> coex usually is direct wired between wlan and bt chips, isn't it?
<dgp> I wouldn't know what.. but I think the coex pin on the bt chip is broken out to a test pad and does going anywhere
<dgp> s/what/that/
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<dgp> s/does going/doesn't go/
* dgp losing the ability write English today
<abrasive> understand i.
<dgp> ;)
<dgp> I "teach" of my wife's friend's kids a bit of English once a week and it turns my own English to mush
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<otavio> jas-hacks: not yet
<jas-hacks> dgp: can you use your logic analyser to dump out the bt uart data?
<dgp> I'll try, it doesn't have an amazing amount of memory
<dgp> I wonder if it'll do the right stuff now that I've broken the LDO enable line
<jas-hacks> Was ldo soldered?
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<dgp> I attached a wire to the ldo enable, and it pulled of the trace when I was removing the tape I taped it down with
<dgp> BT worked until I did that ;)
<jas-hacks> otavio: do you when they may be available?
<otavio> jas-hacks: yes ... but you know, NDA
<jas-hacks> otavio: do they come from timesys or fsl?
<otavio> jas-hacks: NDA?
<otavio> jas-hacks: timesys has gpu with hf; not sure about mm codecs
<rz2k> timesys shared gpu armhf libs
<rz2k> maybe they will share mm codecs too
<rz2k> otavio: any news on yocto gpu problems?
<otavio> rz2k: Sort of
<otavio> rz2k: still no solution
<rz2k> i have seco devkit with yocto 1.4 and gpu is working here, probably they built it at the same time as I built it for wandboard in March-April
<rz2k> when everything was ok
<otavio> rz2k: can you check the version they used for building?
<rz2k> how do I do it? it only says 1.4 at boot, yocto has some footprints left in the system? (/etc/issue ?)
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<Juggie> is there a forum where linux for imx6 is being discussed as well
<jas-hacks> Juggie: you can try freescale community forum
<Juggie> k tnx.
<Juggie> have you made any progress lately? have not seen any new blog posts.
<Juggie> which is why i was curious if there was somewhere it was discussed, you posted actively, etc.
<jas-hacks> you can discuss here
<Juggie> k
<jas-hacks> Am working on armhf release but stuck on vpu side
<Juggie> is freescale being helpful or still withholding some source?
<jas-hacks> vpu stuff is closed source so need to wait for them to releasr it
<jas-hacks> Freescale are good but slow to releasr stuff
<Juggie> some video accel is working though?
<jas-hacks> In armel its works well
<Juggie> oh gotcha
<Juggie> i didnt catch that
<Juggie> is armhf a noticable increase in performance over armel compiled?
<Juggie> freecale only release source to vendors and pass the buck to them i guess?
<jas-hacks> From my test using ubuntu with es2gears its about 10-15%
<Juggie> did you see this post:
<Juggie> i could perhaps be misreading but that may be what you need
<Juggie> ah ic u posted on there already :)
<Juggie> just got to the botom
<jas-hacks> Yes, already got those working for gpu
<Juggie> but for vpu its missing some dependencies.
<jas-hacks> vpu is another set of libs
<Juggie> fun
<Juggie> steady progress at least
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<Juggie> does vlc for linux use gstreamer?
<jas-hacks> Don't know about vlc
<Juggie> what does support it, just curious what can be used for video playback but i cant find much info
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<jas-hacks> totem supports it
<Juggie> k i'll check it out, i know xbmc doesnt sadly
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<Juggie> too bad too because that would increase sales
<Juggie> is 5.1 working onl inux? passthrough, etc?
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<dgp> Are you guys all using the psu that came thing the gk802? It seems really unstable with usb and the stock supply
<ArnieTheBest> yes
<dgp> ArnieTheBest: do you have much usb stuff connected?
<ArnieTheBest> the rc11 transceiver and the usb-ethernet adapter
<ArnieTheBest> and i am using a non powered hub
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<dgp> mmm maybe it's just my kernel then
<ArnieTheBest> i could attach power to the hub but haven't needed it until now....
<dgp> I have a mouse and a card reader connected and bringing up the wifi causes it to reboot
<dgp> with a decent brand psu it seems a bit happier
<ArnieTheBest> perhaps the kernel lets the cpu run too fast?
<dgp> android is controlling cpufreq as far as I can tell
<Juggie> dgp, are you working in android or linux?
<dgp> Juggie: android
<Juggie> cool... working on anything in perticular?
<dgp> I have an android 4.1.2 image that only contains one binary from the original image.. :)
<Juggie> lol which one.
<Juggie> something video likely.
<dgp> I'm using the freescale binaries for the stuff on the SoC
<dgp> other than that I'm only using hciattach from the original image
<Juggie> ah gotcha
<Juggie> improvement in performance over stock?
<dgp> so you can actually compile it without having to put loads of unknown crap in there
<Juggie> yep.. i understand :)
<dgp> mmm it seems pretty nippy. The UI is too fast
<Juggie> have you poked around at any of the hardware accelerated video players in android?
<dgp> I haven't tested video etc though. I don't think my client needs that.. plan is 1: finish, 2: get paid 3:??? 4: then mess around with making it lovely
<dgp> It should work though, all the bits from freescale are in there
<Juggie> i'm not sure how good their implementation of libstagefright is (for xbmc) but i think some other hardware players work
<dgp> well, it can only really work as well as freescales stuff so I'm not going to lose sleep over it
<dgp> It would be nice to make it into a really fast little hacking machine like the raspberrypi just not really crap
<Juggie> yeah... the RK3188 looks interesting too but everyone is sticking w/ the slow Mali400 (besides the imx6)
<Juggie> these all have cooling/overheating issues too
<dgp> I think everyone should avoid Rockchip until they start actually following the GPL
<Juggie> yeah thats a huge problem w/ them
<Juggie> though i dont think Freescale is following entirely either
<dgp> huge problem with all of the chinese vendors. the gk802 having a freescale chip in it is a major selling point
<dgp> Juggie: you can get the kernel source
<dgp> you can get reference manuals for the chip
<Juggie> yeah still some missing components though, video, etc
<dgp> That isn't covered by the GPL
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<Juggie> thats a long winded debate :)
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<dgp> If you think they are violating the gpl you should say something about it.. but I doubt they are
<dgp> they have people that will be making sure they go very close but not over the line
<Juggie> they dont actually distribute linux
<Juggie> so they are likely not
<dgp> lots of bits in a linux distro aren't gpl licensed either
<Juggie> but as you say it is on the line.
<Juggie> no, some are bsd, some are apache
<Juggie> sometimes there are propritary drivers
<dgp> there is a grey area where you have non-gpl drivers but to get around that nvidia etc use opensource shims in the middle
<Juggie> right.
<dgp> I don't mind binary drivers too much to be honest. Better than nothing at all
<Juggie> indeed. if they work.
<Juggie> nvidia does it pretty well
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<dgp> I hear the ati drivers have been crap for a long time
<Juggie> never used them but thats the concensus
<dgp> but I only really use laptops and most of the time I have intel graphics so most of the time it just works
<Juggie> all i am really looking for is a low power stick/box to use as htpc's.
<dgp> except if I want to use kicad
<Juggie> there are really none that do it well :)
* dgp shakes fist
<Juggie> majority are half assed attempts.
<dgp> something with ION should be good for htpc
<Juggie> ya i have that now
<Juggie> hard to find any more of those
<dgp> The only issue I had with an ION htpc was keeping it quiet and cool at the same time :/
<Juggie> mine is in the basement tv is upstairs
<Juggie> problem solved :)
<dgp> I had it strapped to the back of a monitor.
<Juggie> ah.. my tv is on a wall so everything is one floor below
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<dgp> yeah, I live in a tiny japanese apartment so there are no floors and barely any space to start with
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<abrasive> dgp: why is kicad troublesome?
<abrasive> also, which city in JP, if you don't mind me asking?