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<abrasive> woo!
<abrasive> nice work, gus.
<otavio> Hello folks
<abrasive> hey otavio
<abrasive> what's news?
<otavio> I'm finishing the Yocto machine support for gk802
<abrasive> awesome!
<otavio> and wish to know if someone did work in porting it to u-boot mainline yet
<otavio> ?
<abrasive> not as far as I'm aware
<dgp> projectgus: If only you had the x11 driver stuff. I would install it on a gk802 and give it to my sister in-law as her first computer :)
<projectgus> dgp: yeah, that's a shame. it doesn't matter for me (I wanted this to replace my VPS) but it is annoying
<projectgus> otavio: what are the chances of getting imx6 x11 drivers compiled for xorg 1.12 (debian wheezy) :) :)
<projectgus> abrasive: re: defconfigs, I ended up forking yet another config :D
<projectgus> although with those config patches I sent you I found I could disable a few random things (like LCD panels) that were enabled in gk802_defconfig
<dgp> projectgus: it should be good for a lot of headless applications.. add some i2c io expanders, adcs etc and you have a very fast tinkering platform
<projectgus> but there are lots of other differences, that config assumes an initrd and compiles most things as modules
<projectgus> dgp: I have some TI i2c ic samples sitting around for this purpose :)
<projectgus> also for my server one i want to add an rtc
<dgp> projectgus: I would check the voltage on the header before wiring stuff up though.. I think it's meant to be 3.3v but one of my boards is putting out 4.5v on the i2c
<abrasive> just add GPS ;)
<projectgus> dgp: oh really? good warning, thanks
<dgp> abrasive: means you need a fix before getting the right time though
<projectgus> abrasive: heh
<dgp> projectgus: yeah, could just be this one board though, I haven't checked my new one
<projectgus> i still only have one
<projectgus> i ordered two at the same time, one DHL and one normal post (geekbuying wouldn't applied discount-per-order)
<projectgus> other one still hasn't shown up, has been over a month now so I'm worried it's lost
<dgp> Apparently you can get them for $30 or less bulk.. waiting on some donation units from a guy that wants to sell loads of them :)
<otavio> projectgus: It does not work
<otavio> projectgus: well 1.12 I didn't try but 1.13 certanly does not
<projectgus> otavio: oh, so the difference isn't just ABI? is it 1.11 only?
<otavio> projectgus: it required modular DRI modules
<projectgus> drat :(
<rm> uwaaa thank you
<rm> looks like Geekbuying orders start to arrive to people
<rm> I got mine 3 days ago
<rm> asked around "is there Debian?"... - "nnnnnope"
<rm> so I didn't even power it on yet :D
<projectgus> rm: well, tell me how you go :)
* dgp wonders if there is much speed difference between the odroid quad core thingy and the gk802
<otavio> projectgus: I am on it (GPU) but not yet solid results
<rm> projectgus, no way to make it not need the internal slot?
<projectgus> otavio: cheers :)
<otavio> abrasive: Can you do it?
<projectgus> rm: the imx6 is strapped to look at mmc0 for the bootloader. you can put just the bootloader there, and everything else (including boot partition) somewhere else though
<otavio> abrasive: currently the u-boot used is not very new
<abrasive> otavio: i don't have a lot of time at the moment, but i can take a look
<otavio> abrasive: I can do the porting but you did most of work so I think you deserve the credit for it
<rm> projectgus, I thought the currently available Ubuntu images just require you to insert an SD card into an external slot
<abrasive> does mainline support imx6 at the moment?
<otavio> abrasive: sure
<otavio> abrasive: all boards in Yocto uses it
<abrasive> okay.
<abrasive> then it shouldn't be tooooo hard...
<otavio> abrasive: this is our brach with backported fixes
<otavio> abrasive: it is not
<abrasive> shall i rebase on to that branch then?
<otavio> abrasive: it is mainly a matter of define CONFIG_MX6Q and replace MX6Q pads by MX6
<otavio> abrasive: You could use imx/master
<otavio> abrasive: I pick from it
<otavio> abrasive:;a=summary
<projectgus> rm: to my knowledge they all require the internal slot. but i could be wrong, there might be some way to leverage the android install to boot from external...
<otavio> abrasive: this is where u-boot next release, is maintained, for imx
<abrasive> otavio: okay, I'll work from upstream... i'll keep you posted
<otavio> abrasive: thx
<abrasive> where
<otavio> abrasive: it should be 1h work I think
<abrasive> probably, yeah
<abrasive> i'll take a look tonight
<otavio> abrasive: good :-)
<otavio> abrasive: thx! I will wait for it than, for Yocto
<otavio> abrasive: so I don't need to add an U-Boot for it
<abrasive> yeah, that'd be nicer.
<otavio> the hi802 is the dual one?
<dgp> I thought the hi802 was exactly the same as the gk802
<rm> projectgus, ah right
<rm> internal slot
* otavio curious
<projectgus> rm: nod. I got confused when I first got my gk802 as well
<projectgus> dgp: $30 gk802 in bulk sounds good to be true. Quad chip alone rumoured to be $35 in qties of 1000 a year ago
<projectgus> although it's $35/ea for 60 on digikey, so maybe if you buying in multiples of 10k it gets down enough
<projectgus> i'll be interested to hear how it goes if you get the samples, anyhow :)
<otavio> :)
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<dgp> projectgus: The gk802s could be made out of scrapped parts ;)
<dgp> I have a lot of fake motorola/freescale chips from china
<projectgus> possible I spose :)
<projectgus> I wrote a blog post about a knockoff Asix usb-ethernet chip a couple of months ago
<projectgus> i reckon there's a higher chance it's bait and switch, or you'll end up with much cheaper Rockchip SoCs or similar
<projectgus> badged as "GK802"s
<otavio> By the way, we're upgrading Yocto to 4.0.0 BSP. Does the kernel been updated?
<dgp> otavio: the new kernel breaks x11 unless jas worked out what happens there
<dgp> it breaks android too
<otavio> dgp: even with newer vivante binaries?
<dgp> otavio: I think jas tried that
<dgp> I haven't tried the new android bits
<otavio> I will try to talk to jas
<otavio> I am in the upgrade process for Yocto
<otavio> so we may help each other here
<dgp> are there are worthwhile changes in the newer kernel? it's still roughly 3.0.35 from what I can tell
<otavio> dgp: it does
<otavio> dgp: Vivante got a good speed upgrade
<dgp> projectgus: that would really suck.. the whole reason to use the gk802 is that the rockchip stuff is undocumented crap ;)
<otavio> dgp: and it also fixes many known issues
<dgp> otavio: mmm I would like to get that running for android then.. hopefully you guys can work it out
<otavio> dgp: I am not an Android guy
<dgp> otavio: on android it complains that it can't allocate memory for the framebuffer, I think it was a similar issue for ubuntu
<otavio> dgp: but I'd like to learn about
<dgp> I have 4.1.2 working on the gk802 from source
<otavio> dgp: Once I reproduce it in Yocto I might be able to find someone to help on it
<dgp> I might look at it again at the weekend. If the latest kernel fixes usb otg that would be good
<otavio> dgp: what problem you had?
<otavio> dgp: and what otg use you want?
<dgp> otavio: it never when into client mode for me. USB stuff is a bit unstable in general
<dgp> I think that might be more to do with power issues though
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<otavio> dgp: it can be, indeeds
<dgp> CAAM causes an oops on startup on cold boot too.
<dgp> Not sure if vivante being faster would be a good thing though. The android UI is already crazy fast in 4.1.2 :)
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<rm> projectgus, it's possible to install to the same internal SD card, right?
<rm> also I saw your reasons but still I would have really preferred an already installed OS image
<rm> with USB ethernet support configured to use DHCP by default
<rm> to just plug it into a LAN and have it running
<rm> I might make one if I find a suitable display (or HDMI to DVI converter) to run the installation on
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<projectgus> rm: well free to make whatever image you want :)
<projectgus> rm: and yes, you can install to the same
<projectgus> dgp: the CAAM oops must be an android thing, linux doesn't oops until you try and use it :)
<dgp> do you have it built as a module or builtin?
<projectgus> usb ethernet? it's a module
<projectgus> the debian installer comes with its initramfs management though, so it can put the required modules into the initramfs
<projectgus> I use mine with a usb ethernet adapter
<dgp> I mean the CAAM stuff
<projectgus> dgp: I originally had it compiled in, then I built it as a module
<projectgus> sorry I misread your comment as from rm
<projectgus> in either case it would load, but when a client tried to use it (in my case 'cryptsetup benchmark'), it would blow up with DMA mapping errors
<dgp> mmm I got irq errors I think
<projectgus> interesting
<dgp> I don't think I need it anyhow. Disabled it and the problem went away ;)
<projectgus> I don't think I actually saved a kernel dump, but if/when my second gk802 shows up I plan to try and debug it
<projectgus> yeah :)
<projectgus> even on gnu/linux, if you're not doing IPSec or LUKS (encrypted disk) I don't think it really gets used
<projectgus> there are patches for openssl to use kernelspace crypto but debian/ubuntu don't seem to use them
<dgp> probably nice to have but not essential
<projectgus> I think the speed of one core doing software LUKS encryption was about the speed of my (mediocre) SD card
<projectgus> I have 4 cores so giving up one is not too taxing :)
<projectgus> if CAAM can be made to work then I'll clearly need to invest in a better SD card
<dgp> is the SD card interface running at it's full potential?
<dgp> I have no idea how the extra wide access modes work but are we using the best for the interface?
<projectgus> no idea I'm afraid
<projectgus> these cards are relatively old class 10 cards
<dgp> my 250mhz SH4 machine still kicks the ass of any ARM board I have in disk I/O.. bit sad really
<dgp> maybe some of the test pads will expose one of the sata ports the chip has (I think)
<rm> the A10 does at least ~90 MB/sec over its built-in SATA
<dgp> that's the sort of speed I want :)
<hste> projectgus: I use wheezy too. nice installer job. I use this to keep xorg down too version that vivante accept. I got it running with armhf from timesys but glx would not work
<projectgus> sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=/dev/null bs=4M count=100
<projectgus> 419430400 bytes (419 MB) copied, 23.2184 s, 18.1 MB/s
<projectgus> my other card
<projectgus> 419430400 bytes (419 MB) copied, 28.5718 s, 14.7 MB/s
<dgp> SH4 machine manages 25MB/sec :)
<projectgus> together in RAID1 (1
<projectgus> 419430400 bytes (419 MB) copied, 25.3203 s, 16.6 MB/s
<dgp> raid1 on sd cards?
<projectgus> and encrypted: 419430400 bytes (419 MB) copied, 32.3468 s, 13.0 MB/s
<projectgus> (page cache dropped between each operation)
<projectgus> dgp: yeah, software raid. :). that's one of the main reasons I went for the debian installer.
<projectgus> RAID0 and I imagine it'd actually be quite speedy, assuming there's no internal contention between the two SD interfaces
<projectgus> hmm I just ran the two dd's in parallel and got 14.3MB/S on both SD cards
<dgp> I wonder how long SD cards would last like that with desktop use
<projectgus> so there is some contention somewhere, unsurprisingly
<projectgus> dgp: well that's why I did RAID1 on heterogenous cards. I want to replace my VPS :)
<projectgus> also, those are the cards I had lying around
* dgp is too cheap to buy decent SD cards ;)
<projectgus> hste: nice. :). and everything else works?
<projectgus> dgp: yeah I'm generally the same way, but some of the Samsung Pro ones look -fast- and not that expensive.
<projectgus> i should learn something about setting up the mmc access modes in imx6 first though, I think
<hste> projectgus. yes as far as I can see, but can't run glx things on it
<projectgus> that could be worse I guess
<hste> projectgus. my xorg.log running vivvante armhf on wheezy
<projectgus> interesting, thanks
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<hste> jas-hacks_: did u get glx working on your armhf linaro?
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<jas-hacks> hste: glx was working on armhf linario
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<dgp> Does ubuntu have issues with heat when running 3d stuff?
<hste> dgp: yes. I think that is a general problem.
<dgp> ok, so it's not just an android thing :)
<hste> dgp: I usa a extra heatsink on mine
<hste> -a
<dgp> I wonder if replacing the lump of material with a similar height heat sink would make it work better
<hste> dgp: I think that stuff lead the heat ok. Its the transports of heat from the alucase that is too weak
<dgp> yeah, I've stolen the heat sink from a mk808 for now
<hste> dgp: how is it going with your android version ?
<dgp> pretty good, just testing 3d with antutu or whatever it's called
<dgp> it was all good until halfway through the 3d section :)
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