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<stickyboy> Experimental STK. :)
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<Nita> Is there any way of configuring the S Pen on CM9 RC1 for left-handed people? The S Pen is absolutely useless for me as it is right now.
<Nita> Oh, on Galaxy Note.
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<Nita> Well, since I am not getting any answers are there any plans for adding such functionality to CM9 before final release?
<Espenfjo> Someone will have to create it first..
<Nita> That's why I am asking if there are any *plans* for that. But I suppose that's a "no", then.
<Nita> Which means I'll have to (eww) go back to stock.
<Espenfjo> Or create it yourself ;)
<Nita> Alas, I have no experience with Android programming. None whatsoever. Let alone in doing something actually useful.
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<ped> sticky boy: about ?
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<cyberkryption> ohanar: you about ?
<ohanar> yup
<cyberkryption> ohanar: does the kernel compile the ath6k.ko module as part of the build process ?
<ohanar> yes, although you need to include
<ohanar> although, you should be aware that the module in the kernel is still the one from i9100 update4
<ohanar> there are more recent ones in n7000 update3 and i9300 update1
<cyberkryption> ohanar: sorry for my feeble git understanding, if I have it right then I just do that git command in the source tree and it will pull down the patches ?
<ohanar> you probably want to make a branch and then cherry pick that change -- easier to update that way
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<cyberkryption> ohanar: i will need to learn more github. I asume a branch of the kernel tree. I could also manually make the changes.
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<ohanar> yeah, make a branch for the kernel tree and then cherry pick the change (one of the options on gerrit should have the git command to do the cherry pick)
<cyberkryption> ohanar: this will gives a single merged ath6k driver. After the kernel compilation where does it end up ? I assume the location is specified in the boardcommonconfig wifi section in exy4nos common ?
<ohanar> it lives in /system/lib/modules/
<ohanar> also make sure you have the defconfigs from my github
<ohanar> (if you don't already)
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<cyberkryption> ohanar: i have this from stickyboy as my local_manifest.xml. Is stickyboy's a mirror of yours ?
<ohanar> it looks like the local_manifest has my defconfigs, although I can't promise that the rest of the kernel on my github is update to date
<cyberkryption> ohanar: do you have an up to date kernel branch ?
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<cyberkryption> ohanar: looks like i need that patch as in my compiled rom i have no ath6kl.ko in system/lib/modules or my kernel config is not 100%
<ohanar> not with the defconfigs, I usually just checkout the defconfigs and then play with other stuff
<ohanar> I should probably submit them soon, as they aren't really changing that much anymore (they used to be changing a bunch, which was why I didn't submit them to gerrit)
<ohanar> yeah, you do need that patch; the defconfigs assume that patch is merged
<ohanar> as does the boardconfig
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<cyberkryption> ohanar: then would that be why i am getting the ath6kl.ko in my rom. Once it is compiled as part of the kernl , is it left in the kernel tree so that i can check to see what is happening
<cyberkryption> ohanar: have you seen this see part 4 as one of the logcat errors we are getting with the wifi is the same see
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<ohanar> Are we getting those errors? As far as I can tell the init.rc is configured correctly
<ohanar> left in the kernel tree? are you asking if the compiled objects are left after the build?
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<ohanar> if so, I think they are, but I'm not positive (its been a little bit since I looked at the inline kernel stuff, and it may have also changed)
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<cyberkryption> ohanar: i see the firmware is currently in system/etc/firmware where did you get the firmware from as the files are not the same as on the stock rom in /system/wifi/ath6k/AR6003/hw2.1.1 ?
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<cyberkryption> ohanar: should work, i looked at the stock rom to see what it had in the way of firmware it has some different files
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<dvtonder> codeworkx: ping
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<xZain> hey is anyone here ?
<nebkat> xZain: no
<xZain> nebkat you told me about the setting the integer of the kill app button via back key I cant even find it
<xZain> unless you meant by mod the xml file
<nebkat> xZain: you cant doit without recompiling android
<nebkat> now stop asking
<xZain> uh well it was there before why was it remove ?
<xZain> i know cdesai but I would need to recompiled android
<cdesai> *recompile
<xZain> it was there before in setting to customize the time
<xZain> now I cant
<xZain> it should be user-configurable
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<nebkat> cdesai: hahahaha ^ what an idiotte :P
<cdesai> xD
<dvtonder> sigh
<dvtonder> nebkat: what are people like xZain that doing being part of #TH? I thought membership to this group required an invite. no?
<nebkat> dvtonder: this is public dev channel
<nebkat> private is different
<dvtonder> ahh, thought this was the private one for TeamHacksung
<dvtonder> nebkat: at least it used to be the private one. Where has that moved to?
<nebkat> dvtonder: there is #cmsgsteam, then the uber private one
<nebkat> which I cant share xD
<cdesai> the other one is bs
<dvtonder> oops, I forgot about cmsgsteam, see you over there
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<samosa> Hey, does anyone use catlog here?
* samosa blames nebkat
<peterperfect> Never blame nebkat
<samosa> Dunno. I just read somewhere once if anything wrong blame him xd
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<samosa> Not sure why tho ..
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<nebkat> samosa: ORLY?
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<samosa> Well, I joined. You coming? Lets settle this. Once and for all. Take it outside.
<DAGr8> lol
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<LastStandingDroi> Hi :)
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<LastStandingDroi> anyone here :D
<nebkat> LastStandingDroi: yes
<yath> no
<nebkat> LastStandingDroi: 72 people
<LastStandingDroi> haha :P
<LastStandingDroi> well just let me ask, where do i find the stuffs to extract the samsung boot.img?
<uberushaximus> dd
<LastStandingDroi> `
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<foggyb1> HELP
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