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<Entropy512> sbrissen_gone: I think I figured out the issues with flash control. setFlashMode needs rework to handle situations where m_camera_start is not true
<Entropy512> I think I'm nearly done
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<Triviox> Hi to all, i have a sgs2; in the past i flash the kernel CF-Root to have root.. with that kernel i installed the "cwm based recovery".. Now im using CM9, and i try use ROM manager but, when i start in recovery, start the "CWM base v5.5.0.4"..
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<Triviox> I flashed "Clockworkmod recovery" using the ROM manager app and using the recovery.. but, when i reset, i see the CWM based again.. some1 know how can i remove/unninstall the "CWM Based"? Thanks
<Kaik541> Triviox: short answer - no
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<Triviox> there are no way to fix it? :S sh*t my bad luck
<Triviox> thanks Kaik541
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<Kaik541> Triviox: there's nothing to "fix"
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<Triviox> do you know if http://teamhacksung.org/download/samsung/GT-I9100/GT-I9100_ICS_ClockworkMod-Recovery_5.5.0.4.tar this is the same "cwm based" or is "clockworkmod"?
<Triviox> Kaik541,
<Kaik541> CWM based and CWM are the same thing
<Triviox> lol
<Kaik541> all "CWM based" means is it wasn't built by koush
<Kaik541> that's literally the only difference
<Triviox> sry for my n00by question them
<Triviox> but, if i flash the "touch" recovery using recovery.. when i restart back to the 5.x (not touch)
<Triviox> my english is bad.. i not have the word to explain the question..
<Triviox> thanks again man, bye!
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<stickyboy> cyberkryption: I'm here.
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<ohanar> stickyboy: but he is not
<stickyboy> ohanar: But you are. :)
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<stickyboy> btw... Jelly Bean is slick.
<ohanar> lets not get ahead of ourselves :)
<stickyboy> Haha.
<stickyboy> Well it has more polish than ICS. Runs very well on Gnex.
<stickyboy> Now we should only be a few weeks away from ICS on our tabs, then we'll have new kernel sources and graphics + audio blobs.
<stickyboy> Hopefully this damn Nexus 7 doesn't embarrass us. haha
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<ohanar> the only thing that I'm looking forward to with the ICS release is getting real blobs, and maybe a more polished wifi driver
<ohanar> and maybe a camera library until I have the time to sit down and fix the linaro one for our tabs
<stickyboy> Yeah, I'm looking forward to real blobs too.
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<cyberkryption> sticky boy: hi
<stickyboy> Hola
<cyberkryption> stickboy: I have found the wi-fi firmware locations and a couple of good tuts re wifi. i will try hopefully later on to incorporate into build
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: any other news
<stickyboy> cyberkryption: Cool. Keep me posted hehe.
<stickyboy> Nope, no news. Just playing with Jelly Bean on my Galaxy Nexus.
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: i will mod the extract and setup files for ths s2 to put files in coorect locations, there also appears to be critical line inn hostapd.conf which sets correct perms
<stickyboy> Ok.
<stickyboy> cyberkryption: regarding extract-files... just pull it from the git history if you want it so bad.
<stickyboy> We had it, and deleted it.
<stickyboy> Unless you're making a new one using the cleaner method (txt file for extraction).
<cyberkryption> stick boy: i was going to use the s2 and cooment out everything apart from thw wi-fi section then change that. if the method works i will look at other proprietary files after
<stickyboy> Focus on Wifi :)
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: are there .bin files in system/wifi/ath6k/AR6003/hw2.1.1 directory in the rom ?
<stickyboy> Dunno.
<stickyboy> Did you ever get the sgs2ext4.jar working?
<stickyboy> I don't have a stock ROM on my computer here at work.
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<cdesai> ohai hillbeast
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<cyberkryption> stickyboy: i coulndn't get it to work it bombed complaining about magic numbers. i found another tool (python script) that extracts it ext4 then you mount -o rw loop -t ext3 file mounpoint
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: mount -0 rw loop -t ext4 file mount point
<cyberkryption> sticky boy: do you want me to pastebin the script ?
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<stickyboy> cyberkryption: No. sgs2ext4 works for me. I uploaded one for you on mediafire, remember? :)
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<monki_> What is EXPERIMENTAL STK?
<monki_> the new cm9 do s2
<peterperfect> sim toolkit
<monki_> oh, thanks =D
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