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<Rebellos> Heeey folks! Anyone ever wanted U-Boot on I9100?
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<mauimauer> does dhiru1602 come here sometimes?
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<Rebellos> Hey, what's "Samsung Nuri" codename?
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<koud> squadzone: morning :P
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<xZain> uh any fix for libaudio soon,devs ???
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<dhiru1602> How do you find the correct gpios for a device?
<Rebellos> dhiru1602, if it's device with already opensourced system there already existing maps in GPLed sources.
<Rebellos> dhiru1602, but during port to device with closed system there's need of reverse engineering these binaries and analysing documentation like service manuals
<dhiru1602> hmm.. the gpios and irq for wifi
<Rebellos> What do you mean exactly?
<Rebellos> You have to be more specific, what gpios, what irq, for what device...?
<dhiru1602> Galaxy SL.. I wanted to manually power up the WL1271 wifi chip.. but the dmesg says wl127x_wifi_init: can't reserve GPIO: 160
<Rebellos> That, in most cases, means GPIO mutex is already taken by some other driver.
<Rebellos> Or your driver is trying to reserve same GPIO twice.
<Rebellos> If you want to power up different way as it's done by default - have a look at procedure called by default, turn it off and implement/modify and call it in your own way.
<dhiru1602> actually the current driver is not compiled directly off the kernel
<dhiru1602> i am trying to port compat wireless.. the modules are bulding but the wifi device doesn't probe
<dhiru1602> even when the modules are loaded properly, the wlan interface doesnt come up
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<dhiru1602> so as per my observation, the there is some issue with powering on the device
<Rebellos> Yeah, for sure there's something wrong. can you drop your codes to github?
<Rebellos> also, is that function "wl127x_wifi_init" in some module, dynamically linked to kernel or is it built into kernel?
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<dhiru1602> it is linked into the kernel
<Rebellos> #define WL127X_WIFI_PMENA_GPIO 160 - look for another aliases for that GPIO and search in whole code for every name of that gpio and for numeric constant, it must be used by something else aswell
<dhiru1602> tried to grep.. found nothing useful
<Rebellos> Well, it has to be there on in some dynamically loaded thing
<Rebellos> Not sure if userspace app can do it, but dynamically linked modules might request GPIOs.
<Rebellos> There's always big mess in such things, you might also grep for gpio_request(160 and some other aliases of this thing...
<Rebellos> grep for 160 first and grep for all possible aliases of it
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<dhiru1602> sorry had a network issue
<dhiru1602> i tried to use gpio_free and gpio_request
<codeworkx> dhiru1602: whats your problem?
<Rebellos> With what result?
<dhiru1602> hmm actually the issue is that the wl12xx_probe isn't called
<Rebellos> Actually I don't see such method there, "init" is marked as driver entrypoint there -
<Rebellos> device_initcall(wl127x_wifi_init);
<Rebellos> Also, can you print also error type?
<Rebellos> just add in there pr_error("%s error string: %s\n", __func__, strerr(ret));
<Rebellos> And I don't know how not calling probe would be related to error in requesting gpio.
<dhiru1602> let me check the error
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<dhiru1602> -> this is the probe function that doesnt get called
<dhiru1602> codeworkx: I am using compat wireless to build drivers for wl12xx. The modules are building properly, however the device doesn't get probed. Even with the modules loaded the interface doesn't come up
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<Rebellos> dhiru1602, is it compiled into kernel? notice it's other driver than wl12xx, and it's initialized/probed separaterly
<Rebellos> The easiest way to check if it's being compiled is look for wl1271_sdio.o after build
<dhiru1602> its not builtin.. since I am using compat wireless, i will have to compile it as a module
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<codeworkx> dhiru1602: look for init_module method in the driver
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<dhiru1602> codeworkx: I have added a debug flag in the init.. and its being called
<dhiru1602> but the device is not being probed
<d3tul3> maybe check the vendor and device id
<Rebellos> dhiru1602, did you get rid of GPIO request error?
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<d3tul3> it will probe if it matches the id_table against sdio_funcs with correct attributes....these attributes are read off the chip or you can use something like embedded_sdio structs to pass the cis/cccr data forcefully (in your board files)
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<methril> hi
<methril> sorry, bad channel
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<methril> dhiru1602 ping
<dhiru1602> yes?
<methril> did you read my PM on xda?
<methril> i ask you about USART on i9003, do you know something?
<methril> i asked hillbreast also, and i've a clue
<dhiru1602> methril: ask codeworkx
<methril> oh, ok
<methril> codeworkx: ping
<codeworkx> pong
<methril> do you know something about using the UART in i9003?
<methril> i heard that is similar to Galaxy 3
<codeworkx> yes that it doesn't output much
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<methril> i know, but for kernel dev it outputs a looooott
<codeworkx> i didn't get anything
<methril> did you tried something like using USART (in samsung sources is on ttyUSB0) IRP
<methril> but no signal at all?
<codeworkx> i9000 uart works fine, i9100 works fine
<codeworkx> i9100 not, i9003 not
<methril> oh, ok
<codeworkx> dunno why
<codeworkx> didn't look much
<dhiru1602> maybe it has to do something with omap?
<codeworkx> just tested on one evening
<methril> ok, i was going to ask you if it was due to hardware misconfig
<dhiru1602> is it possible to get the mmc working atleast so that we could have the adb working?
<methril> but if you didn't test i will try myself
<methril> well, it depends also how the hw is wired.... i have no clue yet, just asking
<methril> hilbreast told me that the USB tranceiver is similar to Galaxy 3, and he was going to test
<methril> i'm finishing a port in a clean omap tree (2.6.35) and i would like to test the basic stuff before going for 3.0/3.4 branch
<methril> anyway thank you for your help
<methril> :)
<methril> dhiru1602 other question, i saw that you did kstorx functions, why? are not vsprintf ones enough?
<dhiru1602> its actually required for the new usb gadget