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<pershoot> let me see what CMD the code passes. i dont remember it passing anythign more then a format filesystem with FS
<pershoot> but i havent looked in there, in some time.
<pershoot> make_ext4fs(v->device, v->length);
<pershoot> looks safe
<pershoot> i do something similar in format for the honeycomb builds i use to pack from ota
<pershoot> using make_ext4
<pershoot> havent seen any issue from it
<pershoot> oh that was to entropy above, hehe
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<Kaik541> codeworkx: I've been gone for two days and you haven't finished merging in all the linaro stuff?
<Kaik541> codeworkx: son, I am disappoint
<addi> he's been busy trying to understand what some I9100G users from China were trying to say while bug reporting on IRC :p
<Kaik541> addi: chinese users are useless!
<Kaik541> linaro > *
<lodder> this weekend i had 3 SOD wasn't near a computer to log it but has anything changed towards the kernel?
<lodder> was using the
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<dagb> Kaik541: I was wondering if the Linaro stuff would find its way into thos ROM... :-) Looking forward to it.
<dagb> this
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<Kaik541> dagb: CM has had linaro/CAF stuff for forever
<Kaik541> we've been referencing and pulling linaro/CAF stuff since CM6 I think
<Kaik541> it's only become something now because someone made a video where a benchmark ran faster
<dagb> Kaik541: This is how modern media works, as you know. :-)
<dagb> So there is nothing substantial to gain from their recent work, then?
<Kaik541> I didn't say that, but it's not like it's going to turn a regular smartphone into a super phone
<Kaik541> it will probably perform a few tasks faster and score a bit higher in benchmarks
<Kaik541> maybe slightly less stutter in some games, maybe
<Kaik541> to put it in perspective about how this is all just media blowing things out of proportion, I recently med the head of linaro's android development team at work (pure happenstance considering my job has literally nothing to do with computers/android/mobile)
<Kaik541> he was surprised I knew what linaro and CAF were to which I replied "oh I have a galaxy nexus and I keep up with cyanogenmod" and he goes "oh yeah that would explain it, since you guys use a lot of our enhancements"
<dagb> heh. what *is* your day job, anyway?
<Kaik541> bookkeeper at a grocery store
<Kaik541> that day, I just happened to be cashiering
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<Kaik541> bookkeeper = money counting/accountability
<dagb> heh. I can imaging the Linaro guy being surprised, yes.
<dagb> imagine, even
<Kaik541> he just happened to come in late at night and I saw he was wearing a codeaurora shirt and started talking to him about android
<dagb> the teamhacksung wiki references locked down forum pages, by the way.
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<lodder> this weekend i had 3 SOD wasn't near a computer to log it but has anything changed towards the kernel?
<lodder> was using the
<codeworkx> galaxys2 too?
<codeworkx> thought only n7000
<wbaw-> i got a sod the other day on my galaxy s i9000
<wbaw-> only one i've had though
<wbaw-> on
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<lodder> codeworkx: I have only a sgs2 and I had 3 SOD this weekend
<xplodwild_work> someone broke everything
<lodder> someone? you don't know who?
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<koud> I am a bit confused
<cdesai> KhasMek: ping
<koud> seems for sgs2 gralloc is extracted from extract script but it it also built from android_hardware_samsung ics branch
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<Entropy512> <xplodwild_work> someone broke everything - weird, until now only N7000 had SoD problems. I don't think we've made any significant device tree or kernel changes
<Entropy512> or is it the linaro crap?
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<Espenfjo> Or the mmc thingie?
<koud> would not surprise me if it was the linaro crap :P
<xplodwild_work> Entropy512: afaik linaro isn't merged yet
<xplodwild_work> patches are pending
<cdesai> only stuff that doens't break build, and builds with 4.4.3
<cdesai> *doesn't
<Entropy512> looked like quite a lot of Linaro-related stuff was in the merge list lately
<xZain> xplodwild_work, C Primer Plus
<cdesai> mainly - Fix aliasing violations (MERGED)
<xZain> is it a Good Book
<xplodwild_work> xZain: why?
<xplodwild_work> I'm a C++ Guru already
<xZain> =\ I like c
<xplodwild_work> ah
<xplodwild_work> sorry, misunderstood your sentence
<xplodwild_work> Y U MISS QUESTION MARK!?
<xplodwild_work> xZain: dunno, I haven't learned C from books
<xplodwild_work> there are quite some resources on the web
<cdesai> read Dennis Richie's book if you are interested in reading books
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<xZain> im not interested
<xZain> :\
<lolwat> you lern the most if you read good c code
<Entropy512> Dennis Ritchie's book is a good reference - but I use it to look up some nitty-gritty detail, I didn't go and read it cover to cover.
<lolwat> and you get a moment like: "wtf does happen here" and you research and try to understand .. at some point you are like "aha i see what was done here"
<lolwat> and thats also the poitn where you get your c skills
<Entropy512> best to learn by doing
<cdesai> and reading good code
<Entropy512> might want to pick up a microcontroller kit - good way to learn coding AND hardware. Arduino hardware is good, but the standard dev environment will brainrot you
<lolwat> yeah
<Entropy512> Arduino hardware + AVR-GCC = win
<lolwat> avr in general
<Entropy512> yeah
<lolwat> also very nice to learn assembly
<Entropy512> I do nearly all of my project prototyping on an Adafruit Boarduino, but have never installed the Arduino environment on any machine
<lolwat> avr is also nice to learn basics of compiler optimization
<lolwat> if you compare output
<Entropy512> yeah
<lolwat> like using u8 types is much more efficient than using ints in code
<lolwat> cause compiler can optimize more
<lolwat> avr in general helped me a lot
<lolwat> only thing that sucks is that you have to reflash every time you change something
<Entropy512> yeah but reflashing isn't exactly slow
<Entropy512> esp. if you have an ISP programmer
<Entropy512> I never used the built-in bootloader
<Entropy512> often I prototype on the Mega168, then port stuff down into various Tinys
<Entropy512> which reminds me, I still need to figure out why one of my TinyX5 projects (I2C slave - RGB LED controller) never quite worked right
<lolwat> i use an arduino to flash tinys -.-
<lolwat> also reminds me to make my pcm music project working
<lolwat> stopped because of all those pwm mode fiddling
<Entropy512> adafruit usbtinyisp here - although eventually I got one of Atmel's JTAGICE boxes
<Entropy512> because one of the distributors had a promo selling them for 50% off
<Entropy512> JTAGICE for $150 = win
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<Entropy512> debugWIRE is awesome on 8-pin Tinys
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<Entropy512> anyone know why gerrit no longer allows codeworkx to be added as reviewer for anything?
<Entropy512> says he doesn't exist
<cdesai> Entropy512: tried typing his email address ?
<xZain> < why no Nightly Builds ??
<cdesai> xZain: scroll down :p
<xZain> I mean for the past 3 days there isnt any Builds
<xplodwild_work> xZain:
<xplodwild_work> appspot suckz
<xZain> why is the roms no longer signed ?
<lolwat> xplodwild, btw suggestion for bbq
<xplodwild_work> xZain: aren't they?
<lolwat> make cm9 / cm7 selector permanent
<xplodwild_work> we shortened up the name
<lolwat> with cookie or something
<lolwat> cause it sucks to change it manually for each date
<xZain> VS
<xplodwild_work> lolwat: it should switch to cm7 auto on a cm7 device
<xplodwild_work> xZain: name shortage
<lolwat> browsing it from desktop
<lolwat> and chrome on ics also switches to cm7 always
<xZain> is it permanent or temp ?
<xplodwild_work> lolwat: if the device you pick is cm7-enabled
<xZain> is it permanent or tempo
<xplodwild_work> xZain: perm
<lolwat> xplodwild, oic
<xZain> well the changelog does not show the Nightly Builds anymore
<xZain> :(
<lolwat> well i don't like it always switches to cm7
<lolwat> xZain, switch to cm9
<cdesai> xZain: use
<lolwat> in upper right corner
<xZain> Im using CM9
<xZain> I mean in app-spot it shows
<xZain> smdk4210: fix setPreferedNetworkType when mobile data is connected (android_frameworks_base)
<xZain> so that's how I know nightly is ready
<xplodwild_work> xZain: bbqlog does too
<koud> why are some libs extracted in extract script but also defined in anroid_hardware_samsung to be built
<koud> I am confused of which ones are being used
<xplodwild_work> JUN 2012 Saturday 09th (16:30)
<xplodwild_work> for example
<cdesai> new naming convention
<xZain> uh :D nice site
<cdesai> zips are still signed
<xZain> who made it
<cdesai> just a shorter name.
<xplodwild_work> koud: we probably forgive it in script
<xZain> and xplodwild_work hows my Code :
<xplodwild_work> koud: but extract-files isn't linked in any way with buildsystem
<xplodwild_work> xZain: looks good
<xZain> Im learning :3
<xZain> I dont know if I should dig into Java :\
<xZain> or stay on C and move on to C++ or move on to c#
<xZain> I dont know what to do after C
<xZain> maybe mASM ? lol reversing >:( ??
<koud> xplodwild_work: it is, it copies those files to the out system
<xplodwild_work> koud: ?
<xZain> xplodwild_work, what's ur age mate ?
<koud> yeah, well it creates .mk files that will copy those files to out
<xplodwild_work> xZain: 18
<xZain> any answers for the questions above ?
<xplodwild_work> koud: hmm they're overriden by opensource afterwards
<xZain> after C go on to where ?
<xplodwild_work> xZain: stay on C then C++
<xplodwild_work> once you're good with C++, any other language will be easy
<xZain> uh Im learning From School and Video
<Zhenech> how bad are chances that a headset "designed for iphone" works (the remote on it, actually) on a sammy?
<koud> xplodwild_work: sure? does not look like that if i check the dates on the files
<koud> some of them seems to override
<xplodwild_work> koud: those who aren't built
<koud> gralloc forexample
<koud> seems to not override
<koud> hmm have there been some changes in cm9 prebuilt compared to aosp?
<koud> hwcomposer does not compile with aosp for me on 10.04
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<codeworkx> Entropy512: try
<Entropy512> codeworkx: that is the one that appears twice in the dropdown list when typing in your full name - both bomb
<Entropy512> will try again from work comp, maybe that won't break as much
<Entropy512> off to work
<koud> also, this seems wrong. LOCAL_MODULE := gralloc.$(TARGET_DEVICE)
<koud> should it not be $(TARGET_BOARD_PLATFORM) ?
<koud> hmm I guess gralloc is not supposed to be compiled since it has eng tag?
<koud> I don't understand why this stuff works at all :P
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<lolwat> [15:12:41] <xplodwild_work> once you're good with C++, any other language will be easy
<lolwat> ^ you'll never be good with C++ he is trying to trick you :P
<xplodwild_work> lolwat: meh
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<stickyboy> Entropy512: After turning off MMC_CAP_ERASE in ext4_utils, what is performed instead? rm -rf?
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<Condor> Hi
<Condor> ...
<Condor> There are some people that halp me to hack a web site ??? please
<Condor> :)
<stickyboy> Condor: ... surely you're kidding.
<Condor> Why ???
<Condor> Why stickyboy ??? i don't understand ( i'm italian but is so IMPORTANT these thing )
<stickyboy> Condor: We're not hackers... we just play with Android.
<yath> maybe Condor has a misunderstanding about the term "hacker"
<stickyboy> Likely...
<Condor> yes you are truth !! :)
<yath> we are 1.-7. hackers.
<yath> you are looking for crackers or scriptkiddies.
Condor was kicked from #teamhacksung by codeworkx [Think about it!]
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<fdbbdfb> fdsbazbnafdsbaerbfabfaebedfb zb
<fdbbdfb> fbadfsbadsfb
<fdbbdfb> c<c
<fdbbdfb> < sdfv
<fdbbdfb> d
<fdbbdfb> vvzs
<fdbbdfb> df
<fdbbdfb> dszfbvf
<fdbbdfb> f
<fdbbdfb> f
<fdbbdfb> f
<fdbbdfb> f
<fdbbdfb> f
<fdbbdfb> f
<fdbbdfb> vs
<fdbbdfb> fv
<fdbbdfb> s
<fdbbdfb> fv
<fdbbdfb> sc
<fdbbdfb> v
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<nebkat|beer> codeworkx: kickban plz
<stickyboy> codeworkx: :)
<nebkat|beer> xD
<nebkat|beer> what a damn noob
<stickyboy> yath: That is the 8. definition right there. :)
<yath> yep
<stickyboy> Err, rather... scriptkiddie. ahaha
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* yath is wondering whether could have broken something
<xplodwild> nebkat|beer: next time ping me instead of cody
<xplodwild> I kickban as fast as light
<nebkat|beer> xplodwild: opp
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<yath> has someone a galaxys2 and/or crespo buildroot at hand and can do me a favor?
<yath> compile and tell me the output?
<yath> or even better
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<Entropy512> <stickyboy> Entropy512: After turning off MMC_CAP_ERASE in ext4_utils, what is performed instead? rm -rf? - no, a full blown mkfs - but JUST an mkfs, not an erase before mkfs
<Entropy512> the erase is done for privacy reasons
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<koud> hellp I am trying to get device encryption to work
<koud> I saw there was recently patches to cm to get it working on sgs2
<koud> seems I cant get it working in my rom though, I get stuck on E/Cryptfs ( 1844): Cannot get size of block device /dev/block/vold/179:11
<koud> ah
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<koud> I guess I am missing a commit to vold
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<koud> i was :)
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