nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT
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<SimonWright> hi all
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<maxed4901> helo
<maxed4901> any one home?
<maxed4901> i have a samsung s3 GT-i9300.. the cover and details shows its "made in korea by samsung". isit possible to install clockwork mod on this devise?
<maxed4901> to be exact, CWM 10.1 (JB)
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<maxed4901> hwllo
<maxed4901> hello
<maxed4901> waitiing for a reply for long time now
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<lvlrcyber> hi
<lvlrcyber> i have a question
<lvlrcyber> im gonna upgrade my cm 10.1 to cm10.2
<lvlrcyber> does cm 10.2 come with android 4.3.0?
<lvlrcyber> hey is there anyone here?!
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<spY|da> beer, :D
<beer> spY|da: :D
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<spY|da> why do you hide ?
<nebkat> quassel is borked
<codeworkx> its not
<codeworkx> your server admin sucks :-P
<nebkat> indeed he does :P
<nebkat> and im not the admin :P
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<Souledge220> Hi guys
<Souledge220> I was wondering, could someone please point me to the last CM 10.1 Nightly for the i9300?
<Souledge220> there seem to be no older releases on
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<Tarox> german here ?
<Tarox> Hallo ?
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<a-st> Ja :)
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<roor> hi guys
<roor> i would need help with my samsung galaxy s2
<roor> hello???
<roor> !download
<bbqbot> roor:
<roor> !chanelog
<bbqbot> roor: Unknown command "chanelog"
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<blackhitman> hi all
<blackhitman> i have a question about the rom CyanogenMod...
<blackhitman> ...for galaxy note N7000
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<Galba> Anyone there?
<Galba> .mkv video files are not running properly on my i9300 s3 on the 4.3 10.2 rom
<Galba> Anyone know whats going on?
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<Galba> Anyone?
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<DannyFritz> mkv is a streaming container format
<DannyFritz> you need a player that can properly split the streams
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<freat> gm all
<freat> I have an old Captivate I have a custom ROM on, and clockwork Looks like I can just use clockwork to get CM on there from the /sdcard, been a while since I fiddled with all this
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<freat> funny my daughter is getting a better (AMOLED) screen than my new phone, albeit smaller
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<Peterparcoeur> Hi Thank you so much for the rom
<Peterparcoeur> but i have a probleme
<Peterparcoeur> i cant hear a sound
<Peterparcoeur> with jack or headphone
<Peterparcoeur> any solution ?
<Peterparcoeur> there is a lttle sound but this disapear
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<Peterparcoeur> any help ?
<Peterparcoeur> I have an GT-I9300
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<n-iCe> hi
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<pls> Will Cynogenmod 10.1 for Samsung Galaxy S2 i9100G work for Galaxy S2 GT-i9100?
<pls> pls help me guys?
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<pls> Any one there?
<n-iCe> no
<n-iCe> use i9100 cm
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<codeworkx> pls: does the nvidia gpu driver for for ati cards?
<frankdrey> Wut
<n-iCe> haha
<frankdrey> codeworkx: I r install radeon into my nvidia bios and now I see unicorns dancing on my screen. Halp
<codeworkx> please gief step by step tutorial
<codeworkx> wanna do this too
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<kenaw> guys, really quick question. if i don't have the kernel that CM 10.2 came with, does flashing the latest nightly replace my current kernel?
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<codeworkx> kenaw: yes
<kenaw> meaning i have to reflash the kernel, right?
<codeworkx> the custom one, yes
<codeworkx> every cm nightly flashes the cm kernel
<kenaw> and i believe there's no way around it
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> rom and kernel have to match. they work together
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<kenaw> okay then. thanks a lot
<codeworkx> if we change something at the rom which requires kernel chances then your custom kernel will say "fuck you" to you
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<kenaw> fair enough
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<frankdrey> Modify android boot logo to say "fuck you" on error
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<bobloiy> Hello
<plastikman> Is it me you're looking for?
<bobloiy> How come on any 4.3 build, my note 2 doesn't reboot after the first reboot?
<plastikman> uhhh whut
<plastikman> my t0lte works just fine
<plastikman> are you coming from stock to CM?
<plastikman> did you wipe data?
<bobloiy> I'm coming from 4.2.2 to 4.3
<plastikman> CM10.1 to 10.2?
<bobloiy> yes
<plastikman> it boots for the first time?
<plastikman> then every subsuquent time it loops?
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<plastikman> or it never boots?
<bobloiy> Yes
<bobloiy> It stays on the NOTE 2 screen even before the cm 10 boot logo.
<plastikman> which variant?
<bobloiy> Sprint.
<plastikman> :/ dont know about the CDMA variants
<bobloiy> And also, if I want to move to another rom, I also have to reset my internal data if I want to move to another rom or else it won't boot.
<plastikman> it sounds like the kernel is not getting applied
<plastikman> i know that codeworkx only deals with the GSM variants
<plastikman> or IIRC
<plastikman> are you using TWRP or CWMR?
<bobloiy> twrp.
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<bobloiy> brb
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<Schnabeltierchen> how to get apollot to discover new playlist in the media folder?
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<askj> hello
<askj> anyone there'
<askj> need help
<askj> yo guyz pls help
<askj> somebody
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<n-iCe> he did not wait a minute
<n-iCe> damn
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<nebkat> hey n-iCe
<nebkat> spY|da: :D
<nebkat> frankdrey: dawg
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<n-iCe> ea ea ea
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<spY|da> ola!
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<alpharendr> salut a tous
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<alpharendr> salut, est ce normal qu'un Note 1 ne redemarre plus et ne se met plus sur le CMW apres installation d'une CM10.2 ( je viens d'une CM10.1) ?
<Risk64> How is it supposed to mount CIFS now in latest CM10.2/I9300 nightlies? The mounted folders are (again) only visible for the processes that actually mounted them (like in early 4.2 days as multi-user was introduced).
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<Risk64> It worked properly up to some days ago though. I hope you're just working on it and it's only a temporary bug.
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<alpharendr> salut, est ce normal qu'un Note 1 ne redemarre plus et ne se met plus sur le CMW apres installation d'une CM10.2 ( je viens d'une CM10.1) ?
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<frankdrey> Bonjour
<frankdrey> Je ne parle francais
<alpharendr> i ll try to speak english
<frankdrey> :-)
<frankdrey> Jiangyi: youre Canadian, you should know French
<alpharendr> heu No, im in paris
<alpharendr> so ...:)
<alpharendr> i can't boot on cwm with my note1 ( cm10.2).
<jomp16> Why?
<alpharendr> ? i dont know, i try to frash the latest 10.2, and i hade this bad surpise.
<alpharendr> flash
<frankdrey> Cm boots right?
<frankdrey> Try to hold the buttons longer, let it turn on, off, then let go of power button when it turns on second time
<frankdrey> I have to do that on my tablet to make sure it boots to cwm
<alpharendr> black screen lol
<frankdrey> :-\
<frankdrey> Wait?
<frankdrey> How long have you waited on that black screen?
<alpharendr> 3 or 5 minuts.
<frankdrey> Hmmm
<frankdrey> No idea then
<frankdrey> Does cm boot?
<frankdrey> Android
<alpharendr> not yet
<alpharendr> i try ...
<alpharendr> black screen, and sensitive buttons ( have light )
<jomp16> adb logcat it?
<alpharendr> cm booot
<alpharendr> ((adb logcat it)) ?
<alpharendr> CM booot right now
<jomp16> frankdrey: your turn... =P
<alpharendr> yep
<frankdrey> Um
<frankdrey> No idea
<frankdrey> I'm hungry, I'm gonna go eat
<alpharendr> good appp, and THNX
<Risk64> Hi frankdrey, do you know anything about CIFS mounting issues in latest CM10.2/I9300 nightlies?
<frankdrey> Nope
<Risk64> ok, thx. Mounts are in "private mountspace" again like in early 4.2 days where only the process that actually mounted the folder can see it.
<Risk64> multi-user issue
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<jomp16> OffTopic: I really want a hosting server, but I don't have money, and free hosting are, shitty, and my internet doesn't seems to allow access with my IP
<frankdrey> jomp16, to host what?
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<jomp16> a simple blog ->>, really I want to host some simple projects, so, a free hosting is fine with me
<jomp16> *