xplodwild changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: Welcome to CyanogenMod Samsung support channel ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | Nemesis APK http://bit.ly/LEfoLH |STATS AT http://irc.nebkat.com/teamhacksung-support.html
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<|Night|> Ecoynes are octa core
<|Night|> should be mroe than enough
<elitewarrior> ok.. :)
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<frankdrey> ohi
<nebkat> frankdrey: where ya been
<frankdrey> driving to church
<jomp16> Meh
<frankdrey> wat
<frankdrey> oh look
<frankdrey> freaking expensive
<frankdrey> i'll make my own
<frankdrey> but that shows that it's possible
* frankdrey needs to get a TabBreakout
<frankdrey> though it's too long for what i need
<frankdrey> :/
<frankdrey> i guess i could very carefully solder this: http://shop.kineteka.com/samsung-galaxy-tab-connector
<frankdrey> though it's been out of stock for a while
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<hodza> what's up
<frankdrey> trying to find somewhere to buy a gtab dock connector
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<frankdrey> i think i'll buy an original tab dock and mod it
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<frankdrey> lol wat
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<frankdrey> damn
<frankdrey> i'm probably gonna have to make it a stiff laptop
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<frankdrey> as in you can't close it
<Trinev999> Hi
<frankdrey> because of the stupid gtab connector design
<frankdrey> hi
<Trinev999> I wondered if someone could give me some clue about an issue I am having with experimental 10.2
<frankdrey> and i won't be able to have it charge + host
<frankdrey> because podbreakout is too big
<frankdrey> and the standard connector is out of stock
<frankdrey> Trinev999: we wonder what the issue is :)
* frankdrey considers ordering two crap sync cables on amazon and trying to put pins from one into the other
<Trinev999> I have flashed step by step following instructions and after fully sting everything up from scratch I get bootloop, well actually n7000 frozen screen if I use reboot option
<frankdrey> uh...did you wipe data?
<Trinev999> yes
<Trinev999> not only that but after flashing if _I try to reboot recovery I don't even get it to boot
<Trinev999> I have to use damn odin to flash a different kernel in order to get into any recovery
<Trinev999> I don't like odin to much... :)
<frankdrey> huh
<frankdrey> i don't know, wait for someone who knows to answer :)
<frankdrey> man, i shouldn't have thrown away my old broken sync cable
<RossWell98> Bonjour je pourrai avoir les gapps 4.3 s'il vous plait ? merci beaucoup
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<jomp16> RossWell98: english...
<RossWell98> can I have 4.3 gapps please ? :D
<frankdrey> it wasn't hard to figure out
<frankdrey> :P
<frankdrey> i'm looking for them
<Trinev999> LOL
<jomp16> RossWell98: search on XDA, the GApps I am currently using I made it
<jomp16> Search on Google
<RossWell98> :<
<Trinev999> use the link above
<jomp16> Trinev999: why not short that long link?
<Trinev999> not really important...
<frankdrey> ^ courtesty of cody
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<bbqbot> lolwat
<RossWell98> so what bbqbot
<jomp16> Err, bot need to say it when the user "lolwat" joins
<RossWell98> jomp16, no, lolwat not joigned :/
<jomp16> Since I have coded SQLite and API for plugins on my bot, isn't hard to create any plugins, like song, notes, whatever you want
<RossWell98> but now lolwat not joigned
<RossWell98> so why bbqbot say "lolwaté"
<RossWell98> -e
<Trinev999> I am missing md5 hash for ROM zips in this thread [ROM][GT-N7000][4.3] CyanogenMod 10.2 experimental builds
<RossWell98> use md5sum
<Trinev999> I think the issue can be a bad download
<jomp16> RossWell98: one of many bugs of bbqbot? Or maybe has other function who call it
<bbqbot> lolwat
<RossWell98> Trinev999, if you have a bad zip you cant open it :D
<jomp16> RossWell98: or someone is telling to say it...
<Trinev999> that's not true
<RossWell98> nebkat,
<jomp16> He is ded now
<jomp16> Visiting a friend
<jomp16> Or sleeping
<RossWell98> so who
<jomp16> Don't ask to me...
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<RossWell98> bbqbot, who tell you to say "lolwat" ?
<RossWell98> I wait your reply
<RossWell98> ok.
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<Jiangyi> jomp16: I'm more Canadian than Chinese at this point :-P
<RossWell98> :O
<jomp16> Jiangyi: I know, you told me a "false" (?) history Canada gives money for you when got a child (on China need to pay for more than 1)
<Jiangyi> jomp16: It`s not false?
<jomp16> Ow, cool =P
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<jomp16> RossWell98: first try of notes plugins, starts now
<RossWell98> jomp16, what?
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<RossWell98> :/
<jomp16> RossWell98: join #jomp16-bot
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<plastikman> OHAI
<jomp16> Hi
<plastikman> weeee dat t0lteatt is working schweet
<plastikman> thanks codeworkx
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* frankdrey-bass is building cm-10.2 for p5110 over ssh on my PC at home :3
<frankdrey-bass> i'm not home right now
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<jomp16> frankdrey: how fast is your PC?
<jomp16> n-iCe: hi
<jomp16> I said hi first! I won!
<frankdrey> jomp16: very slow
<frankdrey> core2duo 4300 1.8ghz
<frankdrey> 4gb 667mhz DDR RAM
<plastikman> frankdrey, do it via screen
<plastikman> that is going to take a year
<plastikman> it takes about 1 hour on the first build on my lappy
<plastikman> then with ccache i can build in about 20 from clobber
<frankdrey> of course :)
<frankdrey> i already had screen set up before i left home
<frankdrey> to check on my pacman update progress
<plastikman> this will make it go better
<plastikman> ;)
<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> i'm watching a band practice right now :P
<frankdrey> man, i think i killed my internets
<plastikman> what kind of music?
<frankdrey> well i'm in a church...so guess ;)
<plastikman> dont play that video then
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<plastikman> :)
<plastikman> might burn
<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> ok, ssh disconnected and i can't reconnected
<plastikman> dat Black Dahlia Murder
<plastikman> Uins too much powah
<frankdrey> nah, my home internet :P
<frankdrey> or my dad restarted the router because it's being slow
<plastikman> hahaha
<frankdrey> because of my update + cm sync :D
<plastikman> my wife got all upset when i did a repo sync -j16
<plastikman> hehe
<frankdrey> then again, i was also downloading cm-10.2 zips by cody and they died too
<frankdrey> it's doing the default
<frankdrey> from brunch
<plastikman> needs moar jobs
<frankdrey> for device repo
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<frankdrey> seems like it's my church internet
<frankdrey> this router is weird with dhcpcd
<frankdrey> *dhcp
<frankdrey> and i can't set up a static IP
<plastikman> i always do statis dhcp
<frankdrey> cause it seems to block them
<plastikman> at home
<plastikman> *static
<frankdrey> at home i usually have static, too
<frankdrey> ok, connected
<frankdrey> but we got a new router yesterday, so right now i really hope my PC doesn't change IPs cause i haven't set up static xD
<frankdrey> and ports are forwarded to that IP
<plastikman> haha
<plastikman> i hate getting a new router
<frankdrey> whew, it was just the church wifi
<frankdrey> it's a nice router
<frankdrey> too bad none of my personal devices support 5ghz xD, would have been useful
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<frankdrey> i have to use the 2.4 band
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<jomp16> frankdrey: question: you like the church religion? If yes, pay attention to the church! If not, what are you doing in dat church?
<frankdrey> jomp16: [19:36] <@jonDONG> because it's literally not... clean... [19:37] <@jonDONG> i mean, a lot of leviticus was written when rules for cleanliness made sense in terms of, well, cleanliness [19:37] <@jonDONG> skin diseases were infectious [19:37] <@jonDONG> pigs and things that ate dirt had parasites in 'em
<frankdrey> err
<frankdrey> :P
<frankdrey> wrong copy paste xD
<plastikman> lawl
<frankdrey> [20:39] <frankdrey> i'm watching a band practice right now :P
<jomp16> Meh...
<frankdrey> ...i'm not at an actual church service
<frankdrey> there's nothing to pay attention to
<frankdrey> and yes i like my religion
<plastikman> fucking brutal lyrics/song
* plastikman is on a TBDM kick
* frankdrey likes music like Thrice, Switchfoot, and a bit of Thousand Foot Krutch
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<plastikman> moar speed
<plastikman> the faster the better
<frankdrey> eh
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<tweetergal> anyone have any idea what com.sec.android.app.collage does?
<frankdrey> I'm guessing Samsung photo editor?
<frankdrey> what should i draw on my tab?
<frankdrey> also 4.3 restricted users are dumber than i thought
<plastikman> a penis
<plastikman> obviously
<plastikman> especially while in church
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<plastikman> oh, right, i forgot this isnt #koush
<plastikman> we dont talk about dongs 24/7
<Renan> algum br ae q manja de Cyanogem?
<plastikman> ok, off to bed
<plastikman> night
<frankdrey> lol....
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<frankdrey> hmm
<frankdrey> getting python errors
* frankdrey checks python version
<frankdrey> yup python2
<frankdrey> err
<frankdrey> 3
<frankdrey> need to switch to 2
<frankdrey> codeworkx: bbqlinux-python-switcher needs cli interface
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<venkat> cm 10.1 worked great on my gt-n7000
<venkat> after downloading update from phone to 10.4 and applyinng phone stuck on boot.. hlp plz
<venkat> phone is connecting to odin in download mode
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<noregret> win 11
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<spY|da> nebkat, :D
<nebkat> spY|da: :D
<spY|da> kyrillic sux
<nebkat> haha
<spY|da> i can read it, but i dont like it
<nebkat> cant say I like it either
<nebkat> but I want to practice
<nebkat> because its a shame not being able to read the official language of my country hehe
<nebkat> s/language/script/
<spY|da> a shame
<nebkat> spY|da: how are you?
<spY|da> dobro sam, kako si ti?
<nebkat> dobro
<nebkat> juce sam dodao sve prijatelje sa fb u kontakte
<nebkat> 337 hehe
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<spY|da> urgh fb
<spY|da> nebkat, kako je sound na find5
<nebkat> spY|da: ok
<nebkat> nista posebno
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<frankdrey> i haz cm10.2 build
<frankdrey> not even 1 error :D
<frankdrey> not booting
<frankdrey> i am a failure
<Ravenheart> was about to say "that can't be right, something must be wrong"
<nebkat> frankdrey: U R NOT FIALUR LIEK ME
<frankdrey> lol
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<bbqbot> lolwat
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<bbqbot> lolwat
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<frankdrey> oooh
<frankdrey> finally CM spinner
<frankdrey> can check logcat now
<frankdrey> oooh booting now
<frankdrey> wonder why it took 1.5 years
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<frankdrey> the "Android is upgrading" spinner is frozen
<frankdrey> 6 out of 116
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<frankdrey> seg fault
<frankdrey> #blameselinux
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<frankdrey> ohhh
<frankdrey> gappx
<frankdrey> *gapps
<frankdrey> though...
<frankdrey> i didn't think it would delete them
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<jomp16> "bootable/recovery/recovery.c:809: error: undefined reference to 'flash_image_main' " and a lot of errors only on recovery...
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<Rakyth> !supported
<Rakyth> Hey, what features from the stock Note II aren't supported in CM yet?
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<budmang> Rakyth: which CM? 10.1?
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<Rakyth> I'm not interested in building my own just yet, so whatever the nightly is--it's all that's available, heh
<Rakyth> Bugmang: I...I guess so?
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<n-iCe> hi
<tigger2014> hi all
<n-iCe> tigger2014: sup
<tigger2014> in need of a little help with building cm10.2
<n-iCe> building
<tigger2014> yup
<n-iCe> maybe you should go to #cyanogenmod-dev
<tigger2014> for the i9300
<tigger2014> ah
<tigger2014> thanks :)
<n-iCe> np
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<tigger2014> ive been sent back
<tigger2014> with my build query
<tigger2014> trying to build cm10.2 for the i9300
<tigger2014> heres a logcat
<tigger2014> here you go http://pastebin.com/Gg6k8V4B
<tigger2014> and i get boot loops
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<tigger2014> !supported
<RossWell98> tigger2014, bbqbot is dead
<tigger2014> ah nevermind was just trying it to pass the time while i wait
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<Anucool> Hey i see that known issues for 10.2 for note has not changed for long time
<Anucool> It will be good if we refreshed first post in the forum
<n-iCe> 10.2 are not official builds yet
<Anucool> Yes i know that
<Anucool> I am talking about unofficial build page
<Anucool> On xda
<Anucool> Just will be good if latest issues list is compiled
<Anucool> Anyways great work
<Anucool> Thanks
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<unknwn> is it possible to hide privacy guard notifications?
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<|Night|> what kind of notification does it give you
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