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<Starholdest> Hey guys can anyone take a look at this list of installed apps and see if they see anything that would keep my lock screen from working? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=44438039&postcount=15084
<Starholdest> After a while of having the phone on the lock screen stops working completely. I can sometimes make it work if I close all recently opened apps.
<jomp16> Starholdest: have you tried a clean install as I suggested?
<Starholdest> Not yet I'm trying to try every option before having to redo my phone completely :(
<jomp16> Do a backup
<Starholdest> like with titanium?
<jomp16> You can backup/restore it using the recovery
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<jomp16> Recovery backups the boot.img, /system, /data, /cache, apps on sdcard, all
<Starholdest> Right...so if I restored a backup, wouldn't I still have the same problem I have now because nothing will have changed?
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<n-iCe> hi
<jomp16> Starholdest: backup = backup everything, including the lock screen problem, the password, data from appz, ALL
<jomp16> Is a perfect copy of the current system
<Starholdest> okay
<Starholdest> Yup
<Starholdest> Like I said, I'm just trying to figure it out without having to wipe everything and reinstall/login to all my apps
<jomp16> n-iCe: wanna help him? "<Starholdest> Hey guys can anyone take a look at this list of installed apps and see if they see anything that would keep my lock screen from working? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=44438039&postcount=15084"
<jomp16> Starholdest: meh, you have any app with lockscreen perms? like a player, they always put widgets at lock screen
<n-iCe> oh hello
<Starholdest> Well I have Shazam, AlarmDroid that maybe could be causing it
<n-iCe> Starholdest: what phone
<Starholdest> SGH-I747M (S3)
<n-iCe> and if you press the lock button, what happens?
<Starholdest> It's never worked properly even on 07/18 nightly so it must be something else
<Starholdest> The screen just turns off
<Starholdest> Press it again, screen on again w/ no lock screen
<Starholdest> Right now the lock screen is working for some reason...but it'll stop eventually
<n-iCe> did you set lockscreen on in lockscreen menu?
<Starholdest> Yup it's on "slide"
<n-iCe> set it to pin
<n-iCe> and use a pin, see if works
<Starholdest> Trie
<Starholdest> Tried
<Starholdest> Didn't work
<n-iCe> I see
<n-iCe> which build
<Starholdest> Once the lock screen stops working nothing makes it work again except closing all recent open apps, or it'll just pop up on it's own whenever it wants
<Starholdest> 07/30
<Starholdest> It could pop up on it's own when I'm doing anything...
<n-iCe> that's old
<Starholdest> So something tells me there's a process that's stopping it...then the process stops and it works again
<n-iCe> d2att ? right?
<Starholdest> But I've tried closing each app one by one and it still doesn't work until I close the last app on the list (not always the same one)(
<Starholdest> Yup
<n-iCe> cuz is not an app
<n-iCe> !download d2att.
<n-iCe> !download d2att
<Starholdest> I know it's old but no one else has this problem it's only me lol
<n-iCe> damn bot
<n-iCe> just flash it, wipe dalvik and cache
<n-iCe> just that
<Starholdest> Plus I heard the newer 08 nightlies have problems with the M version phones which I have
<n-iCe> don't clean data, et
<n-iCe> where did you hear that
<Starholdest> In the nightly thread
<Starholdest> First two posts
<n-iCe> don't think so
<n-iCe> use it and tell us
<n-iCe> you won't lose data
<n-iCe> you can easily go back to other .zip
<Starholdest> Yeah
<Starholdest> Why do they call that one 10.1.2?
<n-iCe> because they added the google security patchs
<jomp16> security fixes
<plastikman1> second stable in 10.1 series
<Starholdest> Oh okay
<Starholdest> Does flashing any CM's change bootloaders?
<Starholdest> Are bootloaders included in the zip files?
<plastikman1> no
<plastikman1> they are not included
<jomp16> bootloader will remain untouched
<Starholdest> Okay cool I'll try the latest nightly like you mentioned n-iCe
<n-iCe> :)
<jomp16> bootloader are the most critical part of any device, if you broke recovery and rom, but have bootloader working, you can flash recovery and rom
<Starholdest> But I also had this problem on the last nightly lol
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<jomp16> Starholdest: issue fixed?
<Starholdest> Installing new nightly now
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<Starholdest> Seems okay for now
<Starholdest> I opened a bunch of apps to see if it would stop working but it still is...I'll keep you updated
<Starholdest> Thanks for the help, guys
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<RA3OR> !changelog i9300
<RA3OR> no?
<RA3OR> come on, its my birthday today, humor me
<RA3OR> !changelog s3
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<captaincokepants> hello
<captaincokepants> I just flashed the latest cm
<captaincokepants> and the cyanogenmod title just keeps spinning
<captaincokepants> but I can't actually get to the os
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<Ravenheart> captain captain captain
<Ravenheart> wipe the phone and it will boot
<Ravenheart> but alas you left before we could tell you that
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<zilvrentand> just flashed 10.2 4.3 works great
<zilvrentand> trying to get root acces
<zilvrentand> doesnt work any tips?
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<jhbyuiknhu> hi
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<n-iCe> hi
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<waratte> Hi
<n-iCe> hi
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<ctcx> Does someone know any member of Team Cooper? The ones who made CM for Samsung Galaxy Ace...
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<singsing> good work, thanks!
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<mouyahama> hi guys
<mouyahama> hello i have a lot of question so is there anyway can help
<mouyahama> ?
<mouyahama> hellooo ???? are you there ! guys
<mouyahama> it looks that is no one is here so i will get back as soon as possible
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<frankdrey> ...
<frankdrey> :P
<frankdrey> yo dawgs
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<jomp16> frankdrey: I done a clean build today, no errors, and built again without clean to get updates, no error
<jomp16> 10.2
<frankdrey> 2.2 ;)
* frankdrey tries to add -lpthread to linker
<jomp16> cm6?
<frankdrey> nope AOSP
<frankdrey> Cm6 sources are dead and scattered
<jomp16> aosp jellybean 2.2?
<frankdrey> lol froyo
<jomp16> he
<frankdrey> yay, adding -lpthread worked :D
<jomp16> building it to your G1?
<frankdrey> yup
<frankdrey> right now i just want to set up a 100% working build tree for others to work a
<frankdrey> and then i'll start doing fancy things
<jomp16> On my opinion: Android 2.3 = Win XP, Android 4.0 = Win Vista, Android >=4.1 = Win 7
<jomp16> =P
<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> i was thinking of eventually doing something insane like backport holo UI
<jomp16> Meh, themes...
<frankdrey> froyo is uggggllly
<jomp16> I said it in past, some person suggested to use themes
<frankdrey> themes won't get that close
<frankdrey> i'll probably just end up theme + fix quirks
<jomp16> That
<frankdrey> fix annoying froyo ui things
<jomp16> Holo Everywhere only works with appz
<jomp16> Your G1 don't run with 2.3/CM7?
<frankdrey> it does but it's pretty slow
<frankdrey> because parents are dictators over my moniez :P
<jomp16> MY GOSH
<frankdrey> i have $220
<jomp16> I bought my N4 with my own money
<frankdrey> ugh still "no rule to make target 'otapackage'"
<jomp16> otapackage doesn't exists...
<frankdrey> i swear i used it before
<frankdrey> and i saw it in one of the makefiles
<jomp16> Maybe froyo is bad in building too =P
<frankdrey> line 977 of build/Makefile: .PHONY: otapackage
<frankdrey> :P
<frankdrey> ohhhh
<frankdrey> DUH
<frankdrey> I'm AN IDIOT
<frankdrey> forgot to lunch :P
<frankdrey> so it was "generic" device
<frankdrey> meaning "otapackage" isn't defined as a target
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<frankdrey> ifneq ($(TARGET_DEVICE),generic)
<frankdrey> this isn't CM
<jomp16> Starholdest: lockscreen working?
<Starholdest> Nope :(
<Starholdest> It was for a while but now it stopped again
<jomp16> Dood, appz issue, I cannot help you
<Starholdest> Yeah lol...closing all recent apps makes it come back.
<Starholdest> Just strange cause I don't have any weird apps that no one else has...
<Starholdest> it's too bad it won't show me what's wrong in BBS...but it's weird because there's no wakelocks, yet the phone isn't locking itself [full deep sleep?]
<frankdrey> whooo, next error
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<Starholdest> It's almost like after 1 hour of screen on time, it starts doing it
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<Starholdest> So I guess only way to POTENTIALLY fix is wipe whole phone, right?
<Starholdest> Well I mean that's how it looks right now...