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<Starholdest> Hey guys I'm trying to install a new update for CM10.1 and I keep getting "installation aborted", no errors codes...any ideas?
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<Starholdest> anyone alive
<jomp16> No
<jomp16> Check MD5 sum from .zip and see if matchs from where you downloaded, check if the .zip is REALLY for your device
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<Starholdest> Yup I did both multiple times...
<Starholdest> Very strange
<jomp16> Starholdest: make sure the recovery product is the same of .zip (example, recovery = mako, .zip = manta, you need mako .zip or manta recovery, it matters of phone/tab)
<jomp16> Is like P311'0' and P311'3'
<Starholdest> Yes I have d2att recovery and am downloading the correct d2att rom
<jomp16> Or maybe the nightly build broke things
<Starholdest> I already did this once when I first installed CM10.1 and it worked all of a sudden it's not working anymore...I even updated to the latest CWM and still same error message.
<Jiangyi> Starholdest: Does it say something about bootloader?
* Jiangyi bets it does
<Starholdest> Nope no error codes at all lol
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<Starholdest> I used to get status 7 error but I know how to bypass that now...
<Starholdest> all it says is "installing update...installation aborted"
<jomp16> Meh, I always forget about bootloader, maybe because isn't necessary to update every release
<Jiangyi> Starholdest: ._. Well then. Are you using official CWM?
<Starholdest> I'm just updating because I haven't updated in 2.5 weeks and my phone doesn't lock on it's own
<Starholdest> Yup
<Starholdest> Just updated it 2 hours ago to the latest version
<jomp16> I received a OTA update to 4.3 when I bought my N4, so, I have latest bootloader (.84) =P
<Jiangyi> What's the release you're currently on right now?
<Starholdest> d2att
<Starholdest> Just trying it now with the latest release of CM10.1
<Jiangyi> I mean what version of CM are you on?
<Starholdest> Oh, 10.1
<jomp16> Personal opinion: even Google releases a bunch of APIs and permissions, root will never die on Android
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<Starholdest> Same problem...UGH
<Starholdest> What the hell....
<Starholdest> "Finding update package...Opening update package...Installing update...Installation aborted"
<Starholdest> :(
<jomp16> Jiangyi: CWM based recovery doesn't has a log file? Maybe we can look on it to see it...
<jomp16> Where? Dunno =P
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<Starholdest> Bleh this S2 was so easy to update but this S3 is being a PITA
<Jiangyi> Starholdest: Which nightly/stable version?
<Jiangyi> I need to ask clearer questions :-|
<jomp16> I never had problems on recovery, either on my ancient Galaxy 5 (GT-I5500) with first version of CWM 6, my GTab 2 7" (P3110) with CWM (?) and now my new Nexus 4 with TWRP
<jomp16> Wow, I'm looking for the 4.3 factory image and has a script for automatically flash it, but only works with stock Android, not CM, etc?
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<Jiangyi> jomp16: Yes
<boog> is building with jdk 7 recommended now? I just ran a test build (going to flash it in a few), and I have to say that it builds much faster than openjdk
<Jiangyi> boog: Been using openjdk7, works fine
<boog> openjdk6 worked fine too
<boog> just wanted to test oracle's
<boog> 10 min to build now, was taking 15-20 (I think), maybe it is placebo...
<Starholdest> Sorry Jiangyi, I tried with nightly d2att 07/30, and just tried with 07/31 w/ no change
<Jiangyi> Starholdest: Which nightly do you have installed right now?
<Starholdest> 07/18. That is the first nightly that I ever installed on this phone and have been on it ever since.
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<Jiangyi> Hmm.
<Jiangyi> Can't be bootloader then.
<jim2sad> hi all
<Jiangyi> Starholdest: You sure your downloads aren't corrupted?
<Starholdest> Pretty positive...all MD5's check out
<jim2sad> 1 question here, can i flash cm10.2 shv-e250s ?
<Starholdest> I do have to modify the updater-script file because my phone is d2can and I'm trying to flasht he d2att ROM's on it
<Starholdest> But I did that when I installed 07/18 and it worked fine.
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<Jiangyi> Starholdest: If you flashed d2att CWM, you shouldn't need to do that
<Jiangyi> I don't even know whose brilliant idea was it to come up with this whole d2can thing
<Jiangyi> d2can = d2att, just with an extra M at the end of the model number -_-
<Starholdest> I take the assert part out in the updater script to bypass it looking for d2att
<Starholdest> Anyway I gtg but thanks for the help Jiangyi...always appreciated
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<jomp16> I use Oracle JDK 6 for build CM7 (not necessary now =P) and now to build CM10.* (doesn't matters version 6 or 7, code is version 6 yet...)
<jomp16> On a Arch chroot =P
<boog> I was using openjdk6, but figured I would try oracle jdk7 just because of the goofy warning about using the wrong version
<boog> has been working fine with openjdk, just wanted to tinker lol
<boog> see if I could break what wasn't broken
<boog> appears to be great with jdk7
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<Anil_> hi
<Anil_> when official nightly for s3 will be available
<Anil_> ??
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<frankdrey> YO NEBKAT
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<budmang> Hey guys, why would pandora, not work when switching from wifi, to 3g? i have to clear app data, relogin, for it too work...
<budmang> whats the best gps work around fix?
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<hackworks> xplodwild: I was looking at focal, in the external repo, I noticed boost. Where is boost used?
<xplodwild> hackworks: within hugin dependencies for picsphere
<hackworks> thanks xplodwild! I have been using boost for a while and was surprised to see it there
<xplodwild> used it for a long time in C++ too :)
<hackworks> makes life easy when you do not get compiler errors :-)
<xplodwild> that's why it's prebuilt :P
<xplodwild> I used a script actually, don't remember where
<xplodwild> that downloads Boost, patch it for android, and build it
<xplodwild> I should still have it somewhere
<hackworks> wow! I did the grunt work of introducing boost at work, integrating it into the complex build environment (that uses cross compilers)
<hackworks> xplodwild: since you are online now, I would like to help CM in any small way I can
<hackworks> I have done C & C++ programming for a long (17 years)
<Fissurez> xplodwild
<hackworks> xplodwild: if there is a focus on reviewing code for security or lint or coverity, i can help
<xplodwild> hackworks: if you do mostly C/C++, have a look at my first post here:!topic/hugin-ptx/VbEbwui8n5g
<xplodwild> basically there are a few hiccups in the picsphere module (which uses hugin, so everything in external)
<xplodwild> there are some build errors that I just worked around in an ugly way
<xplodwild> and the biggest dark point is optimization
<hackworks> xplodwild: cool, you gave me an opportunity to help without digging into Java
<Fissurez> xplodwild are there shitty heart borders in focal?
<Fissurez> For maximum 2003
<xplodwild> + bins I'd want to use (cpfind instead of autopano-sift-c) just freeze while processing
<xplodwild> hackworks: so if you can take a look some time, that would help a lot :)
<hackworks> xplodwild: I have worked in eking out performance. Thanks a ton!
<xplodwild> Fissurez: yeah because I'm not setting the crop properly, but I'll fix that later
<xplodwild> Fissurez: not a big deal if you use a real panorama viewer
<Fissurez> Lame, want my heart borders and smiley face stickeys
<hackworks> xplodwild: Let me take this opportunity to thank you and codeworkx for the wonderful work on i9300. You guys have given us a passion and something to look forward to
<xplodwild> Fissurez: ah I thought you were talking about picspheres borders. No there's no such thing
<Fissurez> Did you even nokia camera?
<xplodwild> hackworks: thanks :)
<xplodwild> Fissurez: do you even #HOLO?
<xplodwild> one does not simply HOLO longer than Lord Matias
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<hackworks> xplodwild: went through your post, i figure they are command line executable that you call in the focal app
<xplodwild> yup
<saschxd> !supported
<bbqbot> saschxd: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<hackworks> xplodwild: is there a way i can run them standalone, some script?
<xplodwild> hackworks: I have one but on my desktop PC, I'm on my laptop until friday evening
<hackworks> xplodwild: i can setup an environment and profile it
<saschxd> !download sg-n7100
<bbqbot> saschxd: Unknown device sg-n7100
<xplodwild> hackworks: but I can brew you quickly a script
<saschxd> !download n7100
<hackworks> xplodwild: will wait, start reading till then
<bbqbot> saschxd: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy Note 2: [2937c1]
<hackworks> xplodwild: Is it okay if I communicate over g+ messages?
<xplodwild> sure
<hackworks> xplodwild: IRC is blocked and webchat is hard to keep track & save history
<xplodwild> no problem
<hackworks> xplodwild: bye for now, will send you a message on G+ and looking forward to the script
<xplodwild> okay, bye
<hackworks> xplodwild: since it is a userspace tool, the same performance problem might/will be seen on linux too
<hackworks> xplodwild: not making a statement, a question
<hackworks> xplodwild: I am thinking if I can set it up on linux and do all the tests
<hackworks> xplodwild: or, do I need to do it on my phone (arm)
<hackworks> xplodwild: I am planning on using oprofile to start with
<hackworks> xplodwild: last question, Is this a good starting point
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<xplodwild> hackworks: you'd need to do it on your phone
<xplodwild> hackworks: on PC, it runs much faster, so it's not really a problem with the code/implementation itself
<xplodwild> but rather how it's interpreted by ARM
<xplodwild> hackworks: here's the script, that you have to run on your phone
<xplodwild> each step is commented
<hackworks> xplodwild: okay, would that require understanding arm assembly?
<xplodwild> hackworks: the whole process relies on the vigra library (if I'm not mistaken), which is a heavy math library
<xplodwild> I'm pretty sure we could profit a lot if the heavy operations were using NEON-optimized assembly
<xplodwild> now, there might be something I missed that is slowing down the whole thing
<hackworks> xplodwild: let me start getting to know the tools and make consistent progress
<hackworks> xplodwild: thanks for the script, that helps in jump starting
<xplodwild> hackworks: sure, just let me know if you have any question
<hackworks> xplodwild: yes sir
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<mustaq> hii
<mustaq> I installed parannoid android v. 3-60 on gt n7000 now i cant connect to mobilego program by usb on pc..plz help me
<xplodwild> mustaq: ask paranoid android developers
<hackworks> xplodwild: about the gerrit review
<hackworks> i did a clean install with data wipe and it is going through the setup
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<xplodwild> hackworks: hu?
<hackworks> xplodwild: let me take a closer look at rmcc change
<xplodwild> ah, that patch
<xplodwild> well I built with it yesterday, and it still crashed for me
<hackworks> i thought that gets kicked in only for HAVE_LEGACY_FB
<xplodwild> and it seemed right according to rmcc later comment that it doesn't fix screenshoting
<xplodwild> so make sure you don't have my hack
<xplodwild> which worked around it
<hackworks> xplodwild: will check my repo and report back
<xplodwild> try a "repo forall -c 'git reset --hard'"
<xplodwild> and reapply the patch
<xplodwild> to make sure you have a clean tree
<hackworks> since I have the changes commited in a branch, will manually have to discard it
<cdesai> repo sync -d
<cdesai> no need to do that manually when you got repo
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<hackworks> cdesai: thanks, getting to learn a lot of new stuff
<hackworks> xplodwild: I have your workaround... now, that answers
<xplodwild> explains why it worked :)
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<xplodwild> cdesai: does that reset also manual changes?
<xplodwild> at some point in the past it still kept me changes
<cdesai> if not commited, IIRC no
<cdesai> but if commited/branched, it works
<xplodwild> k
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<mustaq> thanks <@xplodwild>
<hackworks> now that we have the devs here, a question I asked yesterday in a silent room
<hackworks> how do you debug the early startup problems
<xplodwild> hackworks: you do eng builds and you adb logcat
<hackworks> say the kernel has booted and starting the applications
<xplodwild> (or manually push your adb pub key to /data/misc/adb/adb_keys)
<hackworks> xplodwild: that was the solution I was looking for
<hackworks> xplodwild: I hit the reboot before I could setup and enable adb
<xplodwild> yup
<xplodwild> well even without setup, you couldn't access About phone section
<hackworks> xplodwild: another n00b question. How do I tell adb to use a particular key?
<xplodwild> ~/.android/
<xplodwild> you should have adbkey and
<xplodwild> iirc
<hackworks> xplodwild: perfect, i see it now
<hackworks> xplodwild: I will create a CWM zip to put that in place
<xplodwild> yup
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<mustaq> quite
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<raymember> hi all
<nebkat> raymember: hey how ya been?
<raymember> fine but have some trouble with updating my galaxytab 10.1 3G
<brinsjt> nebkat: see his trouble in #cyanogenmod
<nebkat> nah i got to go
<brinsjt> okay
<raymember> [13:48] <raymember> hi all [13:48] <raymember> I need some help [13:49] <raymember> I have a Samsung galaxytab 10.1 3G and downloaded the lastest rom [13:49] <raymember> but when i try to install that one my tablet wont [13:50] <raymember> when i trie to install the wifi version it installs it but i cant connect my tablet to wifi [13:50] <raymember> what am i doing wrong?
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<raymember> This i see when i try too install it: assert failed: getprop''ro.product.device") =="p4" II getprop("") == "p4" E:Error in /sdcard/
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<budmang> why would pandora, not work when switching from wifi, to 3g? i have to clear app data, relogin, for it too work...
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<andres___> hi, I can install, Cyanogenmod 10.2 on my xperia sola
<andres___> ?
<jomp16> CM10.2 still in merge, and depends of the maintainer of your device to build/port/adapt...
<jomp16> Short response: for now: NO!
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<Anonym77> Hi, I have problems downloading/updating apps on my GT-i9300 CM10.2 2013-07-31 and gapps-jb-20130729. Any idea why?
<andres___> thanks
<andres___> :D
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<jomp16> Anonym77: what problems?
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<Anonym77> Just get an errormessage saying that there is a problem connecting to the server. Error code RPC:S-5:AEC0. I can enter Google Play and search and so but not download or update any apps.
<jomp16> Interwebs related and not with ROM?
<jomp16> Before update the ROM, you can download and update?
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<Henke|MGD> so im trying to build cm10.2 for i9300 by myself and the build fails
<budmang> i flashed the 10.2 build for sprint note2 twice... first time voice+ was included, second time it was not... what did I miss?
<Henke|MGD> external/v8/src/ error: undefined reference to 'v8::internal::FastDtoa(double, v8::internal::FastDtoaMode, int, v8::internal::Vector<char>, int*, int*)'
<Henke|MGD> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
<Henke|MGD> make: *** [/home/build/android/system/out/target/product/i9300/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libwebcore_intermediates/LINKED/] Error 1
<Henke|MGD> last 3 rows
<Henke|MGD> I dont know what to make of this exept after building recovery.img (i think it was) I get all there errors like the first row
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<Henke|MGD> building it in bbqlinux
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<Eliel> I've been trying to install CM 10.1 on my Galaxy S2 (GT-i9100) with the temporary cwm recovery tool but the nightly builds for i9100 keep failing with Status 7. It looks like it's fails to detect my device as i9100.
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Kishidan is now known as waratte
<Eliel> Is there a known problem using the temporary cwm or is this some other problem?
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<Eliel> Baseband version is I9100XXMS2
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<Enndy> how to install cm 10.1
<Enndy> i need help??
<Fissurez> Ask chadouming
<Enndy> what is chadouming
<Fissurez> Hes like a species of Canadian
<Fissurez> Except he's smaller and furrier. And angrier.
<Enndy> intresting
Enndy was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by chadouming [not what but who]
<Fissurez> Did warn hin
<Fissurez> Oh
<Fissurez> Hes gone offline
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<Ackis> !supported
<bbqbot> Ackis: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
gbyers[Away] is now known as g_byers
<Ackis> okay, I think I'm in over my head, but I'll ask anyway. I have a GT-i9100M (unlocked so it's exactly like a i9100) running stock firmware of 2.3.3 and I'm wondering if there's a way to get a cyanogen version that bumps me up to 4.3
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<RossWell98> WTF GUYS
<RossWell98> THAT SOX
<RossWell98> Why
<RossWell98> WHY you removed ICS branch in CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_i9100 ?!
<nebkat> spY|da: dobro veceeeee
<Eliel> Looks like the temporary cwm thing is not able to install cyanogenmod into i9100.
<Eliel> it installed just fine now that I did it the heimdall way
<RossWell98> What?
<RossWell98> but I want to build ICS
<Eliel> RossWell98: I'm just reporting on my own experience trying to install cyanogenmod on my S2. I had some trouble earlier and wanted to let people know what was the cause.
<RossWell98> what is your problem ?
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<Ackis> if I flash one of on my 2.3.3 droid, will it update to 4.x and add in cyanogenmod?
<Eliel> RossWell98: I don't have a problem anymore. Doing things as in the guide instead of trying to use different cwm and it worked.
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<RossWell98> REALLY GUYS
<RossWell98> I NEED ICS
brinsjt has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat> brinsjt: hey
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<Jiangyi> RossWell98: android_device_samsung_galaxys2
<Jiangyi> That's ICS^
<RossWell98> ...
waratte has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<RossWell98> WHy github not found ?!
waratte has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Jiangyi> Github search always derps :-P
<RossWell98> yeah
<RossWell98> but in search in Cyanogenmod
<RossWell98> not found
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<RossWell98> Jiangyi, THANKS mate ! now the humanity is in good condiction ! :)
<RossWell98> condition*
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<ernie`> is su working properly in cm10.2?
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<RossWell98> ernie`, what?