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<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Try this one:
<Thiagovfar> Or any app that fades the status bar
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Ah OK, now I get it
<Jiangyi> I didn't even know that any app could do that :-P
<Thiagovfar> They can. Specially helpful on tablets.
<Thiagovfar> Speaking of which...
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<zap> Having trouble installing CyanogenMod on my GS2.
<zap> After I installed ClockworkMod, nothing boots.
<DuperMan> should I get bioshock inf collector's for 26$ or crysis 3 for 10$?
<DuperMan> DERP
<Thiagovfar> DuperMan: Yes.
<zap> And CyanogenMod doesn't flash. I keep getting Status 7, Installation aborted.
<zap> Any ideas?
<Thiagovfar> Did you download the correct cm for your device?
<DuperMan> Thiagovfar: can't have both :(
<DuperMan> will bioshock inf not fail? can it?
<zap> I think so.
<DuperMan> why no doll... action figures bundled with the crysis?
<DuperMan> :(
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<zap> I've tried a few versions from a few different sources, and I keep getting the same result.
* Thiagovfar Is sad. He gets motion sickness from playing BioShock.
<DuperMan> ah, also: AC3, as fail as ever right?
<DuperMan> you should be. 1 was the bees knees and 2 had enough n00bs in mp for me to rule it
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<zap> But as it is, I can't load anything but ClockworkMod. Meaning, I don't have a usable phone.
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<Thiagovfar> zap: Which one is your phone?
<Thiagovfar> GT-I9100?
<zap> Yeah.
<Jiangyi> You sure it's not an I9100G?
<Thiagovfar> Nor any other variant?
<zap> When I reboot I get a screen that says GT-I9100.
<Jiangyi> LOL
<Jiangyi> zap: Alright, then remove the assert from the updater-script in the CM zip, and then flash
<zap> How do I do that? How do I access the updater-script?
<Jiangyi> WinRAR?
<zap> I can unzip it all right, but I don't see any updater-script or assert or anything like that in the unzipped directory.
<zap> Is there someplace in that that I'm supposed to look?
<Jiangyi> It's in META-INF/blah/android/somethinglikethis
* Jiangyi doesn't remember clearly :-|
<zap> Hmm...
<zap> I don't see it. I see metadata and otacert, and neither looks like a script.
<Jiangyi> There should be another folder
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<zap> Oh, there's the script.
<Jiangyi> Use NPP to edit it
<Jiangyi> Just don't use Notepad/Notepad
<zap> Okay, edited. I'm zipping it back up now.
<zap> Didn't work.
<zap> Now I don't even get the error code. It just aborts immediately.
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<Jiangyi> What did you edit with?
<zap> emacs
<Thiagovfar> What version did you have before starting?
<zap> I didn't have CM before. I had the stock ROM, but it was rooted.
<Thiagovfar> Which stock ROM?
<Thiagovfar> 2.3? 4.0? 4.1?
<zap> I would think 2.3.
<zap> Yeah, 2.3. I was never able to update it before.
<Thiagovfar> Try installing Cyanogenmod 7
<Thiagovfar> Then, use it to update to CM 10.1
<zap> Okay.
<Jiangyi> zap: Or use CM resurrection edition through ODIN and then update
<zap> 7 has the same problem.
<zap> What's CM resurrection?
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<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Help him please, I have to run :-|
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<zap> Should I try removing the assert from CM-7?
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<Thiagovfar> zap: I have no idea of what is wrong at your end.
<zap> I'm wondering if it might be ClockworkMod. I'm having some other problems with it, like an inability to mount the sd card.
<zap> But it *looks* fine, so maybe not.
<Thiagovfar> But, since you can't boot into android, it means its not _just_ CWM
<zap> Right.
<Thiagovfar> Did you use Heimdall do flash CWM?
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<zap> Yes.
<Thiagovfar> Do you have a stock ROM available?
<Thiagovfar> If possible, the previous version you had installed
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<zap> No, I don't.
<zap> I can see if I can find one.
<Thiagovfar> In that case, I'd suggest flashing the entire ROM
<Thiagovfar> Or, better yet, CM ressurection, like Jiangyi said.
<zap> What is CM ressurection?
<Thiagovfar> Is a version of CM, flashable directly via Heimdall / Odin
<Thiagovfar> Here is CM9. There are two resurrection versions of it.
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<Thiagovfar> Oh, and put it on a charger. The last thing you want is to run out of battery.
<zap> Problem is they say Odin only. Odin only works with Windows, doesn't it?
<zap> Or is that just as opposed to putting it on an sd card?
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<Thiagovfar> Odin is for windows
<Thiagovfar> Heimdall does the job on other OS.
<zap> Okay. Use the same method I used to flash ClockworkMod?
<Thiagovfar> Clockworkmod is --kernel only, right?
<Thiagovfar> You'll have to pass a lot more of options to flash resurrection
<zap> Yeah.
<zap> What options do I need?
<Thiagovfar> Let me download it, I'll tell you
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<Thiagovfar> zap: Oh, wait
<Thiagovfar> that's for the SGS
<Thiagovfar> But it should work
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<Thiagovfar> Also, I need to sleep
<zap> All right. Thanks for your help. I hope it works.
<Thiagovfar> See you
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<n0credit> error: vendor/cm/: CyanogenMod/android_vendor_cm checkout
<n0credit> da phak
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<trk> hello
<trk> i have a question
<trk> ive found rom for n7105
<trk> but im not sure
<trk> if this will work with my australian gt n7105t
<trk> will
<trk> ROM][GT-N7105 / t0lte][JB][4.2.1] CyanogenMod 10.1 official nightlies
<trk> work?
<QuinnLion`> Lol Telstra not keeping up with spec
<QuinnLion`> :p
<trk> well my phone has jb 411
<trk> id like 421
<trk> will this rom do it? or is it not for my phone
<trk> nobody knows?
<Espenfjo> No, nobody knows
<QuinnLion`> Only way is to try it
<Espenfjo> You need to find the difference between the n7100 and nt7100t, then someome can perhaps give a guestimate if it may or may not work
<QuinnLion`> Nandroid first
<QuinnLion`> :P
<trk> so all these people in here
<trk> havent tried what ive said
<trk> in which cas
<trk> e
<trk> my experience should be noted
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<pawz> hey QuinnLion`
<QuinnLion`> o.o
<pawz> you really do follow me around the damn internet don't you ?
<QuinnLion`> hey
<QuinnLion`> no
<pawz> lies. stalker
<QuinnLion`> I recently got a samsung tablet
<QuinnLion`> :3
<Espenfjo> trk: Not too many users here with a non-standard device
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<QuinnLion`> Samsung was non-standard for a long time
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<gladiac1337> I just flashes the XXLS8 modem and it works fine so far. It was built on 2012-Nov-12 20:20:45 - not really new at all.
<gladiac1337> this radio is for i9100 - before anyone asks
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<raytheITguy> hi, i got a problem flashing CM 10.1 on my GN2 LTE, im sure i got the right nighty which is t0lte. but i cant seem to flash it after a Wipe.
<raytheITguy> or am i missing something?
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<iKillCypher> humm
<iKillCypher> samsung never fixed the sound bug in Yamaha chip that was reported in Jelly Bean
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<VIad> out of curiosity what is that bug?
<a3Dman> was going to ask the same question
<iKillCypher> notification comes in musics when in headphones gets cut off
<VIad> the only bug relating to sound so far is not looping ringtones for me :P
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<iKillCypher> notification comes in musics when in headphones gets cut off < try this
<a3Dman> thanks to replicant, their new hal have this bug fixed
<iKillCypher> either plays in external speaker with the earphones still on etc
<a3Dman> that's why I use 10.1
<iKillCypher> replicant reversed it
<iKillCypher> and made a open source version of it..
<iKillCypher> afaik it was beyond completed
<a3Dman> it's not complete, but works the best for me
<a3Dman> I don't use dock audio
<iKillCypher> not only dock audio it still lags something in buffer
<a3Dman> anyway, this device is too old, time to move on...
<iKillCypher> which cause the sound to skip abit
<iKillCypher> nope the device is not old
<iKillCypher> it is still better then alot of device out there
<gladiac1337> sgs2 ist not that old...
* QuinnLion` does not like that attitude. It seems everyone that has money to throw away says that
* iKillCypher agrees
<a3Dman> the way samsung acts toward the community is just making it so old
<gladiac1337> some people are still using a g1 (which was a great device)
* QuinnLion` is using a G2..
<QuinnLion`> No active development
<a3Dman> QuinnLion`: I barely have any money now, but samsung is just lame, so I just use that for phone calls and music...
<QuinnLion`> yar
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<a3Dman> and I don't throw any money, I thought it would be a good phone for future, that could live for like 3 years
<VIad> lol
<a3Dman> and what I got was a phone with brickbug'd mmc chip
<QuinnLion`> :s
<a3Dman> so, you're right I threw money away.
<a3Dman> I don't have more of that to get a new phone now :P
<VIad> I had no problems running the stock phone, so I got what I bought - not samsungs fault for custom ROMs not working properly on their hardware
<gladiac1337> the mmc brickbug... maybe using opengalaxy it is fixable...
<VIad> didn't your stock phone work as it should?
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<gladiac1337> in the future...
<a3Dman> opengalaxy?
<gladiac1337> an alternative bootloader for sgs3
<gladiac1337> by disabling internal nand you can boot off sd
<gladiac1337> that's how opengalaxy can be run
<a3Dman> VIad: yeah, I was mistaken for thinking that it could be a phone with nice dev support
<a3Dman> read about that from weeks, any progress?
<iKillCypher> VIad, are you joking
<iKillCypher> stock roms has tons of issue
<VIad> I only had one issue myself, battery ran out too quick - lasts double as long now. hehe
<gladiac1337> no clue, i don't know if there is any progress for sgs2 at all. i just think that og might be able to fix emmc
<iKillCypher> dude
<iKillCypher> honestly if you love stock so much you dont know what you are saying
<iKillCypher> cause trust me cyanogenmod has done a decent job on SGS2
<a3Dman> did they even fix the bug where they store your google account password in plain text?
<iKillCypher> samsung dont fix bugs
<iKillCypher> fk them
<VIad> I'd think that issue a3Dman would be android related?
<iKillCypher> not until media hits them or it is dead serious that can cause market issues
<a3Dman> VIad: nope...
<iKillCypher> VIad, ask them to fix the sound bug
<iKillCypher> in the yahama chip
<a3Dman> it's one of their failwiz apps
<VIad> thought that android was the framework and that the company devs just added apps and stuff on top.
<iKillCypher> maybe you should leave this channel too cause we are all lovers of custom rom
<a3Dman> the tasks up
<VIad> lol
<a3Dman> VIad: well they modify the whole framework
<iKillCypher> a3Dman, dont waste your time man
<VIad> iKillCypher take a chill pill :P
<iKillCypher> he does not know how the development or what samsung does
<a3Dman> no one stores passwords in plain text
<a3Dman> lol
<iKillCypher> samsung indeed modified framework to shit
<iKillCypher> that is why they take so long
<QuinnLion`> Mmmm, Fragmentation <3
<QuinnLion`> Fecking love it
<VIad> I only have a sgs2 and I don't really camp the news sites regarding samsung news, so I am outdated sure but your attitude iKillCypher isn't exactly very nice - I am here because I do care, why else would I be?
<iKillCypher> im sorry then
<VIad> I use cm10.1 myself
<iKillCypher> cause I get pissed someone here say that cm10.1 isnt working right
<iKillCypher> dont blame us man
<iKillCypher> blamesamsung for the shit they are throwing
<VIad> the only bug I've had on cm is the non-looping ringtone, otherwise works fine
<iKillCypher> indeed
<VIad> but I only used 10.1
<iKillCypher> cm 10.1 is awesome as of now
<QuinnLion`> Right now all I want to do is be able to control my tablet's CPu clock
<iKillCypher> but stock is shit
<a3Dman> weird, ringtone just loops fine
<VIad> I like some of stock, for instance it had all its apps look the same, so there was a consistency - seems like android devs don't care that the messages and contact look one way but that the phone has a completely different design :P
<VIad> don't know, just wish the plain android had the basic apps at least look the same style wise ^^
<QuinnLion`> o.o
<QuinnLion`> um
<QuinnLion`> Samsung and HTC use their own Messaging app
* QuinnLion` prefers AOSP
<iKillCypher> QuinnLion`, uses thier own messaging app ?
<QuinnLion`> Yeah
<iKillCypher> meaning ?
<QuinnLion`> at least thats been my experience with sammy
<a3Dman> VIad: well, they use 2 variants, holo dark and holo light
<VIad> aosp comes with phone, contacts, messages, calendar, e.g. but my issue is lack of visual customization, like colors, myself I prefer black themes and they are all white/gray :( hurts the eyes
<QuinnLion`> Like yeah sure it stores messages in the same place, but try and import that data on an AOSP or another device, it wont be read
<QuinnLion`> VIad, yes, We need Wysie back :p
<QuinnLion`> (Contacts, MMS mods for CM 4-6
<VIad> just saying, at least the stock phones have a look and feel that is across all the phone stock apps :P
<VIad> something I feel lacks on asop
<a3Dman> well, I can't stand touchwiz
<a3Dman> holo is just simple
<VIad> try looking on it like this, you shouldn't be forced on a specific theme by any app or the system on the phone - it should be a user choice
<VIad> to use what ever theme the user wants on any or all the apps if the user wants - otherwise we get frankenstein phones with each app having a different theme :D
<a3Dman> well, I don't want to change it
<a3Dman> I don't care about theming that much anyway
<VIad> you said "I can't stand touchwiz" so you do care about the looks
<VIad> but what if not everyone like the look that come boundled with their phone? I think it's important to let the users change and decide
<a3Dman> I can't stand the bloat
<VIad> not make a look fixed to each device with no options
<VIad> sounds so 1990
<QuinnLion`> The thing is, is that people dont care
<a3Dman> even touchwiz is not themable
<QuinnLion`> We are the 1%
<iKillCypher> touchwiz is not only about looks
<iKillCypher> lol
<VIad> I really wonder why the aosp doesn't have a built in theme system, really.
<QuinnLion`> AOSP is Android.
<VIad> yes
<QuinnLion`> Not CM
<VIad> cm is aosp with some stuff on top
<QuinnLion`> Exactly
<VIad> talking about aosp that what all companies use as a base
<QuinnLion`> Nevermind :|
<VIad> the base program, aosp should have theme system built in imo :P
<VIad> and let the other devs turn it off if they really don't want anyone to change their experience hehe
<a3Dman> no manufacturer has themes support on android
<a3Dman> lol
<VIad> because it's a mess to keep up to date
<QuinnLion`> Only a carrier, and that, a few devices
<QuinnLion`> TMUS had themes.
<VIad> when aosp makes new stuff they gotta update their theme code and such, lots of work
<QuinnLion`> ^
<a3Dman> QuinnLion`: that's what CM theme manager is based on
<QuinnLion`> yes
<QuinnLion`> I know
<a3Dman> VIad: well, they add a bloat they can't maintain lol
<VIad> I know
<VIad> but themes is something that should exist on the framework level, the core developers of the software, in this case aosp
<VIad> shouldn't be a thing you add on top, it sounds more like a hack lol :P
<a3Dman> well, they don't like theming
<VIad> like your windows or linux having a stock theme and you can't change it unless you hack it with some software
<a3Dman> not sure why
<VIad> I know google hates theming
<VIad> youtube has one theme, gray/white
<VIad> very pleasant to look at in the night :P
<VIad> each time I change clip and must exist fullscreen view I get an epileptic fit of all the whiteness lol
<VIad> just saying, let the user decide what colors they like ;)
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<a3Dman> they leave it to software devs
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<VIad> I am just clueless why at least phones, something that is almost 100% something you look at to use, has so poor support of customization
<VIad> from any company pov, they won't invest to make a theme system as next android version they gotta update their code, too much cost on updating, so they just scrap it and leave it as it is, with a fixed theme :P
<a3Dman> well, it's the new approach it seems
<VIad> don't say "only 1% cares" I am sure if you let people make their own themes, select from the built in android themes, e.g. people would use many different kinds of themes on their phones
<QuinnLion`> Then it's like this. YOu say something is available, everyone's gonna want it
<QuinnLion`> Whether they use it or not
<VIad> if anything it might be a marketing thing, like apple, if you see an apple phone you know it's apple because it looks the same as any other apple phone :P
<QuinnLion`> ^
<VIad> so samsung, htc, e.g. probably want the same effect, so people always know what phone the other uses
<QuinnLion`> Less support calls
<VIad> nexus has a built in root feature I think, you accept to break your insurance
<QuinnLion`> Like "X App isnt themed when I choose a theme" Carrier/Manufacturer: "We're sorry, we dont support third party apps"
<QuinnLion`> VIad, Fastboot OEM unlock
<QuinnLion`> Most offer that now
<VIad> I think any modern device should have an appeal to more advanced users
<QuinnLion`> They do for a bit
<VIad> just let them unlock the features trough some way that is not so easy to accidentally do, and let them accept some stuff
<QuinnLion`> then people upgrade and forget about them
<VIad> like lisence invalid, support can't help, e.g.
<QuinnLion`> *read: Money to burn
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<VIad> that's why I think if you are to do changes, they should be done on aosp level
<VIad> and just let the devs disable what they don't like
<VIad> and people like us that use cm with aosp on the bottom can take full advantage of the customization and advanced features :3
<QuinnLion`> Then you have people complaining of "Oh, but my sister's phone can do this, why not mine?"
<VIad> ^ people will always do this
<VIad> regardless :P
<QuinnLion`> So why give them an inch?
<QuinnLion`> It doesnt make them money
<a3Dman> well, I don't use customization features myself, it's just fast, not bloated and well designed
<a3Dman> that's why I use CM
<VIad> not sure how customization must mean bloat
<VIad> doesn't have to be
<a3Dman> I didn't say that...
<VIad> sorry
<a3Dman> lol
<VIad> but the design is basic aosp
<a3Dman> yeah
<VIad> it's dark theme but some stock apps that follow with it are white and I get infuriated with inconsitensies :P
<a3Dman> as I said, I'm a fan of the HOLO user interface
<QuinnLion`> same, it's dark and simple.
<a3Dman> I prefer the white version myself
<a3Dman> black one is good for media apps
<VIad> let me show you, this is stock cm10.1 phone "recently contacted" and the contact book "frequently contacted" screens
<VIad> I prefer the black one, but sadly contacts/messages/calendar/e.g. use this white/gray version of the theme and no options to swap it :(
<a3Dman> VIad: yeah, phone app uses black, people app uses light theme
<VIad> and it's on aosp level, I wish they'd at least make the stock aosp apps share the system theme or a common theme :P
<VIad> I want the dark holo!
<VIad> but aosp must add this feature in so I can change
<a3Dman> VIad: learn to theme engine then
<a3Dman> you can theme it all
<VIad> don't get me started
<VIad> the theme engine is better than nothing
<VIad> but it too could use some improvements :P
<a3Dman> well, theme engine of cm is great
<a3Dman> starting from cm9
<VIad> for instance if you do like a theme, but that theme doesn't skin app X
<a3Dman> well, no one could theme all the apps
<a3Dman> xD
<VIad> you can't make a quick patch to skin app X, it must be in the theme otherwise you can't apply two themes at once
<VIad> exactly
<VIad> it would be better if you could apply several themes, like layers, to skin the various aspects
<a3Dman> well, it would be a major problem if you force a theme on all apps, specially android
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<VIad> ofc
<VIad> but what I am saying is I now use a theme but it doesn't skin the stock messaging and contacts app
<VIad> and even if I wish to skin those myself, I can't apply my patch on top of the theme by the other guy
<a3Dman> also, only like 2% of developers follow the design guidelines, sadly...
<VIad> I'd have to decompile his theme, apply my patch in it, compile and use
<bl0rp> sounds legit
<VIad> and no theme author can keep a theme updated 100% on all devices
<VIad> what I am saying is the theme engine allows 1 theme at a time
<QuinnLion`> thats why I stick to AOSP like roms
<QuinnLion`> :3
<QuinnLion`> becasue it's all themed.
<VIad> if the theme doesn't them everything you are left with "gaps"
<VIad> and you can't do much about it if the theme author doesn't release the updates for you :P
<a3Dman> yeah
<a3Dman> I never bought and never will buy a theme
<a3Dman> waste of money
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<VIad> I love the option to theme, but you can't take someones theme and fix it yourself
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<VIad> so it's kind of pointless :P
<VIad> I use a theme, but it's 90% compatible, missing some app themes
<VIad> I wanna fix them myself but I can't apply my partial theme on top of the theme I already got :<
<VIad> now I am repeating myself, I'll stop
<a3Dman> VIad: opensource themes gogogo
<VIad> if you ask me :P
<VIad> a theme should be a zip and inside you have xml and image files
<VIad> so anyone can edit it and such ^^
<QuinnLion`> But everything has to be signed D;
<VIad> I buy it, file is downloaded to my Themes folder e.g.
<VIad> it again boils down to Google :P
<QuinnLion`> also: Screw buying themes
<VIad> their fault for not making themes a part of their system
<VIad> btw, played ff8 for 3 days, not sure if avoiding WoW is so much better social wise lol
<VIad> tbh ff games are so much grind >.<
<VIad> I like more fast paced
<VIad> wanted to start on ff7 first but found out how slow it was so I went to ff8, it was a bit quicker :P
<a3Dman> never tired it, and probably never
<a3Dman> too old for this
<VIad> too old for old games?
<a3Dman> no too old for ff
<a3Dman> and wow
<VIad> hehe, yeah
<a3Dman> and any mmorpg
<VIad> I don't think there are games only suited for 30 year old + :P
<VIad> all games are for everyone, all depends on what you like
<a3Dman> these games are bad time killers,
<VIad> ofc
<a3Dman> I don't mind single player, I could just pause it, and continue later
<a3Dman> but in mass multiplayer games, you wont just leave it that simple
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<VIad> if I get immersed, even if it's SP, I still get isolted :P
<VIad> isolated*
<a3Dman> so it would make you stay awake the whole day to play it
<VIad> I had a terrible night :(
<VIad> headache
<VIad> had a dream that could be adapted to the big screen as a movie lol :P
<a3Dman> well, I was awake all night, and I need to sleep
<a3Dman> it's approaching 2pm
<VIad> :(
<a3Dman> I just hope that I could wake at 6pm
<VIad> working night shift?
<a3Dman> was reading some stuff
<a3Dman> your nick name confused me for 20 secs trying to autocomplete, I thought it was Vlad, so I type vl and press tab and nothing, I was like wtf is going on, then I Tried vi and it worked
<a3Dman> damn
<VIad> lol :D
<VIad> it's because Vlad is taken and capital "i" looks similar to "l"
<a3Dman> yes
<a3Dman> all normal names already taken here
<a3Dman> only weird names available
<VIad> yeah
<a3Dman> people have from root to root___________ registered, dunno why xD
<a3Dman> nice signal bars got fixed
<VIad> they were broken?
<a3Dman> yes for i9100
<VIad> I use i9100 too
<a3Dman> the only problem in cm10.1 for me, is graphics glitches/artifacts
<a3Dman> either than than, it's perfect for me
<VIad> hmm
<VIad> where do you see graphics glitches/artifacts
<VIad> and is your ringtone looping? :P
<a3Dman> opaqe/shadows, and google now ones
<a3Dman> and the ringphone just loops
<VIad> ringtone that loops is good
<VIad> mine doesn't and we use the same phone :P
<a3Dman> maybe problem with config or something
<a3Dman> I don't change ringtones anyway
<a3Dman> if I hear it, then it works
<VIad> using a custom ringtone myself
<a3Dman> I'm straight to the point guy
<VIad> otherwise I will sound like any other samsung user :P
<VIad> never gotten an sms while your phone is in your pocket and your clothes on the meeting are on the wall?
<VIad> 5 people go to check their phones :P
<a3Dman> I use orion, never heard someone using it
<VIad> I use my nokia sounds as I got accustomed to it
<a3Dman> I set it to vibrate in meeting, best way to avoid these awkward situations...
<VIad> sometimes I miss my nokia, had kickass apps and awesome theme support ;D
<a3Dman> 3310 ftw
<VIad> I used N78
<a3Dman> I think it will be next phone after i9100
<VIad> you won't believe me
<VIad> but I used my N78 from october 2008
<VIad> until this summer :P
<a3Dman> that's how it should be
<a3Dman> I thought I will use my sgs2 till 2014
<VIad> the keypad broke when I accidentally let it fall to the floor
<a3Dman> but thx to samsung, I need a new phone now
<VIad> :(
<VIad> I had my phone on my table next to my bed, I accidentally hit it when I was turning the alarm off, it fell like 80 cm on the floor
<VIad> and it got a small crack on the plastic, on top :P
<a3Dman> I even said, I shouldn't get iphone, apple only supports them for two years, android phone would have a community support though
<a3Dman> silly me xD
<VIad> nah
<VIad> remember that google has the aosp project
<VIad> but what you and me use are 2nd step away from the devs
<VIad> the code goes trough two devs, the original and then the company that you buy your phone :P
<VIad> even if the devs on aosp listen their fix won't be applied to your phone unless the company implements it too
<VIad> I think galaxy 2 stopped at android 4.0.3 or something
<VIad> I think I read they don't plan to upgrade it any longer
<VIad> but apple is a bit easier since they have direct control on what they release as updates on all their like, 4 phones? :P
<VIad> the iphone is basically same phone with some differences in each generation :P
<VIad> probably not too hard to keep track of and update all at once hehe
<a3Dman> of course
<VIad> is the "google" phones the closest you get to aosp?
<a3Dman> yes
<VIad> I mean, sounds like it would be the best phones to use if you wish closer to developers relationship
<VIad> :P
<a3Dman> and they have zero issues with cm
<VIad> that's because cm uses aosp on the bottom, so they shouldn't ;d
<VIad> all custom roms use asop :3
<a3Dman> I will plan on getting a nexus, but not nexus 4
<VIad> unless they break stuff they should work
<a3Dman> next nexus maybe
<VIad> nexus was expensive tough
<VIad> when compared to galaxy
<a3Dman> it's just 400$
<a3Dman> lol
<VIad> I mean, when I was buying a new phone the sgs2 had most for the money
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<a3Dman> there was a glaxy nexus or nexus s back then?
<VIad> can't remember
<VIad> why doesn't messaging sync with google?
<VIad> it's ridiculus lol
<VIad> it syncs contacts, calendar, everything, but my call log and messages :(
<VIad> just thinking when changing phones
<VIad> it would be nice if those got synced too
<a3Dman> dunno
<VIad> you know what would be nice?
<VIad> if you got a google account and sync, let the user allow apps to use sync to store its data? :P
<VIad> for instance if you got a memo app it would be able to store the data on google drive
<QuinnLion`> There's an app for that
<a3Dman> get nononsense notes, does this very well
<VIad> apps usually provide their own "sync" coding
<VIad> I am talking about having this in the core of the phone
<QuinnLion`> but can use google for storage
<a3Dman> no, it uses google
<VIad> in asop
<a3Dman> and the app looks very native
<a3Dman> I use it since ICS
<a3Dman> the best
<QuinnLion`> I use OI Notepad.
<QuinnLion`> No weird permissions
<QuinnLion`> and export to SD
<VIad> I am just saying it would be nice for devs if they could use the phone API to achieve this sync :P
<VIad> so the nostalgia critic is returning :p
<VIad> I had a hunch considering he probably lost a great deal of viewers
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<losparadises> hi , ihave install cyanogen on my samsung N7100 , but at the beginin, i have stop the download of different langage because i wasn't on WIFI , and now i don't retrieve the folder where i download langage !! help me please for retrieve this !!
<bealtine> wtf?
<losparadises> ?
<QuinnLion`> bealtine, lol
<losparadises> i'm french, sorry for my bad english !!
<QuinnLion`> Sound slike they're talking about languages for Pico or Google TTS?
<losparadises> for pico, i do'n use google tts
<QuinnLion`> go to Pico settings
<losparadises> ok ok, i found the setting ..... it's hard !! thx for help
* QuinnLion` facedesks
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<angelsl> i didn't know settings could be har
<angelsl> ..hard*
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<iMarcus> anyone?
<iMarcus> any people hhere?
<iMarcus> here*
<iMarcus> hey?
<iMarcus> can i ask something?
<bealtine> you get one question and you asked 2
<bealtine> next!
<iMarcus> i cant find any apps to root my phone
<iMarcus> wew
<iMarcus> hey?
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<iMarcus> hey?
<angelsl> is your phone a Nokia 3310?
<iMarcus> no
<iMarcus> i9100
<iMarcus> that's my phone's model
<iMarcus> its a clone one
<angelsl> you have a fake i9100?
<QuinnLion`> lol
<iMarcus> why?
<QuinnLion`> wasnt aware therewere fake ones
<iMarcus> yea
<angelsl> i might consider a customer service job in future
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<angelsl> just so i can laugh at ridiculous questions
<QuinnLion`> hehe
<iMarcus> LOL
<angelsl> iMarcus: don't expect anything for the /real/ i9100 to work on whatever you have
<iMarcus> ok
<QuinnLion`> Lul
<iMarcus> what's that?
<QuinnLion`> 'fake' i9100?
<iMarcus> mine looks like that but the os is andriod
<iMarcus> china model
<QuinnLion`> Sounds like you got gyped.
<QuinnLion`> unless it's this
<iMarcus> i know what's the original samsung galaxy s2 looks like and what's inside it
<iMarcus> i just need the rooting app to change my phone's os
* QuinnLion` picard-facepalms
<bealtine> so google
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<iMarcus> i can't install that cuz i don't have the root of my phone yet
<QuinnLion`> Why do you want root?
<iMarcus> so i can change everything
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<QuinnLion`> brb need to change my CPU
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<warnahly> where is the nightly destination downloaded to ?
<warnahly> where can i find the downloaded nightlie
<warnahly> ??
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<Guest6515> Hello all!, I have a quick question
<Guest6515> i'm trying to use the Clockworkmod version that's on your git for an S2 I9100
<Guest6515> I compiled it and flashed it using odin, but the phone get's stucked at the boot (the screen with the yellow triangle)
<Guest6515> But if i flash the precompiled version works fine
<Guest6515> i'm just taring the zImage and throwing it to odin
<Guest6515> is that the supposed method?
<Guest6515> or I have to repack or something using the initramfs on my phone?
<addi> I think the phone getting stuck at boot is normal, since you are on a CM kernel trying to boot a Samsung ROM
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<Guest6515> but I have installed CM rom prev. to that
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<tonysum> hola
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<Guest6515> any hint you can gimme on how to continue?
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<kZard|nb> So... Has anyone tried Samsung's Stock GS II JellyBean yet?
<frankdrey> i think many people have
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<dsd1212> any way to fix camera freeze on cyanogen 10.1 ATT galaxy note 2. Camera freezes when picture is taken. Says Unfortunately Gallery has shut down.
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<Jiangyi> Quiet around here. :-P
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<kZard|nb> I've not found a good answer anywhere else... (If someone could give me one or direct me in the direction of one I'd be greatly appreceative of it)
<kZard|nb> How does android hadnle multiple user batteries? Does the system know the difference between two batteries, or does constantly swtiching between batteries just mess up the stats?
<kZard|nb> I recently bought a samsung battery extention kit (replaces my stock GS II battery with a 2000mAh one) so I want to know if it would be useful to keep the old one around.
<Jiangyi> Don't think it cares
<Jiangyi> Battery stat wiping is definitely a myth thoughj :-P
<chadouming_home> there is no such things like "stats"
<chadouming_home> that file is reseted every time you reboot or you recharge the phone
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<kZard|nb> why is it a myth?
<kZard|nb> huh. Interesting
<Jiangyi> Yay I finally got real screen protectors on my N4 :-D
<kZard|nb> That goes against just about everything I've read about lithium batteries
<Jiangyi> SGP protectors are awesome-sauce
<kZard|nb> ohcool. Are they clear or matt?
<Jiangyi> Clear, I don't like matte all that much :-P
<Jiangyi> You barely notice that they're there xD
<kZard|nb> cool :) I don't like matt either. Makes pixels sparkly
<kZard|nb> *matte
<kZard|nb> Jiangyi, chadouming_home, could you tell me more about the battery stats thing?
<kZard|nb> I'm open to convincing, but everything I've ever read says that devices using lithium batteries build up a useage history (in order to predict time left?), and because of that the battery needs to be run flat and fully charged again once every 30 battery cycles
<Jiangyi> o_O Don't think that applies to LiPo and Lion
<Jiangyi> And I could've sworn that those side-effects were for the old-school NiCd batteries, not lithium ._.
<kZard|nb> :|
<kZard|nb> er
<kZard|nb> no
<kZard|nb> not memory effects
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<Jiangyi> Either ways, it really shouldn't be true.
<kZard|nb> it is specifically the battery controller itself that builds up a usage history, which gets confused if you only ever leave the battery plugged in
<kZard|nb> if you only ever cycle between 100 and 70 % it might start thinking that the batter is smaller than it is (or so I hear)
<Jiangyi> ._.
* Jiangyi honestly doesn't think so
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<a3Dman> I just replace the battery when it finishes :p
<kZard|nb> or it might think it's larger, and then suddenly the battery reaches a critically low voltage level and the phone shuts down
<a3Dman> if it needs charge I charge it
<a3Dman> that's all my knowledge about battries
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<Shadey> Hey all, I'm about to flash cm10.1 nightly on my S3 international, I saw a throwaway comment on a thread about only being able to flash from ICS, I've got a 3.1.2 JB Rom on at minute. Do I need to downgrade before I upgrade?
<Jiangyi> Yes
<Jiangyi> Well, if you're on 4.1.2 Stock, yes
<Jiangyi> Other 4.1.2 AOSP ROMs should be fine
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<Shadey> ah cool, it's AOSP I think. I'll double check!
<chadouming_home> kZard|nb, that is battery memory
<kZard|nb> ?
<Shadey> ah crap, it's a tweaked stock. better go find a stock ICS then.
<kZard|nb> lithium batteries don't have that though
<chadouming_home> <kZard|nb> not memory effects
<chadouming_home> <kZard|nb> it is specifically the battery controller itself that builds up a usage history, which gets confused if you only ever leave the battery plugged in
<chadouming_home> <kZard|nb> if you only ever cycle between 100 and 70 % it might start thinking that the batter is smaller than it is (or so I hear)
<chadouming_home> what you described is memory effec
<chadouming_home> t
<chadouming_home> and our batteries are not using taht
<chadouming_home> well, "using"
<chadouming_home> and the battery controller are not using stats that are permanent
<chadouming_home> and they are erased every time you charge the phone
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<chadouming_home> or when you shut down/ power up the phone
<kZard|nb> :| I can understand the stats being deleted on every reset (even thought many people say it helps to reset the battery stats, that may easily be a myth) but let me understand you clearly, are you saying that the way you use your battery makes no difference at all? (excluding temperatures and such)
<chadouming_home> doing some full charge cycle (100% to 1-10% then 1-10% to 100%) might help
<chadouming_home> but making 100% to 53% then witch battery
<chadouming_home> switch*
<chadouming_home> does nothing
<chadouming_home> the phone doesnt care
<chadouming_home> it will simply show the battery level of the current battery in
<kZard|nb> okay
<kZard|nb> I hate it when things get so empirical
<kZard|nb> No-one really seems to know how it works, and there's no clear way of testing how long your battery lasts (without investing considerable effort)
<chadouming_home> i've messed battery level once, and it was because i swapped battery while the phone was still powered on and connected
<chadouming_home> took about 20 sec to the phone to realise the new battery level
<kZard|nb> ohlol, I'll remember not to do that :D
<kZard|nb> oh, okay
<chadouming_home> there is a good thread made by entropy512 on this subject tho
<Shadey> so as I need to flash back to ICS before CM, any suggestions where to get a ROM that old?
<Jiangyi> Shadey:
<Shadey> Jiangyi, thanks.
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<Jiangyi> Well, this is the weirdest problem I've heard of so far.
<kZard|nb> the info I've read are pages similar to this one and this one (they're about laptops, but phones should'nt be too different
<Jiangyi> People tries to build for d2 devices with extract-script, ends up with no inside the zip, which means no cellular functionality
galer has quit [Client Quit]
<Jiangyi> However, is pulled and in /vendor, with an mk file that tells it to copy it over to the zip. :-S
<nebkat> Jiangyi: 凸(⊙▂⊙✖ )
<Jiangyi> nebkat: ._. lolwhut
<nebkat> Jiangyi: go to HELL
<chadouming_home> Entropy512, are you there ?
<chadouming_home> trying to find your post, but there is so much BS on xda xD
Shadey has quit [Quit: Page closed]
<kZard|nb> (why I hate forums... )
<Jiangyi> nebkat: NU
<Jiangyi> nebkat:
<chadouming_home> hmm, i think might not have been him
<chadouming_home> but i'm sure he took a part in the discussion
<Jiangyi> Y u do this to Trebuchet :-|
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: it took you one week more to discover this
<a3Dman> lol
<chadouming_home> however, i'm not going throught entropy's 10K post
<Jiangyi> a3Dman: :-P
<chadouming_home> lol Jiangyi, you put some stamp on your home screen ?
kalpik has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
<Jiangyi> chadouming_home: Hold app drawer button, flick it upwards as you would when you wish to remove other shortcuts, voila
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: I always use this gesture to remove apps
Baskey has quit [Quit: If you were there, beware...]
<chadouming_home> i'm not using trebuchet
<Jiangyi> chadouming_home: D-: Traitor!
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<Jiangyi> lol jk
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: it's funny though, we both abused this bug badly
<Jiangyi> lol yep xD
<frankdrey> i use ADW
<frankdrey> because i haz cm7 :3
<frankdrey> @dood nebkat
<bbqbot> nebkat: what up dood
<frankdrey> dood
<frankdrey> dood
<chadouming_home> lol
<frankdrey> does trebuchet run on 2.3?
<chadouming_home> i use nova
<a3Dman> ew nova
<a3Dman> full of hacks
<nebkat> frankdrey: dud
<nebkat> chadouming_home: ew
<frankdrey> ew nova
<nebkat> a3Dman: <3
<frankdrey> trebuchet ftw :D
<chadouming_home> eh, work perfectly for me
<nebkat> this is why I love my channel :)
<nebkat> (except Jiangyi)
<nebkat> fuck Jiangyi
<a3Dman> kthx
endstille has quit [Quit: endstille]
<frankdrey> AND PORT TO 2.3!
<frankdrey> and put on google play
<Jiangyi> nebkat: :-(
<nebkat> a3Dman: im doing it already
<a3Dman> good
<nebkat> Jiangyi: and im doing it because if a3Dman, not you jangidiot
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> w/e, as long as it's fixed xP
<nebkat> Jiangyi: noe.
<nebkat> Jiangyi: every "community" I am in there is someone I hate and annoy just like you
<nebkat> IRL I mean
<Jiangyi> ..........
<frankdrey> NEBOSJA
<frankdrey> GINGERBREAD
<chadouming_home> frankdrey, it's time for you to get in 2013
<chadouming_home> GET ICS at least
<frankdrey> chadouming_home, but it's buggy :(
<Jiangyi> Oh wait, G2X is Tegra2 isn't it?
<frankdrey> yeah
<nebkat> frankdrey: nvidia = worse than sammy
<a3Dman> and like Linus said "So Nvidia, FUCK you."
<nebkat> a3Dman: U R 12 RITE?!?!
<nebkat> a3Dman: Jiangyi: have fun
<nebkat> well no, Jiangyi dont have fun
<a3Dman> nebkat: NO WAI!
<nebkat> Jiangyi: just buy some china white
<Jiangyi> nebkat: lol at the dependency errors xD
<nebkat> Jiangyi: you disrespectful mother fucker
<Jiangyi> relax, I'm just kidding
zap5029 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Thanks dude
kalpik has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Jiangyi> o_O
<a3Dman> I only have 40 apps
<a3Dman> ftw
<a3Dman> temple run 2 is nice
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<Jiangyi> ......
<a3Dman> could someone tell me what's remanning legal in the US nowadays?
<a3Dman> it feels like prison already
<a3Dman> lol
<frankdrey> the worst for me are wifi standy battery drain
<frankdrey> and RILJ battery drain
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: You live there, please enlighten us.
<frankdrey> :|
<frankdrey> murrica sucks
<frankdrey> i'm moving to canada or england
<a3Dman> do not want surveillance and wiretapping plz
<a3Dman> nebkat: did you see how hazard kicked the young boy?
<frankdrey> nah, not going to cm10
<frankdrey> too buggy for me
<nebkat> a3Dman: the boy was a prick
<nebkat> totally deserved it
<nebkat> hazard is just an idiot for doing it because it was obvious something would happen :P
<a3Dman> dude, you don't deserve such kick for being lame xD
<a3Dman> well, the boy is brick I agree, and a nice actor as well
<a3Dman> but hazard gets paid to kick the football, not the boys ass
<nebkat> a3Dman: the boy cant get punished, and they are down 2-0
<nebkat> why dafuq would he hold on to the ball
<nebkat> there was no reason for it whatsoever
<a3Dman> dunno, violence in sport is just lame anyway
<nebkat> a3Dman: fun fun fun
sbrissen is now known as sbrissen_gone
<Jiangyi> wtf
<nebkat> a while ago, but ok :D
<Jiangyi> So the wallpapers that Google included on stock 4.2 isn't in their sauce ._.
<Jiangyi> Don't tell me Google's wallpapers are proprietary....... -_-
KaZo58 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<nebkat> Jiangyi: how so?
<a3Dman> lulz
<nebkat> they are all there
<nebkat> idiotte
<a3Dman> nebkat: not all nexus 4 wallpapres are there
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Not the new 4.2 ones
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<nebkat> gimme example
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<Jiangyi> First 4 :-P
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: the thumbnails aint loading
<Jiangyi> o_O Loads fine on my end
<a3Dman> nebkat: wtf they're throwing like girls...
Turilo has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<nebkat> a3Dman: the chairs? lol
<a3Dman> yeah
<a3Dman> seriously
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<nebkat> how would you through them?
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<a3Dman> nebkat: well, here they just kill each others
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: maybe they added them for nexus and forgot to add to aosp then
<a3Dman> lazy people everywhere you know
<Jiangyi> :/
<a3Dman> or maybe because licensing problems
<a3Dman> or maybe they want it to be a nexus exuclusive
<a3Dman> exclusive
<Jiangyi> It's an interesting theory :-P
<a3Dman> yeh
<a3Dman> I use stock jb wallpaper though
<frankdrey> split into tiny pieces with dd
<frankdrey> rename to .jpg
<frankdrey> put into MMS's
<frankdrey> send
<frankdrey> repiece together
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<a3Dman> do not want kthx
<wifi> lol, wont work unless people to whom your are sending it are also nerds
<frankdrey> wifi, was thinking waratte send something to me :P
<frankdrey> he has no internet on his PC :P
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<|Night|> meh
<wifi> dafuq
<|Night|> why is my hdpa speeds so crap nowW?=
<wifi> get to the 21 century
<wifi> everyone have internet
<|Night|> they became slow after nighlt on the 20th
<wifi> btw, would be faster to send by email than mms
<frankdrey> wifi, he doesn't
<frankdrey> and that's what he said
<frankdrey> but:
<frankdrey> remember?
<wifi> |Night|, peak time ?
<|Night|> wifi: nop
<frankdrey> oh, waratte, encrypt it :D
<|Night|> throughout
<waratte> For what?
<frankdrey> email
<waratte> Why?
<frankdrey> because the US gov reads your emails
<|Night|> :P
<wifi> lol, dd something and change the extension to .jpg is already a kind of crypt
<|Night|> png :P
<a3Dman> US gov tells you stories before bed
<waratte> I'm not /that/ paranoid.
<wifi> if you are really paranoid, crypt everything in the pixel of a picture
<|Night|> i know the us is watching so thats why i have a background scrip to generate random crapdata
<|Night|> :P
<frankdrey> wifi, exactly :D
<frankdrey> waratte, you deleted google play because it updates itself...
<waratte> I'll be fine...
<a3Dman> it's abut time when masturbating is illegal in the US, and huge riots will occur for freedom
<|Night|> North Koera ftw!
<a3Dman> do not want ^
skells has quit [Client Quit]
<|Night|> start a nuce war, get the world inn to a proepr war again
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<Jiangyi> waratte: You're already extremely paranoid if you deleted Google Play
[SkG] has quit [Quit: Saliendo]
<|Night|> indeed
<Jiangyi> waratte: You wouldn't happen to be Chinese, would you? :-P
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: well, I deleted phone.apk
<a3Dman> kthx
<waratte> Nope, I'm American.
<waratte> How come?
<Jiangyi> (Only Chinese users don't use Google services)
<wifi> also, if you are paranoid, yo can simply run a smtp/pop3 server on your own pc
<waratte> haha
<|Night|> and North Korea
<Jiangyi> And that^
<|Night|> they have android with wifi/3G drivers
<|Night|> :P
<nebkat> im back
<|Night|> not even the browser apk
<nebkat> did you miss me?
<a3Dman> nebkat: the first video is nice
<wifi> nebkat : no one care
<a3Dman> lol
<a3Dman> so fun
<|Night|> nebkat: nop, can you voice me now?
wifi is now known as chadouming_work
zap5029 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
<chadouming_work> @bomb |Night|
<bbqbot> chadouming_work: You are not allowed to run that command!
<chadouming_work> -_-'
<|Night|> hehe :P
<chadouming_work> stupid bbqbot
<a3Dman> fail
<a3Dman> lawl
<|Night|> yup
<|Night|> level 100 fail achivement unlocked!
<chadouming> @bomb |Night|
<bbqbot> |Night|, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<bbqbot> 1
<bbqbot> 0
<bbqbot> BOOM!
<|Night|> @bomb blue
|Night| was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was red]
|Night| has joined #teamhacksung-support
<a3Dman> fail!
<a3Dman> FAIL
<a3Dman> you don't do @bomb color
<a3Dman> just say the colour
<|Night|> depends on the bot but still :)
<chadouming_work> eh, that wasnt long enough
|Night| was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by chadouming_work [|Night|]
<a3Dman> wtf, irc brutality
<chadouming_work> wait till a few mins
unknwn has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<chadouming_work> lol
|Night| has joined #teamhacksung-support
<|Night|> hehe chadouming_work
<|Night|> keep in mind i do have my own c-nett (/24 or 256) ipv4 addresses
<chadouming_work> you have a whole /24 for you ?
<|Night|> yup
<chadouming_work> why the fuck ?
<a3Dman> nebkat: in the second video, they can throw chairs.
<|Night|> + a /48 IPv6
<chadouming_work> no care about ipv6 xD
<chadouming_work> also btw, that would require you to log out of irc :P
<|Night|> just a quick disconnect and chaneg binding
<chadouming_work> you still use a cloak :P
<a3Dman> another nick could be using
<|Night|> i could do same without cloack
<|Night|> :P
<a3Dman> techniques of evading bans and pissing ops off
<|Night|> i can update my own PTR records
<chadouming_work> lol, anyway, why the hell you have a /24 ?
<|Night|> im helping to get people over to ipv6
<|Night|> my hoardering ipv4
<|Night|> i have a /24 and a /28
<|Night|> there anrt that many free ipv4s left
<chadouming_work> lol, people will switch to ipv6 only when isp will force them to use ipv6
<chadouming_work> i know
<|Night|> yup
<chadouming_work> i'm studying in IT xD
<|Night|> im doing my masters in IT
<|Night|> :P
<|Night|> so me to
<chadouming_work> eh
<chadouming_work> it's already hard to remember a ipv4 on the fly, i don't want to switch to ipv6 xD
<|Night|> its eas
<|Night|> you can write crap
<|Night|> like 2001::dead:beaf:babe:1
<chadouming_work> i know :: are fun
<a3Dman> lol
Devourz has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
<chadouming_work> at least there are short cut
<|Night|> i can just use 2001:100:100::1
<|Night|> ^^
<chadouming_work> lol
<|Night|> since i have the whole /48
<|Night|> when my ripe gets around to approving my 32 request i can use 2001:100::1
<|Night|> ^^
<chadouming_work> you basically have unlimited ipv6 !
<|Night|> i have more ipv6 on /0 ipv4
<|Night|> ^^
<|Night|> so yeah
<chadouming_work> xD
<a3Dman> no wai
<|Night|> fun things in is i have more ipv4 and ipv6 that the company i work for
<chadouming_work> hmm, they should allocate like 5-6 ipv6 address to everyone
<chadouming_work> so they have to remember only these
<chadouming_work> and whatever they do, they follow them
<|Night|> chadouming_work: normal in ipv6 for home users is /64
<|Night|> so 2001:100:100:100::/64
<chadouming_work> i know
<chadouming_work> but i'm talking at birth, they give you 4-5 ipv6 xD
<|Night|> some even do 56
<|Night|> mobile ipv6 is a pain in the ass
<|Night|> the BGP tables would be 50x the size of today
<chadouming_work> well, they could allocate ipv6 by making the first part country related
<|Night|> agree
<|Night|> 2001: europe
<chadouming_work> no more nat :D
<|Night|> 2000: US
<|Night|> and so on
<|Night|> then the /32 to differnt country
<chadouming_work> yup
<|Night|> or 28
<|Night|> 2001:10xx/28
<chadouming_work> it's not like we are going to miss of these soon xD
<a3Dman> ipv4 is good
<|Night|> no way man
<|Night|> you can fuck so much more with ipv6
<a3Dman> too tall
<chadouming_work> they could even do country then region
<chadouming_work> a3Dman, at the beginning of 2000 they were already missing ipv4
<|Night|> chadouming_home: they could but would harm the rest of rfc
<|Night|> LIR by RFC must have /#2
<|Night|> LIR by RFC must have /32
<chadouming_work> eh, while being there, rewrite all the rules :D
<|Night|> neh
<|Night|> make ipv8 and jump to 256bit
<chadouming_work> lol
<chadouming_work> we have like 128 billions ipv6
<chadouming_work> and already talk about ipv4 ?
<a3Dman> no wai
<a3Dman> true that
<chadouming_work> let's wait till we miss ipv6 and absolutely need to change like we currently doing
<chadouming_work> like if it was usefull to prevent shit from happening to us
<a3Dman> yeah
<a3Dman> I say 2020
<chadouming_work> nah
<a3Dman> 2017?
<chadouming_work> 2015 we might finnaly have isp handing people without special request their ipv6
<a3Dman> good
<|Night|> in Norway they are starting
<|Night|> one of the major cabel providers are nativ ipv6 now for everyone
<|Night|> the *DSL are coming this summer
<chadouming_work> lol, there is still some people with DSL ?
<a3Dman> lol intel yolo
<|Night|> chadouming_work: channal bounding
<|Night|> :P
<|Night|> 100/50mbit on VDSL
<chadouming_work> haha
<|Night|> unlimitebw
<chadouming_work> yet a shitty ping ?
<|Night|> 10ms?
<a3Dman> should be 10ms
dasunsrule32 has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<a3Dman> I have ADSL, 512/64
<a3Dman> epic win
<|Night|> n00b
<|Night|> where do you live?
<|Night|> Texas?
<a3Dman> nope
<|Night|> Hungary?
<chadouming_work> Second-generation systems (VDSL2; ITU-T G.993.2 approved in February 2006) use frequencies of up to 30 MHz to provide data rates exceeding 100 Mbit/s simultaneously in both the upstream and downstream directions. The maximum available bit rate is achieved at a range of about 300 meters; performance degrades as the loop attenuation increases.
<a3Dman> |Night|: ping is 150ms
<a3Dman> woot
<chadouming_work> @geo user bbqbot
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for bbqbot
<bbqbot> {"range":[2953379840,2953424959],"country":"DE","region":"","city":"","ll":[0,0]}
<chadouming_work> @geo user a3Dman
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for a3Dman
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for ~3Dman@unaffiliated/a3dman
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for unaffiliated/a3dman
<chadouming_work> mah
<|Night|> chadouming yup
<a3Dman> ops
<|Night|> if you live abit outside it drops
<chadouming_work> lol
<chadouming_work> like in da old 56k time
<|Night|> ran som tests at 100m from sentral
<|Night|> :P
<|Night|> 250mbit/200mbit
<chadouming_work> eh
<chadouming_work> the only advantage i can see with vdsl is that it can be used over the current infrastructure with minimal upgrade
<|Night|> yup
<|Night|> its expensive to blow fiberoptics
<a3Dman> gigabit internet everywhere
<|Night|> terabit to me!
<|Night|> im sure i could use it
<a3Dman> any vacant jobs where you live? :P
<chadouming_work> haha
<|Night|> chadouming: thats my server, guess where i rebooted
<|Night|> LACP on the switch, so the two top are uplinks and botem is aggregated
<a3Dman> lol
<a3Dman> |Night|: i can install windows xp, any job there?
<chadouming_work> not bad
<|Night|> nop in Norway we only use Windows NT
<|Night|> os: Windows 8 Pro with Media Center  –  uptime: 5d 1h 55m 59s
<chadouming_work> however, for internal network, it's not so hard to achieve that
<|Night|> chadouming: thats external
<Entropy512> <chadouming_home> trying to find your post, but there is so much BS on xda xD - which post?
<chadouming_work> eh, then it's kinda good
<a3Dman> 0:55 up 11 days, 6:02, 2 users, load averages: 1.33 1.31 1.33
<|Night|> uptime: 5d 1h 56m 41s  –  record: 5w 1d 9h 33m 59s
<|Night|> :P
<a3Dman> well 5 weeks is lame
<chadouming_work> Entropy512, the post where you were talking about battery gauge and "the battery stats"
<a3Dman> I did 2 months on a i9100
<a3Dman> serisously.
<|Night|> hehe
<|Night|> free space: 5520.65/29341.2 GB (18.8%)
<a3Dman> ^ win
<a3Dman> rofl
<a3Dman> |Night|: expect me there in 2 years :P
<chadouming_work> 23:57:06 up 150 days, 5:02, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.02
<chadouming_work> bbqlog server xD
<|Night|> a3Dman: by that time ill be at 50TB
<|Night|> derp!
<a3Dman> |Night|: no, I mean at your country
<a3Dman> rofl
<|Night|> 5TB drives are coming this year
<a3Dman> there's 4tb already
<a3Dman> black
<|Night|> indee
<|Night|> d
<|Night|> green are coming in November
<|Night|> 5x1TB platters in a 3.55"
<Entropy512> chadouming_work: I have many such posts. If you're talking about my "notorious battery drainers" thread it's in I777 general somewhere
<Entropy512> if you're talking about the MAX17042 quirks
<chadouming_work> no, i found that thread xD
<Entropy512> search XDA for MAX17040 or MAX17042
<chadouming_work> i believe it'S the 2nd one
<chadouming_work> cause i looked at the thread you started but didnt found it
<|Night|> a3Dman issue with having 30TB is its a pain to manage
<a3Dman> of course
<|Night|> keep track of SMART records and get new drives, rebuild RAID
<|Night|> then you get to the data
<a3Dman> yeah, a drive failing is bad...
<|Night|> a m8 of mine lost 50TB
<a3Dman> fail
<|Night|> 3 drives failed at onces in his raid6
<chadouming_work> ouch
<chadouming_work> raid 1+0 :D
<|Night|> thats why i use raid60
<|Night|> :P
<|Night|> i can lose 4 drives
<chadouming_work> eh
<chadouming_work> the odd he'd loose 3 drives at the same time were really low tho
<|Night|> indeed
<|Night|> but when all 24 drives are from same batch
<|Night|> same make
<|Night|> same firmware
<|Night|> i suspect is the the backpane of the 4u case
<|Night|> plane
<chadouming_work> well, if they are all bought and used at the same rythm, they sould all die at the same time
<chadouming_work> which is not good xDS
<a3Dman> yes
<waratte> indeed
<chadouming_work> i just clapped my finger so strong i tought i broke one xD
<chadouming_work> time for me to get less cafein
<a3Dman> O.o
<chadouming_work> shit happen when you find the error in your 14 pages SQL request xD
<a3Dman> I cut a finger before, it was too bad experience
<a3Dman> boom headshot
<chadouming_work> lol
<a3Dman> I love these cats' reactions
jug6ernaut has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
<a3Dman> I think I should think of something...
<chadouming_work> i think i hate SQL
<chadouming_work> and their stupid group by rules
<|Night|> chadouming_work: what you taking your degree inn?
<a3Dman> I will take a degree in computer engineering woot
<chadouming_work> well, here it's kinda different in quebec
<chadouming_work> we have cegep that is between high school and university
<|Night|> still bacahlor and masters?
<chadouming_work> with my 3 years of cegep i would have a diploma and could go to work
<chadouming_work> but i'll go to university
<|Night|> ah
<|Night|> :)
<chadouming_work> mainly programmation
<|Night|> cool
<a3Dman> :D
<chadouming_work> while cegep course are kinda general
<a3Dman> ok
<a3Dman> I figured something better
<chadouming_work> internet at job is being a bitch, doesnt want to show my drop box xD
<chadouming_work> BUT
<chadouming_work> i have teamviewer
<chadouming_work> xD
<chadouming_work> mouahahhaha
<|Night|> i bill people :P
<Jiangyi> chadouming_home: Why u hate teamviewer? D-:
<chadouming_work> Jiangyi, where did you saw i hate it ?
<chadouming_work> i love it
<Jiangyi> chadouming_home: Ah screw this tiny default font on Arch :-|
<Jiangyi> I read have as hate
<chadouming_work> eh, i'd need to make my self a linux partition on my home computer
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: your eyes are precious, get freetype pkgs...
<chadouming_work> but i already have server with linux for what i need xD
<a3Dman> my PS skills are still nice
<a3Dman> :)
<|Night|> VM Ware Cluster <3
<|Night|> esxi :D
<frankdrey> :o
<frankdrey> cody technically works for nokia?
<|Night|> or as i call it esexy
<chadouming_work> lol,
<|Night|> since ists jsut awsome
<chadouming_work> to see how general our cegep course
<chadouming_work> we had photoshop course and exam
<|Night|> lol
<a3Dman> boom
<|Night|> i had a jave exam
<|Night|> i wrote it in python
<chadouming_work> lol
<|Night|> load python code in java
<|Night|> :P
<Jiangyi> a3Dman: Yeah I always much preferred the font of things on Linux Mint, but I had no idea how to change it on Arch :-|
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: you don't read wiki
<|Night|> the teacher mobmles a few profacnyes
<chadouming_work> our latest exam we had the choice between VB and c# to do some silverlight
<Jiangyi> a3Dman: I guess I missed that one :-S
<|Night|> but i still passed with good grade
<Jiangyi> It doesn't help that almost nothing wants to open on my computer right now....
<a3Dman> O.o
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: anyway you need this bro,
<Jiangyi> a3Dman: Thanks man
<Jiangyi> Now if only FF would load...
<frankdrey> open terminal
<frankdrey> type firefox
<frankdrey> what does it say?
<Jiangyi> a3Dman: Any font that you'd recommend?
<a3Dman> I used ubuntu packages backthen
<a3Dman> from aur
<a3Dman> install the patched packages from the AUR, the package names are: freetype2-ubuntu fontconfig-ubuntu cairo-ubuntu.
<Jiangyi> Ah ok
<Jiangyi> thanks again
<Jiangyi> brb dinner.
<a3Dman> there's infinality, but I didn't try them
<frankdrey> best font is droid
<frankdrey> ttf-droid in official repos
<a3Dman> well, you need to make font rendering better before trying any other font
<a3Dman> I used ttf-droid, was awesome
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