nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT
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<|Night|> ppl alive?
<bl0rp> yap
* a3Dman is ded
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<|Night|> cawhich CM are you running?
<|Night|> i came across an annoying bug
<a3Dman> >-->o
<bl0rp> yesterdays nightly
<|Night|> try Calc
<bl0rp> 2101
<|Night|> see if it owrks
<bl0rp> works
<bl0rp> is your ext sd working?
<|Night|> i just get Error on everything i input
<|Night|> yeah
<bl0rp> damn it
<|Night|> does Calcuator work`?
<bl0rp> 01:18:32 < bl0rp> works
<|Night|> it runs here but when i try to find somethin g like 2+2
<|Night|> it says error
<bl0rp> i get "4"
<bl0rp> ;)
<|Night|> P
<|Night|> strange
<bl0rp> i wonder why the cm download isn't working
<|Night|> im installlng 210113 now
<bl0rp> does is safe the package to the external sd?
<a3Dman> |Night|: don't
<|Night|> a3Dman?
<|Night|> wht
<|Night|> why
<a3Dman> has bug with mounting storage (internal + sd card)
<a3Dman> at least for i9100
<|Night|> i9300 here
<|Night|> 22 coming soon?
<a3Dman> yes
<a3Dman> it will be fixed also
<|Night|> ¨
<a3Dman> fix merged
<|Night|> alot of new on 22
<bl0rp> any ideas how to get the old package on my phone?
<bl0rp> got no usb cable
<bl0rp> and cm updater wont download a bit
<|Night|> dl from intern updater
<|Night|> i am
<|Night|> allways have
<|Night|> i had like 5gigs up nighltes
<Jiangyi> |Night|: Make sure you're not binary or something like that :-|
<bl0rp> damn this sucks
<a3Dman> cyandelta saved me a lot of bandwidth
<|Night|> Jiangyi: tx thats is
<|Night|> 1+1 = 10
<a3Dman> bl0rp: what are you trying to do?
<a3Dman> downgrade to 20th build?
<bl0rp> yap
<|Night|> oh the classic
<bl0rp> but cmupdater isnt working
<a3Dman> installed using cmupdated?
<a3Dman> cmupdater
<bl0rp> yap
<|Night|> there are only 10 kinds of people those who understand binary and not
<|Night|> :Å
<a3Dman> did you install 20th using cmupdater also?
<|Night|> tx Jiangyi
<bl0rp> nope
<a3Dman> bl0rp: you can mount sd and downgrade anyway
<a3Dman> manually
<|Night|> where did i switch back to normal from bin
<bl0rp> right now im in recovery
<bl0rp> do you know where the zips are stored?
<|Night|> bl0rp
<|Night|> b00/cmupdater
<a3Dman> bl0rp: cmupdater folder
<bl0rp> ah gee im blind
<bl0rp> great the old 0107 is there =)
<waratte> =)
<a3Dman> flash it
<bl0rp> thnx guys
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<bl0rp> btw
<|Night|> Jiangyi: where do o switch from bin?
<|Night|> i cant find the option
<bl0rp> do you always wipe dalvik etc?
<bl0rp> or just updating from nightly to nighty?
<Jiangyi> |Night|: Hex panel, where there's dec, bin, and hex
<|Night|> yup found it, kinds not logical place
<|Night|> <3 Casio Classpad 330
<|Night|> a proper calucator
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<a3Dman> bl0rp: just update
<bl0rp> k
<bl0rp> reverting everything w titanium costs so much time ;)
<frankdrey> 1: Hi, I'm Andrey. I used to use...
<frankdrey> 2: Welcome to AA, Andrey
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<frankdrey> 1: Thanks for the welcome. What will we be doing today.
<frankdrey> 2: Today, we will learn about the good A, and not the A that brought you here.
<frankdrey> Today we will be using Android.
<frankdrey> waratte, you should join
<Thiagovfar> Go home, you're drunk.
<frankdrey> they should help you with your addiction
<frankdrey> And don't go into denial.
<frankdrey> The evidence is there.
<frankdrey> <waratte> I don't like micro-usb.
<frankdrey> <waratte> I'm getting an iPhone!
<waratte> Hmm?
<frankdrey> Appleholics Anonymous
<waratte> Oh, lol.
<waratte> It's not my fault that everyone decided to use micro-usb.
<Jiangyi> umm..... It is if you hate on it. ._.
<Jiangyi> In other news, N4 is too awesome
<Jiangyi> Downclock it about 700MHz, still smoother than I9100G :-P
<a3Dman> well, even 200mhz should be smoother on both
<waratte> :/
<a3Dman> gpu does a lot of stuff
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<a3Dman> I used 200mhz on cm10, still gave me 60 fps animation, but lame response times and loading
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<Jiangyi> well, i mean in terms of respond time
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<a3Dman> Jiangyi: still not faster than my i9100 without phone.apk :P
<Jiangyi> lol funny
<a3Dman> I'm wondering why vodafone didn't sell it yet
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: i9100g for 500$
<a3Dman> fail xD
<Jiangyi> ._. Ot
<Jiangyi> It's way cheaper in China afaik*
<a3Dman> of course
<Jiangyi> Something like $300-350
<frankdrey> any of you know the samsung admire?
<frankdrey> waratte, you should ask here :D
<a3Dman> galaxy nexus for 460$
<waratte> Ask what?
<frankdrey> about your phone
<frankdrey> how to root and crap
<waratte> It's rooted, I just want to change the notification bar color into a gradient.
<frankdrey> yeah, that's a tall order ;)
<frankdrey> !dood nebkat
<frankdrey> @dood nebkat
<bbqbot> nebkat: what up dood
<|Night|> derp
<frankdrey> nebkat, can that be done with a launcher????
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<Jiangyi> I think that's SystemUI
<a3Dman> it is
<jackawacka> hello world
<Thiagovfar> My beloved SystemUI
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<a3Dman> I pwn 2 SystemUIs everyday.
<Thiagovfar> Precious
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<Jiangyi> a3Dman: btw, my earpiece issue basically went away
<Jiangyi> Apparently, actually putting in a SIM card into the phone helps a lot xD
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: simcard bay is under front speaker?
<Jiangyi> a3Dman: Not at all, but it somehow helped :-P
<a3Dman> I'm glad it worked
<Jiangyi> It's to the left side, under the volume keys
<Jiangyi> Yeah, no intention of RMAing this at all now lol
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<Jiangyi> vibration I've learned to live with
<Jiangyi> Besides, vibration on a notif is still very loud xD
<a3Dman> nice
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<Jiangyi> Now I should probably take off the factory plastic and put on my real screen protectors... lol
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<Jiangyi> Didn't want to do it since I was thinking of RMA, that would be a waste of $15 :-P
<frankdrey> youre just like my brother :P
<Jiangyi> :/
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<a3Dman> didn't use screen protectors
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<xtacocorex> frankdrey, what did i do wrong again?
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<waratte> frankdrey, which one is it?
<frankdrey> xtacocorex, what?
<frankdrey> waratte, what?
<xtacocorex> i just checked xda for the first time in ages
<frankdrey> oh
<frankdrey> i dunno
<xtacocorex> and you said you were going to try the lameness of my 4.2 aosp for the gtab2
<frankdrey> it din' boot :P
<xtacocorex> ugh
<frankdrey> just do cm10.1 ;)
<xtacocorex> but that actually works
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<frankdrey> well yeah :p
<frankdrey> so use it :P
<frankdrey> AOSP is gonna be almost impossible
<frankdrey> you'll need to completely redo cody's work
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<tangoj> I'm close to having my first successful build. But I need more help on this. Who's game?
<frankdrey> asssssssssskkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
<waratte> Frankdrey, nevermind, I think I got it.
<xtacocorex> blammo, there goes my attempt at aosp
<xtacocorex> rm -rf for the win!
<tangoj> frankdrey> thanks for the help earlier. I'm now getting targets generated, but find that is looking for things not on my ICS phone
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<frankdrey> tangoj, you building cm9, right?
<frankdrey> xtacocorex, :D
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<frankdrey> hmmm...I'm college bound.....
<Jiangyi> CM is better anyways lol
<frankdrey> wonder what that means
<xtacocorex> if i'm going to give up, might as well get rid of the damn past :)
<tangoj> yes CM9 (actually asking for "ics"
<tangoj> with repo init . . . /android.git -b ics and then it's not finding several files, including bcm4334_semcosh.hcd, which isn't in /system/bin on the device
<Jiangyi> Probably an outdated buildscript :-|
<tangoj> so what's the fix
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<waratte> frankdrey, it didn't work. :(
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<frankdrey> tangoj, are you running cm9?
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<tangoj> frankdrey>I guess I'm running CM9 -- I init the repo to ics
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<OmkAR> cm9.1 pwns 10.1
<OmkAR> i dont like jellybean one bit
<waratte> I agree.
<Jiangyi> Nah man, 10.1 >>> 9.1
<OmkAR> now . .. . make JB look like ICS. . . so we get whats under the hood
<OmkAR> that would be nice
<Jiangyi> Well, depends on your device I guess.
<Jiangyi> Exynos devices work better with 9.1 than the newer versions.
<OmkAR> will it be possible to make a theme that makes JB look like ICS cm9.1 style
<OmkAR> same UI
<OmkAR> and all that
<Jiangyi> I prefer the newer JB look much more :/
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, waratte hates google
<frankdrey> kick!
<frankdrey> KICK
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Too bad I can't bomb people :-/
<frankdrey> you can /kick :P
<Jiangyi> Yeah, but that's no fun lol
<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> nebkat, YOU'RE NOT AWAY
<frankdrey> DO IT
<OmkAR> Jiangyi: you like that rolldown thing from the top of the screen?
<OmkAR> u gotta drag it down
<OmkAR> ugg
<frankdrey> OmkAR, O.o
<OmkAR> i like just clicking the clock, and it pops up, like in cm9.1
<frankdrey> oh, on tablet?
<Jiangyi> OmkAR: I don't know what you're talking about ._.
<frankdrey> cm10 is like that too
<OmkAR> is it possible to make it like that on 10.1
<frankdrey> and Cm10 is a LOT faster than cm9
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, phablet ui
<Jiangyi> Oh. :-|
<frankdrey> OmkAR, what device?
<OmkAR> p3110 galaxy tab 2
<frankdrey> ohhh....
<frankdrey> never mind :|
<frankdrey> stupid 7 inch
<frankdrey> yeah, stick to cm9 i guess
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<OmkAR> so they use a different UI for the 10 inch version then
<OmkAR> hrmm
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<Jiangyi> Actually, phablet UIs on 10 inch tablets starting with 10.1 too
<Jiangyi> UI's*
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<OmkAR> <- can i make cm10.1 look like this?
<OmkAR> back button on the very bottom left
<OmkAR> clock on right, no small bar at the top
<OmkAR> by changing the UI
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<Jiangyi> There are probably ways, look on XDA
<Jiangyi> But keep in mind htat CM won't exactly support those methods
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<Loplin> Hi. I just installed cm9.1 on my galaxy tab (sch-i800). Wifi was working fine with it for the first day, but I have been unable to connect via wifi since. Does anyone here have any ideas on what I might do to fix it? Alternatively, is there a recommonded cm10/10.1 for the sch-i800?
<Loplin> I noticed that there are only nightlies
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<Loplin> Also. I read that cm would have worse batterylife than overcome because it does more in software. Is/was there any truth to this?
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<mx3cr> Hello
<mx3cr> Somebody here speaks spanish and would help me, please?
<tuhoojabotti> Finnish, no?
<jcase> Parle vous francias?
<tuhoojabotti> Ei, ei, suomi.
<Jiangyi> Je peux parle un peu de francais
<Jiangyi> 说中文吗?
<mx3cr> Hello, my english is so bad, but i'll try to expose you my problem
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<jcase> Jiangyi, sorry english only
<jcase> mx3cr, try and explain in english if no one speakas up
<mx3cr> I instaled the 5.5 CWM from XDA and my celphone died
<mx3cr> it don't start
<mx3cr> when I pluging to the pc it try to start but reboot
<jcase> what phone
<mx3cr> Galaxy S2
<mx3cr> I9100
<jcase> I personally would just reflash stock firmware, and see if that resurrects it
<mx3cr> but it can't start with download mode, it shows me the warning to press volumen up to start, but before I press it reboot
<tuhoojabotti> mx3cr: press volume up, power and home at the same time, I can't remember if you need to press home, though
<mx3cr> yes, im doing it, but when it display the screen who says "press volumen up to continue or (other key) to cancel" the celphone shutdown
<ctcx> Hello all.
<tuhoojabotti> mx3cr: sounds bad
<tuhoojabotti> hello and bye
<ctcx> I'm about to get a Galaxy Ace Plus, but read there's no official CM support for it.
<tuhoojabotti> Year old cheap phone
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<mx3cr> can somebody help me please
<ctcx> Yes, it's not the best, but it's the best I can get.
<ctcx> So I wanted to ask, by following this guide:
<ctcx> Would it be possible to port CM to this device?
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<frankdrey> So I'm getting an even better PC
<frankdrey> A core2duo
<frankdrey> Well, again, just a mobo
<frankdrey> Hopefully has pcie
<frankdrey> Oh heck of course it will xD
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<etzel> hi all
<etzel> hotspot problem on cm10.1?
<frankdrey> etzel, that's not a complete sentence
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<nebkat> frankdrey: botch pl0xx
<Espenfjo> frankdrey++
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<frankdrey> nebkat, what?
<nebkat> frankdrey: i waa away
<nebkat> in bed
<frankdrey> Oh
<nebkat> asleep
<nebkat> at 3am
<frankdrey> Yeah, notifications bar change color how
<frankdrey> Complete sentence I no ise
<frankdrey> How dangerous is it to decompile systemui.apk to change some colors?
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<frankdrey> @ping
<bbqbot> Version: 0.1, source at:
<frankdrey> Yay
<frankdrey> Ok see ya all tomorrow
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<etzel> anyone experienced hotspot problem on cm10.1?
<etzel> i have galaxy tab 2 3g
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<laxed> Hi, is there a problem with mounting storage on the last nightly for i9100?
<codeworkx> read xda
<laxed> tried to search there, but maybe try again
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<laxed> okay, seems common. will flash back to earlier nightly
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<hunt3r> hi
<hunt3r> how can I get access to my sdcard
<hunt3r> cm10.1 20130121 had a bug
<hunt3r> and I can't get access or download on my phone
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<hunt3r> anyone to help me ?
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<brinsjt> nebkat: Did you get my message?
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<abdullah97> Hi, last night i installed cm 10.1 the last version on my s2 and now the storage not working, can't use camera, gallary, som apps and listen to my music, but in recovery mode the files are there, so please help?
<toxicthunder> try to do a clean install
<toxicthunder> and then see if you're problem is solved
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<abdullah97> the problem is that i cant because i cant download any versions and the cm updater cannot download any thing
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<genghisdani> So I keep having RIL crashes... what should I do to fix that?
<Espenfjo> fix it
<toxicthunder> with chewing gum :)
<cdesai> oh you're here too toxicthunder
<toxicthunder> yup:)
<toxicthunder> cdesai: :)
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<beezza> If i wanna install CWM via Odin, but when i install CWM it comes in a .img file, how do i make it a .tar file that odin will recognize
<beezza> *but when i download CWM...
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<genghisdani> Sorry, stupid computer froze and then restarted... did anyone respond to my question?
<toxicthunder> [20:03] <genghisdani> So I keep having RIL crashes... what should I do to fix that? [20:07] <@Espenfjo> fix it [20:07] <toxicthunder> with chewing gum :)
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<ravi> hiiii
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<Guest95281> any one thr
<genghisdani> I see... thank you toxicthunder.
<Guest95281> can any one suggest me latest cm for arc s nd wifi working kaernal also
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<tuhoojabotti> Is the latest nightly safe for i9100, as in do the sd cards work?
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<codeworkx> tuhoojabotti: yes
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<tuhoojabotti> Nice
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<frankdrey> codeworkx, how's a core2duo?
<frankdrey> am i back in history yet?
<frankdrey> or still prehistoric?
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<Turilo> prehistoric
<frankdrey> ok ;_;
<frankdrey> holy crap
<frankdrey> repo -c
<frankdrey> i pulled all the shits before?
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<codeworkx> frankdrey: prehistoric
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<frankdrey> ok ;_;
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<frankdrey> codeworkx, what happened to p5100/p5110 repos?
<codeworkx> why?
<frankdrey> hmm it's there but doesn't show up when searching on
<frankdrey> i had to go to your github, and click on it from your contributed list
<frankdrey> stupid github
<codeworkx> to much repos for one page
<frankdrey> yeah, got it
<frankdrey> :p
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<Jiangyi> frankdrey: At least you upgraded :-P
<Jiangyi> Also, N4 wifi is epic-sauce
<Jiangyi> cell signal is uber-epic too
<Espenfjo> n4 working fine now?
<Jiangyi> I actually get signal inside my sigbal-proof school xD
<Espenfjo> :D
<Jiangyi> Espenfjo: Yeah, got used to vibrations, earpiece prob solved itself when I put in a SIM card
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<Espenfjo> :)
<Espenfjo> good
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<frapell> Is there any way to activate USB mass storage in CM10.1 for the galaxy S2 ?
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<codeworkx> frapell: adb root && adb wait-for-device shell setprop sys.usb.config mass_storage,adb
<codeworkx> frapell: 1mb/s u know?
<frapell> :(
<frapell> Does anyone here uses MTP on GNU/Linux ?
<frapell> apparently libmtp does not yet work with it
<codeworkx> yep
<codeworkx> works fine
<frapell> mmm... then it's me :-S
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: UMS is in the 10.1 framework? ._.
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<frapell> codeworkx: you use libmtp ? if so, which version ?
<codeworkx> latest from archlinux stable
<Espenfjo> Jiangyi: yeah, still there
<codeworkx> frapell: libmtp gvfs gvfs-gphoto2 android-udev-rules
* frapell will check
<Jiangyi> Espenfjo: oh. ._. Wonder why there's no setting for it then
<frapell> codeworkx: thank you
<Espenfjo> Because UMS sucks
<Espenfjo> speed, features (only sillyfat)
<Jiangyi> :/ Still useful when MTP screws up
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: unusable on devices with data/media
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: cause ext4
<Jiangyi> right :-P
<codeworkx> so works only on i9100 and lower devices
* Jiangyi still thinks he has a 9100g lol
<codeworkx> which are dead
<codeworkx> outdated
<codeworkx> old
<codeworkx> ancient
<Espenfjo> and silly
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: mtp never did trouble here
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I was deleting things off my external card with MTP and it ended up taking out half of the stuff on my internal storage :-S
<Jiangyi> So yeah, MTP = reliable only 80% of the time
<Jiangyi> ADB ftw though
<Espenfjo> Never seen the use of a graphical frontend to rm/mv/cp
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<addi> Jiangyi, the only thing MTP troubles me is by sometimes saying the device has been disconnected when I try to copy anything on to it, but yeah, I still use ADB to push files to phone
<Jiangyi> addi: that I haven't seen before ._.
<bealtine> i use mtp all the time
<addi> Espenfjo, what if I want to copy a few selected files from a folder full of files?
<addi> select and copy to another folder then use cmd to send? :/
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<hrhr> Can anybody help me with proximity sensor and accelerometer on n7100?
<hrhr> noone?
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<frankdrey> Jiangyi, haven't upgraded yet
<frankdrey> my friend's bringing it tonight
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<frankdrey> he said, "I'm getting you a Core2Duo. You need a good computer. Pentium D isn't good enough."
<frankdrey> lo
<frankdrey> *lol
<frankdrey> codeworkx, this guy is tight, he's almost German :D
<frankdrey> he loves Volkswagen xD
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<tmo71> Love your work - I just donated 10 Euros
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<tmo71> Jan 20 Nightly has multiple issues. Installed with CyanDelta, then on a second note from CM. Both N7000s show same problems (AOSP Keyboard, SD Card mounting)
<tmo71> Thanks again for the fantastic work :-)
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<prateekcool007> Hey, Just installed CM10 22 Jan 2013 Nightly over older CM10 (Dec build). After Update. The phone storage shows Just 1.47 GB available
<prateekcool007> It should be about 12/11 GB
<EgotisticalElf> check the total space
<EgotisticalElf> also, check the file manager and see what is on the phone
<prateekcool007> Total Space shows: 1.97 GB
<prateekcool007> moreover...when I connect Phone to PC via USB.. the Internal memory doesnt show up
<EgotisticalElf> what phone?
<prateekcool007> Galaxy S2
<EgotisticalElf> interesting, have you tried a slightly older build?
<EgotisticalElf> my wife is using the sgs2 build from earlier in january without issues
<prateekcool007> will downgrade to older one :(
<bl0rp> prateekcool007: known bug
<bl0rp> switch to 21
<prateekcool007> ohhh ... Thanks bl0rp
<bl0rp> so ppl told me yesterday :)
<prateekcool007> Infact... The phone cant find Network Operators :(
<bl0rp> boot into recovery and select in the cmdowload folder an older zip
<prateekcool007> sure
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<Loopy> Hello
<bl0rp> hi
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<ctcx> Hello?
<ctcx> Someone here? Need help with a not officially supported device...
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<janko> hi
<janko> i need help :D
<janko> anyone here?
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<riassan> You are lol
<riassan> Sup
<janko> pelase :D i want to flash cyanogenmod10 on my samsung galaxy s2
<janko> now i have 4.0.3 android on it..
<riassan> OK
<janko> and i really flashed just once so i need some more detailed instructions..
<riassan> Carrier
<janko> ?
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<janko> ??
<janko> anyone here ready to help me?
<frankdrey> Carrier
<frankdrey> the man asked you your carrier
<janko> i dont know what this is
<janko> :S
<janko> its bought in europe slovenia
<janko> does that tell you something? =/
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<janko> ? .9
<janko> :)
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<janko> ok who is going to help me? i have samsung galaxy s 2 international version.. and i would like to put on cm10
<janko> :)
<bealtine> so follow the guide
<janko> but i have 2.0.3 android on right now..
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<janko> this?
<bealtine> yes
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<a3Dman> frankdrey: congrats on getting c2d
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<frankdrey> a3Dman, not yet
<frankdrey> tonight :D
<a3Dman> frankdrey: on that scale, you should have a quad core processor after 1 week
<a3Dman> I always wanted a quad xeon rig, 64 thread ftw
<a3Dman> but the price of one CPU was 999$
<Kihokki> AMD Athlon II x3 ftw
<a3Dman> /facepalm
<chadouming_work> a3Dman, get 4 amd sempron 16 core :P
<a3Dman> chadouming_work: the xeon one is just awesome, octa core with ht
<frankdrey> i'm wondering if i should reinstall my PC now or wait for the new mobo+CPU
<frankdrey> because i want to installl windows normally so that i can game :|
<a3Dman> I will check its price now
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<chadouming_work> btw, 4 * 8 = 32 thread
<Jiangyi> * 2 cuz of Hyper-threading = 64
<a3Dman> Intel Xeon E5-2690 Sandy Bridge-EP 2.9GHz (3.8GHz Turbo Boost) LGA 2011 135W 8-Core Server Processor
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<a3Dman> only $2,068.99
<chadouming_work> LOL
<a3Dman> can i has?
<a3Dman> imagine 4 of that
<MaXim_> IBM POWER7+
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<a3Dman> the board is 80% cheaper xD
<frankdrey> man, this is crazy
<frankdrey> in the past few days I've gotten a new mobo/cpu and new phone, and getting another mobo/cpu
<a3Dman> well I just need $10K
<MaXim_> 80MB L3 cache
<MaXim_> 4.4 GHz
<chadouming_work> lo
<chadouming_work> l
<chadouming_work> imagine
<a3Dman> epic
<chadouming_work> and it's cheaper than 1 xeon
<a3Dman> that's cheap compared to xeon
<a3Dman> 4 of them is cheaper than 1 xeon
<a3Dman> the higest end one
<chadouming_work> that's what i just wrote
<chadouming_work> and imagine !
<chadouming_work> you wouldnt even see the difference
<chadouming_work> beside if you compile android
<MaXim_> AMD cheats though
<chadouming_work> it might take 30 sec less with the 4 x xeon
<frankdrey> nope
<MaXim_> since it is CMT
<frankdrey> HDD will slow it down
<frankdrey> oh
<frankdrey> i though you said might take 30 seconds :D
<MaXim_> integer and FP units shared between cores
<a3Dman> frankdrey: 2 SSDs on RAID0 should give 1GB/s rate
<chadouming_work> frankdrey, if you get 4 server processor, get at least SSD or scsi
<chadouming_work> MaXim_, not on these CPU
<chadouming_work> those are not bulldozer iirc
<a3Dman> yeah
<a3Dman> bulldozer ftl
<chadouming_work> no
<MaXim_> interlagos = bulldozer/piledriver
<MaXim_> just for socket G34
<chadouming_work> it's a good idea
<chadouming_work> you wont see that kind of idea from intel
<MaXim_> intel already has SMT
<MaXim_> why would they use CMT
<MaXim_> they are just different ways to do similar things
<chadouming_work> intel: "hey, instead of maximizing the efficiency of our code, why not just give more raw power"
<chadouming_work> amd : "Cute, see how you cpu cost 5 times more than ours"
<MaXim_> SMT / Hyperthreading does maximise effiiency
<MaXim_> the only reason why intel chips cost more is that they know they can get away with the price they charge
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<Wonchin> hi
<MaXim_> the bulldozer/piledriver chips are actually power hogs compared to intel's latest
<chadouming_work> and when was the last time intel made something big like amd did with the fusion platform ?
<MaXim_> big?
<chadouming_work> tri-state gate doesnt count
<MaXim_> AMD fusion is just marketing :p
<Wonchin> I just flashed the last 21/01 rom... and now i cant mount sd card. also, I erased previews builds from internal sd card, someone can help me?
<chadouming_work> lol, intel newest idea is to make cpu into motherboard
<MaXim_> iirc Intel actually experimented with integrated graphics long before AMD
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<chadouming_work> it was just sucking so bad
<MaXim_> intel timna was supposed to be a celeron + i810 IGP built into one cpu package
<MaXim_> personally i wouldn't buy AMD fusion since the driver support is horrendous
<chadouming_work> not like it happened into something
<MaXim_> so it is a moot point
<chadouming_work> lol
<chadouming_work> give you a point
<chadouming_work> most of the time ati/amd driver suck
<chadouming_work> it take a lot of time till new game get supported correctly
<MaXim_> both nvidia and ati binary blobs sux
<Wonchin> Any idea about how to solve my problem?
<MaXim_> what phone is it Wonchin?
<Wonchin> i9100
<chadouming_work> we are having a conversation right here, it's really rude and impolite to impose your self like that
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<MaXim_> lol
<a3Dman> chadouming_work: q6600 ftw though
<a3Dman> !!
<chadouming_work> -_-'
<MaXim_> im running an overclocked Q6600
<a3Dman> this one is running for 6 years or something
<a3Dman> like a beast
<MaXim_> must have been one of the longest living chips ever
<a3Dman> yeah!
<Wonchin> chadouming_work: sorry, i have to apologize.
<MaXim_> 6 years and still fast enough for everyday tasks
<chadouming_work> intel : "How do we make a quad-core" intel-engineer: "We put together 2 dual-core !"
<frankdrey> Wonchin, flash 20/01 nightly
<a3Dman> my celeron lived for 10 year, still alive but off
<MaXim_> chadouming_work: MCM is a commonly applied practice in the industry
<Wonchin> frankdrey: I cant
<a3Dman> I overclocked that from 2.4 to 3.4ghz
<Wonchin> Dont have it in the internal sd
<Jiangyi> MaXim_: I have a Q9550
<chadouming_work> lol, i have a apu
<chadouming_work> old generation
<a3Dman> MaXim_: what's the most stable oc you got?
<MaXim_> 3.46 GHz
<a3Dman> G0?
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<MaXim_> yea
<chadouming_work> a8-3850
<MaXim_> it used to have a C2D E6600
<MaXim_> i overclocked that one to 3.92 ghz back in the day
<chadouming_work> with a radeon HD 6850
<chadouming_work> total, 300$ brand new
<chadouming_work> stil run today's game
<MaXim_> ridiculous chip
<chadouming_work> eh, i've pushed it to 5Ghz
<MaXim_> this is a 2006 chip
<MaXim_> you couldn't buy anything faster
<a3Dman> chadouming_work: my GTS250 still runs today's games xD
<chadouming_work> yet, it was what, 800$ and the extreme was 1400$ iirc
<MaXim_> nah $500
<chadouming_work> Wonchin, you have cwm or twrp ?
<MaXim_> still expensive as hell though
<chadouming_work> lol
<Wonchin> chadouming_work: cwm
<MaXim_> but good money spent since i now use that chip in my server 7 years later
<chadouming_work> my computer case is more expensive than my cpu xD
<MaXim_> normally you throw cpus out after 3-4 years
<frankdrey> ok game plan: 80gb sata drive split into 20gb for linux install and 60gb for windows install, 200gb sata for android source, 200gb ide for storage
<MaXim_> i actually salvaged about 16 PCs from uni with C2Ds in them..still good for everyday use
<frankdrey> what do you guys think?:p
<MaXim_> scrap the IDE drives
<frankdrey> why? it's 200gb of storage, why not use it?
<chadouming_work> it's so slow
<chadouming_work> +1, scrap ide
<MaXim_> you can get 250gb SATA HDDs for free these days
<MaXim_> stop using 90s tech :p
<frankdrey> but it's 200gb of storage that i already own D:
<frankdrey> where?
<chadouming_work> Wonchin, by any luck, you have adb connection
<chadouming_work> or if you go in mount&storage
<frankdrey> chadouming_work, done;)
<frankdrey> in PM
<MaXim_> just go any place that is throwing out their IT gear
<a3Dman> I got 2tb sata for 100$
<chadouming_work> and you mount usb
<a3Dman> wd green though
<MaXim_> 5 year replacement cycle
<MaXim_> so many places are now throwing out perfectly good C2D machines
<frankdrey> MaXim_, don't know of any places except for my church and we didn't have any decent hard drives
<frankdrey> but i did get a Pentium D
<MaXim_> eww pentium D
<Wonchin> Im trying to use qtadb. But, TBO I dont know how.
<a3Dman> hehe
<MaXim_> "dual core"
<frankdrey> MaXim_, used to have a Pentium 4 :D
<MaXim_> me too
<MaXim_> it was a good machine
<a3Dman> well mine got burnt
<frankdrey> i mean, about a week ago
<a3Dman> lame mainboard backthen
<frankdrey> as my main PC :D
<MaXim_> yea same
<MaXim_> mobo blew up
<a3Dman> haha
<MaXim_> asus garbage
<MaXim_> but it did have good features for the time
<frankdrey> my Asus P4S533 is still alive :D
<MaXim_> 2002 release, came with gigabit ethernet, SATA and dual channel memory
<MaXim_> crazy
<MaXim_> it was a big jump from my celeron 300A
<frankdrey> ok i'm gonna go downstairs and drink some tea xD
<MaXim_> laterz
<chadouming_work> lol, i ahve a pentium D at work
<MaXim_> not really feeling compelled to buy a new machine these days
<MaXim_> my Q6600 still cuts it
<MaXim_> the only time i really feel like i need more kick is when im running simulations
<a3Dman> yeah, my q6600 just runs good
<a3Dman> almost idle when doing all usual tasks till now
<a3Dman> I don't see the need to replace at all
<MaXim_> the only thing is that it's a power hog
<a3Dman> true
<a3Dman> I use speedstep
<a3Dman> saves a lot
<a3Dman> almost all the time on 1600
<MaXim_> I upgraded my HTPC from conroe to sandy bridge when the psu failed and took out all the components
<MaXim_> new machine use 28 watts at idle compared to 40 on the c2d
<MaXim_> same GPU and such
<a3Dman> nice
<MaXim_> so i run the cpu fanless :p
* whitequark has an ivy bridge one and the machine eats ~7 watts idle
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