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<Jiangyi> lolwhut
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<chadouming_work> shit happens
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<Thiagovfar> Silence, I kill you?
<chadouming_work> shut up arkmed
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<Thiagovfar> Fine, good night.
<n0credit> placebocomposer ftw
<Jiangyi> chadouming_work: Y so srs?
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<chadouming_work> cause me sa made that way
* Jiangyi didn't understand that ._.
<chadouming_work> me sa jar jar binks
<Jiangyi> ..................
<Thiagovfar> Annie are you okay? Are you okay Annie?
<n0credit> lol
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<Thiagovfar> Look at us, soaring through pop culture references, like an eagle.
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* Jiangyi is way out of touch with pop culture clearly
<Thiagovfar> Nerd culture, maybe?
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<cdesai> nebkat: DHL <3
<cdesai> you're in Europe, you'll get it quick
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<Jiangyi> Blah, derp dad
<Jiangyi> Tried to pay insurance of $1800 with a credit card that has an $1000 limit -_-
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* Onixs Bye!
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* Onixs
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<Yappy> hmm... not sure which anti-theft app to get
<Yappy> cerberus looks good
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<QuinnLion> Yappy, there's always not letting the device out of yer sight
<Yappy> thats what i do
<Yappy> but you know, just in case :)
<QuinnLion> Have a fear of being jumped?
<Yappy> stuff like that, yeah :)
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<QuinnLion> Yappy, while cerberus looks really good, I see no specsheets or feature lists
<Yappy> just installed it and sent text message from a nokia
<Yappy> 1st sms acknowledges that the command SMS is received
<Yappy> 2nd SMS reports the location, which were both fairly accurate and quick - on wifi and 3g
* QuinnLion nods
<QuinnLion> 2.99 for lifetime isnt that bad
<Yappy> yeah, will definitely invest
<QuinnLion> though begs the question when will support stop
<Yappy> oh, they have a nice web GUI:
<QuinnLion> sorry 4$ USD
<Yappy> not the most prettiest looking, but it's neat and straight to the point
<QuinnLion> yus, but thats all I can see other than the play store page
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<QuinnLion> damnit
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<Yappy> oh sweet, the site's really easy to use
<Yappy> can lock with code
<Yappy> unlock
<Yappy> too easy
<QuinnLion> though what prevents someone from fastboot erase system and flashing a new rom
<Yappy> there's no app that can prevent that :P
<QuinnLion> thats usually what happens with stolen devices
<Yappy> but i think if thief wipes data or does a factory reset in recovery
<Yappy> the app will reinstall itself
<Yappy> something something it being a system app?
<QuinnLion> yeah, the app wouldnt be set up?
<Yappy> not sure
<QuinnLion> unless it stores it's crap inside it's apk
<Yappy> yeah
<Yappy> lmfao
<Yappy> just took a picture with front camera using webUI
<Yappy> i see me
<QuinnLion> :3
<Yappy> it sent an email to me
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<Yappy> but... because i sync my e-mail on my phone
<QuinnLion> popped up on the phone too
<Yappy> whoever stole the phone can see the email with the picture of themself in it haha
<Yappy> yeah
<Yappy> need to find a way to send to a different email address
<QuinnLion> can have the app send that to another email adress
<QuinnLion> Lo
<Yappy> done
<Yappy> rofl, just tested to see if it sent to the other email
<Yappy> i was smiling retardedly in the camera hahah
<QuinnLion> :P
<Yappy> it's all silent and everything
<Yappy> i like this app
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<gsparas> Hi all...
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<gsparas> Well, I just need one suggestion... I installed the JellyBam version 5, based on 4.2.1 and looks like I made the wrong choice... Just want to know if the CM 10.1 nightly with 4.2.1 is stable to try out?
<QuinnLion> It's stable on my p5113
<gsparas> I have SG III 9300
<Yappy> proved to me enough that this app is worth buying
<Yappy> good stuff
<QuinnLion> but then again it's a tablet and doesnt have a cell radio
<QuinnLion> I'll get the app when I get a new device that doesnt forget it's a phone and actually has a cell radio
<QuinnLion> HTC Vision
<QuinnLion> running 4.0.4
<Yappy> rofl
<Yappy> xperia t here
<Yappy> unlocked bootloader, and have cm10 up and running 2 hours after i got the phone :P
<QuinnLion> Gtalk disconnects, Wifi calling disconnects too,
<QuinnLion> same here,
<QuinnLion> 2 months of research and learning, then rooted 10min after recieving it from ebay
<Yappy> haha yeah
<Yappy> too easy
<QuinnLion> same with the tablet I got for xmas
<QuinnLion> though the G2 was an easier root than my gtab and my G1
<QuinnLion> I wonder if I pick up another one I could rsync between the two <.<
<Yappy> HTC legend was a bitch to root
<Yappy> had to make a goldcard and whatnot
<QuinnLion> I bet
<Yappy> motherfucker doesnt even get write to /system ability even after all that
<Yappy> stupid S-On bullshit
<QuinnLion> EGB HBoot
<QuinnLion> ENG*
<QuinnLion> :3
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<Yappy> the way to s-off the legend is a joke
<Yappy> it's like a timing game thing
<QuinnLion> what'd you have to do?
<QuinnLion> hate that
<Yappy> something fastboot
<Yappy> and press power button at the right time
<Yappy> otherwise brick
<Yappy> or something
<Yappy> HBOOT*
<QuinnLion> adleast you had modified hboots for repartitioning
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<QuinnLion> I see no real instructions
<Yappy> no idea how to do it
<Yappy> i didnt manage to do it successfully
<QuinnLion> ah
<QuinnLion> I dunno
<QuinnLion> I had to use an exploit
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<uri__> hola
<uri__> ??
<imneveral0ne> i
<imneveral0ne> *hi
<uri__> I have a problem with "Spirit FM" signal arrives but no sound. That solution? Dalvik cache? install a different modem? Thank you.
<QuinnLion> look in settings
<QuinnLion> Fiddle around with them
<bealtine> tr4y clearing the settings for spirit
<QuinnLion> lol
<QuinnLion> It's a setting that needs to be modified.
<QuinnLion> defualts dont work on all devices
<uri__> I've done that but still the same ...
<uri__> no problem of "Spirit FM"
<QuinnLion> You've got a message from ,e I have asome questions for you
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<uri__> message?? where?
<QuinnLion> I dont know? a different tab maybe if you're using web irc
<QuinnLion> bah, nevermind,
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<DuperMan> I just had my first REAL #BLAMESAMSUNG moment
<Yappy> lol
<DuperMan> I feel violated. and awesome. and morally superior to samsung.
<DuperMan> :|
<Yappy> as most of us do
<Yappy> please rant, my brother.
<DuperMan> hmmm... well, let me preface my rant saying I'm about 3/4 through Sleeping Dogs
<DuperMan> (which may be a racist comment but it gives sight into my inner machinations all the same)
<QuinnLion> Go on :3
<DuperMan> so being annoyed with the importer, getting the local sammy c.e.o on the phone (guess the importer dude never thought he'll be helpful to a phone-frustrated-guy) took all of 7 minutes
<QuinnLion> :o
<QuinnLion> Cant do that here in the states
<QuinnLion> Have to talk to monkeys
<DuperMan> was promptly given the private phones of two costumer relations dudes, though I'd assume they're more accustomed to their clients being schools
<QuinnLion> phone monkeys*
<DuperMan> heh. lucky for me the higher-up monkey here was just daft enough to 'you wanna talkka teh boss? you talks to teh bawzzz"
<DuperMan> :D
<QuinnLion> :D
<QuinnLion> Did you piss the dude off or something? or was he frustrated previoulsy :P
<DuperMan> the boss sounded very confused at getting a call from a samsung USER. google said he has a bunch of patents accredited to him personally
<DuperMan> which says fukctehwhat post apple
<DuperMan> :)
<DuperMan> but funny morning
<QuinnLion> lol
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<DuperMan> I think he was just amused and aware of the impossibility of changing the sucktastic ways of local importers. I mean, he's samsung...
<DuperMan> ffs
<DuperMan> >< W. T. F.
<DuperMan> for all I know I spoke to cleaning staff, but 3 minutes later I had the ability to truthfully say to the lowerdown higherups 'hey, yeah, that dudes' office told me I's call u'
<DuperMan> also, shitnuggets. somewhere down this chain, someone is me-ing from the other side. :|
<QuinnLion> me-ing?
<DuperMan> being bored at the local samsung suites and idlying, well... WHERE WOULD U?
<DuperMan> :)
<QuinnLion> vocal exercises?
<DuperMan> nah. where I live must be the Australia bad bad management staff get exiled to
<DuperMan> I mean, ffs, who'd ever think there's a single Korean manning Samsung Israel?><
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<DuperMan> anyhow FINALLY new mIRC update
<DuperMan> &&
<QuinnLion> ewww
<DuperMan> not one to wank and have chitchat on the same irc client?
<QuinnLion> O.o mIRC has no video capabilities
<DuperMan> I can't even mention knowing of dcc based f-servers without feeling like pedobear
<DuperMan> so, nvm
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<DuperMan> brb
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<DuperMan> mirc is now at 7.20
<DuperMan> *7.29
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<Yappy> whats new?
<forced_upload> hi was wondering what the heck is "forced upload mode by keypressing", was trying to fit my phone silicon cover with extended battery and that popped on my screen?
<DuperMan> can the only new feature really be 'auto update checking'?
<DuperMan> ><
<DuperMan> srsly
<forced_upload> also im using gs2
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<DuperMan> nvm. an update check is why I updated. ><
<Yappy> lmfaso
<Yappy> -s
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<DuperMan> yup. iFailed
<QuinnLion> lol
<QuinnLion> prolly exploit fixes
<DuperMan> or exploits:D
<DuperMan> now my busy day is over, should I start with supernatural or mythbusters? I've got a whole weekend to believe my note 2 will actually be fixed:D
<forced_upload> supernatural ofc!
<DuperMan> yup. if only 'cause my autodownloadingthingy dl'ed the entire season for mythbusters
<DuperMan> XD
<DuperMan> if ever a day not lacked fial
<DuperMan> fail
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<Guest43395> hey ... i was just wondering if CM10.1 supports USB OTG or not
<Guest43395> my phone is the Galaxy S II
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<workpokes> is there a way to add that multiscreen thing from the notes to just a normal p3100... as far as i can see its just some extra code for window sizing... or has it been done an i am just clueless? :D running cm10.1
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<Kihokki> @changelog i9100
<QuinnLion> hrm
<QuinnLion> E/JavaBinder( 402): !!! FAILED BINDER TRANSACTION !!!
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<QuinnLion> So how do I tell what's not letting me unlock my screen?
<QuinnLion> PID 402 is system server
<QuinnLion> Figured you guys might be interested in this.
<QuinnLion> as this is android itself.
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<QuinnLion> killed the pid for a hot reboot
<Kihokki> Does anyone here have battery drain after installing CM10.1?
<QuinnLion> tablet doesnt last two days for me, here.
<Kihokki> Uhh and I meant Samsung Galaxy S2 int
<Kihokki> I think two days is alot
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<QuinnLion> On my G2 I used to get two...
<QuinnLion> but not any more lol
<QuinnLion> my p5113 only gets maybe 1
<Kihokki> Hmm so I'll try flashing
<Kihokki> Last time I tried this it was december 2012
<geniass> Can anyone help with a kernel build error for i9100? Here's the output: I suspect it may have something to do with repo sync not working
<ashramrak> battery life is roughly the same for me on cm10.1 and neophyte's modded stock rom (i9300)
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<unknwn> i am also have bad battery life with cm10.1 on gs3
<unknwn> high androis os/system/cell standby battery usage
<Yappy> quad core
<Yappy> 1920x1080 screen
<Yappy> 2100mAh
<Yappy> dont expect much from that :(
<QuinnLion> is it really 1080p?
<ashramrak> 1280x720 I think
<QuinnLion> thats what I thought
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<ashramrak> still, wether on stock or cm10.1 "android os" is eating up 40% battery for me, I guess I'll get better battery stats or somethin' to figure out what's happening
<Yappy> oops
<Yappy> 1280x720 yeah
<Yappy> was thinking about my monitor's resolution thats why
<QuinnLion> </3 AMOLED
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<kk> hello all
<kk> i have rooted my phone samsung s2
<kk> korean model with cyangenmod 10
<ashramrak> well we don't know where samsung is going with that screen size crazyness, before we known we might have 22" monitors in our pockets >.>
<kk> but after that i am not able to use GPRS
<kk> can anybody help
<ashramrak> gprs or gps ?
<QuinnLion> set APNs?
<kk> gprs
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<kk> internet
<ashramrak> check your APN settings
<Yappy> there's an app for that
<kk> i have checked its same as it was before
<bealtine> gprs what is this 1990?
<kk> also i deleted it and recreated
<QuinnLion> radio problem
<Yappy> maybe not registered on network
<ashramrak> review every settings and ensure that everything is the same than on your provider stock rom
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<Yappy> mobile network settings -> network operators
<Yappy> when it's searching, sit back and relax
<Yappy> it will take awhile
<kk> all settings are perfect
<kk> calling and all are working
<bealtine> obviouly not
<Yappy> is 3G on? :P
<QuinnLion> *#*#4636#*#*
<kk> i read it some where to downlad modem and apply
<QuinnLion> lol
<kk> no 3g is also not working
<ashramrak> try flashing another radio ?
<kk> another radio??
<kk> only radio files are availaible ???
<kk> i m new into might be I m asking something weird
<ashramrak> should be
<kk> but can you help if you have link to those files
<ashramrak> dunno i have sgs3
<kk> anybody else with S2 and has fleashed cyanogen mod 10 nightly build
<kk> ??
<ashramrak> flash with CWM
<ashramrak> be make sure you got a i9100
<ashramrak> "I got a 3G icon but no data transmitting ? Try to reboot. If still nothing, RIL issue : wait on Samsung. LP1 seems to work better than KP8 modem on newer builds but your mileage may vary."
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<gres_> kk, i'm using cm 10.1 on i9100 (s2)
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<gres_> and before that 10, 9, and 7
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<Kihokki> akSeya, Do you have any battery drain?
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<yoyo> hello there
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<Assid> wassup freakies
<a3Dman> !dood Assid
<Assid> ?
<a3Dman> lol, fail
<a3Dman> a bot should say, "whats up dood"
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<Assid> suck chicken nuggets!
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<Assid> argh
<Assid> so i got a nexus 4.. im happy about everythingbut network speed
<Assid> stupid thing dies in 3g
<QuinnLion> carrier?
<Assid> vodafone IN
<Assid> my galaxy nexus used to work flawless.. so did my sgs2
<QuinnLion> ah, I was gonna say if it's Verizon (US) they force everyone to use their '4g'
<QuinnLion> Heavy QoSing on 3G :p
<Assid> well.. i normally end up in H+ signal
<Assid> hell icant even get speedtest to start on mobile data
<Yappy> check your APN settings maybe
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<QuinnLion> fast dormancy?
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<Yappy> ^
<Assid> works fine if i enable 2g only
<Assid> and TODAY it finally got me more than 2g speeds on 3g
<Assid> now i need to find someont to speak to for 15 mins to see if ti drops the calls
<Assid> the battery drain is pretty bad on 3g
<QuinnLion> If you dont mind International charges I dont mind :P
<QuinnLion> *would volunteer
<Assid> err.. i dont pay for incoming
<Assid> :P
<QuinnLion> i KNOW
<QuinnLion> I know*
<QuinnLion> UK/EU telecom providers dont charge for anything incoming.
<QuinnLion> US does D:
<Assid> and neither does most of asia
<Assid> wtf is up with tasker
* QuinnLion wouldnt know, doesnt use it.
<Assid> everything normally used to be GSM: 40734534.3328 or something
<Assid> now i see pcs ?
<Assid> psc
<QuinnLion> psc?
<Assid> yeah cell near id psc..
<Assid> weird
<Assid> comes in 3g mode
<Assid> i dont think i saw it when i was scanning in 2g
<QuinnLion> Primary Synchronization Codes
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<Baskey> !dood Fissurez
<Baskey> DAYUM
<Fissurez> !dood Baskey
<Fissurez> installing the CS2
<QuinnLion> @dood QuinnLion
<bbqbot> QuinnLion: what up dood
<Baskey> @google CS2
<QuinnLion> 3Win
<Fissurez> gtfo
<QuinnLion> #Win
<QuinnLion> Fuck Golive
<QuinnLion> Crippled CS2
<Baskey> Fissurez: WAT IZ CS2
<QuinnLion> lol
<Fissurez> Baskey ADOBE CS2
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<Jammin6996> hello, is anyone available to help me with a hopefully small quick problem
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<Baskey> Fissurez: FUCK THE ADOBE
<Fissurez> IS FREE
<Jammin6996> i have a galaxy tab 2 10.1 and i am trying to put the latest cwm recovery on it but Odin will only read .tar folders not the .img
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<QuinnLion> Use heimdall commandline
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<Assid> adobe isnt giving it free anymore
<Jammin6996> i have a galaxy tab 2 10.1 and i am trying to put the latest cwm recovery on it but Odin will only read .tar folders not the .img. can anyone please help me?
<Yappy> if you dont have problems with current CWM recovery
<Yappy> no real need to update
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<Yappy> also, if im not mistaken, you seem to have extracted twice
<Yappy> the file.img is inside the file.tar
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<Jammin6996> yappy, i downloaded straight from cwm site it downloaded as .img
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<Yappy> shouldnt you grab it from the galaxy tab 2 10.1 cwm thread instead?
<Jammin6996> i can only find on there
<QuinnLion> yappy Koush doesnt package the imgs for samsung format :P
<codeworkx> tar it?
<QuinnLion> I used Heimdall via command line to flash the img
<DuperMan> hmmm...
<QuinnLion> codeworkx, is it that simple?
<codeworkx> yes
<QuinnLion> I thought there was a script int here too
<codeworkx> name it recovery.img and tar it
<codeworkx> thats all
<QuinnLion> ah
<Yappy> how does one tar a .img?
<QuinnLion> an archive utility?
<Yappy> just create a new .tar archive and put recovery.img in?
<DuperMan> sup?
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<Jammin6996> codeworkx, i was gonna do that but my linux pc broke yesterday so im only using windows
<QuinnLion> how does tarring a file kill an OS?
<QuinnLion> er
<QuinnLion> nevermind
<QuinnLion> Misread
<Yappy> lol
<DuperMan> tell me this ain't the best reason to wish I had cdma
<DuperMan> EVER
<Jammin6996> quinnlion, tarring doesnt kill an OS but a crappy pc breaks and stops running lol
<QuinnLion> DuperMan, broken SIM slot?
<DuperMan> QuinnLion: yup
<QuinnLion> hah
<QuinnLion> that is a good reason to like CDMA
<Yappy> this guy must be joking
<DuperMan> microsimslot
* QuinnLion likes GSM :3
<Yappy> someone wanted a new pc, and part of his parts list is 16GB ram
<QuinnLion> BECAUSE of SIM cards
<DuperMan> I loved gsm. will love it moar when I get this fixed
<Yappy> i said drop it down to 8GB because he's only going to be gaming
<Jammin6996> anyone know a program for windows that will tar a file? (idk if there even is one)
<QuinnLion> Yappy, 8GB here
<QuinnLion> becasue it was cheap
<Yappy> some fool comments on it, saying to stick with 16GB because even when not playing games or running VMs, 8GB isnt enough for him
<DuperMan> Jammin6996: purdy sure either winrar or 7zip does or did that at a point
<DuperMan> why won't they?
<QuinnLion> 9$/stick x 4
<DuperMan> Yappy: you don't know that he's not into 4k porn
<QuinnLion> 7zip will do it methinks
<DuperMan> prove he isn't
<Yappy> lel
<QuinnLion> lol
<Yappy> i have 8GB here too
<QuinnLion> 4k porn, too big
<Yappy> and less than 3GB is used
<DuperMan> what. she. said.
<Jammin6996> i tried winrar and no luck on rar and zip files no tar (it will extract the tar though)
<DuperMan> Jammin6996: u b mad
<Jammin6996> only*
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<Jammin6996> duperman, no im not mad
<DuperMan> I learned today the Samsung 'worldwide' warranty only covers members of the EC (an EU thing)
<QuinnLion> :s
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<Yappy> what a joke
<QuinnLion> :3
<QuinnLion> Hate it
<DuperMan> sell him my i7 920, 16gb @ 1333, gtx580ti448 gfx+gts250physics
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> then, like, gimme riches
<Yappy> wait a minute
<Yappy> what is this vista blasphemy
<QuinnLion> Intel E2200, 8GB 1366 @ 800MHz, gtx660 2GB
<QuinnLion> :3
<DuperMan> inspiring! wait beeschez
<QuinnLion> Vista?
<Yappy> is it not?
<QuinnLion> Hell no
<QuinnLion> 7x64
<Yappy> wot...
<QuinnLion> theme
<Yappy> oh
<Yappy> because the clock
<Yappy> and the desktop button
<QuinnLion> an classic style task bar
<Jammin6996> 7zips website says it will do it, im installing it now
<QuinnLion> h8 7 'buttons'
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<Yappy> clearly an edit in mspaint
<Yappy> /sarcasm
<DuperMan> ah. I so quick.
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> and you, Yappy, are an unintentional telepath
<Frd^> only got i7 2600k + 16G + radeon 6950
<Yappy> my god
<Yappy> i am a psychic
<Yappy> i predict...
<Yappy> samsung wont release exynos
<Yappy> move to sony now
<DuperMan> radeon?:/ so sorry
<QuinnLion> Yappy, only misinformation there is that this isnt a dell. SLIC modded.
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<Yappy> i want to show off my specs
<Yappy> but
<Yappy> i dont want to sound cocky
* QuinnLion shrugs
<Yappy> it's a radeon too :P
* QuinnLion doesnt care for ATI
<Yappy> i have no problems with either
<DuperMan> you guys miss out on physix in, like, both borderlands 2 and batman arkham shitty
<DuperMan> so sad
<Yappy> shitty
<Yappy> lol
<Jammin6996> is anyone running linux?
<DuperMan> well it sucked horribly compared with how well it was reviewe
<DuperMan> d
<Jammin6996> the .tar 7zip made shut down Odin..
<DuperMan> it was reviewed real well for a not-shitty game
<DuperMan> and it was total shit
<DuperMan> :D
<Yappy> what does physix do exactly?
<Yappy> fuck it, im just gonna share my specs
<DuperMan> go for it. physix is some sweet flagwaving
<Yappy> i5 3570 + 8GB + AMD 7950 + sandisk extreme 240GB
<DuperMan> hmm.. with the 250 dedicated for physics I score ~250 higher in 3dmark 11
<DuperMan> personal best is some P6214, overclocked sick
<Yappy> dat feel when can play most games in max settings (4x AA)
<QuinnLion> yappy,
<DuperMan> yup. funness
<Jammin6996> is anyone running linux?
<Yappy> hmm, i have linux mint ISOs here
<Yappy> cinnamon and mate
<Yappy> havent tried linux before
<Yappy> but ive read those 2 are good to try
<DuperMan> I'm letting it run on another box, counts?
<DuperMan> :P
<Yappy> which do i go for?
<QuinnLion> yappy, for example, when you shoot the ground, you should see peices of whatever you shot fly up, right? well physix does stuff like that and decides how gibs fly about.
<DuperMan> it does it's thing, I do mine:D
<QuinnLion> Look at physx demos on youtube
<Yappy> ah
<Yappy> that
<QuinnLion> Yappy, get whatever versiona nd then install gnome3
<QuinnLion> :|
<QuinnLion> Mate and Cinnamon are garbage
<Yappy> oh
<Yappy> :(
<Yappy> well, its just to fool around, i've never really used linux before
<Yappy> i guess i understand the directory abit, if it's anything like androids
<DuperMan> you're about to fool around with it for the first time and you're approaching it as "imma use it"
<DuperMan> sexist
<Yappy> hey
<Yappy> mate.
<QuinnLion> llololol
<QuinnLion> One can not simply start using Ubuntu
<QuinnLion> er
<QuinnLion> *linux
<DuperMan> lol. google streetview van hits donkey.
<QuinnLion> Linku plox :D
<Yappy> lfmao
<Yappy> what is this gnome3
<Yappy> not exactly a gui is it?
<QuinnLion> it is
<Yappy> wait. it is
<QuinnLion> :P
<DuperMan> running over a donkey>writing for yahoo
<Yappy> well, it seems Linux Mint's Cinnamon is A GNOME 3.x shell fork
<Yappy> or whatever
<Yappy> what do? cinnamon or mate
<DuperMan> arch
<DuperMan> it's the simplest
<QuinnLion> :|
<QuinnLion> No
<QuinnLion> Mate is simpler.
<DuperMan> either puppy or centos
<DuperMan> oh, or yellow dog
<QuinnLion> Cinnamon looks like dumbphone/s40 UI
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<QuinnLion> DuperMan, there's choices now for Ubuntu
<QuinnLion> :s
<DuperMan> now? NOW?!!??! 2004 is so robbed
<QuinnLion> and all Microsoft can muster is squares.
<QuinnLion> is it time to play Hollywood Squares?
<DuperMan> I like squares. they're hip. unlike you squares.
<DuperMan> with your 3d.
<QuinnLion> hahha
<QuinnLion> I have SQUARES
<DuperMan> I really lol'ed spots when I saw the 'metro-esque' user switcher in cm-10.1 for the first time
<DuperMan> true story
<DuperMan> also, penguins do look yummy. as do cats:/
<DuperMan> oooh, n' babies.
<QuinnLion> DuperMan, I did too
<DuperMan> so what's up with ms doing so much hard work to become 'that old thing you have an emulation layer for'?
<QuinnLion> emuy layer?
<DuperMan> spoken as what I'd like to believe is as close to a 'fan' ms has, mind you. within reason. people outside reason need be shot.
<DuperMan> if at any moderate market upheavel ms won't be top dog and it's second newest offerings would be reduced to that, it's dead.
<DuperMan> just saying.
<QuinnLion> yeah
<QuinnLion> I thought wp7 was dead when it was released
<QuinnLion> DOA
<DuperMan> well, it was. you're fishing for a necrophilia joke ending with 'wp8 is better' aintcha?
<QuinnLion> hahah
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<DuperMan> I got oneupped by spam. it asked if my persistent fake address will be my last.
<DuperMan> it might be. that'll have poetics in spades.
<DuperMan> that made the filter, while wolfram alpha got spamflagged. f u google.
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<QuinnLion> persistant fake address?
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<Assid> alrite im outta here
<Assid> laters
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<karrot> hello - I have an issue with access to my camera pics thru' my PC (using CM 10.1). is that something I can get help for over here?
<Espenfjo> You are seeing only a small subset of folders on your internal sdcard?
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<AndrewTheAndroid> You're missing some of your photos?
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<Espenfjo> Is there som logic / patter to it? Is it a folder in a folder you see, or do you see the root (/) but with missing folders?
<frankdrey> are the photos all of unicorns?
<karrot> frankdrey: unfortunately not
<karrot> Espenfjo: i'm seeing a subset at times, all folders sometimes
<Espenfjo> Oo
<karrot> when i do see all folders, the DCIM/Camera folder appears to be empty
<Turilo> If any testing is required for CM 10.1 on LTE i317 note 2 im down :D
<karrot> i don't have another cable to test with unfortunately
<Espenfjo> karrot: There are a lot of threads on xda about this issue it seems, so you are not alone.
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<Espenfjo> karrot: See if works for you
<karrot> ooh that's intriguing
<karrot> I asked in the gs3 cm 10.1 thread
<Espenfjo> Some people say it works
<Espenfjo> other dont
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<karrot> well, i'll give it a shot
<karrot> i do have a roundabout way - i can use google + instant upload and then takeout to get it
<karrot> but that's plain annoying
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<Espenfjo> what if you switch to ptp mode?
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<karrot> how do i do that?
<karrot> ooh got it
<karrot> lets see i just switched
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<karrot> no dice. it shows the dcim folder and all the subfolders - but no actual pics
<Espenfjo> How odd
<Espenfjo> Must be some kind of permission problem
<Espenfjo> Do you know adb?
<karrot> yes - i haven't set it up on this box yet though
<Espenfjo> too bad
<Espenfjo> But you had root explorer? See if you can check with that the permissions on the files you can see, and the files you cant
<Espenfjo> see if there is an pattern
<karrot> i kicked off the download
<karrot> it would be useful to have anyway
<AndrewTheAndroid> Espenfjo: MTP's still pretty buggy :/
<AndrewTheAndroid> I was trying to back up pics, when I noticed that it didn't show half of them...
<Espenfjo> I havent used MTP
<Espenfjo> :P
<AndrewTheAndroid> Ended up pulling everything via ADB instead. :-P
<AndrewTheAndroid> UMS is still useful, despite what Google says :/
<karrot> ok camera folder is -> rwxrwxr-x
<karrot> the pics are at rw-rw-r--
<karrot> good enough, right?
<Espenfjo> yeah, you should be able to see them all with that
<karrot> as a side - how do *nix permissions carry over to windows?
<Espenfjo> Not at all. What you see in MTP is what you have access to as the user you are when plugging in the cable
<karrot> ok
<karrot> well, i'm about done with my adb download - i think i'll just pull 'em
<karrot> kinda annoying
<QuinnLion> waht is rw-rw-r-- in nnn?
<QuinnLion> 644?
<Espenfjo> 664?
<QuinnLion> AH
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<karrot> alright - i pulled everything using adb
<karrot> do wish there was a better way
<Espenfjo> adb is perfect, isnt it? ;)
<jomp16> Yeah
<karrot> yes
<jomp16> Adb: first option to recuperate a device (bootloop, etc) and other stuffs
<jomp16> In old sammy devices the 2 option is Odin
<karrot> adb - letting people ls
<karrot> well, thanks for the help
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<bobnormal> hi there. i am trying to revert to an ics stock rom from cm10 nightlies. unfortunately i've tried 3 different ics images at this point, 1 fails, 2 wind up with differing logcat output and a visual hang on the boot 's'. any ideas where to go from here? logcat output is FATAL EXCEPTION IN SYSTEM PROCESS: android.server.ServerThread and W/InputManagerService( 3255): Couldn't create dir.: /data/system/inputmethod and ot
<bobnormal> her such stuff
<bobnormal> device is gt-i9100
<bobnormal> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777 i9300 tf300t
<bobnormal> @downloads galaxys2
<bbqbot> Download at:
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<bobnormal> i'm looking for a stock ICS image because it's what firefoxOS needs to bootstrap. and i was rather hoping to escape google.
<bobnormal> though it won't stop me installing firefoxos for a look, this seems like a good place to ask: is there a google-data-spying-removed version of cm/android someplace? like, no cloud-sync at all, no account setup, etc.
<immortalcy> Hello, i have my I9000 flashed on MIUI 4.0.3 with CM9 (not sure)..and i am trying now to install CM10.1 Official ROM but something is wrong with partition layouts and send an error code 7.. anyone knows what the problem is?
<DDave> immortalcy, by best gues, flash with odin and repartition
<DDave> while you're at it
<bobnormal> ddave: am i likely to see big diffs using odin vs. heimdall?
<DDave> havent used heimdall, so I cant speak for it
<bobnormal> ddave: i have been using heimdall as i'm on a mac and don't even have a 'doze vmware image these days
<bobnormal> ok.
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<bobnormal> have you ever had/heard of a device in this hangs-on-boot-screen-but-is-adb-accessible state before?
<bobnormal> any ideas for a general approach? at this point i'm about willing to try anything
<DDave> my, best guess, flash with odin
<DDave> xD
<DDave> just go back to 2.3.7 or something and then reflash again to whatever you want to use
<frankdrey> immortalcy, that means that an assert is failing in the zip
<bobnormal> ddave: that's an idea, thanks.
<frankdrey> update your CWM
<frankdrey> bobnormal, wipe data?
<immortalcy> how can i update CWM?
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<bobnormal> frankdrey: no worries about wipes. i have tried using boot screen to wipe data and cache. flashed everything possible using heimdall a bunch of times too.
<bobnormal> frankdrey: just going to try installing latest cm nightly to see if i get some functionality back. otherwise back to 2.x.x
<frankdrey> immortalcy, look up how to flash recovery for your device and get it here:
<frankdrey> bobnormal, never a good idea to flash everything possible
<bobnormal> frankdrey: yes. perhaps not.
<bobnormal> frankdrey: though i can flash anything at this point and get adb shells so i think it's not really a problem to resolve the situation, it's just more time and fiddling :)
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<frankdrey> eh
<frankdrey> minecraft anyone?:P
<immortalcy> it seems that the device is on an endless loop now
<jomp16> Err, my notebook is a shit, so minecraft lags
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<jomp16> and i don't have a paid mine account
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<frankdrey> jomp16, i can make a server that isn't "online" or whatever it's called
<frankdrey> but ok :P
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<tuhoojabotti> not bad
<tuhoojabotti> that is webgl running on my S2
<wifi> !geo tuhoojabotti
<wifi> @geo tuhoojabotti
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<jomp16> frankdrey: hey, minecraft server + mineshafter squared auth server = no offline mode and mineshafter squared client can enter
<jomp16> No paid account needed
<wifi> tekkit >
<frankdrey> meh :P
<jomp16> Techicshafter squared
<jomp16> I think its uses minesjaftrr squared
<jomp16> Auth server
<Fissurez> SONY PORN
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<wifi> serioulsy, tekkit is really cool
<wifi> specially nuke
<Fissurez> yas
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<wifi> and nuclear reactor
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<Fissurez> Nova cataclysm
<wifi> i had a nuclear reactor explode xD
<jomp16> wifi: i never used tekkit because multiplayer need paid account
<wifi> y u no buy an account ?
<Fissurez> lol cheapskate
<jomp16> Or single can use tekkit?
<Fissurez> i would play games, but i can't because i have 300 ping problem
<Fissurez> single can tekkit
<Fissurez> but not mp tekkit
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<Fissurez> waitno, you do need an account i think#
<wifi> btw, you can play single player
<jomp16> wifi: donate money or paid account
<jomp16> :P
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<Fissurez> gtfo cheapo
<wifi> log in will fail 2 - 3 times then you will be able offline
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* frankdrey does homework while waiting for daylight
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<frankdrey> this is taking forever
<frankdrey> oh gawd a skeleton and spiders
* frankdrey goes back inside
<wifi> lol n00b
<jomp16> lol
<frankdrey> sun coming up :D
<frankdrey> eh, i don't have a sword yet
<frankdrey> used all wood for torches :P
<frankdrey> eh fk it...I'm GOING IN FOR THE KILL!!!
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<frankdrey> shit there are like 5 of them
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<frankdrey> there's the sun :)
<bobnormal> hrrm somehow i flashed again and it has gone to 'Android is upgrading...' and boot is actually doing something. hopefully this will suffice to get things running again with ics and i can try firefoxos ;)
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<frankdrey> oh, so that's what a creeper looks like
<tuhoojabotti> wifi, finland
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<wifi> yeah, saw your website
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<jomp16> wifi: you can tell me how to play tekkit?
<wifi> learn it
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<deceis> Hi i'm new to installing mods on my phone. I've been building my own computer for years, and have successfully built a dual boot hackintosh. Nonetheless I'm new to this and would like to know where to start when installing Cyanogenmod to my Sprint Samsung Galaxy SII?
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<en1gmaaaa> just got a sprint S3 with cracked screen and bad esn. i think i gonna flash it to cricket but i dont have a cricket acct so im not sure what to put in the spaces where it wants the phone number as i dont have one with cricket
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