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<ayushya> hi,
<ayushya> i just wanted to thanks team hacksung for all their effort
<ayushya> sadly, i can't donate anything
<ayushya> so, i thought i'd say thanks atleast
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<n0credit> you read that codeworkx
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<Jiangyi> lolwhut
<Jiangyi> Toronto Leafs actually won a game ._.
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<chadouming_home> n0credit, i didnt tought people like this still existed
<chadouming_home> xD
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<Jiangyi> chadouming_home: I think BBQLog's broken :-|
<chadouming_home> tell xplodwild
<chadouming_home> or website ?
<chadouming_home> or app
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<Jiangyi> website
<Jiangyi> chadouming_home: There has been quite a few device tree changes to i9100g that just didn't bother to show up
<chadouming_home> depend on the time
<chadouming_home> stupid timezone
<a3Dman> same to sgs2
<Jiangyi> chadouming_home: I mean, they don't show up ever :-|
<Jiangyi> Not even previous/next day
<a3Dman> yeah
<chadouming_home> if they are not merged, it wont happen
<a3Dman> they're merged
<a3Dman> lol
<Jiangyi> they are indeed merged :-P
<chadouming_home> link me
<chadouming_home> to github change
<Jiangyi> chadouming_home: Was incorporated into the 0117 nightly, no changelog on it though
<Jiangyi> Also, BBQLog doesn't show CMFilemanager and LockClock changes :-P
<a3Dman> yes
<chadouming_home> probably missing some kernel reference
<Jiangyi> Was working fine for kernel commits a few months back :-P
<chadouming_home> on the cm-10.1
<chadouming_home> tree
<Jiangyi> OK, that'd make sense
<a3Dman> I did a major cleanup and removed a lot of apps, faster than nexus 4 now.
<chadouming_home> lol
<Jiangyi> a3Dman: you wish. lol
<chadouming_home> yeah yeah
<Jiangyi> chadouming_home: How's the vibrator on your Optimus G?
<Jiangyi> Is it strong, weak?
<chadouming_home> normal
<Jiangyi> Compared to Sammy phones?
<a3Dman> my battery stays for 1.314e+14 nanoseconds, and this is just great.
<chadouming_home> hmm, pretty much the same than my gnex
<Jiangyi> Alright
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: no RMA yet?
<Jiangyi> Imma use this N4 for a few weeks, then decide whether I should RMA it then :-P
<a3Dman> lol
<chadouming_home> i can't really test, i don't have it since january 8th xD
<Jiangyi> chadouming_home: o_O What happened to it again?
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: didn't visit xda since the first apocalypse
<Jiangyi> apocalypse?
<chadouming_home> it's in repair since january 8th
<a3Dman> so RMA could get you a lamer device
<a3Dman> lol
<Jiangyi> Urh.... What broke?
<chadouming_home> i broke the network
<Jiangyi> ..........
<a3Dman> I pwnt my EFS before
<a3Dman> RMA replaced it though
<chadouming_home> well, i pwnt my network connectivity
<chadouming_home> and killed it badly
<a3Dman> as in hardware?
<a3Dman> well EFS with a major pwnage to network on my device
<chadouming_home> i am not sure it's hardware, but if it's not hardware, then whatever i tried didnt break back the netwrok
<a3Dman> s/with/was
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<a3Dman> chadouming_home: are LG devices good with CM?
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<chadouming_home> not in general
<chadouming_home> but optimus G is a nexus 4
<chadouming_home> with LTE
<chadouming_home> and 32GB storage
<a3Dman> yeah
<chadouming_home> and capacitive key
<a3Dman> I meant other mid range ones
<chadouming_home> and a few different hardware
<chadouming_home> so we are swearing at getting everything working xD
<chadouming_home> but hey, we only miss capacitive key and NFC
<a3Dman> good luck
<chadouming_home> i dont know about midrange phone
<chadouming_home> it's my first LG device
<chadouming_home> and probably last
<a3Dman> hahah
<a3Dman> same with sammy for me
<a3Dman> I'd rather get an iphone than a galaxy one
<chadouming_home> your problem
<a3Dman> (still my phone is faster than nexus 4 after cleanup)
<a3Dman> xD
<chadouming_home> galaxy phone here have S4 :P
<chadouming_home> lol
<chadouming_home> no faster than nexus 4
<chadouming_home> don't even think about it
<a3Dman> omg, you don't even let me imagine that my smdk4210 phone is snappy xD
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<chadouming_home> nope
<chadouming_home> i'm controlling your tought !
<a3Dman> :O
<a3Dman> what am I thinking of now?
<a3Dman> >:)
<chadouming_home> your phone
<chadouming_home> and how i can never say what you are thinking at
<a3Dman> hmm
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<Bert_> do
<Bert_> you
<Bert_> think
<Bert_> you
<Bert_> could
<Bert_> write
<Bert_> less
<Bert_> words
<Bert_> per
<Bert_> line
<Bert_> ?
<riassan> Lol
<a3Dman> Bert_: what's wrong?
<a3Dman> nice video
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<chadouming_home> btw, Bert_, yes i can
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<xplodwild> <Jiangyi> chadouming_home: I think BBQLog's broken :-| ==> Blame it on the people who were meant to add cm-10.1 branches to all devices
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<cubi_> in previous day, I see in the changelog there is navigation bar was merged. is that right?
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<Anand_> hi all
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<arz> hi to everyone
<arz> i've got a little question for the latest 10.1 cyanogen rom for the samsung galaxy 2 i9100... how do you switch in mute mode? there isn't anymore the icon next to the notification bar like the previous version of jelly bean.
<bealtine> you want to mute?
<arz> exactly
<arz> maybe the switch full volume, vibe, mute, normal volume
<bealtine> press power and look at the icons is one way
<arz> yes but it's pretty uncomfortable...
<bealtine> you can add various icons to bar
<arz> it's the new standard way to mute in jelly bean 4.2?
<bealtine> add icon for it
<arz> how can i add icons, bealtine?
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<bealtine> off the top of my head i dunno...look around for it
<arz> ok, i'll take a look! thanks! :D
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<bealtine> system/notification/widget buttons
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<Vivek> Hi
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<Guest29937> I need to know
<Guest29937> If there will be any support for samsung galaxy s advance
<Guest29937> ?
<Guest29937> i9070
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<Souledge220> Hi guys
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<Vikas> Hi
<Vikas> HI team
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<Souledge220> I'm thinking about upgrading my GT-I9300 from CM9 to CM10.1 and I was wondering if anybody could tell me whether it is okay for daily use or not.
<angelsl> Souledge220: cm10.1 is pretty stable
<bealtine> well yes but that depends on how you define "okay"
<angelsl> but i think the best way is just nandroid and TIAS
<angelsl> ^
<Guest31407> Hey Devs can you help in porting CM10.1 to i9070
<bealtine> i use my phone as shock horror a phone
<Guest31407> I.e Galaxy s Advance.
<Guest31407> its the Device forum where you can check for the device @ XDA
<Souledge220> Okay, I've read the known Issues. I don't care about FM Radio or FM, Camera maybe but I can live with that as long as it's stabke otherwise.
<Souledge220> @bealtine what's TIAS?
<bbqbot> Souledge220: Command does not exist!
<Souledge220> bealtine what's TIAS?
<bealtine> i dunno whats tias?
<Souledge220> oh sorry I misstook it for you message but angelsl wrote that.
<angelsl> TIAS is try it and see :p sorry
<bealtine> nandroid first..
<Souledge220> Well stable as in it doesn't crash every 15min and generally works as expected.
<Souledge220> Do I have to Nandroid? I use TI Backup.
<bealtine> i use it everyday ymmv
<angelsl> yeah, then i'd say yes to that
<angelsl> whatever works for you, but have a backup
<bealtine> nandroid saves the rom if you dont like it you can restore the old rom
<spY|da> where do i find the "patch" which needs to be applied, to get UMS working? i would like to point that out to another developer for a different model
<bealtine> ums is deprecated
<angelsl> "patch"?
<Souledge220> Right, so I don't need to reflash CM9 if I nandroid correct? Whereas with TI I would first need to reflash CM9.
<Guest31407> Guys can you help ..
<bealtine> yep
<spY|da> bealtine, even if its deprecated, mtp sucls
<spY|da> sucks
<Guest31407> on porting CM10 to Samsung galaxy s advance/
<bealtine> mtp implementations suck ...mtp works fine
<Souledge220> Alright. Thanks for your help, I'll try CM10.1 then.
<Guest31407> Any Suport for I9070 device
<Guest31407> ?
<bealtine> there's a big difference
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<Guest31407> anyone . ..
<Guest31407> here?
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<Guest31407> @ Souledge220 , can you help buddy?
<Souledge220> Oh one more thing. May I restore system data using TI coming from CM9 or could that possibly break things?
<bealtine> dont do that
<angelsl> Souledge220: app data only
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<angelsl> though i'm not sure if that'd work either
<angelsl> meh
<Souledge220> Alright, figured as much.
<Souledge220> Why wouldn't app data work?
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<Souledge220> I get why restoring system data may break things but app data?
<bealtine> it should but who knows
<Vivs> Hi
<Vivs> hello everyone
<Souledge220> Hi
<angelsl> Souledge220: i'd imagine it'd work
<Vivs> One question -- if you can tell
<angelsl> but, what bealtine said
<Souledge220> Alright. I'll just try then. If sth goes wrong, I have backups :)
<Souledge220> Thanks!
<bealtine> nandroid ftw
<Vivs> @bealtine , hi
<bbqbot> Vivs: Command does not exist!
<Vivs> Can you guys helps in porting Cm10 to i9070 - samsung galaxy s advance .
<Thiagovfar> If you're feeling paranoid, save the backups make a backup of the backups somewhere outside the phone. Like on your pc.
<bealtine> i dropbox my nandroids
<angelsl> bealtine: how much space do you have on dropbox >_>"
<bealtine> dunno:)
<Vivs> I m lost
<Vivs> can anyone talk to me plz.
<bealtine> ask a fucking question
<Vivs> can you help in porting cm10 to our device i9070 ..
<bealtine> no
<Thiagovfar> Why?
<Souledge220> I use GDrive with Titanium Backup.
<Vivs> why?
<Souledge220> How do you store your Nandroids on Dropbox?`
<Vivs> I use SDCARD - 32 gb class 10
<Vivs> sandisk
<Thiagovfar> Sdcard is still on the phone.
<Souledge220> Yeah I have one inside my SIII as well.
<Vivs> internal 16 gigs + 32 gb
<Vivs> 11.2+14.3
<Vivs> :D
<Vivs> now left
<Souledge220> Haha. Still bealtine how do you dropbox your Nandroids?
<bealtine> i copy them directly to my pc then to dropbox:)
<bealtine> no magic:)
<Souledge220> Alright. I thought there was some way to do that automatically.
<bealtine> but any cloudy crap is fine
<Souledge220> Yeah.
<Vivs> bealtine , my Qtsn regarding porting of unofficial port of CM10
<Thiagovfar> I'll start using skydrive for that. Got 25gb there
<Vivs> to my device can i go about it.
<Vivs> i9070
<Thiagovfar> Vivs: Can you code?
<Vivs> nah
<Souledge220> I use GDrive cause I don't use it any other way. I have Dropbox for everything else..
<Thiagovfar> Well...
<Vivs> i don;t know coding..
<bealtine> then forget it
<Thiagovfar> You'll have a really hard time then.
<Vivs> I can't forget my lost phone to which one dev ..ported CM10 on 256 MB ram
<Vivs> support
<Thiagovfar> Step 1) Learn to code.
<whitequark> I am dumb and because of that I've gone to *#*#4636#*#* and fucked up my SMSC
<whitequark> what should I do now to fix it?
<bealtine> step 2 ) goto step 1
<Thiagovfar> whitequark: Can you code?
<whitequark> Thiagovfar: FUCK YEAH
<Thiagovfar> I'll adopt that as standard question, from now on.
<Vivs> I can code if required googleing here n there but to go about porting have got no idea
<Thiagovfar> whitequark: Oh, well, you've passed the triage.
<Vivs> cann you guys tell how to do it.
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<Vivs> my device forum @ XDA
<Vivs> pls have a look - JB is out for the device .
<Vivs> official one ..Just want to port CM10
<Vivs> to it.
<bealtine> so start learning C
<Vivs> if you are there over XDA plz do let us know over there
<Vivs> I know a little bit of C.
<Souledge220> I know modems work depending on region and other various factors, but does anyone have a suggestion for a good modem on a GT-I9300 with CM10.1?
<angelsl> why the hell does the 9070 have JB but not the 9100
<bealtine> i use xxella
<Vivs> it released in russia
<whitequark> angelsl: 9100 has JB
<Vivs> not release in my Country i.e INDIA
<angelsl> whitequark: not official
<angelsl> it's only a leak
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<angelsl> unless somehow XDA is very very outdated
<Souledge220> bealtine what region are you in?
<bealtine> ireland
<Vivs> i m fron India
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<Souledge220> Mhh I'm in Germany, but maybe it'll work. I'll give it a shot, thanks.
<Vivs> thanks
<Vivs> i hv flashed it its working fine
<Vivs> but sometime lags
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<Vivs> we have yet not got official threat in XDA Yet
<Vivs> :(
<Vivs> its inside i1900
<cdesai> yea you don't get threats on xda
<Vivs> hi
<Vivs> howz u ?
<Vivs> bhai ..cm10.1 port karna hai i9070 mein
<Vivs> galaxy s advance
<Vivs> mein
<cdesai> isn't someone working on that device already?
<Vivs> jb is out..
<Vivs> no one :(
<Vivs> Still cwm n twrp recovery is not yet done :(
<Vivs> forum ..@ XDA
<codeworkx> Vivs: no one is interested in touching such a device
<Vivs> why so?
<codeworkx> low end, samsung, fucked up, no user base
<Vivs> but it s kind of mini s2
<codeworkx> s2 is damn old
<Vivs> 1ghz dueal core
<Vivs> dual core 400 mali gpu
<angelsl> it has a novathor U8500 SoC
<Thiagovfar> Vivs: Indeed, that device is marketed as "Galaxy S II Lite" on Brazil.
<Vivs> NovaThor™ U8500 chipset
<angelsl> i have no idea what that is
<bealtine> get over it it'll never happen
<whitequark> heh novathor
<codeworkx> Vivs: st ericsson. no way
<whitequark> i know a guy who worked on that chipset
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<Vivs> its really have NovaThor™ U850
<Vivs> NovaThor™ U8500
<Vivs> I just purchased it 2 months back bro.
<Vivs> can't get over it this early.
<Thiagovfar> Then, use it.
<Thiagovfar> I'm trying to get rid of my i9100 for months. That doesn't prevent me from using it.
<Vivs> haha
<Vivs> y u want to get rid of it btw?
<angelsl> Thiagovfar: give it to me :D
<angelsl> then i can trade in two i9100s when i recontract
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<Thiagovfar> Samsung crap on the stock firmware. CM guys getting frustrated with exynos 4. That's about it.
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<Thiagovfar> angelsl: If I'm gonna give it away, I will probably be to someone from my family.
<Thiagovfar> @geo user angelsl
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for angelsl
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for ~angelsl@pdpc/supporter/student/angelsl
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for pdpc/supporter/student/angelsl
<angelsl> i'm just kidding Thiagovfar :p
<angelsl> lol, second person that tried that
<Souledge220> Hey after upgrading to CM10.1 my GT-I9300 seems to be in a boot loop
<angelsl> did you wipe data?
<Thiagovfar> angelsl: Tell us what you know.
<Souledge220> Should I force quit and wipe data?
<Souledge220> Now I didn't.
<angelsl> Thiagovfar: know about?
<Souledge220> How to you mean?
<Thiagovfar> angelsl: Your location.
<angelsl> as in. in recovery, after flashing CM10.1
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<Vivs> lets exchange phones Thiagovfar
<Souledge220> Yeah.
<angelsl> you can have my /16.
<Souledge220> Alright I'll do a data wipe.
<Thiagovfar> @geo host
<bbqbot> {"range":[3057057792,3057123327],"country":"SG","region":"","city":"","ll":[0,0]}
<Thiagovfar> angelsl: Hmm, pretty far away.
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<Thiagovfar> Vivs: Not even if you pay for the shipping.
<Vivs> :D
<angelsl> why would anyone exchange a i9100 for a i9070
<angelsl> beats me
<Onixs> all device have the feature for the fastboot binary to work?
<Souledge220> The Wiki doesn't say you need to do a data wipe, which is why I didn't do it.
<Souledge220> Is it mandatory every time you flash a new rom?
<angelsl> Souledge220: the wiki?
<Thiagovfar> Souledge220: data wipe is mandatory, unless you're upgrading from cm10 to cm10.1
<Vivs> my data remains intact
<angelsl> um. it does, Souledge220
<Souledge220> First time installing CyanogenMod 10.1 to your Galaxy S III, or coming from another ROM
<angelsl> it's even in FULL CAPS
<Souledge220> another ROM = CM9?
<angelsl> yup
<Thiagovfar> Souledge220: Yes.
<Souledge220> Sry, my bad.
<Souledge220> Was following the CM10 instructions.
<Souledge220> Works now. Thanks.
<codeworkx> 99% of all problems/errors = user fault :-D
<Souledge220> Yup. As with programming ;)
<bealtine> hey it not work..why?
<angelsl> bealtine: because you broke it
<angelsl> now it's broken :(
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<a3Dman> xD
<a3Dman> users always accidentally the whole thing
<a3Dman> and that's bad
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<Vivs> [DEV][ROM][ALPHA1] CyanogenMod 10.1 for Galaxy S Advance -->
<Vivs> its in alpha can anyone can join in for the devs
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> no device, no work
<codeworkx> you can't work on a device you don't own
<angelsl> i don't think anyone would wanna touch that device even if they had it >_>
<Vivs> can you helo Diego-ch
<codeworkx> especially on one with a ultra unknown hardware
<Vivs> he is working need help in the issues.
<codeworkx> issues are highly platform specific
<codeworkx> no device, no help
<codeworkx> Vivs: next time buy a nexus device
<a3Dman> a galaxy advance :S
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<Vivs> -USB MTP/ADB/MASS STORAGE - - WiFi -- module loads but other things needs to be fixed - RIL -- blobs are being added to vendor repo - Audio -- blobs are being added to the vendor repo - Vibrator -- driver is not working properly - Camera -- using camera stub
<Vivs> non working list.
<Vivs> Now I realize i bought a wrong one.
<Vivs> :(
<a3Dman> Vivs: probably everything isn't working
<a3Dman> Vivs: samsung sucks at all, even flagship devices has lame issues, imagine medium ones...
<a3Dman> with a chipset I've never heard of
<Vivs> Its ... differnt.. :D
<Vivs> Advance
<Vivs> for Advance users :D
<Vivs> :)
<a3Dman> LOL
<Thiagovfar> As I've said before: Here, it's caled "Lite"
<Thiagovfar> Galaxy S II Lite
<Vivs> SII lite edition hmm
<Thiagovfar> Not that it would matter. The device is the same
<Thiagovfar> Just the marketing is different
<Vivs> hmm
<Thiagovfar> and it seems to work very well
<a3Dman> yep
<a3Dman> it's all about taking all your money
<a3Dman> and give you something with lame name
<Vivs> it works fine ..but in JB it someone laggy
<Thiagovfar> The thing costs the same as a Moto Razr Maxx
<Vivs> its Bechmark is cool
<Vivs> neenamark - 39.6 fps
<Thiagovfar> That's why my next device will be a Nexus, no matter what.
<a3Dman> it's not about benchmarks, it's about how everyday usage
<Thiagovfar> If mine breaks before I get a nexus, I'll just go back to my Sony Ericsson w200i.
<a3Dman> I will do so, but not nexus 4 :P
<Vivs> it works fine ..but as soon i install or play games it starts lagging..
<Vivs> Nexus are google :D
<Vivs> they will be smart :D
<Thiagovfar> Vivs: Hmm. Wouldn't one of the apps you installed be the culprit?
<Vivs> obviously :D
<a3Dman> and they're AOSP
<Thiagovfar> Vivs: What about tracking it down?
<Vivs> and moreover google release updates quickly that the best for the nexus series
<a3Dman> well, my nexus s ran a lot of heavy games without lag
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<a3Dman> of course there's a problem
<Vivs> yes will try that out...reflashed the ROM ..back to stock now.
<Vivs> n rooted :D
<Vivs> My device also runs lots of games don't know which one is heavy but - still laggy..a bit
<Thiagovfar> If you device lags as a whole, after you install your apps, I'd blame the apps. At least a subset of them.
<Vivs> hmm
<Vivs> There are few games where the graphics don't show properly
<Vivs> need for speed most wanted especially.
<Vivs> like road ..its all white ..
<a3Dman> it shouldn't, the device have mali400
<Thiagovfar> Sometimes, I install a clean CM10.1, and it looks f***ing smooth. Put gapps, more apps, it gets a little slower.
<Vivs> True.
<a3Dman> that's the deal with any OS
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<codeworkx> a3Dman: mali isn't the ub0r thing.
<a3Dman> it is not, but it should do MW
<a3Dman> without white streets
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<codeworkx> new android version -> powervr doesn't need any change / mali is totally fucked up
<codeworkx> that's what i see when i hear "mali"
<codeworkx> mali = issues
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<a3Dman> codeworkx: can't agree more.
<Vivs> hmm
<Vivs> Sammy is also ....having lots of buggy codes...
<a3Dman> I use my sgs2 since CM7.2 and I know the pain you have with the graphics stack
<Vivs> makes matter even worse.
<angelsl> go sony!
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<Thiagovfar> Go nexus?
<angelsl> N4 isn't even officially supported by AOSP yet >_>
<a3Dman> it's, only no blobs
<angelsl> they didn't announce it
<angelsl> the source is there, yeah
<a3Dman> maybe because no blobs yet?
<a3Dman> not sure
<angelsl> why blobs
<angelsl> why can't we have everything open sourced
<a3Dman> legal issues
<angelsl> stupid greedy companies
<a3Dman> yes
<Vivs> they keep its lagaly blobs ...and eats our hard earned money
<Vivs> :(
<codeworkx> angelsl: why isn't n4 supported?
<angelsl> codeworkx: not that it's not supported, but JBQ didn't properly announce it
<cdesai> it was in AOSP 1-2 days after release
<angelsl> and the blobs are still missing
<cdesai> there are scripts in the device tree
<codeworkx> angelsl: ?
<angelsl> google hasn't published them is all
<angelsl> i know they can be taken off the device >_>
<codeworkx> angelsl: people who are owning a device are having the blobs
<codeworkx> angelsl: nobody else needs these blobs
<Vivs> :D
<angelsl> my point is for some reason they haven't been published
<codeworkx> angelsl: nobody else is allowed to use these blobs
<angelsl> not that they're not retrievable
<angelsl> meh, whatever it is, N4 is still backordered
<n0credit> codeworkx: can cwm be recompiled with cm kernel?
<codeworkx> n0credit: ?
<Vivs> codeworkx : how to port twrp recovery to any device ..
<Thiagovfar> Oh, God, he pinged cody
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<angelsl> i always thought cody referred to someone else
<Vivs> Thiagovfar do you have ...these two files of CM10 -- needed --ThemeChooser.apk & ThemeManager.apk
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<Vivs> my 1st device which i used with Cm10 --> -- credit to "marcellusbe" who made the breakthrough ..
<Vivs> most importantly its memory was 256 MB only
<Vivs> No w I've 3 time more memory but CM10 devs :( :( :(
<n0credit> codeworkx: if I understand correctly cwm uses it's own kernel, it is possible to replace said kernel with the one in cm 10.1?
<codeworkx> Vivs: throw device 3 times into the air, do the rain dance, donate to WHO, walk around your house, twrp port done...
<codeworkx> n0credit: it's usually the same kernel
<Vivs> lol
<n0credit> codeworkx: okay thanks, so if replace the current cwm kernel for the i9300 with the latest from cm 10.1 my device should not explode right?
<angelsl> i didn't know 1024/256 = 3
<codeworkx> n0credit: y so damn complicated?
<codeworkx> n0credit: if you build CM, you'll also get a recovery.img
<Vivs> only 256 mb was th e ram of Samsung galaxy 3 i5801
<n0credit> codeworkx: I didn't know
<codeworkx> -.-
* codeworkx is crying
<a3Dman> a good facepalm is better than crying
<codeworkx> n0credit: . build/ && lunch cm_i9300-userdebug && mka recoveryimage
<angelsl> isn't the recovery in i9300 stuffed into the boot.img initrd?
<Vivs> can anyone guide me in building CM10.1 so i can it from sources if aviable to port to my device.
<codeworkx> no
<angelsl> or is that i9100 only
<codeworkx> i9000, i9100
<angelsl> ah
<codeworkx> and all other 100000000 variants of them
<codeworkx> the first galaxy tab too
<Vivs> 1900 -19070 (missed )- 19100
<Vivs> just a final input from you is it possible to port or not CM10.1?
<angelsl> no.
<angelsl> wait, possible? yeah sure
<angelsl> no sane person here will do it though
<a3Dman> Vivs: reconsider the rain dance.
<n0credit> codeworkx: thanks, it's compiling
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<Vivs_> got DC
<Vivs_> --
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<Vivs_> ...
<Vivs_> Loading.....
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<n0credit> codeworkx: any way to tweak the speaker volume in the i9300 the same way you did with the headphones?
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<przemas> Hi, is anybody online and could help with samsung i9100 and cm 10.1 freezing on the startup samsung logo after installing cm?
<codeworkx> n0credit: if you wanna kill them
<codeworkx> przemas: factory reset from recovery
<bealtine> thta headphone volume tweak is annoying
<n0credit> codeworkx: wow, such a bad build quality? really?
<przemas> codeworkx: didn't help...
<codeworkx> yep
<codeworkx> przemas: then you did something wrong
<codeworkx> przemas: follow instructions word by word
<n0credit> fuck, vibration is shitty as well
<codeworkx> n0credit: can be adjusted at settings -> advanced -> haptic
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<n0credit> yeah, it's 100%, still shitty
<codeworkx> to low?
<n0credit> yea
<codeworkx> just lol
<n0credit> I can't feel it
<codeworkx> phone jumping around on the table and making ugly sounds are lol
<n0credit> not mine
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<n0credit> barely moves
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<lolwat> n0credit, same for me
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<n0credit> I really don't know if the hardware is faulty or not, but I do remember it being a lot stronger a couple of months back. Always using CM.
<bealtine> maybe the tiny motors have given up
<n0credit> maybe, but it's not like they were used a lot, sucks either way.
<codeworkx> n0credit: cheap phone is cheap phone
<bealtine> dont know but i always switch off haptic i find it annoying
<przemas> codeworkx: i'm pretty sure I followed it well
<n0credit> codeworkx: I wish it was cheap lol
<przemas> codeworkx: only error I got is regarding mount sdcard which I dont have btw
<codeworkx> przemas: works for > 200.000 people. i'm pretty sure you didn't
<codeworkx> przemas: you're having a internal sdcard so there shouldn't be any error
<przemas> codeworkx: is it possible then that there is a hardware problem ?
<codeworkx> przemas: sure
<przemas> codeworkx: any advice hot to get it working?
<codeworkx> shake it
<przemas> oh come on
<n0credit> shake it baby
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<codeworkx> przemas: what do you expect?
<codeworkx> przemas: you failed hard. no log -> no answer
<przemas> codeworkx: any advice how to get phone working :)
<codeworkx> POST A LOG!!!!
<bealtine> let me get my psychic fixer attachment
<przemas> looking for it
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<przemas> what I got from "show log" command from recovery mode is: I: Formatting unknown device W:failed to mount /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 (No such file or directory) Error mounting /sdcard/.android_secure! Error mounting /sdcard!
<przemas> does it help ?
<codeworkx> a log from booting android -.-
<n0credit> codeworkx: I trade you my i9300 for your xperia V, deal?
<codeworkx> no
<n0credit> :(
<codeworkx> i9300 + 500 eur
<codeworkx> then you can have it
<n0credit> but you pay shipping
<codeworkx> how much?
<Jiangyi> Blah, my Google-fu is failing me.
<Jiangyi> Can't figure out what libnetcmdiface is :-|
<n0credit> shipping + customs = around 320 eur
<codeworkx> n0credit: like i've said. i9300 + 500 Eur vs. xperia v
<angelsl> my brother has an xperia v
<angelsl> i have an i9100
<angelsl> :(
<n0credit> codeworkx: Y U SO MEAN?
<codeworkx> n0credit: i9300 is worth nothing. xperia v is worth 500 eur
<codeworkx> n0credit: so its fair
<n0credit> haha true
<przemas> codeworkx: i have no idea yet how to do that so I will try to figure it out first
<n0credit> but I'm sure there are a lot of fools around that'll take it from my hands for 500 eur
<angelsl> codeworkx: give me your i9300, i
<angelsl> 'll pay shipping :D
<codeworkx> angelsl: doesn't have a front glass
<codeworkx> angelsl: really want it?
<n0credit> :o
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Sign your i9300, sell it
<angelsl> does it work?
<n0credit> what happened?
<angelsl> ^
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: You get extra profit :-P
<angelsl> i'm sure some joker would want it
<codeworkx> n0credit: dropped from 30 cm
<codeworkx> n0credit: screen fuct
<codeworkx> cheap crap phone
<n0credit> 30cm?
<n0credit> the fuck
<angelsl> i've dropped my 9100 from at least 1m..
<angelsl> nothing happened
<codeworkx> i9300 is the cheapes phone i ever had
<n0credit> xperia v looks very strong, like a motorola defy
<angelsl> xperia v is bloody light
<n0credit> seems like sony is liking the idea of waterproof phones
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<Jiangyi> Ah damn, just found out that the gapps from is partially broken :-S
<angelsl> it is?
<Jiangyi> angelsl: Voice search FCs unless you update it from the play store
<angelsl> ah
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: tell me if your bbqlinux installation worked
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: j4info, uploaded a new build today
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Gonna do it in a bit, food first :-P
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<przemas> codeworkx: i pulled some logs by adb but I can't find anything useful and I don't want to flood it here also neither I'm sure I pulled proper ones....
<codeworkx> przemas: never heard of ?
<przemas> codeworkx: did, pasting it there ;)
<codeworkx> przemas: if there's a boot issue then there's 10% something usefull at the logs
<codeworkx> 100% ^^
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<przemas> :)
<przemas> codeworkx:
<przemas> codeworkx: let me know it this is what i should get
<codeworkx> that's the wrong one ;-)
<codeworkx> adb logcat
<Jiangyi> Actually, heading out for a bit
<Jiangyi> Gonna get my SIM card cut so I can actually put it into my N4 :-P
<codeworkx> przemas: which cm package did you flash?
<codeworkx> one from 1970 ?
<codeworkx> Sun Apr 29 10:50:29 CEST 2012
<przemas> codeworkx:
<codeworkx> -.-
<przemas> codeworkx: I followed instructions fro how to
<codeworkx> from which howto?
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<codeworkx> przemas: so you installed the kernel... why dont you go to recovery and flash cm?
<angelsl> this is hilarious
<przemas> codeworkx: I go to install zip from sdcard -> install -> chose zip from internal sdcard then it flashes, rebootes and freezes on samsung logo
<codeworkx> przemas: install zip from sdcard -> install -> choose zip from sdcard -> then it flashes -> THEN YOU DO A FACTORY RESET -> reboot -> works
<przemas> codeworkx: cant install it from sdcard because it cant mount sdcard so I did it from internal sdcard and it doesnt work freezes on logo
<codeworkx> internal sdcard is fine
<codeworkx> did you do the factory reset?
<przemas> ok
<spY|da> przemas, i think he meant the internal, the important thing is the "THEN YOU DO A FACTORY RESET"
<przemas> so I did it as you said
<Bert_> Freeze on logo is typically a factory reset not done.
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<przemas> I did factory/wipe out after flashing if this is what you mean
<spY|da> could he try a format system, then flash and then do a factory reset?
<codeworkx> spY|da: that's bullshit
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<przemas> I did factory reset after installing :(
<ctcx> Hello?
<spY|da> Der Teufel ist ein Eichhörnchen :D
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<Thiagovfar> what are the stuff inside /data/system/dropbox ?
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<spY|da> przemas, did you try a different zip file, maybe a cm10?
<przemas> spY|da: not yet, I will try it now
<przemas> spY|da: where can I get it. On the I see only 10.1
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<przemas> codeworkx: could you help somehow?
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<codeworkx> przemas: gimme a few mins
<przemas> codeworkx: sure thanks
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<codeworkx> przemas: do you use odin?
<przemas> codeworkx: no, heimdall I did it from ubuntu
<codeworkx> k
<codeworkx> przemas:
<codeworkx> przemas: heimdall flash --kernel boot.img
<codeworkx> przemas: boot to recovery, flash again, wipe again, reboot
<przemas> codeworkx: proceeding
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<przemas> codeworkx: did it, now after booting it went blank
<codeworkx> reflashed cm from recovery?
<przemas> yes
<codeworkx> please redownload cm
<codeworkx> your zip is probably broken
<przemas> eh
<Thiagovfar> I can't create a NAND backup from CWM. Some troubleshooting:
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<przemas> im download it again
<angelsl> Thiagovfar: dmesg please?
<Thiagovfar> angelsl: Dmesg added
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<angelsl> firefox is asploding when i try to ctrl+f
<Thiagovfar> You can download it
<angelsl> i don't see anything wrong.. weird
<angelsl> try `ls -la`ing that directory
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<Thiagovfar> ls: /data/system/dropbox/event_data@1358472697692.txt: I/O error
<Thiagovfar> and other similar lines
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<angelsl> that's very weird
<angelsl> it can't even stat the file
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<ctcx> Hello.
<angelsl> try fsck.ext4ing it
<ctcx> Someone know what wireless chipset the Galaxy S has?
<angelsl> that's probably not the problem but..
<ctcx> ??
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<Thiagovfar> angelsl: dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p10 of=/sdcard/mmcblk0p10.dump is running. Will try fsck next
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<Thiagovfar> angelsl: There is no fsck on CWM.
<angelsl> really?
<Thiagovfar> The dd completed w/o error, tho
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<angelsl> try mounting the ext4 image?
<angelsl> like on your computer
<Thiagovfar> I'll pull it
<Thiagovfar> This thing is soo weird
<przemas> codeworkx: I download prvious build, pushed it to the device but I don''t see it on it and also adb shell can't find device anymore
<hrhr> Hi. Have anybody problems with proximiny sensor on latest CM10.1 builds?
<Thiagovfar> hrhr: Which device?
<hrhr> n7100
<hrhr> Both my own build and latest downloaded from
<hrhr> In stock firmware all fine
<Thiagovfar> angelsl: Same error on the host-mounted image
<angelsl> o_O
<angelsl> fsck it?
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<Thiagovfar> lots of errors
<angelsl> uh-oh
<Thiagovfar> LOTS OF THEM
<angelsl> make a backup and then fsck repair
<angelsl> i suppose
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<Thiagovfar> It has so many errors that I think there must be something very wrong.
<Thiagovfar> Look at how nice they are
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<Thiagovfar> You know what's best? I had just deleted all of my backups to take a fresh one.
<Tom03> hi, I wanto to upgrade from a CM10 (4.1.x) Version to the latest CM10 (4.2.x) nightly. Do I need to reinstall my apps after upgrading to the latest nightly ??
<angelsl> Thiagovfar: next time make the backup before deleting the rest :p
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<Thiagovfar> Yeah, guess I'll have to do that.
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<chadouming_home> Tom03, make a backup, flash the new rom, if you see error, wipe data
<chadouming_home> or restore the backup
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<bealtine> you'll need to wipe data for the clock but that's it iirc
<Thiagovfar> How are badblocks handled on android? Marked on the filesystem or at some lower level?
<EgotisticalElf> Thiagovfar, ask how bad blocks are dealt with in ext4
<EgotisticalElf> or fat or whatever file system you happen to be using
<chadouming_home> so exactly the same linux would deal with it
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<Thiagovfar> Badblocks can be treated by the "hardware", hiding them away from the OS. Or they could not, so I'd have to mark them as badblocks as upon filesystem creation.
<angelsl> i think this is fs corruption
<angelsl> not the nand
<Thiagovfar> This thing is super corrupt =)
<EgotisticalElf> fs corruption you can usually fix with a good format
<EgotisticalElf> nand corruption requires you to mark it bad and move on
<EgotisticalElf> and possibly fix the fs as well
<Thiagovfar> fsck won't even alow me to do: fsck.ext4 -fp file.dump
<Thiagovfar> mmcblk0p10.dump: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY; RUN fsck MANUALLY.
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<angelsl> Thiagovfar: e2fsck :p
<Thiagovfar> Interesting, cwm has rsync
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<Jiangyi> Well, it is an i9100, and we all know how stable the memory chips are on that.... :-P
<chadouming_home> lol
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<Kaik541> chadouming_home: fix lgog pl0x
<chadouming_home> i am working on it
<chadouming_home> but i want my optimus G before really working on it
<chadouming_home> pissed to ask everyone to try things
<Kaik541> chadouming_home: also, convince them to release canadian .tot file to masses (especially if it can be shimmied onto e970)
<Kaik541> I like that idea
<Kaik541> seems much simpler than N4 conversion
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<chadouming_home> lol
<chadouming_home> me dont want anything about tot to go to mass
<feriz> I can open link for google apps
<Kaik541> "let's convert to a platform that is mostly the same, except all the things that are different"
<Kaik541> chadouming_home: were you around in the SGS1 days here?
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<chadouming_home> not here, but i was in in these day
<chadouming_home> where you had to have a pit xD
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<Kaik541> well I was more meaning about how similar the two situations are
<chadouming_home> yup
<Kaik541> "very similar hardware between a flagship and Nexus, let's just run that fucking software... ah shit, things are breaking"
<chadouming_home> but it was my canadian SGH-T959D that i changed into a intl gs2 xD
<chadouming_home> well, there is a slight diff
<chadouming_home> samsung : If thing goes wrong, flash back stock fw. LG: if thing goes wrong, see your 700 paperholder
<Kaik541> chadouming_home: true, but LG also didn't make these devices with modability in mind
<Kaik541> samsung clearly stopped caring at some point
<Jiangyi> Hence the locked bootloader :-P
<chadouming_home> nope, lol
<chadouming_home> we are saying samsung is BS, but it's not that bad when you compare to LG xD
<Kaik541> Jiangyi: which is mind boggling to me
<chadouming_home> i've never bricked a phone before
<chadouming_home> and i was playing with bootloader often
<Jiangyi> chadouming_home: At least there's no idiotic brickbug on LG :-P
<chadouming_home> lol
<Kaik541> Jiangyi: let's make two reference platforms with the gproj-common base (nexus and retail LGOG's) and one will be completely open for the world to enjoy and the other will be locked down
<Jiangyi> Kaik541: Not to mention that the open one's half the cost of the other
<chadouming_home> it's not even a question, nexus are not even yet in stock
<Kaik541> Jiangyi: not everywhere, and there are some features LGOG has that Nexus doesn't
<chadouming_home> but we are really near having something nice on canadian optimus G
<Kaik541> chadouming_home: but the actualy numbers are a mystery
<Jiangyi> Right, fair point
<chadouming_home> true
<Kaik541> chadouming_home: LG announced today they've sold a total of 1 million Optimus G's
<chadouming_home> but you ever heard someone with a optimus G beside you irl
<chadouming_home> ?
<Kaik541> fairly impressive when you realize it has to compete with it's slightly better cousin
<chadouming_home> lol
<chadouming_home> people buy it cause nexus 4 is unavailable ?
<Kaik541> but mindnumbingly depressing when you think that includes carrier subsidized versions and the lack of availability of the N4
<Kaik541> I seriously only got the LGOG when the bootloader unlock was announced because I said to myself "it's an N4 with and SD card and LTE"
<Jiangyi> chadouming_home: My school's filled with apple and Samsung these days
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<Kaik541> chadouming_home: I have met one other LGOG user (a sprint one) and we were both like "someone else has this phone?" o.O
<Jiangyi> Kaik541: only the ATT version has SDcard slot, right?
<chadouming_home> Kaik541, dd modem partition, flash canadian tot, dd modem partition back in place, flash my CM rom
<chadouming_home> enjo
<chadouming_home> y
<Kaik541> chadouming_home: don't have canadian tot :(
<Kaik541> Jiangyi: one of the candian ones do too I think, e971
<chadouming_home> get the telus :P
<Turilo> i also have the canadian note 2
<Turilo> nvm
<Turilo> :P
<chadouming_home> we are talking about optimus G xD
<Turilo> ya
<Kaik541> also in my job, I see literally hundreds of phones a day from customers
<Kaik541> here are the only phones I ever see: iPhone 5 or 4S, SGS3, SGS2(or variant), Note 2
<chadouming_home> lol, in my job, i see 3-4 person / day xD
<chadouming_home> and it's always the same
<Kaik541> and if it isn't one of those, it's an HTC EVO 4G
<Kaik541> I have seen a single original note
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<Kaik541> oh I lie, I have seen a few galaxy nexuses too
<Kaik541> but only because the area I live in just happens to be very popular with sprint and verizon
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<Jiangyi> I've only seen one s2 in my school, and that was my civics teacher's :-/
<chadouming_home> well, gnexx was popular
<chadouming_home> cause it was available at carrier
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<Kaik541> yeah, that's literally the only reason why I've seen them
<Kaik541> I'm the only person I know with a GSM one
<Jiangyi> quite a few GNex's, S3, Note II
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<Kaik541> but really, all you see nowadays are either Apple or Samsung
<chadouming_home> true
<Jiangyi> Then there are the low-midend samsungs :-P
<Jiangyi> yep
<chadouming_home> but when i show people my LG phone with CM, they are all like : woah, it's so fast
<chadouming_home> it's not even lagging !
<Kuzon> Lots of people have S3's
<Kaik541> chadouming_home: I compared my ICS LGOG to a friend's JB Note 2
<Jiangyi> I know of one friend with an LG Optimus 3D, but that's about it
<Kaik541> mine blew his out of the water
<chadouming_home> yup, including my friends and mother xD
<chadouming_home> lol
<chadouming_home> Kaik541, imagine this beast with CM :P
<Jiangyi> don't even need to conpare an OG, even a 9100G murders S3 on stock :-P
<Kaik541> I also turned on "Eco Mode" to prove a point
<Kaik541> it's just so nice to have that stock feel again
<Kaik541> yes
<chadouming_home> yup
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<Jiangyi> Kaik541: Does wifi and cam work?
<Jiangyi> xD*
<Kaik541> Jiangyi: it's literally an N4
<Kaik541> even photo sphere works
<Kaik541> that's good
<Jiangyi> OK, better than 9100G in the early CM9 days already xX
<chadouming_home> well, the only thing that prevent it working on my cm rom is that it says it's an optimus G and not a N4
<Kaik541> chadouming_home: yeah, I just modify my build.prop
<chadouming_home> only miss NFC and capacitive key
<chadouming_home> Kaik541, CM on canadian phone is going fairly well
<Kaik541> I was like "yay for A-15 based krait architecture"
<Kaik541> it's definitely fast, but buggy (obviously, it wasn't meant to run on this specific hardware)
<Kaik541> apparently this .zip file is going to take me 4+ hours to download
<chadouming_home> everything else is working
<chadouming_home> Kaik541, i'm uploading to my server
<Jiangyi> chadouming_home: I suppose no love for rogers version?
<chadouming_home> xD
<Kaik541> chadouming_home: well I'm running N4 CM on mine right now
<chadouming_home> Jiangyi, it's compatible with rogers version yes
<Jiangyi> I didn't even know rogers had the 2600MHz spectrum :-/
<Jiangyi> orly?
<chadouming_home> yupu, but the old firmware
<joethc> waddup yall
<Jiangyi> I would've thought the radio would screw stuff up
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<chadouming_home> cm dont flash radio
<Kaik541> chadouming_home: does on some devices
<chadouming_home> ah ?
<Kaik541> again, welcome to the hell that was SGS1 devices
<chadouming_home> never seen it
<chadouming_home> wasnt flashing radio back in the cm 6.2 days
<chadouming_home> lol
<Thiagovfar> To whom it may concern: NAND backup complete. dd, mount and rsync saved the day.
<Kaik541> nah, 7+
<Kaik541> when we switched from BML to MTD
<chadouming_home> ah
<Kaik541> well modem was hardwired to look at BML12 for modem.bin
<Kaik541> which is why the CDMA devices had a "fake" BML12 that rerouted to the actual radio processor
<Kaik541> so when we switched to MTD, we had to be like "we'll just put that modem over there, and tell it that place is BML12 even though it's not"
<chadouming_home> lol
<Kaik541> I think during the super early days of CM7 with MTD, we were using AOSP RIL and modems
<Kaik541> but they crashed constantly
<Kaik541> chadouming_home: know of anyone who's flashed the e973 firmware to an e970 successfully?
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<Kaik541> I would imagine it would be rather simple all things considered since they're more similar than not (but that 32 GB internal storage against my 16GB has me concerned)
<chadouming_home> well, houstonn already made the reverse and it worked
<chadouming_home> ah, hmm
<Kaik541> yeah but e973 has 32 GB
<chadouming_home> good question
<Kaik541> hence the concern
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<Kaik541> it might treat internal storage as 32 GB (like those fake SD cards you could buy from china which would say 8 GB and onky have 2 then randomly start rewrtiting over old data)
<Thiagovfar> Woot, the phone booted
<chadouming_home> ll
<chadouming_home> lol
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<Kaik541> or it might treat it as corrupted
<chadouming_home> i dont think so, i believe the worst that will happen is that it will fail at formatting
<chadouming_home> maybe you will find taht in fact, you had 32GB xD
<Kaik541> not sure if I want to be the guinea pig for this right now considering my two backup phones are being loaned out to friends at the moment
<chadouming_home> lol
<chadouming_home> i'll tell ya when houtonn get back
<chadouming_home> iirc, he also had someone on E970 try it
<Kaik541> my friends all laughed at me for keeping my old phones and not selling them
<Kaik541> I said "they're for backup in case I fuck something up royally"
<MacDrunk> hello
<Kaik541> then two of them ended up asking me for them when they broke theirs
<MacDrunk> need some help over here
<MacDrunk> whit a voip cablemodem
<chadouming_home> lol
<chadouming_home> same here with gnex
<Kaik541> I'm going to be getting one of them back soon
<Kaik541> but don't know if I can handle going back to a captivate even temporarily
<Kaik541> the best part is if I break it I can just go to an AT&T store and say "it told me I had an update then this happened and now it won't turn on"
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<jomp16> Hello!
<Kaik541> if you just play stupid and blame it on an update they usually replace them on the spot (usually with a refurb, but meh)
<chadouming_home> lol, just say : It went out of battery and when i plugged it it didnt want to get back on xD
<jomp16> The most problems with GTab 2 7' is for P3100? Because for P3110 has less problems (nothing for me)
<Kaik541> chadouming_home: I had my first captivate for almost a year, called them because of modem issues, they gave me a new SIM and it still didn't work (obviously) so they just sent me a refurb and mailed my old one back in
<chadouming_home> lol
<Kaik541> no insurance or anything
<Kaik541> as long as you blame the device or the service, they'll swap em out for free
<Kaik541> if you say "I dropped it" or "I was messing with it" then you have to pay
<chadouming_home> not here xD
<Kaik541> well that's the one benefit of US carriers (at least AT&T)
<Kaik541> especially since I've been a "loyal customer" for something like 8 years now
<Kaik541> I did the same thing with my LG Nitro HD
<Kaik541> told them battery life was bad and they let me return it
<Jiangyi> Hmm
<Jiangyi> My parents should be able to renew their Rogers contract in June or something
<Kaik541> got my upgrade credit back and a discount on next month's bill
<Jiangyi> Wonder what to harass them for this time xD
<Jiangyi> Maybe data for once, but they don't seem to want to give us any discounted data :/
<Thiagovfar> Interesting. /system also shows a lot of errors on fsck. And that partition is reformated every time a new ROM version is installed.
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<Thiagovfar> Even tho that seems to cause no harm.
<Thiagovfar> Could anybody please dump your data or system partition and try to fsck it?
<Kaik541> Thiagovfar: gross
* Jiangyi facepalms
<Thiagovfar> Kaik541: what part?
<Kaik541> Thiagovfar: it was a joke, read that again as if you didn't understand the computer meaning behind what you wrote
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<Thiagovfar> Kaik541: I thought so... But ain't no native english speaker, so I didn't get it.
* Jiangyi is half of a native speaker
<Kaik541> Jiangyi: and I'm a native English speaker raised in Germany
<Kaik541> so I count in German most of the time, but think in English
<Jiangyi> Kaik541: I was raised in China until 7, then raised in Canada
<a3Dman> I think in binary, say English.
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<Kaik541> Jiangyi: I'm sorry
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<Jiangyi> Now I think in English most of the time :-P
<Jiangyi> But I speak both language fluently
<Jiangyi> Kaik541: Why are you sorry? ._.
<Kaik541> Jiangyi: because you're in Canada
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<Jiangyi> What do you have against Canada...?
<Kaik541> Canada = America's hat
<Turilo> jealousy
<Jiangyi> :-/
<Kaik541> Turilo: no, I just live in Texas and if it's taught me anything it's to hate other countries for no apparent reason
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<Jiangyi> Still better than America
<Turilo> than you were taught poorly m8 lol
<a3Dman> any place has its problems
<Kaik541> Turilo: I'm not even remotely serious, it's just fun to play the nationalist
<Turilo> lol
<Turilo> theres actually more freedom in Canada than America
<a3Dman> Kaik541: why it taught you that?
<Turilo> health system out there is brutal
<Kaik541> the difference between patriotism and nationalism is simple. nationalism is the belief that your country is the greatest because you were born there. patriotism is the belief that you can make your country better because you're there
<Kaik541> Turilo: America's fine, we have our problems and stupidities, but I can say the same for every country
<Turilo> very true
<a3Dman> that's the point.
<Kaik541> we have people we're embarrassed of, trust us
<Kaik541> come to America, visit walmart, and you'll understand just how much we've been hiding from you
<chadouming_home> lol
<chadouming_home> :D
<Kaik541> also, Canadians are usually some of the nicest people I know
<chadouming_home> i think mostly in english while talking with english people but whatever, i always count or read number in french XD
<Kaik541> except French Canadians
<Kaik541> they're assholes
<Jiangyi> chadouming_home: I still do that in Chinese :-P
<chadouming_home> :'(
<a3Dman> chadouming_home: I think it's the same with all people xD
<Kaik541> chadouming: :P
<Jiangyi> Less syllables xD
<Kaik541> I just like the way numbers sound in German more
<chadouming_home> awww
<chadouming_home> y everyone hate french canadian xD
* Jiangyi doesn't
<Kaik541> chadouming_home: because you wanted to be a province of France
<Kaik541> Quebec wanted to leave Canada to join France... a province that would have been BIGGER THAN FRANCE
<chadouming_home> so you hate us cause we are proud of our roots ?
<Kaik541> yes
<chadouming_home> eh
<chadouming_home> in fact ,quebec want to leave to be a country
<chadouming_home> not a province of france
<Kaik541> you do realize I'm coming from a place that calls itself "America" when that's the name of two continents right?
<Kaik541> we're a little too proud for our own good at times :P
<Kaik541> to the point where a term used to describe basically a whole hemisphere of the planet is used to describe our single country
<chadouming_home> 3 continents -_-
<Kaik541> north and south america
<Kaik541> latin/central america is a bullshit term and you know it
<chadouming_home> eh
<chadouming_home> that's what you'd like to think american
<Turilo> well i do know them french canadians think there better than non french canadians which royally pisses me off! fuk they even wanted dogs to understand their damn frech lingo wtf is up with that!
<chadouming_home> -_-
<Jiangyi> lol poor chad
<chadouming_home> you talk in english to your dogs, we talk in french to ours
<Jiangyi> Everyone be hatin on him :-P
<Kaik541> Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Oceania
<chadouming_home> Jiangyi, i'm getting use to that
<a3Dman> I don't like talking to dogs in any language anyway
<Kaik541> those are the seven continents :P
<Turilo> ya but they wanted all whom moved their even non french to teach their dogs lol
<chadouming_home> then just bark to them like a retard hoping it will do something
<Turilo> lol
<Turilo> that didnt go thru cause if it did woww
<Kaik541> in Canada, you have to do your wedding once in English and once in French
<Turilo> no way lol i didnt
<Turilo> imagine that shit hahaha
<Turilo> i heard if you speak to a french canadian in plain english they will not answer you unless you knew some french
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<Jiangyi> Turilo: I don't think anyone wants to listen to my frenglish :-P
<chadouming_home> that's reciprocity, when we speak french to people from ontario who know french, they usually don't even try to speak it. Just ignoring us
<Turilo> lol
<chadouming_home> Turilo, and that's generality, you are writing in plain english and yet i'm answering you
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<Turilo> i went to montreal once i enjoyed the city but not the tension around us
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<Bert_> fWhat tension in Montreal?
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<twobitsprite> good afternoon/etc... I'm trying to figure out which build I should get... I have a "Sprint Galaxy S2 Epic 4G"... I know it's a Samsung Galaxy S2, but I don't know if it's the i9100 or the i9100g... how do I find out?
<Bert_> System Settings -> About Phone -> Model Number
<Jiangyi> twobitsprite: It's the D710 I think
<twobitsprite> Jiangyi: thanks... any idea which build of the cyanogen I should use? I don't see D710 listed...
<Jiangyi> twobitsprite: Means it's probably not supported. :/
<Jiangyi> hang on
<twobitsprite> :(
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<Jiangyi> Yeah, no official releases
<Jiangyi> I do see unofficial ones on XDA however
<twobitsprite> damn... how reliable do you think those unofficial builds are? this is my primary phone and I really don't want to brick it
<Jiangyi> No clue :/
<Jiangyi> It probably won't brick, but idk how well they would work.
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<Jiangyi> nebkat: I linked that earlier :-P
<Jiangyi> Well, a picture of that
<nebkat> Jiangyi: well I am superior
<Jiangyi> ............
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Jiangyi was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [HOW DARE YOU?!?!?!]
<chadouming_home> nebkat, that was plainly wrong
<nebkat> chadouming_home: butthurt because I kicked a canadian? :P
<chadouming_home> nah, i tought i was abusing admin, but i dont think i'm that bad compared to you
<a3Dman> well, that's an obvious troll...
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