chadouming changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | SmartStay Ex available now ! | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | If you have a problem, fill this first : | If you dont like your device, sell it. -codeworkx
<frankdrey-g1> And right away moved the files to my windows xp -ready partition
<chadouming> haha
<frankdrey-g1> Since I keep my files with windoze
<frankdrey-g1> Then I start windows set up
<frankdrey-g1> And format the partition >.>
<chadouming> xD
<Jiangyi> lol
<frankdrey-g1> I was considering doing a copy, not a move...and delete the files later...
<Jiangyi> You know, I still haven't figured out what was behind my bizarre phone data loss story.
<frankdrey-g1> But for some reason I didn't...
<frankdrey-g1> Lol
* frankdrey-g1 now has to hunt down prehistoric G1 roms again >.>
<chadouming> Jiangyi, you visited any "not so sure" website ?
<frankdrey-g1> What's ironic is that I downloaded a few gb of software I was gonna install after installing xp :P
<chadouming> cause some website has an attack against samsung rom
<chadouming> a code that erase all the data !
<frankdrey-g1> chadouming, ...uhoh...
<frankdrey-g1> I think I know where this is heading
<chadouming> frankdrey-g1, i lost all my film/game/save xD
<frankdrey-g1> Lol
<chadouming> yup, it's live on cody website
<chadouming> xzD
<chadouming> xD*
<Jiangyi> chadouming: Lemme tell you my story.
* frankdrey-g1 always feels cool typing in "DreyCode" into "Organization"
<Jiangyi> I got a new sdcard, swapped my old one out for the new one (Which was empty), hooked up my phont to my comp in MTP mode, which showed all the files on my old sdcard on my new sdcard (Kinda like "ghost files")
<chadouming> hmk
<Jiangyi> I then deleted those non-existent files, which somehow deleted all the media on my internal storage. O_O
<chadouming> dafuq
<Jiangyi> Indeed.
<chadouming> that's really strange
<chadouming> xD
<chadouming> well, at first seeing all the file that should not be there i would have rebooted
<chadouming> good guy chainfire
<Jiangyi> Rebooted like 5 times before deleting the files.
<chadouming> providing mankind some good things since long ago
<chadouming> ah
<chadouming> that's fucking strange then xD
* frankdrey-g1 has a possessed sd card, too
<frankdrey-g1> No matter how much I format it, it still has the same files
<Diftraku> That should be "FAP'T"
<frankdrey-g1> And you can't open or write anything
<ibrahima> sounds like you're formatting the wrong thing o_O
<chadouming> why people no push this !
<frankdrey-g1> I'm not :P
<ibrahima> either that or you have a physical readonly switch on your card
<chadouming> frankdrey-g1, maybe the "locked" pin is on
<ibrahima> which i dont think microSD cards have
<frankdrey-g1> Its microsd
<frankdrey-g1> :P
<chadouming> haha
<chadouming> perform a format with linux
<chadouming> :D
<chadouming> saved some of my USB key like that
<Jiangyi> Well, UMS is working fine, except for the damning slow transfer speeds.
<Jiangyi> I might as well just use AirDroid. :-P
<frankdrey-g1> I think I tried with linux
<frankdrey-g1> Jiangyi, do you have usb in recovery?:P
<frankdrey-g1> That should be mass storage
<Jiangyi> Umm..... idk, don't think so though. :-|
<Diftraku> $vars['url'] = strtolower($match[1]);
<frankdrey-g1> Yeah, my tablet doesn't :|
<Diftraku> The fuck were I thinking when I wrote that?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> frankdrey-g1: You mean you don't have that option in the settings?
<frankdrey-g1> Wha?
<frankdrey-g1> I'm talking about recovery
<frankdrey-g1> Cwm
<frankdrey-g1> Amon_ra recovery is awesome on the G1 :P
<Jiangyi> derp, nvm then
* frankdrey-g1 wrote an init.d script in recovery on G1
<frankdrey-g1> :D
<frankdrey-g1> It has a console :3
<frankdrey-g1> Windoze xp is instarred
<frankdrey-g1> Hmmm, on the bright side, I get to try and actually keep my files organized this time around
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<chadouming> twrp as a console too
<Guest58502> anyone use the nightly roms?
<chadouming> i do
<Guest58502> how good are they
<Guest58502> im on 10-20120821-EXPERIMENTAL-i9100-CODEWORKX
<Guest58502> is it worth upgrading to a nightly build
<chadouming> oh, well i'm on Gnex
<chadouming> and nigthly are perfec
<chadouming> t
<Thracky> a *lot* has been changed since 0821 :P
<Thracky> so you should probably upgrade.
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<Guest58502> a lot as in?
<Thracky> as in, a lot.
<Guest58502> what has changed specifically
<Thracky> I'm not playing this game.
<Thracky> flash it or don't.
<Thracky> idc
<Guest58502> i mean what is the best feature for wanting to upgrade
<Thracky> uhh it's not about features
<Thracky> it's about hardware working.
<Thracky> or, working better.
<Guest58502> user Thracky says a lot has changed, fails to say a single change
<Guest58502> are you trolling me
<Thracky> no. but why the fuck am I going to waste my time talking to someone who can't read a fucking changelog himself.
<bealtine> go lookup the change log this is not a kidndergarden
<chadouming> Guest58502, listen to thracky
<chadouming> go look changelog
<chadouming> @changelog i9100
<Guest58502> i like to interact with the community so theres a positive discussion going on
<bealtine> interact with the changelog
<Thracky> interact != personal google army
<Thracky> also, hard to discuss when you're on a build that's quite outdated at this point and most of us keep up on nightlies or build ourselves.
<Thracky> lol Jiangyi I love how cody has to verify your translations.
<Thracky> I guess he's not checking it for correctness :P
<chadouming> xD
<bealtine> i only know 1 chinese character
<chadouming> google translate all the change ?
<chadouming> :D
<Thracky> for all we know jiangyi could be commanding chinese people to kill us all.
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<bealtine> 中
<chadouming> hahahahahaha
<chadouming> he is giving to chinese governement secret message throught CM translation
<Thracky> damn right
<Thracky> he's like "this harper motherfucker is completely useless, just walk in and take the country"
<chadouming> ALL HATE THE HARPER xD
<Thracky> trudeaumania 2.0
<chadouming> xD
<Thracky> if they still want to legalize it, they have my vote. it's a pretty sound plan financially :P
<evil-doer> fuck harper
<Thracky> I imagine he'd be pretty boring in bed.
<Thracky> so no thanks.
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Welp, he's teh device maintainer and haz teh powerz, so... :p
<Thracky> probably doesn't even take his underwear off. just pokes it through the hole.
<Thracky> and on that note, I must go pick up the wife from work :P
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<Thracky> I fully expect csis to be on my doorstep when I get back.
<Jiangyi> o_O why?
<Thracky> I said mean and hurtful things about harper.
<chadouming> hahahaha
<chadouming> he can die
<chadouming> with pain and FIRE
<chadouming> a lot of fire would be nice
<Jiangyi> Might as well burn the Chinese government while you're at it. :-P
<Jiangyi> Speaking of which, I'm surprised that I haven't disappeared mysteriously from existence yet. Hmm.
<chadouming> freenode is out of canada/china juridiction :D
<bealtine> whats this symbol : 中
<Jiangyi> It means Middle.
<Jiangyi> Medium.
<bealtine> ok
<Jiangyi> That kind of thing.
<bealtine> thought it meant china:)
<Jiangyi> That's 中国
<bealtine> i saw it on everything:)
<Jiangyi> Which literally means Middle country. :-P
<bealtine> cool
<bealtine> pictograms are cool
<chadouming> lol, i dont have UTF-8 caracter on that irc client
<chadouming> so all i see is square with 4 dot xD
<Jiangyi> lol
<bealtine> heh
<Jiangyi> On another note, whoever does the Chinese translations for Google should be fired.
<Jiangyi> How do you translate cell signal into FM radio, I will never know. ._.
<Jiangyi> Can't fix it in CM either, since cody won't let me change Google translations. :-P
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<chadouming> haha
<chadouming> i'm pretty sure cody would let you change google translation if they are that stupid
<chadouming> specially when there is no FM xD
<bealtine> i have fm:)
<chadouming> i GT-I9100G ?
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> with cm
<bealtine> i9300
<bealtine> spiritfm
<chadouming> mah
<chadouming> y u no use online radio ?
<chadouming> like everyone else xD
<bealtine> in fact i love fm and listen to it on the bus/train
<bealtine> cos no wifi on bus
<chadouming> you have internet everywhere
<bealtine> nah
<chadouming> you haz a i9300
<bealtine> i always go over my data limits
<bealtine> only get 15G
<chadouming> lol, i have 6GB and never pass it
<bealtine> anyway the quality of real fm is much better than inet radio
<chadouming> to get a a "fm radio" quality, you need a online radio that broadcast at 64 kbps
<chadouming> in mp3
<chadouming> or 32kbps in aac
<chadouming> 32kbps is 4 kb/s
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<chadouming> @math 4 * 60 * 24
<bbqbot> 4*60*24 = 5760
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<chadouming> @math 4 * 60 * 60 * 24
<bbqbot> 4*60*60*24 = 345600
<chadouming> 345.6mb per day
<chadouming> at 24h / 24h streaming
<chadouming> 345.6*31
<chadouming> @math 345.6*31
<bbqbot> 345.6*31 = 10713.6
<bealtine> well i sometimes listen to inet radio but gawd do i really want to hear americans talk shite all day?
<chadouming> get a inet radio from somewhere else than US ?
<chadouming> leave you 5GB to download nightlies/app update/news :P
<bealtine> i like my fm radio:)
<chadouming> maybe twitter/email/facebook
<bealtine> i'm old fashioned
<bealtine> i never dl nighlies over the air
<chadouming> only 150mb
<bealtine> i got 100Mbs here
<chadouming> @math 150 * 31
<bbqbot> 150*31 = 4650
<chadouming> true
<chadouming> xD
<chadouming> BUT
<chadouming> if you download 1 nightly / day + stream music 24/24, you wont pass your data plan :D
<bealtine> here we go..two morons talking crap on the tv
<chadouming> that's a great news :D
<chadouming> mythbuster ?
<chadouming> obama vs romney
<bealtine> obama vs romney
<chadouming> haha
<chadouming> well, if i was in us i would vote for obama
<bealtine> me too
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<chadouming> simply cause i saw an ads from him , where he describe what he want to do
<chadouming> not what romney havnt done xD
<chadouming> or why romney is a mofo
<chadouming> or why romney pay only 14% taxes
<bealtine> i summarise the two like this : tax the poor to pay the rich or tax the rich to pay for the poor
<chadouming> well, it's pretty much that
<bealtine> i know which one I'd prefer:)
<chadouming> rich vote for romney
<chadouming> poor vote for obama
<chadouming> obama win
<chadouming> send romney to guantanamo bay :D
<chadouming> declare war on china
<chadouming> and send nuclear bomb on iraq
<chadouming> and say it was canadian fault
<Jiangyi> I haz no Data, and no Spirit FM support. :-(
<bealtine> you mean like bush...
<chadouming> nah, bush only send soldier to get petrol
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<bealtine> l'essense
<Jiangyi> chadouming: You mean as stupid as the time when Baskey said that Emergency call = Call mom? xD
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<chadouming> yeahm gaz
zz_Nabobalis is now known as Nabobalis
<chadouming> yeah, i mean as stupid as baskey
<chadouming> xD
<chadouming> @geo user bealtine
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for bealtine
<bbqbot> {"range":[1845462016,1845463295],"country":"IE","region":"07","city":"Dublin","ll":[53.3331,-6.2489]}
<Diftraku> How accurate is that?
<bealtine> yay dublin
<chadouming> bad bealtine, baaaaaaaad bealtine
<chadouming> using iis7
<bealtine> heh
<bealtine> i do c++ and c#
<Jiangyi> @google iis7
<bbqbot> Home : The Official Microsoft IIS Site -
<chadouming> Diftraku, has accurate as your ip proviced
<chadouming> Diftraku, has accurate as your ip provider*
<Diftraku> @geo user Diftraku
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Diftraku
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[3164979200,3164995583],"country":"FR","region":"","city":"","ll":[46,2]}
<Jiangyi> @geo user Jiangyi
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Jiangyi
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[1427701760,1427708959],"country":"DE","region":"","city":"","ll":[51,9]}
<Diftraku> :P
<Jiangyi> lol says I'm in Cody-land xD
<chadouming> still dont need iis7
<chadouming> and Jiangyi, you use a seedbox
<chadouming> !
<chadouming> or a bnc
<Jiangyi> chadouming: Cody gave me a Quassel space on his server :-P
<bealtine> maybe i'll cloak off and go vpn
<chadouming> no really need to VPN
<chadouming> cloak is a must for me though
<Diftraku> Friend of mine gave me space on his dedicated for irssi :3
<chadouming> i often change and channel invite only :D
<bealtine> stupid bots on my channels dont recognise me...
<chadouming> hahaha
<chadouming> bbqbot recognize me :D
<chadouming> @userlevel
<bbqbot> chadouming has userlevel 5
<bealtine> @userlevel
<bbqbot> bealtine has userlevel 4
<bealtine> heh
<chadouming> mouhahaha
<Jiangyi> Hmm. French homework.
<bealtine> ca va
<chadouming> bien, et toi ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> chadouming: Qui est Guy de Maupassant?
<chadouming> a part mon rhume xD
<bealtine> pas toi c'est pour Jiangyi
<bealtine> omg maupassant
<chadouming> c'est un autheur du 19eme siecle iirc
<bealtine> i did him in school he sucked
<Jiangyi> J'ai besoin de lire son écriture pour les devoirs.
<bealtine> devoirs?
<chadouming> well, he has kinda inspired a lot of people
<chadouming> but it's mainly french
<chadouming> so . . . xD
<Jiangyi> Homework. :-P
* Diftraku considers google translating... expects horrible results
<bealtine> zola was good
<bealtine> but only read him in english:)
<Jiangyi> nous utilisons ça pour étudier le passé simple.
<Jiangyi> I think it's conjugated as utilisons. =À
<Jiangyi> =\*
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<chadouming> i prefer molière
<Diftraku> related
<chadouming> j'utilisai
<chadouming> j'utilisas
<chadouming> dear god i hate french xD
<chadouming> tu utilisas
<chadouming> *
<bealtine> i like the sound of french
<Jiangyi> lol at the vid
<Diftraku> bealtine: cursing in french is like wiping your ass with silk
<chadouming> xD
<Diftraku> And german is the language of love
<bealtine> nah
<chadouming> well, i believe french is great with love too
<bealtine> german is the language of flem:)
<chadouming> and cursing in french from quebec is even better :P
<bealtine> of course english is the bastard son of both
* Jiangyi doesn't know how to curse in French :-P
<Diftraku> "Ich habe eine Bowling-Kugel in meiner Lederhose"
<Jiangyi> Come to think of it, I don't even know how to curse in Chinese. xD
<chadouming> haha
<chadouming> you young fool
<chadouming> cyranno de bergerac was nice too
<chadouming> he know how to tell everyone they are stupid by telling them directly :D
<bealtine> he with the big nose...
<Jiangyi> chadouming: I learned that last year. :-P
<Diftraku> Biggus Dickus
<Diftraku> :3
<chadouming> Ah ! non ! c'est un peu court, jeune homme !
<chadouming> On pouvait dire... Oh ! Dieu !... bien des choses en somme.
<chadouming> Il faudrait sur-le-champ que je me l'amputasse !"
<chadouming> Agressif : "Moi, Monsieur, si j'avais un tel nez,
<chadouming> En variant le ton, - par exemple, tenez :
<chadouming> Amical: "Mais il doit tremper dans votre tasse !
<chadouming> Pour boire, faites-vous fabriquer un hanap!"
<chadouming> Militaire : "Pointez contre cavalerie !"
<chadouming> Pratique : "Voulez-vous le mettre en loterie ?"
<chadouming> Assurément, Monsieur, ce sera le gros lot !"
<chadouming> Enfin, parodiant Pyrame en un sanglot :
<chadouming> "Le voilà donc ce nez qui des traits de son maître
<chadouming> A détruit l'harmonie ! Il en rougit, le traître !"
<chadouming> - Voilà ce qu'à peu près, mon cher, vous m'auriez dit
<chadouming> Si vous aviez un peu de lettres et d'esprit :
<chadouming> Mais d'esprit, ô le plus lamentable des êtres,
<chadouming> Vous n'en eûtes jamais un atome, et de lettres
<chadouming> Vous n'avez que les trois qui forment le mot : sot !
<chadouming> Eussiez-vous eu, d'ailleurs, l'invention qu'il faut
<chadouming> Pour pouvoir là, devant ces nobles galeries,
<chadouming> Me servir toutes ces folles plaisanteries,
<chadouming> Que vous n'en eussiez pas articulé le quart
<chadouming> De la moitié du commencement d'une, car
<chadouming> Je me les sers moi-même, avec assez de verve
<chadouming> Mais je ne permets pas qu'un autre me les serve.
<chadouming> nicest thing he said :D
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<chadouming> that's kinda a long evaluation xD
<Diftraku> Educational "license" :3
<Thracky> heh mine says that too
<Thracky> at least when MS gives you educational stuff it's yours permanently.
<Thracky> visual studio 2012 and win 8 pro heh
<Diftraku> ee-yup :3
<chadouming> true
<chadouming> same here
<chadouming> :D
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<chadouming> hmm, bealtine, you said you do c++
<chadouming> you have experience c++ + mysql
<chadouming> ?
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<Thracky> nothing like a little dmx to help me study logic gates.
<Thracky> so gangsta.
<Thracky> :P
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<Jiangyi> @google dmx
<bbqbot> DMX (rapper) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
<Thracky> really? you had to google dmx?
<Jiangyi> Yes. :-|
<Thracky> kids.
<Jiangyi> Hey, I barely even know the pop culture stuff these days.
<Jiangyi> I like old-fashioned rock and jazz :P
<Thracky> heh
<Thracky> I like a pretty wide range.
<Jiangyi> Definitely no dubstep for me.
<Thracky> classic rock like hendrix, cream, all sorts of rap, drum n bass, trance, dubstep (most electronic stuff), ambient, classical
<Thracky> just no country or outright pop.
<Thracky> oh and indie/alt rock too
<Jiangyi> Alternative Rock is OK with me too, like Muse.
<Thracky> and I like coldplay.
<Thracky> so sue me.
<Thracky> (older is preferred though)
<Jiangyi> LOL I like them too xD
<Thracky> like the first 3 albums are amazing.
<Thracky> the rest has been meh
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<SweetDaddyJones> hello, world! i was wondering if anyone here could answer a couple of questions about the internal microphones in the sgs3 and the woes implementing stereo audio recording in cm 10
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<SweetDaddyJones> there auto gain adjustment? is audio recording built into the snapdragon chip?
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<chadouming> thracky, y u no use minecraft for logic gate ?
<bbqbot> derp
iBotApples is now known as jcase
<Jiangyi> chadouming: y u no sleep ?
<chadouming> Y U ASK ME ?
<chadouming> it's only 00:00
<Jiangyi> Haven't you got work the next day? :-P
<chadouming> i need about 4-5hr of sleep per day
<Jiangyi> =|
<Jiangyi> My eyes would burn out if I did that.
<chadouming> hahaha, that's what years of world of warcraft, working at 7am and having a GF that has night terror
<chadouming> gave me xD
<chadouming> anyway, going to bed now, i need some sleep, i'm sick xD
<chadouming> i got cold so. . .
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> me too :P
<Jiangyi> However, I haz to study Guy de Maupassant. :-(
<Jiangyi> Good night!
<chadouming> gn
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<Benutzer42> hey, I have a quick question: I would liek to install (for frist time) CM10 on my tab 2 10.1... th einstallation guid says "make sure you have CWM-Recovery n your tab... is ist a problem if I have do I need the lower version?
<Benutzer42> because I justed rooted using
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<Assid> heya
<Assid> so im taking all your advice.. and im strongly considering the galaxy nexus
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<Assid> err theres a new i9250 ???
<Assid> canthe galaxy nexus do usb-otg ?
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<Assid> still thinking between the S3 and the galnex
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* interloper is away: see ya soon goon
<Espenfjo> ok, cool
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<Assid> Espenfjo: would you mind pm ? need some advice
<bbqbot> derp
<Espenfjo> gnex? dont buy it
<Assid> what about the s3 ?
<ascent> derp
<Espenfjo> No
<Assid> so then ?
<Espenfjo> Wait for next nexus
<ascent> I might to that too, at least then I know I can run AOSP
<Espenfjo> S3 is the worst device you can buy
<Espenfjo> Only xplodwild that is "maintaining" it
<Espenfjo> None of us will every buy a Samsung device again unless Samsung start cooperating
<xplodwild> Espenfjo: what does this mean?
<Espenfjo> xplodwild: <3
<xplodwild> :(
<Espenfjo> Just implying that the S3 isnt getting much love these days
<xplodwild> I haz not much time
<xplodwild> I spent it on TF700T these last days
<xplodwild> But I'll try to fix WiFi AP this afternoon at least
<ascent> cool
<Espenfjo> A rollback + hostapd blob seems to be the only viable solution
<xplodwild> That's what I had in mind
<xplodwild> I even think I applied the patch already but not yet built :D
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<Assid> Espenfjo: my problem is i have upto today max tomorrow on my upgrade offer
<Espenfjo> So you must buy a new phone?
<Espenfjo> Then you should look at what is most important for you
<Espenfjo> AOSP support, power, butter, etc.
<xplodwild> or you could buy S3
<xplodwild> or One X
<xplodwild> then sell it when new nexus come out
<xplodwild> so you can get back the most money out of them
<Assid> err.. my "cycle" is about 1-1.5 years per phone
<Assid> Espenfjo: i dont get upgrade offers every day
<Assid> so when you do get one.. you go for it
<Espenfjo> What is in the offer?
<Assid> i get a good price for my phone
<Assid> ELSE.. i get an exchange for the same price
<Assid> i.e. like the galaxy nexus
<Assid> xplodwild: what would you do if you were me
<xplodwild> Assid: what I said
<Assid> i wont be selling it anytime soon tho :/
<xplodwild> Assid: well it's sad because there are going to be a lot of new stuff just some time after you get your new phone
<Assid> i know :(
<xplodwild> though now if I were you, I'd go for the nexus
<xplodwild> you're sure to have proper updates, it works fine, and it's hipster
<xplodwild> off to univ
<Assid> hmm.. maube cosnider the S3
<Assid> i hate these time limits
<Espenfjo> Get the s3, dont unbox it, and then sell it when next nexus is out
<ascent> I run FoxHound ROM on my i9300 right now.
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<WangPeng> hello,every one
<GabMus> hello
<GabMus> any news about cm10 for i9300? have they solved any major bug?
<bbqbot> derp
<WangPeng> does there discuss moto phone?
<GabMus> er… this is team hacksung support channel, it means we usually talk about samsung devices
<GabMus> your welcome anyway :)
<GabMus> Maybe we could help you
<WangPeng> GabMus: Thank you.
<GabMus> no problem ;)
<Assid> Espenfjo: hahaa.. sure.. and i;ll have my calls come in on my landline :P
<GabMus> what smartphone do you have?
<WangPeng> GabMus: which system you used? Linux or Windows?
<GabMus> linux
<WangPeng> GabMus: i have Motorola Razr Xt912
<GabMus> the droid razr?
<WangPeng> yes
<GabMus> the one covered with kevlar?
<GabMus> my friend has it :D
<WangPeng> GabMus:yes kevlar very nice
<GabMus> it is a nice smartphone
<GabMus> very powerful and well made
<WangPeng> if samsung use kevlar i think it will be wonderful
<WangPeng> my friend has a 9100
<GabMus> well, droid razr is something "different"
<GabMus> i have i9100 too
<Assid> Espenfjo: ok.. i think ill consider the s3
<GabMus> the only "problem" with the droid razr is that you have to install the official ics update before installing any custom rom
<WangPeng> wow. so cool
<Assid> its faster..better battery life.. and more updated
<WangPeng> yes,but my razr is Engineering machine
<Assid> for the updates.. it just got jelly bean.. so if anything atleast there will be some port with the binaries sooner or later?
<GabMus> :| define Engineering machine
<GabMus> Assid: actually cm10 for i9300 is very buggy
<WangPeng> razr Maxx it powerful for the battery
<Assid> oh
<GabMus> WangPeng: yes
<GabMus> Assid: yeah, i know its strange. i have a i9100 and cm10 works pretty damn well
<Assid> GabMus: my 9100 has RIL crashes / cant use hangouts.. and a few other things
pier is now known as pier|znc
<Assid> bad battery life too
<GabMus> Assid: with cm10?
<bbqbot> derp
<Assid> GabMus: yes :(
<GabMus> straaange.
<WangPeng> GabMus: i heard that CM10 support the razr
<GabMus> my battery lasts an entire day
<GabMus> WangPeng: i didnt know. let me ceck it out
<Assid> mine does too.. with 10 mins talk time in the entire day
<WangPeng> my battery 3200mah lasts an entire day also
<GabMus> yeah, it still has some performance problem, but i think theyll solve it a day or another
<GabMus> cm10 on razr: Camera not working and Data is supposed to work, but still buggy for many people.
<WangPeng> yes, Cm10 is very hot in China now
<GabMus> with another cm10 based rom: Not working: DEEP SLEEP(causing battery drain), bad video recording quality, screen rotation animation, USB mass storage (activation casuses reboot)
<GabMus> WangPeng: really? i didnt know
<Assid> so now what do i go for ?
<WangPeng> GabMus: yes,i am chinese
<GabMus> Assid: just keep using cm10 on the i9100 and make sure to update every time a new nightly comes put
<WangPeng> GabMus: XDA ?
<GabMus> yup
<Assid> GabMus: you dont think i should go for the i9300 ?
<GabMus> i think that if you want to use cm10 you should use your i9100
<GabMus> on the i9300 you can only use cm9
<WangPeng> samsung's screen are too big.
<GabMus> my dad bought it a couple days ago
<Assid> realistically i could have the compnay go in for the i9100g and i can interchange with it
<GabMus> yeah, maybe
<WangPeng> i can't use 9300 for single hand
<GabMus> Assid: its your choice. you know what you take and what you lose
<Assid> the 9100g atleast has an ti/omap and should work with everything right
<GabMus> it is not the same device as i9100
<GabMus> you cant run the same rom
<WangPeng> Under Linux how can i run a new rom for my smartphone?
<GabMus> can you please ceck this thread out?
<addi> WangPeng: er, what?
<bbqbot> derp
<GabMus> er… actually i dont know how it works for motorola devices
<GabMus> with samsung devices you could use heimdall under linux (heimdall is an open source replacement for odin)
<GabMus> lemme think...
<WangPeng> @addi: i just know how to work by Windows
<bbqbot> WangPeng: Command does not exist!
<Assid> where the hell is the link for the known issues.. i thought it was here :
<GabMus> wangpeng: do not write @name, just name
<addi> Oh, you mean you want to flash a stock ROM? WangPeng?
<WangPeng> i got it i am a fish in IRC
<WangPeng> addi: yes
<GabMus> dont worry ;D
<addi> Then Heimdall is the way to go, yes
<GabMus> fm radio is not a problem, you just have to buy spirit light fm
<WangPeng> addi: i just knew flash a ROM by Windows don't know how to do by Linux
<Assid> ok
<Assid> so i9100G it is.. with interchanging device
<GabMus> wangpeng: you could use the motorola recovey mode
<WangPeng> GabMus: thank you very much. ;D
<GabMus> Assid: it looks like everything works just well
<addi> Um, what device does WangPeng have? o_0
<GabMus> motorola droid razr xD
<addi> Oh, then don't listen to me, I'm talking about Samsung devices :p
<WangPeng> yes that is
<WangPeng> OK
* addi goes and sits in corner
<GabMus> wangpeng: do you actually have the stock ics rom installed?
<GabMus> it is really important
<WangPeng> that not a problem i can learn about Samsung devices. :D
<GabMus> WangPeng: focus, this is really important
<GabMus> in this moment, what operating system are you using in your droid razr?
<GabMus> ceck it out in settings>system information
<WangPeng> MIUI
<GabMus> oh
<GabMus> its ok then
<WangPeng> have you ever heard something about?
<GabMus> about miui? sure
<GabMus> i think it is ok
<GabMus> you could flash any rom i suppose
<GabMus> but
<WangPeng> wow. miui is poplar around the world?
<bbqbot> derp
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<GabMus> i think it would be better to install clockworld mod recovery
<WangPeng> i want flash Official rom
<GabMus> WangPeng: even if it is chineese, miui is still one of the most important roms ever
<GabMus> you want the official rom? … let me look for it, gimme a couple of minutes
<WangPeng> GabMus: you are always ready to help others.Thank you
<GabMus> no problem bro ;)
<GabMus> just a question: whats wrong about miui?
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<WangPeng> it consumption more Power
<GabMus> mh… it looks like i cant find the original rom… i need more time
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<WangPeng> my bro. i can find it
<WangPeng> i found a address
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<WangPeng> wait a minutes
<GabMus> GOT IT!
<GabMus> fu*k yeah! fu*k yeah! fu*k yeah!
<WangPeng> you are so quickly
<GabMus> wait
<GabMus> dafuq
<GabMus> it is brasilian D:
<GabMus> wait
<WangPeng> it is brasilian?
<GabMus> .-.
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<GabMus> the guy is just a freakin bastard xD
<GabMus> no really, we cant blame him, he made what he could
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<GabMus> actually the brasilian rom has just english, portoguese, spanish and french
<WangPeng> i understood now
<WangPeng> CM rom is brasilian rom ?
<GabMus> nope
<GabMus> maybe this is what you are looking for
<WangPeng> i am going to see
<WangPeng> i see
<GabMus> is this the right one?
<GabMus> noow, could anyone help me with this problem?
<WangPeng> this ... but i must register before i download
<GabMus> well, register then
<WangPeng> Aha, you also have a problem
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<GabMus> everyone has problems
<WangPeng> i am printing my phone screen
<GabMus> this is why support community exist
<WangPeng> how can i send you some pic
<GabMus> upload them on ompl.dr
<GabMus> noep
<WangPeng> support community are very helpful
<GabMus> sure
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<WangPeng> so cool easy and useful
<GabMus> what linux distro do you use?
<bbqbot> derp
<GabMus> redflag? lol
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<GabMus> (actually it is possible...)
<WangPeng> Ubuntu
<GabMus> oh, ok
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<GabMus> it is good indeed
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<GabMus> but in this period, ubuntu is not as good as before… a bit buggy, but it works
<qrko> hello, im new, got my s2 yestarday, i have one short question
<GabMus> tell us
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<qrko> i want to upgrade to cm10, but instructions say "Don't expect any support if you: - are not running stock cm-kernel"
<GabMus> dont worry
<GabMus> when you install cm10
<qrko> i understand that instaling cm10 rom will switch kernel to stock cm?
<GabMus> it istalls the cm-kernel
<GabMus> you will have support in this case
<qrko> cool
<qrko> :)
<WangPeng> GabMus: i first use Ubuntu, i just install it yesterday.i use Windows before
<GabMus> the problem is just if you install a new kernel AFTER installing cm10
<qrko> ok, I understand, thank You
<GabMus> then ubuntu is a great point where to start
<qrko> the newest cm10 is the best or should i use earlier versions?
<GabMus> qrko: no problem bro ;)
<qrko> or maybe even cm9?
<GabMus> use the newest
<qrko> ok, will do :) thanks again
<qrko> have a nice day
<GabMus> it is quite battery drainig for now
<GabMus> but it is usable
<qrko> good :)
<GabMus> ;)
<qrko> bye bye then
<GabMus> bye
<GabMus> be right back guys
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<GabMus_ill-now-c> it is cool bro
<GabMus_ill-now-c> wait
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<GabMus-mobile> here i am
<WangPeng> i will pm you
<GabMus-mobile> k
<WangPeng> can you see it?
<WangPeng> this is S3.
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<Tee_Pee> 'ello
<GabMus> hello
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<Tee_Pee> I am most likely the 17th billionth person in here asking the same question, but here goes...
<GabMus> dont worry
<GabMus> this is a support channel
<GabMus> you can even ask the dumbest question ever, we cannot blame you
<endstille> hey, do you have any idea, why i can't shoot a screenshot anymore, using the powerbutton??
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<Tee_Pee> I've had an SGS2 for quite a while, had it running on CM9 most of the time. Aside from a few hiccups here and there I was rather pleased, as there were virtually no known issues by July this year. Tomorrow I'm getting the SGS3, and I am trying to work out the pros and cons of just hitting it off with CM10 right away.
<GabMus> cm10 on i9300 is still crappy
<GabMus> i have my i9100 and i keep it
<GabMus> cm10 works relly well with the s2
<Tee_Pee> I see that there are some tethering and camera issues, I'll take it they're severe?
<bbqbot> derp
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<GabMus> yep
<GabMus> it ist that stable yet
<GabMus> im following its development because of my dad. he has a i9300
<GabMus> but
<GabMus> he still uses cm9 because cm10 is too buggy
<Tee_Pee> QQ
<Tee_Pee> Oh well, screw it, gonna stick with touchwiz for a bit then
<GabMus> trust me
<GabMus> dont do it
<GabMus> i9100 is a great device
<GabMus> there is no reason to replace
<GabMus> it
<Tee_Pee> That being said... does the stock lockscreen on the i9300 allow application shortcuts like CM9 has?
<GabMus> nope
<GabMus> the stock i9300 lockscreen is the empty screen with the possibility to swipe anywhere with a water effect
<GabMus> a crappy water effect, it is really bad made
<Tee_Pee> fuck it, GoLauncher it is
<GabMus> golauncher sucks D: use nova launcher instead
<GabMus> nova is based on the vanilla jelly bean launcher but with improvements
<Espenfjo> same with apex
<GabMus> yeah
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<GabMus> but i think nova is quite better
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<Tee_Pee> hmm... haven't really tried those
<Tee_Pee> Oh well, gonna check it out tomorrow when I get my hands on the phone
<GabMus> but trust me, dont buy i9300
<Tee_Pee> too late for that one
<Tee_Pee> It's a graduation present from my parents, so technically I'm not buying it :P
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<GabMus> i would buy a pc instead...
<Tee_Pee> Well, remember how I said that I HAD an i9100?
<Tee_Pee> yeah... keyword is "had"
<GabMus> oh
<GabMus> cool
<Tee_Pee> I was in a hurry, ran into a guy in the middle of the street.
<Tee_Pee> A guy carrying a new, boxed, iPhone 4S.
<Tee_Pee> As that box dropped underneath the wheels of the cab passing by, my soul shriveled up and died.
<Tee_Pee> Long story short, I'm on a crappy Nokia 3330 for the past 2 weeks :D
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<SAES||meh> anyone got any clue what it means when I get the msg: Unfortunately, CM Updater has stopped.
<SAES||meh> always seems to happen when I open my sms folder
<GabMus> D: dunno
<GabMus> do you have the last cm10 build?
<SAES||meh> 7" tab 2, cm10
<SAES||meh> i presume it latest, i could get the last nightly i guess
<SAES||meh> only done it a few days ago tho
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<GabMus> every day a new nighly is out
<GabMus> update
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<Tokes> hehe yeh, being a nightly. i spose ill try updating first then
<Tokes> just wondered if it was a known issue or not
<GabMus> this is nihtly problem: they may bring improvements or they could mess everything up
<GabMus> im updating right now
<Tokes> yeh too true
<Tokes> i guess the good thing is it only takes a few mos
<GabMus> yeah
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<Tokes> sweet, all done.
<GabMus> working?
<Tokes> i like it when things work how they are meant to
<GabMus> yep
<Tokes> ill have to see if i get the error popup, its not consistant
<Tokes> fingers crossed
<Tokes> thanks for reminding me of the nightly man
<GabMus> no problem bro
pier is now known as pier|znc
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<toppits> hi :)
<GabMus> hi
<toppits> is there a chance we don't need to flash gaaps after every update on cm10?
<GabMus> nope
<whitequark> toppits: you don't need on cm9
<toppits> but i like cm10 :)
<GabMus> he mentioned cm10
<whitequark> it's the same on cm10
<GabMus> nope
<whitequark> er
<GabMus> there are issues...
<whitequark> I never ever reflashed gapps
<toppits> the new ota update function is really nice, but kinda useless if i need to put out the battery and boot into cwm to flash gapps
<GabMus> you have to flash gapps after every install
<toppits> then i guess we'll have to wait till it's "fixed" :)
<GabMus> yep
<GabMus> not a big problem
<Tokes> should i have redone gapps too gab mate? i just did the nightly. didnt mention u needed to redo gapps on the tut..?
<bbqbot> derp
<Tokes> it didnt*
<toppits> another possibility would be not to auto reboot after the update is installed, so we could flash gapps manually
<GabMus> deal with it
<GabMus> its normal
<GabMus> are u french Tokes?
<Tokes> haha fu :D
<Tokes> english
<toppits> sure, i flashed everything manually till now, but as we got that nice ota updater now it would be nice if we could use it :)
<GabMus> never mind, i dont know why i asked u
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<toppits> thx for the answer aynway gabmus :)
<whitequark> just updated 03->04 nightly
<whitequark> gapps are still there
<GabMus> i tried to update from the 20121003 to 20121004 with the ota and it didnt work
<whitequark> what am I doing wrong?
<GabMus> whitequark: try to tap the search bar and enjoy
<whitequark> GabMus: absent. I tried to open market.
<whitequark> that is, I just don't use it
<GabMus> in the drawer there should be a search app
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<GabMus> have you heard of the new movie by blender foundation?
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<Tokes> not hear
<Tokes> here even
<Tokes> now i do look like a frenchy :(
<Tokes> haha
<GabMus> lol
<GabMus> anyway
<GabMus> its tears of steel
<GabMus> looks pretty damn cool
<GabMus> im downloading it to see it on my 52" full hd tv
* Tokes checks it out
<Tokes> pretty impressive for open source
<GabMus> open source is the way
<GabMus> every open source project is awesome
<Tokes> haha not every.. i was using one the other day an the bastard wouldn't give the full features unless u donated. yet hes advertising it as open source. what an arse.
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<GabMus> that is donationware, not open source
<GabMus> if it is open source, if it doesnt give u all features (that is really strange) u are free to downlaod the source code and compile it yourself
<Tokes> bit letters... hes a bastard :D
<Tokes> big*
<GabMus> maybe the basic thechnology is open source
<GabMus> like os x
<Tokes> yeh i didnt look for source tbh, just annoyed myself at his claims
<GabMus> os x's base is open source, but not the whole os
<Tokes> the app works great tho none the less, even in 'free' form
<GabMus> ok, movie downloaded. later
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<EvilBelgian> Where is the CM10 nightlies thread for the GS2
<toppits> GS2 = ?
<codeworkx> maybe on sgs2 forums at xda?
<codeworkx> but i'm not sure. if not then it's probably at youporn
<EvilBelgian> :|
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<bealtine> youporn is the best place for technical discussion
<Tokes> haha
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<The_Pot> just flashed with DLIB
<The_Pot> stock rom i.e.
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<Tee_Pee> ah fuck it
<Tee_Pee> I'll flash CM10 on i9300 as soon as I get it.
<Tee_Pee> Fuck tethering and focusing issues.
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<Tee_Pee> are there any other minor issues that aren't covered in known issues?
<Tee_Pee> I know that my SGS2 on CM9 used to force restart every now and then
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<Fissurez> OH PLEASE
<Fissurez> PLZPLZPLZ
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<beercat> hello, anyone there?
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<iKillCypher> Hello
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<sugni> hello?
<Thiagovfar> Hello, both of you.
<sugni> what cm10 rom you suggest for sgs2?
<peterperfect> cm10 is a rom
<iKillCypher> o.O CM10 is a ROM
<iKillCypher> uh I hear it is much better then now
<iKillCypher> no more memory leaks :S only lacks HWCompser
<peterperfect> ask Espenfjo
<iKillCypher> Hardware Composer: doesn't support all JellyBean features :)
<iKillCypher> what about it Peter
<Assid> i think if you have the i9100G you get hwcomposer
<iKillCypher> Im using International Version
<peterperfect> nobody has i9100g
<Assid> my sister had it.. and i made her trade it in for the 9100
<Assid> :(
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<iKillCypher> :( well use i9100 it is isnt that bad
<peterperfect> Assid are you nuts?
<peterperfect> i9100g is omap
<Assid> i know.. but that athat time i made her do it
<peterperfect> omap > exynos
<Assid> she hates me for that
<peterperfect> i can imagine
<peterperfect> even i hate you for that
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<iKillCypher> why is omap better then exynos?
<bbqbot> derp
<Thiagovfar> Better documented, I guess.
<peterperfect> cause omap has mo opensource stuff, documented, up to date, follow the reference code etc etc etc etc
<Assid> peterperfect: im getting an offer to "change" my phone..
<Assid> dont know what to do
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<peterperfect> i tell you
<peterperfect> wait for nexus
<Assid> i have to make a decision in today / tomorrow types
<Assid> office wants to use "a phone"" as a webcam
<Assid> so they wanna buy one .. and i can give mine and pay the difference for whatever else iw anan buy
<iKillCypher> <peterperfect> is nexus the new phone that samsung will be releasing ?
<iKillCypher> hear it will be quad core :S
<iKillCypher> guys is there any other phone that is quad core ?? other then samsung
<Thiagovfar> What's the thing about quad core?
<iKillCypher> fast ?
<Thiagovfar> I liked sgs better than the sgs2. Used to consume a lot less power, when using it heavily.
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* interloper is away: see ya soon goon
<peterperfect> iKillCypher
<iKillCypher> ?
<bbqbot> derp
<peterperfect> the most heavy and recent rumors
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<peterperfect> suggest that next nexus will be based on LG optimus g
<peterperfect> announcing at allthingsd end of october
<peterperfect> so will be a true high end nexus
<peterperfect> i will so much buy it that im already selling my i9300
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<iKillCypher> <peterperfect> suggest that next nexus will be based on LG optimus g ??
<iKillCypher> what
<tabtokes> Hey guys. Jus put cm10 on this tab n i found the themes menu. Do i need specific themes for cm10 or will any 4.1.1 theme suffice?
<peterperfect> iKillCypher what what?
<iKillCypher> LG as the next nexus
<peterperfect> yep
<iKillCypher> lol they are worst then samsugn
<iKillCypher> samsung*
<peterperfect> doenst matter
<peterperfect> nexus is nexus
<peterperfect> follow google standards
<peterperfect> and also
<peterperfect> have you seen optimus g?
<peterperfect> its legendary
<peterperfect> G uses qcomm
<peterperfect> codeaurora
<peterperfect> tons of opensauce stuff
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<iKillCypher> Quad-core 1.5 GHz Krait + 2GB RAM + Adreno 320
<iKillCypher> OMFG
<peterperfect> 13mp camera
<peterperfect> @google optimus g gsmarena
<bbqbot> AT&amp;T and Sprint add LG Optimus G to their ... - GSM Arena -
<peterperfect> shit
<iKillCypher> 13 MP/8 MP (market dependent)
<iKillCypher> wow man this phone is a killer
<peterperfect> u dont say? ;)
<bbqbot> derp
<iKillCypher> ;) will cyanogenmod support it that is the question :)
<iKillCypher> LG Optimus G E973 < when is it due to release?
<tabtokes> More importantly at what price hehehe
<iKillCypher> :P it will be cheap
<tabtokes> Sounds great, but exp.
<iKillCypher> cause of marketing issues
<iKillCypher> no one uses LG :( so they kinda did a come back here
<tabtokes> If so then put me down for one haha
<iKillCypher> lol is it out yet?
<peterperfect> obviously will not be cheap
<peterperfect> i think optimus g has just been released
<Assid> peterperfect: so what do you think i should go for man!!!
<peterperfect> Assid you have to pick now?
<Assid> yeah..
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<Assid> they need a phone to punch in like today / tomorrow
<peterperfect> Assid if you cant wait go with codeworkx and pick xperia-t
<Assid> i get a email everyday asking why its not done
<Assid> peterperfect: unfortunately no xperia t in india
<Ntemis> bootloader is locked
<Ntemis> and lg doesnt want to unlock it
<Ntemis> same as p880
<Ntemis> tegra 3
<tabtokes> Pffff
<Ntemis> cm on them boys
<peterperfect> Ntemis this wont be a problem in nexus
<tabtokes> Weak
<peterperfect> and obviously they will unlock
<Ntemis> nope they wont
<peterperfect> cyanogenmod team has good relations with lg
<peterperfect> yes they will
<Assid> peterperfect: so im stuck :(
<Ntemis> lg said they dont have the tools
<Assid> what can i get .. today?
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<iKillCypher> <peterperfect> cyanogenmod team has good relations with lg
<iKillCypher> you are kidding right
<tabtokes> Hehe assis. Go to a shop n start testing bits!
zz_Nabobalis is now known as Nabobalis
<peterperfect> no
<Ntemis> is there status kvo after/with ics all phones with locked bootloader
<peterperfect> im very serious
Nabobalis is now known as zz_Nabobalis
<iKillCypher> peterperfect, from what I hear LG dont give shit there are some phone till today never gotten ICS
<iKillCypher> worst then Samsugn
<Ntemis> serious in what? peterperfect
<bbqbot> derp
<Assid> is the lg optimus available already ?
<peterperfect> dood...depending on how things are done on the phone, we dont need official update
<peterperfect> for nothings
<iKillCypher> why not
<iKillCypher> kernel etc ?
<peterperfect> if they follow the reference code on implementation
<Assid> peterperfect: so if the lg optimus G E973 is available .. go for that?
<Ntemis> i would wait nexus Assid
<peterperfect> we have code from codeaurora and omap to follow
<peterperfect> so a updated kernel is not necessarily needed
<Ntemis> imo
<Assid> Ntemis: i unfortunately dont have that option
<Ntemis> or oppo find 5
<tabtokes> Lol
<peterperfect> as samsung dont follow a SHIT of code standard
<Assid> peterperfect: i have an option where i get the i9100G, and interchange with my 9100
<Ntemis> same 1080p quad qcomm
<Assid> thats another option
<peterperfect> devs are dependant of their blobs and updated kernel
<peterperfect> bla bla bla
<peterperfect> Assid would be a good one
<peterperfect> i would stay out of exynos
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<tabtokes> Meh startin to wish i hadnt bought a samsung the more i hear
<Ntemis> i think both next nexus "Prime" and Find 5 will be excellent options
<iKillCypher> US$898.88
<iKillCypher> LMAO
<iKillCypher> it is not even released !!!
<tabtokes> Woh
<Assid> peterperfect: and then worry about the nexus when its out
<iKillCypher> and isnt LG-OPTIMUS-G-E973 not 4G ??
<peterperfect> Assid yep
<peterperfect> you guys please click on LGE
<peterperfect> and check how many LG devices are supported
<peterperfect> a LOT
<Assid> wow.. thats quite a few
<Assid> peterperfect: so the E973 not out yet?
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<peterperfect> Assid i think its releasing now
<Assid> peterperfect: should i just get that ?
<peterperfect> Assid yes but probably not avaiable
<peterperfect> im from brazil
<Assid> lemme call them and ask
<peterperfect> india probably takes some time to get devices
<peterperfect> just like brazil
<iKillCypher> :S
<peterperfect> Assid check amazon..if its not on amazon its not everywhere
<peterperfect> iKillCypher which?
<bbqbot> derp
<iKillCypher> LG Phones
<peterperfect> blind someone?
<tabtokes> Lol
<iKillCypher> my bad :(
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<iKillCypher> anyway I will wait for this phone to be release :S
<iKillCypher> LG-OPTIMUS-G-E973 :D
<iKillCypher> is it LTE comptible ?
<peterperfect> also read this
<peterperfect> iKillCypher dood
<peterperfect> read it
<peterperfect> please
<tabtokes> Ouch what an evil link title
<tabtokes> Whats it come to when lg are taking control
<peterperfect> LG is doing some awesome displays
<Assid> why the hell do they make me wait
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<tabtokes> They are basically panasonic tho arent they? Or are they seperated now
<Assid> crap..not out yet
<iKillCypher> i want this fking phone NOW
<tabtokes> Haha
<peterperfect> tabtokes nop, its LG
<tabtokes> Bbs walkin bk to office
zz_Nabobalis is now known as Nabobalis
<peterperfect> yeah im nervous...i want Nexus G now
<peterperfect> i would be smoking if i smoked
<tabtokes> Ah ok
<iKillCypher> Nexus G is based on LG ?
<peterperfect> will be called Optimus G Nexus, so say the rumor
<peterperfect> will be the nexus version of optimus g
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<iKillCypher> Optimus G Nexus ;) i will buy it
<Assid> nobody knows when lg is releasing the next one.. or when the nexus is releasing the upgrade?
<iKillCypher> AOSP Support is awesome so is Cyanogenmod
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<peterperfect> Assid didnt get your question
<Assid> no known release dates?
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<slainer68> oh yeah baby ! i want the next nexus so bad.
<peterperfect> for optimus g or optimus g nexus?
<bbqbot> derp
<slainer68> derp
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<peterperfect> optimus g should be out anyday very soon
<peterperfect> as it has been already launched
<peterperfect> optimus gnex probably early november
<Assid> peterperfect: okay lemme do this.. im gonna ask a friend if hes got a spare phone i can use for a week or so
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<peterperfect> Assid maybe its a good idea
<Assid> but according to you the G-E973 is definitely worth going in for
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<peterperfect> yeah i think so
<Assid> and CM should support it right ?
<peterperfect> i think so
<Assid> hmm..
<peterperfect> its qcomm
<Assid> ok..
<peterperfect> qcomm is good
<Assid> exactly.. + its a brilliant screen
<peterperfect> but Assid
<peterperfect> y u no trade for i9100g and wait for nexus
<peterperfect> then you sell your i9100g and get nexus
<Assid> nexus officially wont launch in india anyways
<peterperfect> well get it from abroad
<peterperfect> cdesai is from india and has gnex i think
<peterperfect> but not sure
<Assid> peterperfect: yes i know..
<Assid> okay heres another option i got
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<Assid> i asked a friend.. hes ready to give me his gal nex 1 .. for 1 month
<Assid> option 2 > interchange to 9100G and worry about the upgrade later.. but definitely wont get a good buy back rate
<Assid> i.e. i think we get the i9100G here
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<Assid> optimus 4x - hows that
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<peterperfect> Assid well if you can get your friend phone
<peterperfect> se get it
<peterperfect> so
<Assid> peterperfect: the next nexus wont be available till mid november.. plus another few weeks to find someone whose coming down
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<Assid> peterperfect: will also save me depreciation on my phone
<peterperfect> yp
<peterperfect> yep
<Assid> man.. im soo freaking confused
<Assid> interestingly i can advise people .. but not myself
<peterperfect> its always easy take decisions to other ppl
<Assid> so what oyhu think? after takjing all those variables
<peterperfect> ahaha..pretty much you fucked
<peterperfect> you have to pick now, if you pick now you wil have trouble selling to switch to nexus
<peterperfect> your friend can give you phone but only for one month
<Assid> well i could ask him for a longer time.. but i would be putting him out
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<Assid> okay this is what i can do : A> get temp phone from friend.. wait for the G-E973 , B> go for the galaxy nexus (current) C> go for an S3 ? D> go for i9100G (if availabe) and interchange my phone.. then worry about a "upgrade" when available
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<Assid> peterperfect: after everything.. thts what its boiled down to
<Simon_> anyone know a review/feedback of cm10 as a daily driver on i9100 (the one with the SoC getting the bad press, i belive *g*)?
<Assid> 9100G .. good.. 9100 ... Eh?!
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<peterperfect> simon_ i9100g is good
<Assid> peterperfect:now from those options.. what do you think..
<Assid> im trying to avoid having to take favours as much as possible
<Simon_> peterperfect: G seems to have a currently better supported SoC afaik ... that also seems to be why there is no M1 for i9100 but for i9100g
<Simon_> right?
<peterperfect> yep
<peterperfect> G is omap
<peterperfect> OMAP > EXYNOS
<Assid> peterperfect: based on above.. vote?
<peterperfect> Assid get G
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<peterperfect> and deal with the selling problem later
<Assid> hmm k
<peterperfect> or Assid
<peterperfect> get a GNEX
<peterperfect> and deal with the problem later
<peterperfect> Galaxy Nexus > i9100G
<Assid> gnex almost the same price as s2
<Assid> and no microsd
<peterperfect> so its almost the same as G too
<peterperfect> but its a nexus
<Assid> yes.. but resale value.. is less :(
<Assid> cause of no microsd
<Simon_> I really hope this permanent line of multi-vendor nexus devices turns out true ... could reduce some of the pain points with current devices ...
<Assid> alrite.. i think thats my 2 main options.. either G or nexus..
<Assid> lemme think
<peterperfect> i would go for nexus
<Assid> no resale value
<peterperfect> and i9100g has it?
<Assid> resale value.. yeah more people tend to want it.. or know it even exists
<peterperfect> well so you made your decision
<Assid> i guess
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<Assid> alrite.. lemme speak and get the 9100G
<Assid> and interchange
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<nap> hello guy, i just want to know if the cm 10 for galaxy s 2 is totaly functionnal ? (Sorry for my english i'm french)
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<Tokes> anyone got any idea about the themes for cm10? are they just 4.1.1 themes or cm10 specific or what?
<peterperfect> Nabobalis not 100%
<peterperfect> oops
<peterperfect> well, he went way
<peterperfect> away
<Tokes> hehe
<Tokes> i wonder if assid sorted his prob
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<Tokes> either way u always find something u dont like i find
<Tokes> just get stuck in
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<ARCHAMO> Good morning I wanted to know who works explaining why he does not support Cyanogenmod10 rom or aplciacion brings the station for S3 Sansumg as I believe that is a qu functionality is being lost.
<ARCHAMO> As I can put in my work station with this rom S3 Sansumg
<Espenfjo> hm
<Espenfjo> I am not sure I understand what you mean
<bealtine> wut?
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<ARCHAMO> The Rom Cyanogenmod10 is not support for aplication Radio FM Stations in the Sansumg S3?
<bbqbot> derp
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<bealtine> i think you are asking if cm10 support fm radio?
<Espenfjo> Yes, that is true. CM10 does not support FM radio for the S3
<bealtine> no is the answer
<ARCHAMO> Because that is the reason
<bealtine> reason is because samsung wont release the source code
<bealtine> or information
<Espenfjo> Mostly because Samsungs devices are so incredible hard to develop for. Samsung is doing so much crap to the Android framework, without releasing any code we can work with
<Espenfjo> The Spirit FM app in the Google Play store still works I think
<bealtine> it does
<ARCHAMO> There is no way to install it
<bealtine> you buy it
<ARCHAMO> Spirit Nothing is left but when you start installing gets stuck.
<bealtine> i installed it just fine
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<bealtine> well if you cant install then email the author
<ARCHAMO> In the future there is no possibility to install CM10?
<bealtine> i installed it just fine
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<ARCHAMO> is the only reason that I have not changed CM10
<GabMus> hello everybody
<GabMus> guys, i need help
<GabMus> please read this topic on xda
<Xello> what s3 model?
pier|znc is now known as pier
<Xello> what music app
<nebkat> anyone got chainfire 3d on s3 cm10?
<nebkat> ANYONE?
<bealtine> cyberbully...
<bealtine> :)
<nebkat> I need Galaxy on Fire 2 Valkyrie on s3 nao
<nebkat> its one of tha best games eva
<GabMus> Xello: sorry, i was away
<GabMus> i use play music, and it is a normal s3
<GabMus> the problem is the same also with other music apps like aupeo
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<GabMus> hi icetwy
<bealtine> so turn up the volume
<icetwy> hey there!
<GabMus> it is at the max
<icetwy> what's up?
<bbqbot> derp
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<icetwy> gabmus
<GabMus> yes?
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<icetwy> are you sure the jack is properly plugged in
<GabMus> sure
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<icetwy> if you do not push onto it it's not properly plugged in
<icetwy> hum
<icetwy> your earphones could be the source of the problem
<GabMus> it is the same with my i9100 with cm10 and with my dad's i9300 with cm9
<icetwy> then your earphones are probably messed up
<Xello> the volume is fine playing from speaker?
<icetwy> try listening to something on your pc
<GabMus> i tried them before flashing cm9 with stock rom and they were fine
<GabMus> they are bose earphones, i think theyre good
<GabMus> Xello: yes, speaker sounds ok
<GabMus> icetwy: i tried the same earphones with my brother's ipod touch and my dad's old iphone 3g
<GabMus> the problem arent the earphones
<icetwy> and did they work correctly
<icetwy> ?
<GabMus> i also tried to change them
<GabMus> sure
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<icetwy> hmm..
<Xello> have you tried power amp
<icetwy> have you checked out each and every parameter concerning audio
<icetwy> within the settings of CM
<GabMus> multiple times!
<GabMus> everything seems ok in the settings… but just there
<icetwy> this is for you
<GabMus> well it isnt reeeeally low, it sounds like volume is at middle power
<GabMus> uuuh
<GabMus> lemme ceck it out
<icetwy> apparently
<icetwy> use Voodoo Sound, download it from Market... its changes your Db setting from hardware directly.
<icetwy> FIX:
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<GabMus> it is not compatible with cm10
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<Xello> There is also a tempory fix using terminal emulator
<Xello> $ su
<Xello> # /system/bin/alsa_amixer sset Headphone 31
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<GabMus> D: android uses alsa sound
<GabMus> ??
<icetwy> probably
<icetwy> based on linux
<icetwy> linux's default sound system is alsa
<icetwy> I'm on Arch Linux right now, using alsa, alsa isn't the problem
<GabMus> i know, but i imagined that google made one specifically for android
<icetwy> meh
<GabMus> ok, lemme try this command
<GabMus> eventually, what shoud i do to turn back?
<bbqbot> derp
<GabMus> Xello
<slainer6_> hi, question about sgs3 : is it still needed to flash a touchwiz ICS ROM to go from Touchwiz JB to CM10 because of the wifi ? Thanks.
<GabMus> and why it is temporary
<icetwy> dunno why it'd be temporary though
<icetwy> cause ALSA saves your settings as far as I knowx
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<Xello> no idea
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<GabMus> ok… ill try
<GabMus> im crossing my fingers
<Xello> im on i9300/cm9.1/poweramp and headphones are fine
<icetwy> you lucky. i9300 rocks
<icetwy> wish I had one
<Xello> wish we had a cm10/aokp stable already
<icetwy> meh
<icetwy> cm10 nightlies work perfectly on my i9100
<bealtine> well went and got my headphones and nearly blew my ears off
<GabMus> command doesnt work
<Xello> bealtine thats what the safe volume option is for ;)
<GabMus> cant find alsa_amixer or alsa_mixer or alsamixer
<bealtine> ja..
<icetwy> weird
<icetwy> alsamixer should exist..
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<GabMus> dunno
<GabMus> lemme ceck into root explorer
<bealtine> try different headphones
<GabMus> already tried
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<GabMus> in /system/bin there is something called audioloop
<GabMus> but nothing with al
<GabMus> there is /system/usr/share/alsa/
<GabMus> and it contains
<GabMus> cards folder, pcm folder and alsa.conf
Nabobalis is now known as zz_Nabobalis
<icetwy> alsa.conf
<icetwy> open it in a text editor
<GabMus> and...?
<icetwy> it you could pastebin it..
<GabMus> ok, wait
<icetwy> if*
<GabMus> mh… wait
<Xello> you said you were on cm9.1 too?
<GabMus> on the s3
<GabMus> my dads s3
<Xello> i dont have any alsa folders on mine
<icetwy> is poweramp any good?
<bbqbot> derp
<GabMus> im now using my s2 with cm10
<GabMus> poweramp is a player and is not free
<Xello> 2 week trial, try it
<GabMus> nay
<icetwy> still.
<icetwy> is it great?
<Xello> yep
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<GabMus> hello?
<GabMus> icetwy
<icetwy> hh
<icetwy> sorry
<GabMus> Xello
<GabMus> here is the alsa.config file
<GabMus> ops
<GabMus> open this one
<icetwy> unfortunately, it doesn't help right here :/
<GabMus> rly?
<icetwy> yup..
<Xello> i dont have anything to compare it with on mine
<icetwy> thought you could tweak some settings from there
<icetwy> but apparently you can't.
<GabMus> mh...
<GabMus> it looks like c (or java maybe?)
<icetwy> c
<icetwy> obv
<GabMus> i imagines
<GabMus> imagined*
<GabMus> if you have any ideas call my name
<icetwy> sure
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<icetwy> I have a slight problem..
<icetwy> I only have music in FLAC.
<icetwy> meaning that all of the songs I have are in flac
<icetwy> so, are there some huge capacity SD cards?
<GabMus> convert them to mp3?
<icetwy> hell no
<Xello> 64gb max
<Xello> i got a 32 for like 10 bucks in a sale
<Xello> will get a 64 when they drop in price
<icetwy> meh
<icetwy> there only are a few 64Gb models
<icetwy> and they're buggy for Android 4.0+
<Xello> ive tried some that have been fine on s3
<Xello> no difference from any other
<icetwy> *shrug* costs a lot tho
<Xello> hence wait for price drop :)
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<Assid> yoza
pier|afk is now known as pier
<Assid> peterperfect: so.. the i9100G option is off the shelf.. no loinger available
<peterperfect> gnex
<Assid> there is a 80$ difference in resale value between s2 and gnex
<Assid> and.. the gnex in india is being sold at 100$ more than the US counterpart
<peterperfect> well what can you do?
<Assid> the simplest is to order the GNEX and interchange my phone
<peterperfect> well, do it
<Assid> hmm
<Assid> and use the usb-otg for any "storage" im looking for when carrying media ..?
<peterperfect> yep but really
<peterperfect> 32gb
<peterperfect> you wont need it
<Assid> eh ? the current gen is 16GB
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* interloper is away: see ya soon goon
<Assid> err anyone here have a GNEX and can tell me what resolution this software is ready to pickup
<Assid> so then what i can do.. is get the GNEX .. and when im ready to sell.. i sell the S2 instread.. and upgfrade
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<peterperfect> Assid afaik nexus is hd
<peterperfect> 720p
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<Assid> yes it is
<Assid> peterperfect: but im talking about the software ipwebcam
<Assid> its the main reason my company wants a phone.. its making them into wireless webcams
<Assid> in places i cant put regular cams
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<frankdrey-pc> cm updater worked today :p
<frankdrey-pc> im downloading the latest nightly atm
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<frankdrey-pc> i think maybe when it checks and there's no nightly, it bugs out
<frankdrey-pc> since it was a null pointer exception
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<icetwy> looks like it crashes for me, frankdrey
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<danyasd_> hey can I use a 64GB micro sdxc card at the galaxy s3 intl with cm10?
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<frankdrey-pc> why would even need so much? xD
<frankdrey-pc> *would you
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<frankdrey-pc> am i weird for being excited about jetpack joyride android?
<danyasd_> because then I can change the internal with the external card and so I can install thousands of games and apps. And I can save more than 2 cwm backups :D
<frankdrey-pc> danyasd_, 32gb isn't enough?:p
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey-pc> also, cm updater succesfully rebooted into cwm and is updating :D
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<danyasd_> hmh I don't know, if I buy a 32GB card and it's okay for 2 months and then it's too small and I'll buy a 64GB, I wasted the money of the 32GB one haha
<frankdrey-pc> :\
<frankdrey-pc> you need to install less stuff xD
<frankdrey-pc> problem is if the 64 gb doesnt work
<danyasd_> yeah, then I have a big problem
<frankdrey-pc> anyway, off to class...
<frankdrey-pc> yep
<frankdrey-pc> :p
<frankdrey-pc> bye :D
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<danyasd_> at amazon they write that they are checking this article beacause some customers complained about the 64gb
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<joethc> sdxc is exfat ...format it to fat32 using software that allows more than 32gb and they work fine
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<chadouming> hey joethc
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<Jiangyi> Aw flip.
<g_byers> heyy
<Jiangyi> The I9100G thing about having to reflash GApps with every CM update is breaking things after using the CM updater.
<Jiangyi> :-|
<g_byers> Jiangyi the beauty of nightly :P
<Thracky> Jiangyi: HA screw your 9100G :D
<Jiangyi> g_byers: It was like that in CM9 too. :-P
<Thracky> you smug exynos hating jerk.
<Thracky> :P
<Jiangyi> lol
<Thracky> (jk I hate it too)
<Jiangyi> I know that, seeing that you jumped to Qcom :P
<Thracky> yup
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Got any clue on what's going on with CWM that's causing this? :-P
<g_byers> I'm eating jellybeans, coincidence
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: reflashing gapps needed?
<Espenfjo> hm
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: shouldn't be the case on a clean install
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: i've seen this if you upgrade from cm9 without wiping
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Yeah, or Gapps things just FC.
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Updating CM10 nightlies will cause this too.
<codeworkx> but only if you upgraded from cm9 without wiping data
<Jiangyi> And yes, I wiped when jumping from CM9 to CM10.
<codeworkx> if you flash cm, wipe, flash gapps, it will work
<codeworkx> or should work
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Was an issue on CM9 too ever since CWM got upgraded to V6. :-P
<codeworkx> wtf
<Jiangyi> Yeah..... :-|
<chadouming> jiangyi, dont care about updater, CID is coming soon :D
<bealtine> cid?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: check if you have /system/addon.d/
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Yes I do.
<codeworkx> that should get called on cm flash
<codeworkx> and backup gapps
<codeworkx> only if system is mounted. maybe it isn'T somehow
<Jiangyi> Well, it's not like the apps are gone, it's just that they FC.
<codeworkx> you're google account is active?
<Jiangyi> Yes.
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<codeworkx> i've seen on my GFs phone that gapps are gone
<codeworkx> but never FCing
<Jiangyi> Just flashing a new CM10 nightly would kill it basically.
<Jiangyi> We all learned to live with it, except now with the updater, it's more of a problem. :-P
<Jiangyi> chadouming: Thinking about dem noobs who won't know better :-P
<chadouming> haha
<chadouming> we all hate noobs :D
<Thracky> yup
<chadouming> and the community seems to want them more and more newb
<chadouming> like follow that EASY guide and never really learn how to do thing
<chadouming> get programmed to do the thing
<Thracky> I think when you're a complete noob you should be quiet and go read shit until you're not a complete noob.
<chadouming> how do you install CM, it's easy, press that button
<Thracky> then you can ask intelligent questions that can't be answered with a 2 second google.
<chadouming> that's what i did
<chadouming> i learned a lot by trial and error tho
<chadouming> but never came to a dev crying : "Hey man, i borked my phone with your shit, you fix it"
<Jiangyi> Have to say though, this noob who was trying to unbrick his I9100G found the magic way to switch bootloaders between Intl. and Chinese. :-P
<bealtine> no no you should have come here and whined
<chadouming> and i would never be where i am right now xD
<chadouming> Jiangyi: mah
<chadouming> i made that with my old GT-I9000
<chadouming> was my first trial and error
<chadouming> and it was my first error too
<chadouming> xD
<Jiangyi> Honestly though, none of us thought of using OMAPFlash in that way lol
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<chadouming> these bootloader required to have home button to enter recovery/download which i didnt have
<chadouming> (not physical)
<chadouming> xD
<chadouming> i learned a lot that day
<chadouming> specially how to make a jig
<chadouming> and how the pin in a micro usb are fucking small and hard to solder
<bealtine> heh
<Jiangyi> Best way of doing accelerated learning as a noob? Force yourself to flash uber unstable stuff :-P
<bbqbot> derp
<bealtine> i love the X doesnt work, why?
<chadouming> the kind of question that make me want to kill people ?
<chadouming> xD
<Thracky> yeah the "why doesn't this work" questions are absolutely retarded.
<Thracky> or "how can I fix this"
<Thracky> or the wonderful "when will this be fixed"
<chadouming> or the worst, does this work ?
<Jiangyi> LOL
<bealtine> how flash?
<Jiangyi> Chinese forums tend to be more intelligent, but also cluttered with false reports and crap.
<chadouming> dude, is it working ? (random dude) "no" THEN IT DOESNT WORK
<Jiangyi> I swear, the opposite happens too. People will claim that something is working when it's not lol
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: lemme fix it
<Jiangyi> lmao
<bealtine> ha
<Jiangyi> ok, thx cody :-P
<chadouming> last one is my favorite
<chadouming> that's my collection of small things to make me laugh
<Jiangyi> Well then. That was simple. ._.
<chadouming> lol
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Any way I can build just that part and try it out by swapping it into a Nightly without doing the whole build?
<chadouming> change only the update script ?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: that's the updater script
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: you'll need a full build xD
<chadouming> codeworkx, can't he only change the line on an existing nightly build ?
<chadouming> then remake the binary
<chadouming> (updater script binary)
<codeworkx> sure
<Jiangyi> Urm.... So full build or not full build? ._.
<bealtine> or just wait:)
<codeworkx> Jiangyi:
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Alright got it. Trying this thing out.
<g_byers> codeworkx is the thing with the on screen buttons a known problem?
<codeworkx> ???
<codeworkx> on which device?
<codeworkx> which problem?
<bbqbot> derp
<g_byers> codeworkx take a look at these screenshots
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<g_byers> Its the gt-p3113
<chadouming> already told you, it's not a problem, it's a feature
<chadouming> to enhance your cognitive faculty
<g_byers> chadouming sounds like something apple would say :P
<bealtine> cogywat?
<codeworkx> g_byers: modified dpi?
<chadouming> not really, it's more intelligent than what apple would say
<chadouming> HAHAHAHA
<g_byers> codeworkx umm nope not that I know of all rome came direct from
<g_byers> *roms
<chadouming> codeworkx, you saw the LG Optimus G video ?
<chadouming> look at the video on bottom
<chadouming> this phone has an antenna
<chadouming> !
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<codeworkx> chadouming: galaxy s2 without buttons
<chadouming> with an antenna
<chadouming> !!!!
<chadouming> xD
<g_byers> codeworkx I think since you added the thing where you can rearrange the soft buttons
<Jiangyi> chadouming: All teh Korean variants haz antennas. :-P
<chadouming> hipster will like that xD
<Jiangyi> Even the S2 LTE there had antennas.
<g_byers> It has went wrong
<chadouming> dafuq ?
<codeworkx> g_byers: i didn't add that
<g_byers> Well CM did
raXuz|Away is now known as raXuz
<chadouming> codeworkx <> cm
<chadouming> codeworkx == cwm
<chadouming> xD
<g_byers> <> = Diamond Club :S
<g_byers> apparently lg gets the next nexus
<chadouming> <> == different in some programmation language
<chadouming> should have used != since i used == tho
<Thracky> dick.
<Thracky> :P
<Thracky> otherwise you should have just used =
<chadouming> = is an assignation
<Thracky> not in sql.
<Thracky> where <> is not equal
<chadouming> this would give the first variable the 2nd variable value
<g_byers> nobody know of a solution for me :S
<chadouming> i was more talking about vb
<chadouming> but == is not in vb
<Thracky> who the fuck knows vb? :P
<chadouming> i do
<chadouming> i work with VB xD
<Thracky> christ.
<Thracky> I taught myself that a tiny bit when I was like 12 and haven't touched it since.
* Jiangyi knows nothing, so he'll just watch the show :-P
<Thracky> my dad got me VB on like 12 floppies from work.
<chadouming> haha, well we learned a bit from it school
<chadouming> and i had a possibility to get a part time student job as programmer in VB<
<chadouming> which give me experience + better salary than other part time student job
<Thracky> I don't want to be a programmer.
<chadouming> why would i say no ?
<Jiangyi> Hmm... Last I heard, they were teaching something called Turing at my school. :-P
<Thracky> but I have to know it quite well.
<Thracky> there's a Turing language? never heard of it.
<bbqbot> derp
<Thracky> alan turing is like... the godfather of modern computing heh.
<chadouming> how to code is the important thing in programmation, not the langage
<bealtine> logic is more important than the language
<g_byers> codeworkx do I have to put it into a bug tracker or something :S
<Thracky> once you learn a language or two, picking up more is pretty easy.
* Thracky bends over and opens his bug tracker.
<Thracky> jk :P
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: No more FCs now, except that now there's both a Froyo-esque search app and then new Google search app. :-S
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<Jiangyi> the*
<Jiangyi> And the search bar on the homescreen is the froyo-esque one.
<g_byers> Jiangyi you haven't installed google apps
<chadouming> bealting, logic, you have it or not
<chadouming> it's not something you can learn
<chadouming> lol, Jiangyi, listen tips from the noob :P
<Jiangyi> lol
<g_byers> -.-
<Jiangyi> g_byers: It's a different issue than the one you're thinking. :-P
<Thracky> they're trying to troubleshoot why gapps isn't preserved from flash to flash g_byers
<Thracky> eg. my d2att hasn't had gapps flashed in like a month.
<Thracky> but I update every few days or so.
<Jiangyi> Now it preserves, but we've got the old search app that comes with CM10 sticking around.
<g_byers> humm I just need to figure out why the soft keys are messed up
<chadouming> y u no flash gapps everytime you flash new rom, like i do ?
<chadouming> and i flash rom + kernel daily
<chadouming> i has a list of 9 things i flash every day in fact :D
<chadouming> not always changing, but i need to flash because i update cm
<g_byers> I should just go back to the 30th august build to have working navigation buttons
* Jiangyi has trained 85% of I9100G user on AOSP to do that, but teh updater really screws things over. :-P
<chadouming> haha, hahaha, hahaha
<chadouming> (etc)
<chadouming> what was i saying earlier
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<chadouming> the community train noob to stay noob
<chadouming> how do i update ? I press that button.
* chadouming should not talk too much, he is working on something that will keep that tendency
<g_byers> most people say to me what's a rom -.-
<bealtine> like rome?
<bealtine> technically its not a rom
<bealtine> ReadOnlyMemeory
<chadouming> true, it's eeprom :P
* bealtine hi 5's chadouming
<g_byers> its jargon apron android jargon :P
<bealtine> its not android jargon..
<chadouming> well,nah, eeprom stand for electronically eraseable read only memory
<chadouming> but thechnically, it should be a rom
<chadouming> since the /system is usualle a read only partition
<chadouming> we break that with root
<bealtine> in the times past a rom was where the OS lived
<g_byers> CM 10 on my washing machine!
<bealtine> not too far from the truth
<chadouming> well, /system partition is the os
<chadouming> partition
<chadouming> first bios where rom
<Jiangyi> g_byers: Ironically, there's this guy who threw his phone with CM10 into the washing machine and ran a full cycle on it. :-P
<chadouming> now they are eeprom
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<chadouming> everything is eeprom now !
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<Jiangyi> After 5 days of putting the phone in rice, it works lol
<chadouming> well,nah, eeprom stand for electronically eraseable programmable read only memory*
<Jiangyi> Erm.... So it's erasable, but read-only..............?
<bbqbot> derp
<g_byers> I lol'd xda had a video on glass screen protectors can see that going well....
<bealtine> whereas proms were eraseable by UV light
<chadouming> iirc eprom was eraseable by UV
<bealtine> maybe
<g_byers> I heard to unblock a kindle fir it involves poking a paperclip into the rom memory :S
<g_byers> *unbrick
<chadouming> sounds like a bad idea
<g_byers> bah this bluetooth keyboard is running low -.-
<Thracky> ahhh lovely java assignment done except for javadoc.
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<g_byers> Any sling box owners?
<g_byers> SlingPlayer for Android gets a long-awaited update, adds reminders and better Android 4 video quality -
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<akSeya> guys.. i saw latest nightly had a few changes on MMS apk, can I ask the feature present in cm9 that adds return carriage with swype?
<bealtine> the carriage return key?
<akSeya> yeah
<akSeya> bealtine, Swype and the default MMS apk does not provide it
<akSeya> instead, swype shows another Smilie key
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<akSeya> i remember cm9 had an option in MMS apk settings to change that key behavior
<akSeya> oh oh
<akSeya> forget it
<akSeya> it alerady has :P
* interloper is away: see ya soon goon
<Jiangyi> akSeya: If you're talking about what I think you're talking about, there's an option to change soft keyboard type that was added in recently.
<akSeya> Soft Keyboard Type
<akSeya> when was it added?! :P
<Jiangyi> Blah. Should've typed faster. :-|
<akSeya> :P
<Jiangyi> I think a week ago?
<Jiangyi> Maybe 5 days-ish.
<akSeya> damn.. i don't believe I missed that
<akSeya> and how about a Smiley/Emoji theme pack?
<akSeya> every update, I unzip the MMS.apk to add the old emojis back
<Jiangyi> Dunno about that.
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<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> anothre thing in my collection of small thing that make me laugh :D
<chadouming> derp, indeed, derp
* interloper is away: see ya soon goon
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<DuperMan> note 2. it ecked at yet?
<DuperMan> also, hi
<chadouming> hi
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<DuperMan> sup?
* DuperMan is so bored he's calling the MSN bots nazis
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<chadouming> dafuq ? no one still use msn
<Jiangyi> chadouming: I do. :-|
<chadouming> !!
<chadouming> why one would still use msn ?
<Jiangyi> Excellent question.
<Jiangyi> idk lol
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