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<kentonv> ocdtrekkie, unfortunately, Debian Sid's 32-bit support is currently busted, which means I can't run Wine32, which is needed by the release script.
<ocdtrekkie> You know, say what you will, but Windows never has all of these issues with these things. :P
<ocdtrekkie> Ah well.
<ocdtrekkie> Iunno if it's worth asking about commenting out the Windows support for now and pushing a Linux flavor or not.
<ocdtrekkie> How soon will Debian fix it?
<kentonv> the sid issue should be fixed as soon as they finish pushing the 32-bit packages matching the 64-bit ones they pushed earlier today
<kentonv> I think
<ocdtrekkie> Living on the bleeding edge, are we?
<kentonv> Debian Sid is also known (officially) as Debian Unstable
<kentonv> thing is, "stable" debian is always ridiculously outdated. :/
<ocdtrekkie> I'm not versed on Debian release names. :P
<xet7> I do also live at edge, Debian Sid :D
<xet7> I have scripts to fix breakage :D
<xet7> it's fun :D
<isd> I just use arch :P
<isd> Very little breakage actually.
<xet7> Doh, boring :D
<xet7> hehe
<xet7> actually Debian Sid is very stable
<isd> Yeah, so I'm told.
<xet7> I use kernel 4.15, it works nicely
<xet7> docker, snap, sandstorm, etc all works
<kentonv> isd, does arch still refuse to ship a kernel with user namespaces?
<isd> Yeah, afaik it's still disabled.
<isd> ah, wait
<isd> no, it seems to be enabled now.
<isd> (just grepped /proc/config.gz)
<kentonv> whoa
<isd> Wonder when that happened
<kentonv> well, does it work for unprivileged users, or only root?
<isd> unshare -U bash gives me a shell as "nobody"
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<isd> Not sure how to interpret that
<ocdtrekkie> xet7: I want to say someone else said something with a similar error message to that r ecently.
<isd> Will write a small C program
<ocdtrekkie> Oh, it's regarding the old WordPress:
<kentonv> isd, if it worked when not root, then I guess you have them
<isd> Yeah, just my regular user.
<isd> From my local dev instance: ...** SANDSTORM SUPERVISOR: Starting up grain. Sandbox type: userns
<isd> So yeah.
<isd> Works.
<ocdtrekkie> kentonv: Any idea why PHP can't bind a listening socket?
<kentonv> ocdtrekkie, in what context?
<xet7> anyway, I don't use socket with PHP nowadays at all, I always use TCP port like 9000 etc for PHP
<ocdtrekkie> There wa sa sandstorm issue with a similarish error. On current WordPress
<xet7> on some very old servers like CentOS 6 there was PHP using socket, elsewhere newer at CentOS 7 etc I use TCP ports, because I did not get .sock files working correctly
<kentonv> err, TCP ports are sockets too
<xet7> hmm
<kentonv> I think you mean unix sockets, specifically?
<xet7> Yes, unix socket files
<kentonv> ah
<xet7> where directory is specifies
<xet7> specifies
<kentonv> FWIW they are much faster than TCP :)
<kentonv> (but it shouldn't matter much)
<kentonv> You may need to make sure /run is a symlink into /tmp
<xet7> Hmm, if only I figured out how to get unix socket files working with newer linuxes
<kentonv> by default /run might be trying to use files from the base system (when in dev mode), which won't work
<xet7> anyway, if that WordPress-Sandstorm config could be fixed with changing unix socket to TCP port, it would be enough
<xet7> WP is only needed when grain is running
<xet7> otherwise it's just static website serving
<kentonv> right, the grain only runs when the user opens it in the sandstorm UI, not when visitors view the published site...
<kentonv> but I don't see how that relates to the problem
<kentonv> I think you need to symlink /run to /tmp
<xet7> Ok, I'll try it later
<kentonv> since the source map looks in the current directory first, you can put the symlink in the source directory
<kentonv> ln -s /tmp run
<kentonv> (inside the wordpress-sandstorm directory)
<xet7> Oh Ok, just a moment I'll try
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<kentonv> I'm just going to make Sandstorm's build download Chromium's Clang build, it's easier than getting people to use llvm apt
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