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<georgeowell> rocketchat has been super problematic for me deploying it as part of my buisness
<georgeowell> on the so called stable branch they change the UI in a really negative way. They actually removed the ability to see all the channels on the server.
<georgeowell> you have to know what a channel is called in order to find it
<georgeowell> they just updated to re-add that feature but added a whole new set of defualt behaviours
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<georgeowell> Considering it is meant to be an app for organisations/buisness this is really a very bad way to run a project
<georgeowell> Updating the Wordpress would be really nice as a lot of the themes don't work with the older version currently in Sandstorm
<georgeowell> I would also really like an update to Framadate as the current version is actually usable
<xet7> Somebody asked about security disclosure scope, so I added it and all known security details about Wekan to
<georgeowell> looks good
<georgeowell> do you use pgp?
<georgeowell> you could include your fingerprint in there
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<xet7> Yes I do have PGP key also
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<knightcat> hello, does someone know where i can find the time limit for an error message to expire and resend the token email to a user?
<knightcat> a user tried to log in but he keeps seeing "it looks like we sent a log in email to this address not long ago...."
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<ocdtrekkie> kentonv: Can you look at maybe doing a vagrant-spk release? The release script has a couple dependencies, but looks like it does all of the work, including Windows support.
<ocdtrekkie> I would include the #211 PR that isn't merged yet.
<kentonv> ocdtrekkie, I can try running the script but someone else will have to tell me if it worked...
<ocdtrekkie> It looks like it needs a github-release tool, and if all is right with the world, at the end you should have a release on GitHub tagged with the current Sandstorm version.
<ocdtrekkie> Wow, it looks like the script even downloads the Windows setup tool off their website if you don't have it. o_o
<kentonv> ugh, there are multiple tools on the internet called github-release, none of which seems particularly popular
<ocdtrekkie> Asheesh does not kid around when he writes scripts though.
<kentonv> I've found at least three github-release tools with no apparent relation to each other
<kentonv> the only one which looks like it might match the use in the script is
<kentonv> just written by some random guy...
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<ocdtrekkie> It has 919 stars!
<ocdtrekkie> That's not bad for some random guy. :P
<kentonv> gah I have to give this thing a token that gives it read/write access to all repositories because there's no way to create a token for just one repository
<kentonv> you can create tokens that are restricted in what actions they can perform but not in which repositories they can access. Why does anyone think that's useful?
<ocdtrekkie> That seems poorly designed. :/
<ocdtrekkie> I guess the workaround would be to create a user with only commit writes to the one repo, and use that user account?
<ocdtrekkie> rights*
<kentonv> that really shouldn't be necessary. :/
<ocdtrekkie> Seems like a good feature request for GitHub.
<ocdtrekkie> hot take: A good feature request for GitHub to ignore.
<kentonv> my experience is GitHub doesn't care about these things very much
<kentonv> meanwhile, dammit, the Sandstorm release script was running in the background, and whenever it gets to the point of doing GPG signing, it pops up this full-screen password prompt and if you merely click anywhere then it cancels the prompt and the whole script fails right at the almost-last step.
<kentonv> and I was clicking on a web site right when it hit
<kentonv> I wish UI widgets would ignore input events that they receive within a second of the widget appearing.
<kentonv> just, universally
<ocdtrekkie> I wonder if I could find a GitHub employee who cared. (I just this week started a conversation with probably "the right person" about my Windows Update woes. He is interested in getting it looked into further, which is... kinda huge.
<ocdtrekkie> kentonv: If your UI widgets did that, at least one person would complain about having to wait a second to do something.
<kentonv> it would need some additional logic. Maybe if the UI element appeared / moved in response to user input, then there's no pause. But if it appears/moves as a result of background processing then it's locked for a second.
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