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<pabloh> does anyone know if top level instance variables are file scoped?
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<drbrain> pabloh: they are
<drbrain> oh, I thought you said local, instance variables are shared since you're working on the same top-level instance
<injekt> heh
<pabloh> drbrain, ok thx, banisterfiend already told me at #ruby
<andrewvos> oooh burn
<injekt> global methods are throw into Object, yet ivars are not
<injekt> also, cross posting is annoying
<pabloh> injekt: err..., sry
<rue> #ruby is annoying
<injekt> especially somewhere as rude as ruby
<injekt> oh here we go
<injekt> dont start rue
<injekt> every. single. time.
<andrewvos> Now you got rue all pissed off
<injekt> it's like he has a hilight on #ruby
<injekt> so I've been using ST2 for about 2-3 hours now and I actually love it
<twelvechairs> cross posting might be annoying, but it makes sense when there are two channels for the same thing....
<injekt> this channel is official
<injekt> the other is not, let's go and make a third one and post there too shall we?
<injekt> it makes sense because they're all for the same thing
<injekt> :D
<andrewvos> hmm, sounds logical
<twelvechairs> yes. however that channel regularly has nearly twice the number of people on it...
<deryldoucette> but to most people #ruby would be the official in their mind. they don't know about #ruby-lang pere i'd wager
<injekt> deryldoucette: pretty much exactly the only reason they get so many users
<andrewvos> #lolruby
<deryldoucette> injekt: i can't fault that logic
<andrewvos> Why don't we all just go there?
<injekt> yeah, we're closing #ruby-lang
<injekt> just leave rue here
<deryldoucette> just saying, i can see why they would think #ruby rather than #ruby-lang would be the 'official' channel.
<deryldoucette> lol
<deryldoucette> rue turn off the lights before you leave
<andrewvos> hahahaha
<injekt> deryldoucette: I agree
<twelvechairs> Maybe it is sacrelidge to say this here, but why can't they just make #ruby the official channel? Surely the owners of the channels could talk to each other
<injekt> tried that
<injekt> (talking)
<andrewvos> We lost 17 men that day
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<injekt> and a bot
<injekt> RIP
<andrewvos> OOh that remidns me I was setting up a bot for work!!
<deryldoucette> Robots In Pieces?
* zenspider pours a drink for his homies
<injekt> deryldoucette: robots in #python
<injekt> andrewvos: an irc bot?
<twelvechairs> wow. sounds.... apathetic...
<deryldoucette> quick get him! he said the P word!
<injekt> uh oh!
* injekt runs
<andrewvos> injekt: yeah
<injekt> zenspider: thank you for minitest
<zenspider> injekt: my pleasure
<zenspider> thanks for enjoying it
<andrewvos> zenspider: Yah I second that, after fucking about for hours in a project that uses rspec today. Mocks *everywhere*
<andrewvos> So many
<andrewvos> So so many
<andrewvos> And I have to work on it tomorrow
<andrewvos> Right I'm going to sleep
<injekt> andrewvos: what you using for it? :)
<drbrain> I once asked "how can I be the ruby official person thingy for freenode"
<rue> Weakling
<drbrain> and a freenode staff member said "you need to get matz to sign off"
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<andrewvos> injekt: Using for what?
<drbrain> and I said "I know matz!"
<injekt> andrewvos: irc
<drbrain> and I got laughed at
<injekt> drbrain: lol
<drbrain> so that was the end of that
<injekt> wait that's not helping
<zenspider> drbrain: so get matz to sign off on it
<injekt> ^
<rue> drbrain: It's marginally easier now, FWIW
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<rue> I emailed -core recentlyish, but I don't think anyone ever responded to that
<andrewvos> injekt: Uhh the ruby one I think.. or was it hubot?
<andrewvos> Yeah hubot
<drbrain> zenspider: they wouldn't tell me how that happened
<injekt> andrewvos: coffeescript
<andrewvos> oh right
<andrewvos> <3 coffeescript
<injekt> I still can't get used to it
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<deryldoucette> i haven't even played with it yet. nothing i'm doing requires it (yet)
<andrewvos> deryldoucette: That's what she siad
<andrewvos> said*
<deryldoucette> heh
<andrewvos> Wait didn't I say I was going to sleep?. Ok that's happening. Night
<deryldoucette> later. my rottie is beggin me to play with her for a bit so.. i'm off too. Night
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<shevy> rotten wife??
<andrewvos> shevy: I was thinking that too
<zenspider> god I love rsync 3
<cout> zenspider: the movie?
<rue> Straight to video
<andrewvos> hahaha
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<deryldoucette> lol, sometimes i think she thinks she is my rotten wife
<deryldoucette> my rottweiler
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<cout> rot while her what?
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<andkerosine> How to build the setter for a multi-dimensional array?
<andkerosine> For instance, config['x']['y] = z
<andkerosine> Without having to keep writing to the file after every change?
<theconartist> don't write the file after every change?
<andkerosine> It is necessary for proper functioning.
<theconartist> but you just said you don't want to..?
<erikh> who's on first?
<andkerosine> I meant without doing it explicitly.
<andkerosine> I'd like to create a setter that does the writing.
<theconartist> well just make a method for it
<theconartist> you could make the config a singleton so it's like config[x,y] = z; or something
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<rue> Multiple args withit [] is the best you can do, yes, or then you need to provide a proxy returned by #[], which implements #[]= as you need it to
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<andkerosine> So, I would really like for it to work like this, and I think I'm really close:
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<andkerosine> But the initialize is returning an empty hash.
<andkerosine> If I write a load method that returns the hash, that works fine, but then I have to set @config to, which then doesn't let me assign to it later.
<lsegal> you're not doing anything with your JSON.parse object
<lsegal> andkerosine delegation is always preferred to inheritance
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<bnagy> lsegal: why? :)
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<bnagy> I'll bear that in mind next time I'm writing Java :>
<bnagy> I mean I don't disagree that ruby's DelegateClass etc are cool, but the word 'always' brings out the pedant in me
<lsegal> design principles are language agnostic
<lsegal> when i said delegation i didn't necessarily mean "delegateclass"
<lsegal> i meant composition where most of the interface is delegated to the composed object
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<bnagy> ok, sounds like buzzwords to me :) There are plenty of use cases where inheritance is clean, easy to read and write and works perfectly
<RomyRomy> Hello, I write to inquire if anyone here has successfully deployed an octopuses blog
<RomyRomy> sigh.
<RomyRomy> Octopress, i meant, thanks to autocorrect.
<deryldoucette> i have one. took all the defaults except for enabling some of the plugins and the google+ and git stuff.
<deryldoucette> serves my needs at that level of commitment for the time being. using it with github's pages support for a project i'm working on.
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<postmodern> question, why doesn't URI automatically escape the query string?
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<twelvechairs> is there a simple way to intersect an unknown amount of arrays eg. [[1,2,3,4],[2,3,4,5],[3,4,5,6]].???? # => [3,4]
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<gfarfl> twelvechairs: [[1,2,3,4],[2,3,4,5],[3,4,5,6]].inject(:&)
<theconartist> damnit i was 1 second late
<andkerosine> Of course, #reduce makes a bit more semantic sense there.
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<postmodern> question, why doesn't URI automatically escape the query string?
<twelvechairs> gfarfl: thanks :)
<postmodern> allows \n characters in the #query string
<postmodern> also Net::HTTP let's them slip into the requests without escaping them
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<andkerosine> Who says there isn't a some resource that'll process your \ns?
<andkerosine> -a
<postmodern> the \n causes the HTTP/1.1 to not be parsed properly
<postmodern> causes the server to reject the request
<andkerosine> Then, yes, that server isn't configured to handle them.
<andkerosine> Doesn't mean it's not possible.
<erikh> not that it helps much, but gsub over [^\w] with a .ord.hex should solve your problem
<andkerosine> Technically, query strings aren't part of the URI specification, to answer your question.
<postmodern> erikh, yeah manually calling URI.escape fixes this
<erikh> ah, I see.
<postmodern> erikh, but i thought it odd that URI and Net::HTTP lets \n and \r slip through
<erikh> yeah, that is strange
<erikh> you should get drbrain's attention or submit to the tracker
<erikh> URI has a lot of bugs though, not especially surprising
<erikh> .... and that's because hte URI spec is a fickle bitch
<erikh> does it let any whitespace through or just \n and \r ?
<postmodern> erikh, oh wait
<erikh> oh nice
<erikh> haha you submitted it
<erikh> frazzled much ? :)
<postmodern> erikh, yeah forgot about it
<postmodern> erikh, and yes much frazzled
<erikh> well p125 is out now, fwiw
<erikh> it probably has your fix in it -- it was only released a few days ago
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<postmodern> erikh, looks like it's still not fixed in 125
<erikh> hum. phooey
<duckinator> heftig: thanks for pointing out ruby_debug == $DEBUG before. i think i got it narrowed down to two possibilities causing $DEBUG to fix this bug, now :D
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<lsegal> bnagy the problem is it doesn't work perfectly. subclassing Hash will often lead you to edge cases where things don't work as expected unless you've overridden the entire Hash interface to delegate to the proper functionality, which is why composition is superior
<lsegal> bnagy [], []= are the obvious ones, but then there is merge, merge!, update, replace, and more.
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<duckinator> I'm working safe ruby eval in pure ruby, and AFAIK the only bug is sleep() w/ no args hangs endlessly. the Timeout.timeout{...} is where the evaluated code is ran. One of the behaviors in MRI changed when $DEBUG==true fixes this issue, but I can't track it down.
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<duckinator> i've narrowed it down to 2 possible locations in MRI's source (it may be elsewhere -- i started with everything referencing ruby_debug/$DEBUG and trimming down the list): and ... any insight would be much appreciated
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<hagabaka> in, at the end of extconf.rb it says 'exec "/opt/kde4/bin/moc #{$CPPFLAGS} testobject.h -o moc_testobject.cpp"'. It's not working for me because $CPPFLAGS is " $(DEFS) $(cppflags)". Was it meant to generate a line in the Makefile, instead of executing the command when running extconf.rb?
<bnagy> lsegal: conflating 'some' with 'all' is not a great debating technique, imho. Yes, in some cases subclassing can give rise to issues. In many it works perfectly. In all it is shorter to write and easier to read.
<bnagy> which is why it's used so much, including in the language itself
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<lsegal> bnagy the point is that it's *preferred*; there are many other benefits to composition over inheritance that cover the other issues. i think you have the argument reversed. yes, sometimes you can get away with inheritance, but it's not often the preferred design choice.
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<bnagy> I have no view on often versus sometimes versus rarely, only on 'never'
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<bnagy> so I therefore declare this argument over :>
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<maek> if I have an array of hashes, like so how do I iterate over the hash values. I need the values of each has for a config line for hadoop.
<bnagy> a.each {|hsh| hsh.each {|k,v| # do something} }
<maek> bnagy: thats giving me
<maek> bnagy: sorry thats formatted poorly
<maek> bnagy: thats better
<maek> how do you do it if you want o access every k,v pair in the single hash at a time
<maek> or is that something you cant do
<bnagy> that's what you're doing
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<bnagy> except you have a key :name and a key :value
<maek> bnagy: so if the hash as 10 k,v pairs that will just go through all 10 for each instance of k v ?
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<maek> sorry so confused let me try something else
<bnagy> if possible, I would just have { '' => 'hdfs://hadoop1-001:54310' }
<maek> bnagy: also thanks!
<bnagy> but otherwise a.each {|hsh| "key is #{hsh[:name]} value ie #{hsh[:value]}"}
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<maek> bnagy: oh thats even better, your suggestion for the name => value. let me bang on that for a bit. ty!
<bnagy> also, if you do it that way, you can just use one hash and not an array of 2 element hashes :)
<maek> key value pair = element?
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<bnagy> {''=>'blah', 'make.hadoop.suck.less'=>'true' ...} etc
<bnagy> you can store all your settings in a single hash, then
<maek> ok ty, better and better
<maek> was making a bunch of single element hashs
<maek> obvious noob is obvious. thanks for the schooling
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<bnagy> no worries
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<hagabaka> how can I define a module function in a C extension, so that I call it with TheModule.the_method?
<hagabaka> oh rb_define_singleton_method
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<cout> yep
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<hagabaka> how can I return a ruby string from a const char* in an extension?
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<yorickpeterse1> Morning
<lsegal> hagabaka rb_str_new2(), though you may want to add an encoding
<cout> hagabaka: rb_str_new2(str)
<yorickpeterse1> Morning
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<yorickpeterse> Sorry for that, that was a failing up key :)
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<hagabaka> thanks
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<tla> can anyone explain the magic of ruby's _ ?
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<hagabaka> what am I doing wrong in ? getting In function ‘void Init_QuasselTypes()’: quassel_types.cpp:17:73: error: invalid conversion from ‘VALUE (*)(VALUE, VALUE) {aka long unsigned int (*)(long unsigned int, long unsigned int)}’ to ‘VALUE (*)(...) {aka long unsigned int (*)(...)}’ [-fpermissive]
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<erikh> hagabaka: I suspect it's something with C++
<erikh> works fine
<hagabaka> oh
<hagabaka> wrapping the whole thing inside extern "C" doesn't help :/
<erikh> phooey
<erikh> C++ is much more anal about types than C is
<erikh> I'm not much of a C++ guy though, so I'll shut up now
<tla> from what I can tell _ holds the result of the last expression evaluated - true?
<erikh> I'm not sure what it returns, just its use in assignments
<erikh> _, a = 1, 2 (1 assigns to nothing)
<brownies> i believe it's used as a throwaway variable for assignments
<brownies> and that's about it
<erikh> right
<tla> ah ok
<rippa> tla: it holds result of last expression only in irb and pry
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<tla> rippa: ok, I noticed it in ".sort_by do |(host, location, _, _)|" in Rack::URLMap, and it seemed kinda strange
<rippa> that is kinda strange
<hagabaka> values are assigned to block arguments, so it's the same idea, to throw away those last two elements
<rippa> sort_by do |(host, location)|
<rippa> would work too
<rippa> or sort_by do |(host, location, *)|
<rippa> what's fun is
<rippa> if you do |(host, location, derp, derp)|
<rippa> ruby complains about repeated argument
<rippa> but with _, _ it works
<rippa> so it's a special case
<tla> thanks
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<banisterbaby> can anyone think of a way to determine whether a proc takes a block?
<banisterbaby> i.e if it was defined as: proc { |&block|
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<rue> Hm, maybe you could round-trip it?
<rue> Although apparently #parameters shows it so you don't need to
<banisterbaby> rue: i need to support 1.8 though what did u mean by round-trip it, eero?
<rue> Stupid 1.8
<rue> banisterbaby: You could just detect 1.8 and hardcode it to false
<banisterbaby> rue: Yeah
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<andrewvos> hahaha
<andrewvos> Sounds legit
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<hagabaka> is there something like p() in C extensions?
<rue> hagabaka: Sure, #p
<hagabaka> how do I call it in C code?
<rue> (You can always rb_funcall(), but I think there's an rb_inspect(), too.)
<hagabaka> what object do I pass to rb_funcall?
<shevy> the pony object
<shevy> VALUE arr;
<shevy> arr = rb_iv_get(self, "@arr");
<shevy> rb_funcall(arr, id_push, 1, obj);
<hagabaka> but isn't p defined for Kernel?
<shevy> obj is passed into the function
<shevy> oh I dont know much about p
<hagabaka> hmm rb_mKernel
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<banisterbaby> hagabaka: rb_p
<hagabaka> ah, thanks
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<hagabaka> does RSTRING_PTR give the const char* of the string?
<banisterbaby> hagabaka: Yeah
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<tla> another question: |foo,bar| vs |(foo,bar)| ?
<rippa> tla: second splits array
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<tla> rippa: ah, thanks
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<nofxx_> hehe ~40 min for a big leap in unix time.... 1330000000
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<Wardrop> Would anyone be able to explain why in my code, referring to the constant Allocation works fine, but using const_get(:Allocation) fails?
<Wardrop> I've resorted to using eval(const_name) to lookup the constant, but I don't understand why const_get is not working?
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<rue> You're trying to get it in the wrong place, maybe?
<rue> Need codes
<apeiros_> Wardrop: const_get == self.const_get, self should be the module that contains Allocation
<Wardrop> But shouldn't it lookup with inheritance, which is set to true by default. So if the constant I'm looking for is defined in the same module, shouldn't it find it.
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<Wardrop> I'm calling const_get from a Padrino controller (if you're familiar with the framework). The controller is defined as a block which is then instance_eval'd against the web application object. I can imagine that with the instance_eval, const_get may be getting screwed up.
<banisterbaby> Wardrop: ensure that you're calling const_get on the correct object then
<banisterbaby> pass in an explicit receiver
<banisterbaby> use*
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<Wardrop> I'll use the module the constant lives in then. E.g. Tombstone.const_get(:Allocation). It's just unusual how the lookup works fine if Allocation is referenced directly. I wonder if it's to do with block scoping. Allocation exists in-scope where the block is defined, but is out of scope where the block is instance_eval'd.
<Wardrop> I guess constants are resolved when the block is defined, where as #const_get resolves constants when the block is invoked.
<Wardrop> That's probably what's happening.
<andrewvos> What's going on here?
<rue> Where's my horse?
<andrewvos> Who are all these people?
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<TTilus> rue: now that was john wayne, right?
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<rue> Close, George Carlin.
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<andrewvos> Wow, I see there has been quite the conversation in my absence
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<heftig> ddfreyne: because bigger
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<optikalmouse> how can I generate a class diagram for ruby/rails files?
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<deryldoucette> damn i know this one. there was a gem that did classes, gems, gem deps, ect.
<deryldoucette> can not remember its name.
<deryldoucette> optikalmouse: try checking through gem search graph -dr
<deryldoucette> (description and check remote is the -dr)
<optikalmouse> deryldoucette: so gem search --details --remote graph does the same thing?
<ave_> railroad works for rails if thats any good
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<deryldoucette> thats the long form of the same params, but yes. it searches for anything with graph in its gem name and returns it along with the description
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<deryldoucette> optikalmouse: gem list ograph -dr something like that what you looking for?
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<optikalmouse> maybe railroad is what I'm looking for:
<ave_> there are a couple of patches you have to make to work with 1.9.2+ I think
<optikalmouse> we're using ruby 1.8.x, and it's jruby in fact lol
<optikalmouse> so I think it should be good? we'll see, I'm running it now...
<deryldoucette> if thats not it, might want to fire off a tweet to @headius (he's head of jruby project) and see what he offers
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<optikalmouse> deryldoucette: it just seems to run the rails app and forgets about generating a diagram lol
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<deryldoucette> doh!
<optikalmouse> there's a way to add it as a rake task but I'm not sure how that would help...
<Harzilein> hmm
<Harzilein> are there archives of the old rubygarden wiki?
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<shevy> Harzilein probably on that thing that is called the internet archive (eh, I forgot the real name...)
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<Rabbitt> shevy: only saw part of your conversation but, sounds like you are referring to the way back machine? (
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<jMCg> Hello happy people o/~
<jMCg> I'm wondering if anyone cann tell me what happens when I connect via Ldap::Conn to a host via SSL or StartTLS and the certificate is invalid (date, host, chain) -- it's not stated in the documentation.
<Harzilein> yeah, i tried that. only problem is that it looks like the links werent very crawler friendly and it missed the page that is referenced (a draft on trying to get aop features into core/stdlib)
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<shevy> Rabbitt yeah I think that was it
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<andrewvos> Right, where is banister
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<cout> why banister?
<shevy> noone kisses better
<andrewvos> hahaha
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<whitequark> shevy: wayback machine
<whitequark> you know, the rubygarden was waaaay too long ago to survive
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<andkerosine> Is this a horrible way to implement persistent config?
<whitequark> andkerosine: @config.merge! will_not: 'be saved'
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<whitequark> in other words, yes.
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<whitequark> I would suggest a slightly more horrible, but also working way to do what you want
<davidw> I'm trying to do some define_methods that appear only in the current instance... and I'm a bit stumped
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<andkerosine> whitequark: All config is still manually controlled by me, I just don't want File#write everywhere, so the lack of #merge! is a non-issue.
<whitequark> andkerosine: wrap a hash inside your Config and freeze it. forward all requests from your Config with method_missing to that hash. catch RuntimeError "frozen hash", unfreeze it, repeat the request, save it and freeze it back
<whitequark> have I mentioned I like perversions?
<andkerosine> That... does sound a bit excessive.
<whitequark> it's like 10 lines of code
<shevy> whitequark tell me more about which perversions you like
<shevy> also, I hate .freeze
<riffraff> davidw, use define_method on the singleton class of the object
<davidw> riffraff, class << self.....
<riffraff> yup, if you don't have a singleton_class method handy
<riffraff> class << obj; works anyway
<whitequark> shevy: I dislike freeze, but only if it's applied on `self' in my instance context.
<whitequark> otherwise it's fine. just like .immolate
<whitequark> andkerosine: like this (untested but shoulda work)
<shevy> what is .immolate?
<mistym> It burns your object (with fire).
<whitequark> mistym: thanks, Captain
<davidw> riffraff, ok, I had gotten that far... the tricky bit is I'm trying to pass in different parameters. If this is defined, create these methods from these parameters (more or less)
<davidw> ugh... this is a mess
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<andkerosine> whitequark: Too perverse, but good thought food.
<andkerosine> I imagine I would have to take a route somewhere along those lines if I wanted to completely re-implement Hash with persistence, but I really just need a slightly tweaked []=.
<riffraff> davidw, sample code please :) seems to me " def define_foo(obj,bar) unless obj.respond_to?(:foo); obj.singleton_class.send(:define_method, :foo) {code based on bar} end end" should fit but I guess it's not what you need
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<davidw> ugh... got it to pass the tests...
<davidw> but it's slow
<davidw> hrm
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<davidw> ok, so how about this... how to have one method that I can 1) call to define some methods in a module, but also call to define some methods in an instance
<davidw> whack-a-mole.... hit it ther and it pops up over there
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<riffraff> how about def pseudo_define(o,m,&b) (o.respond_to?(:define_method) ? o : o.singleton_class).send(:define_method, m, &b) end ?
<riffraff> multiple definitions goes naturally
<riffraff> but I'm wondering if whwt you want is get a Foo instance in which does not respond to :meth, define a method :meth for all Foo instances
<riffraff> only, Foo is not a class but a module
<riffraff> not sure which module though
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<mistym> davidw: Not sure exactly what you're going for, but what about sending a block that's `instance_eval`ed in different contexts?
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<davidw> hrm... it's difficult even to describe
<davidw> let's see.... I have a class, with some methods that should be available in 'default' cases, but not in others. Creating those methods is sort of expensive (parsing a file), so I'd like to 1) create them inside a module, but 2) only include them in the instances that need them, so as not to pollute other instances
<apeiros_> davidw: see Object#extend
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<andkerosine> apeiros_: Differences, if any, between Object#extend and include?
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<apeiros_> andkerosine: for starters, that extend is on Object, include on Module
<apeiros_> try "foo".include Bar
<andkerosine> Hm.
<riffraff> davidw, #extend seems the thing yup
<andkerosine> I only ask because right now I've got a bunch of single-method modules that I'm using as mixins to only expose relevant functionality to my objects.
<andkerosine> But I hate the way it looks.
<andkerosine> But the objects are classes, so it seems like the most sensible way to go about it.
<apeiros_> o0
<andkerosine> ...?
<andkerosine> "my objects" was meant loosely, and I certainly could've gone with a better word.
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<maek> is it bad mojo to make a :SYMBOL all upper case?
<matled> maek: well, convention is to use lower case and underscores.
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<maek> matled: ty
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<drbrain> maek: it's not unheard of: ruby -e 'p Object.constants'
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<hagabaka> yeah, it's more a convention about method/module names, than about symbols
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<maek> thanks
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<Faris> Hello, how could I read raw binary data from a file in ruby ?
<Faris> I'm trying to do it with but it doesn't read bytes like 0x0D
<apeiros_>, 'wb:binary')
<apeiros_> ah, wrong
<Faris> rb ?
<apeiros_>, :encoding => 'binary')
<apeiros_> yeah, that'd have been 2 mistakes :)
<Faris> and that will also read 0x0D's ?
<Faris> :)
<apeiros_> it's that takes the args like that.
<apeiros_> yes
<Faris> thank you !
<Faris> so the 'rb' argument isn't really binary reading ?
<apeiros_> given that 0x0d is \r, even without binary setting, it should be read…
<Faris> it isn't in my case :(
<apeiros_> Faris: partially, rb is for, not the binary there is only for windows
<Faris> oh ok
<apeiros_> in windows you have text vs. binary mode. it's unrelated to the encoding of the file
<apeiros_> it's only about how newlines should be treated
<apeiros_> IMO a silly thing, but well, what do we expect… it's windows…
<Faris> okey.
<Faris> actually 0x0D's are read
<Faris> but there's a 0D 0A sequence in which only 0A is read
<Faris> using my old method
<apeiros_> so you're on windows then?
<Faris> I'll try yours..
<Faris> nope
<Faris> Linux
<apeiros_> o0
<Faris> the file was created under windows though
<apeiros_> that's odd then… you sure it happens at read-time?
<apeiros_> \r\n shouldn't be converted to \n anywhere but on windows…
<apeiros_> (0d 0a == \r\n)
<Faris> When I read the file with a hex editor under windows, I can see the \r \n
<Faris> but when I read it with ruby on linux, it only reads \n
<heftig>"foo", mode: "rb") should work
<Faris> okey
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<heftig> if it doesn't, the file might have been modified when you transferred it to your linux system
<heftig> ftp does that.
<Faris> ooh
<Faris> that must be it
<Faris> that culprit
<heftig> make sure ftp uses BINARY mode and not ASCII mode for transfer
<Faris> okey
<heftig> (it's a client setting)
<Faris> thanx :)
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<muzone> how'd you guys mirror all of and into an organized collection?
<apeiros_> wget
<apeiros_> ruby is nice and all, but the right tool for the right job…
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<muzone> cool, i understand
<muzone> apeiros_: you know how with wget?
<muzone> aint nobody in #wget hehe
<apeiros_> no, but google 'wget mirror website'
<apeiros_> there should be plenty
<muzone> thanks man
<apeiros_> seems `wget -mk -w 3 URL` should get you somewhere
<apeiros_> (that does a 3s delay between each download - just to be nice to that website…)
<muzone> apeiros_: wget -mk -w 3 -A mp3 should work no
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<muzone> Finished, Downloaded: 1 files, 184K in 0,3s (577 KB/s) i guess not
<mistym> muzone: for a guide
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<shevy> is it possible to display a .pdf file on a .cgi page, all via ruby?
<shevy> the .cgi page works, but I am not sure if I can display a .pdf file
<shevy> (I dont care about the layout much, I am fine if I lose all style-information in that .pdf and just output the text)
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<burgestrand> Yes, output the PDF data and send the proper mime-type
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<shevy> hmm
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<S1kx> hm is indextank totally dead nowadays? im getting timeout when im trying to acess the api
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<S1kx> i suppose ill switch to solr and sunspot again
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<outoftime> S1kx: might check out elasticsearch
<outoftime> S1kx: it's solr's hot friend
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<S1kx> outoftime: ah, looks sweet, thanks
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<outoftime> S1kx: no problem. Tire is a nice ruby layer for it.
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<Tallboy> Hey
<Tallboy> could someone answer me a question about rails?
<Tallboy> very simple one
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<seanstickle> Tallboy: not if you don't ask the question
<Tallboy> heh
<Tallboy> basically, how does javascript_include_tag work?
<Tallboy> im trying to find a tutorial online im not really seeing one though
<Tallboy> as of right now its just including any css/js that i put into the assets/javascript /stylesheets folders
<Tallboy> am i supposed to put stuff inside application.css/.js?
<Tallboy> or does it just load everything
<Tallboy> i mean, obviously it loads everything. to clarify i mean am i doing this right where its SUPPOSED to load everything
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<drbrain> Tallboy: #ror is the best place to ask ruby on rails questions
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<Tallboy> thanks :)
<S1kx> outoftime: very nice, barely took half an hour to set it all up to start working at least with a simple index :P
<outoftime> S1kx: easy bootstrapping is among ES's many pleasures.
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