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Topic for #ruby-lang is now Ruby 1.9.3p0: | Paste >3 Lines of Text on
<rue> The actual use case might be quite a bit simpler
<rue> s/simpler/less generic/
<heftig> probably
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<caseyx> can someone recommend me a good blogging engine for ruby?
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<burgestrand1> ["A", "B", "C", "D"].move(0, 2) — what would you expect the new array to be?
<burgestrand1> #move(from_index, to_index), might I add.
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<rue> [nil, "B", "A", "D"]
<burgestrand> rue: thanks; and if all elements of the array are present after the operation?
<rue> *shrug*
<burgestrand> :)
<andrewvos> caseyx: Dynamic or static?
<caseyx> Dynamic.
<rue> A blog pretty much never needs to be dynamic, except in part…
<rue> I'd probably go with Octopress and stick Disqus on it if I expected commenters
<andrewvos> Try toto or akki.
<andrewvos> rue: Static means not having to generate it yourself.
<rue> In what world?
<andrewvos> rue: (Not implying you don't know that. Just saying it's better)
<andrewvos> rue: And I meant dynamic
<rue> :P
* andrewvos shuts up
<caseyx> thanks
<rue> Octo/Jekyll/Nanoc &c. have really simple deploys
<andrewvos> octo seemed like a lot of work just to get my them into it :(
<caseyx> Andrewvos Do you have a link to the Akki one? I can't find it on Google Dx
<andrewvos> jekyll is nice but ou have to hack it to get nice urls
<andrewvos> caseyx: I was half joking about that. I'm using it for my blog. You can find it at
<caseyx> oh lol
<andrewvos> caseyx: And use case at
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<djash40> I think I need a little help
<rue> Here you go
<djash40> I have
<djash40> tstamp =
<djash40> and
<djash40> fieldstocsv = line.split(',', fields_count)
<djash40> fieldstocsv creates comma seperated values
<djash40> Hoe can I put tstamp,vale1, vale2, etc,
<djash40> together
<djash40> how can I put timestamp infront of the commas seperated values
<djash40> good evening all
<rue> fieldstocsv.unshift tstamp
<rue> Probably
<rue> Check the Array docs
<djash40> that will add stamp to end?
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<rue> No, to front
<djash40> I'll give it a whirl see what happens
<erikh> toto's source code makes me want to hurt myself
<mksm> how can i ignore an installed gem? i need to require a file that i made changes and not the installed gem
<rue> mksm: Use the path to your file
<rue> Or maybe an rvm gemset if you want a more tenable solution
<djash40> no stamp
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<djash40> perhaps I should try the add before the split
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<djash40> I'm not having any luck any other ideas?
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<mksm> rue, thanks
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<rue> djash40: "foo,bar,baz".split(",").unshift
<rue> That does what you described the problem as
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<djash40> I will try that
<djash40> awesome that worked!
<djash40> Thanks
<djash40> excellent tanks again.
<djash40> no tanks just much thanks
<djash40> lol
<djash40> dang keyboard
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<mksm> hmm, is it possible to count how many times a method has been called and successfully returned?
<mksm> during execution
<rue> Yes, keep track of it
<mksm> I mean externally without having to add code to the method
<zedUNDginger> mksm: set_trace_func
<injekt> gah
<zedUNDginger> mksm: but i'll slow down your whole program
<zedUNDginger> it'll*
<zedUNDginger> so dont use it if you can avoid it
<injekt> zedUNDginger: what's with the constant name changes?
<zedUNDginger> injekt: harrassing my friends in #gosu
<zedUNDginger> naming myself after their videogames
<injekt> i see
<injekt> sounds like a shit video game
<zedUNDginger> hehe
<rue> mksm: Alias and override with a counting method
<zedUNDginger> yeah that's nicer
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<mksm> hmmm, set_trace_func docs says: return (return from a Ruby method) ... that means when the method finishes, right?
<mksm> it's ok if it will slow down a bit, it's just for debug
<zedUNDginger> mksm: if it's just for debug then why not use rue's approach?
<zedUNDginger> just temporarily decorate your method
<rue> If it's just for debug, then use set_trace_func
<zedUNDginger> haha
<rue> Or, you know, write tests.
<shevy> tests are for sissies
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<lianj> sad thing is you really think thats true
<shevy> because it is true
<mksm> zedUNDginger it's more code .-.
<zedUNDginger> mksm: personally i find set_trace_func kind of unwieldy
<zedUNDginger> but whatever
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<REFNTiE> hi
<shevy> hi REFNTiE
<REFNTiE> I'm looking for bot :D
<REFNTiE> Does anybody know how to get login URL?
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<rue> Using a web browser, perhaps
<REFNTiE> rue: but pastie help instucted me to 'say hi' to this channel :D
<REFNTiE> and i will get private msg from pastie bot
<zedUNDginger> REFNTiE: r u taking drugs
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<REFNTiE> very strange. <= useless
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<erikh> that bot hasn't been in here for ages
<rue> I have it on good authority that it's just changed it's name, but keep it on the DL
<erikh> heh
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<mksm> how to split and array into n equal sized parts?
<mksm> *an
<zedUNDginger> mksm: array.each_slice(size).to_a
<mksm> so i have to do slice((array.size/4) + 1)? any better way?
<mksm> for 4 parts
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<bnagy> Array gets all those as well, which is probably why you missed it when you were reading the docs
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<mksm> i know enumerable
<mksm> [1,2,3,4,5].split(2) => [[1,2,3], [4,5]]
<mksm> i want something like that
<wilkie> it seems you were given the answer: arr.each_slice(arr.count/n+1).to_a
<shevy> indeed
<shevy> [1,2,3,4,5].each_slice(5/2+1).to_a # => [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]
<mksm> ok, so not method for that
<mksm> thanks
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<shevy> mksm not a builtin one but you can always extend Array
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<ryanf> hmm
<ryanf> anyone have much experience using the event_machine gem?
<ryanf> I'm still getting my head around how you're supposed to use it in practice
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<zedUNDginger> ryanf: cirwin does
<zedUNDginger> ;)
<ryanf> wtf why isn't he in here
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<zedUNDginger> cirwin: welcome to dead house
<cirwin> I'm happy to phlog dead houses
<ryanf> oh durr I am an idiot
<ryanf> no wonder banister said that
<ryanf> I asked about event_machine and I meant state_machine
<ryanf> :)
<ryanf> I already knew that you used eventmachine
<cirwin> I don't know about state machine with an underscore
<ryanf> yeah me neither , I think I'm getting the hang of it though
<zedUNDginger> ryanf: isn't state_machine of those :icky => :apis [That], :pretends_to_be_such_a_nice_dsl => :but is really just a bunch of :hash arguments stupidly put together
<ryanf> yes
<ryanf> although it's actually a pretty good fit
<zedUNDginger> ah ok
<ryanf> what with arrows and state transitions
<ryanf> being kind of related concepts
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<zedUNDginger> ryanf: did you see my cute state machine implementation?
<ryanf> no
<zedUNDginger> as usual it's using C hehe
<ryanf> haha that seems pretty gratuitous
<ryanf> oh I see, mixing and unmixing modules
<ryanf> I think state_machine does that by just overwriting the methods whenever you switch
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<zedUNDginger> ryanf: Yeah, i actually found the C implemetnation a lot cleaner than the ruby ones in this case
<zedUNDginger> i dont nkow abou state_machine, but a lot of ruby implemetnatinos of state machine do some really ugly things
<zedUNDginger> but what they're doing is really just simulating the unmixing of a module
<zedUNDginger> so, why not just *actually* unmix a module ? :P
<ryanf> indeed
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<zedUNDginger> dkannan: hey i think i found your pic the other day
<zedUNDginger> dkannan:
<dkannan> zedUNDginger: thanks buddy
<zedUNDginger> dkannan: seen that b4? ;)
<dkannan> zedUNDginger: sure. all the time - actually it is the wallpaper on my laptop right now
<dkannan> zedUNDginger: mind answering the question now :-)
<zedUNDginger> dkannan: if you turn it into a method u can ;)
<ryanf> dkannan: the reason there is no such restriction on ivars is because they're resolved differently, not because of anything about the undefined error
<ryanf> when you define a proc, it closes over whatever locals happen to be around at the time, and that defines its local environment whenever it's invoked later
<ryanf> I think if you try changing encoded_time after defining the second proc, you'll find that the output stays the same
<ryanf> changing as in reassigning
<dkannan> ryanf: ok checking
<zedUNDginger> ryanf: it'll change
<ryanf> really? damn
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<zedUNDginger> matz was gonna make it a copy but said he wanted to to stay true to lisp and make them one and the same local
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<dkannan> yup it changes
<ryanf> oh ok, disregard that :)
<ryanf> anyway I don't know of a way to add stuff to the binding after the proc is defined, zedUNDginger might though
<ryanf> hmm
<ryanf> zedUNDginger: inject_local in pry seems suspiciously similar, I can't get it to work in this case though. does that depend on where the binding came from?
<ryanf> oh it's because later pry evaluation happens on the same binding object, isn'ti t
<ryanf> that makes sense
<zedUNDginger> ryanf: yeah same binding
<zedUNDginger> ryanf: this almost works: my_proc.binding.eval("encoding_time = 10")
<zedUNDginger> but Proc#binding generates a fresh binding each time from the proc's environment
<ryanf> yeah that makes sense
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<sirfilip> morning
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<andrewvos> Guys I just found a good article at Hacker News!
<andrewvos> Oh wait. It's from 2000.
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<shevy> lol
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<dr0id> that's recent!
<zedUNDginger> dr0id: hello
<dr0id> hi zed
<shevy> one two three
<shevy> ruby and the bee
<shevy> four five six
<shevy> ruby is in the mix
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<zedUNDginger> shevy:
<zedUNDginger> I'm waiting patiently,
<zedUNDginger> Hoping that I can your mix
<zedUNDginger> It's you that I adore,
<zedUNDginger> Just wait, that's so much more in my mix
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<shevy> now you see why acid should be avoided
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<zedUNDginger> All you know
<zedUNDginger> I'm the best you know
<zedUNDginger> Put me in your mix
<zedUNDginger> I wanna be right there
<zedUNDginger> I know just what you like
<zedUNDginger> Give me a chance your mix
<zedUNDginger> I need to be there
<muzone> i can give u a chance
<muzone> what u gonna do in my mix though, sing? rap?
<andrewvos> lolwhut
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<flashgig> Morning all
<flashgig> I'm having trouble getting the Anemone gem to work on Ruby 1.8.7 - might someone be kind / awesome / epic / your-adjective-of-choice to help point in the right direction of where I'm going wrong?
<flashgig> This is the output I'm getting in case someone's willing to help :)
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<dkannan> flashgig: check that the gem is required
<dkannan> flashgig: ie require 'anemone' i think
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<flashgig> Thank you dkannan, I have the require in place but still I error. I have a very simple test script that this is failing on pastebinned here in case it helps ^_^
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<manveru> flashgig: you called you file anemone.rb ?
<flashgig> indeed I did. Just changed it now and..... ah... *FACEPALM*
<flashgig> I *did* oroginally have this problem in a differently named file though - so I must have satisfied a depency somewhere along th eline
<manveru> well, remove the $: << '.'
<manveru> you're on 1.9?
<flashgig> 1.8.7 I'm afraid due to some annoying dependencies
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<manveru> you mean ruby-debug?
<flashgig> Truthfully i'm not sure - I've inherited a codebase that I'm working my way through trying to understand and improve it. The original dev, who's only available to me a day a week currently, has told me that bumping to 1.9 will result in various compatibility issues but, and here's the punchline, he's not sure in what areas / gems or why T__T
<manveru> heh
<manveru> well, because he hasn't tried it
<manveru> anw, guess you should understand the app and ruby first
<flashgig> I think you speak the truth! I'll be charged with trying it sooner or later but, as you say, only once I've got the app wrapped around my head. It's an interesting learning experience all the same!
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<zedUNDginger> flashgig: try running it in 1.9 and see what errors u get
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<prpr> What's the best way to do a deep copy efficiently? I've been reading into Marshalling, but that seems somewhat efficient.
<prpr> or is typically better to write a custom copy method
<zedUNDginger> prpr: initialize_copy
<zedUNDginger> if u want dup to do a deep copy
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<prpr> zedUNDginger: what core classes implement that?
<zedUNDginger> prpr: it's a hook u have to implement it yourself
<prpr> that makes sense
<rue> It's not really a hook in the sense that you can freely override it
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<prpr> does marshalling typically have a high overhead?
<rue> Core classes' #dup and #clone will *use* it, so you can't just substitute your own without reimplementing the other copy semantics
<prpr> does that just entail calling super?
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<rue> No, unless you're inheriting
<rue> Just implement a #deep_copy
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<andrewvos> nooooooo
<shevy> hmm this regex /^(\w+):/ matches to a string like "cat:" ... how do I also match to "cat?:" where the "?" character can be optional? I.e. sometimes not be part of the string
<andrewvos> \??
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<shevy> hmm odd
<shevy> I could swear I tried that
<shevy> yay! works, thanks andrewvos
<andrewvos> Pleasure shevy.
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<shevy> does one of you happen to know
<shevy> whether CodeRay could be used to ... colourize ruby code in a terminal?
<shevy> cat *rb | pipe_this_into_a_coderay_script
<andrewvos> shevy: pygmentize
<shevy> my current approach is a little bit silly
<andrewvos> shevy: Oh you mean inside the terminal?
<shevy> hmm pygmentize? what is that?
<steveklabnik> yeah
<steveklabnik> it's a gem that embeds pygments
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<shevy> ah ok ... reading on
<shevy> ack! python!
<erikh> you'd think with the funny spelling of pigments that'd be obvious
<shevy> who knows. people call their project "god" or "unicorn"
<erikh> point taken
<shevy> hmm perhaps I should try the poor man's approach and just use .gsub
<steveklabnik> now you have two problems
<shevy> :(
<erikh> "dns": {
<erikh> "domain": "",
<erikh> shit
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<shevy> hmmm should foo.gsub! be used rather than foo = foo.gsub ... for some reason I seem to often do the second one
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<akahn> What would be the most idiomatic way to map over a hash, modifying its keys?
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<samuelkadolph> shevy: If you created the string yourself might as well use gsub! for the speed
<shevy> ok samuelkadolph
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<steveklabnik> akahn: inject.
<steveklabnik> building a new hash.
<akahn> steveklabnik: thanks
<steveklabnik> it's sort of odd to think of it, but it does make sense. inject is takes a list of somethings and gives back a single something; it just so happens that single something is a list.
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<andrewvos> steveklabnik: I'm busy working with a rest api that would make you lose your shit :)
<steveklabnik> andrewvos: i bet it would. :)
<steveklabnik> i'm writing today
<andrewvos> Good good
<steveklabnik> i think i'm really happy with the Big Picture
<any-key> I've got a mystery I need help with: class Foo <; def bar; puts id; id ||= 0; puts id; end; end
<any-key> When I run "", the output is 1 followed by 0
<any-key> Is there some kind of reasonable explanation as to why this is happening?
<lianj> id ||= 0 assigns the local variable id
<any-key> but referring to "id" returns 1
<any-key> they should be referring to the same variable
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<steveklabnik> ||= 0;
<any-key> interesting
<any-key> that makes sense, except for the fact that "puts id" seems to refer to
<steveklabnik> right
<steveklabnik> at that point, no variable has been defined
<steveklabnik> so it calls the method
<lianj> and is not really a variable but get/setter methods
<steveklabnik> then assignment then creates a new local
<any-key> ah
<any-key> that makes sense
<any-key> thanks!
<steveklabnik> and so it takes presedence
<steveklabnik> :D
<steveklabnik> it's slightly tricky.
<any-key> steveklabnik: I saw your talk on Shoes at LSRC
<any-key> great talk
<steveklabnik> thank you!
<steveklabnik> i gave a slightly different version at RubyConf
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<akahn> steveklabnik: well, that makes me sad, because to me, inject means "fold a list of values up into a single value," and map should return the same type it was called on
<steveklabnik> akahn: folds return lists all the time, at least in the haskell i've written. ;)
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<akahn> sure, it depends on the function you pass it, but the purpose is to process/distill a list into some calculated result
<steveklabnik> right. your calculated result is a hash.
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* steveklabnik shrugs
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* rue nerdrages
<steveklabnik> ?
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<erikh> raaaaaaaaaage
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<rue> steveklabnik: Trying to extricate from The Registrar That Shall Not Be Named
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<steveklabnik> hahaha
<steveklabnik> :(
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<andrewvos> <<-- question about this
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<andrewvos> I'm wanting to add an extra value to the results.
<andrewvos> And I'm wondering about possible approaches.
<andrewvos> I could attach a property on to the searchables items.
<andrewvos> By the way I need to add an object on to each item
<andrewvos> or I could make the developer create actual Searchable item classes himself and pass them into search.
<andrewvos> Thoughts?
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<manveru> you dog is in koma?
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<outoftime> if I want to run something at_exit in my process, but not in any child processes, is there a more elegant way to do that than just holding a reference to the pid outside the at_exit block and comparing it to the pid inside the block?
<manveru> outoftime: nope
<outoftime> manveru: cool, just checking my sanity, thanks : )
<manveru> χ ~ % ruby -e 'pid = $$; END{ puts "parent died" if $$ == pid }; fork{END{ puts "child died" }}'
<manveru> andrewvos: i still don't get what you mean with extra value
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<andrewvos> manveru: So I return an array of items that matched the search result. I want each one to have a "blurb" property on them.
<andrewvos> manveru: Similar to how google shows search results.
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<elux> hey gents
<elux> does ruby-debug19 work with 1.9.3?
<elux> thats the last thing holding me back from moving to 1.9.3 ....
<yorickpeterse> Use Pry :)
<elux> i will look it up...
<elux> but im just used to ruby-debug19
<elux> neat.. pry seems very simple
<elux> just drops you into an irb console..which is really what i want
<yorickpeterse> :)
<yorickpeterse> If you're looking for breakpoints, just dump "binding.pry" somewhere in your code (and make sure Pry is loaded) and you're good to go
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<elux> neat
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<manveru> :)
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<muzone> ah there you are
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<Phrogz> Is there a more clever Enumerable method for doing this: v = nil; enum.find{ |o| v=transform(o) unless transform(o).nil? }; v
<Phrogz> Basically "loop through the elements and map them to a new value, but stop as soon as you find one that has the proper mapping, _and get that mapped value back_. Note that{ ... }.compact.first is functionally equivalent, but doesn't shrot-circuit out.
<Phrogz> SHROT!
<darix> Phrogz: break
<Phrogz> darix: dance
<mksm> Phrogz, take_while perhaps
<Phrogz> mksm: Nah, no good if you have to skip a few nils first.
<Phrogz> FWIW, the goal is to make this code in my answer suck less:
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<diegoviola> i have some counter in my app, is there a way i could increment that counter for 1 month and then reset it?
<diegoviola> how would i do that?
<andrewvos> diegoviola: With code?
<Defusal> i see tryruby has finally been fixed and upgraded
<andrewvos> rue: Yes, that's also another technique.
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<andrewvos> diegoviola: I feel I may have misunderstood your question?
<andrewvos> As usual.
<Phrogz> diegoviola: What do you mean by "increment it for one month"? When should this happen? When should it 'reset' (one month after what)?
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<vikoren> diegoviola: redis with an expire set may work for you
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<diegoviola> i have a counter and the counter gets a +1 every time a page is reloaded, i would like to keep the counter running for 1 month and then expire/reset the counter after 1 month
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<vikoren> diegoviola: do you want each view to expire, or just the counter?
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<vikoren> diegoviola: "views in the last month" or "views this month"
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<diegoviola> vikoren: views this month
<diegoviola> vikoren: i'm storing the counter data in a databse, i simply want to reset the value from the database after 1 month
<diegoviola> database*
<diegoviola> i'm not sure how to handle the "1 month" thing, the time
<vikoren> count_key = "#{year}:#{month}"; db.incr(count_key) # is how i would do it in redis
<diegoviola> i'm using postgres
<rue> If it's not a one-time thing, cron it
<vikoren> the idea is the same…just append the year and month to the counter name and it will work with the side effect that you will also have a history of other months
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<vikoren> <— not postgres savvy
<diegoviola> thanks
<vikoren> cheers ;)
<Asher> sequences don't reset tho
<vikoren> but if he creates then with the year and month as part of the name, it should work, yes?
<Asher> sequences are just integers
<vikoren> *them
<diegoviola> they already have this sequence and they increment it on every page load, what i need to do is save the value of that sequence in another table after 1 month and then reset the sequence
<diegoviola> i know how to save the value in another place, what i don't know is how to do it after X days
<diegoviola> a cron job comes to my mind but i don't know...
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<Asher> just schedule a job once a day that deletes all records whose sequence is < the first sequence # from the given date
<erikh> I call that work
<erikh> it takes about 8-12 hours
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<rue> Sounds a tedious job
<Asher> calculating today - 30 days, selecting the dates that match with a limit of 1, using that result to select all sequences > than it?
<Asher> 8-12 hours a day definitely
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<erikh> rue: eh, it's a living.
<rue> I always wondered how cron worked. Now I know!
<Asher> cron takes shifts
<andrewvos> First you have to find a fresh cron... *That* takes at least three hours.
<erikh> I like a smoke break now and again
<erikh> I call it my clock skew break
<Asher> i call it my bowl
<Asher> and don't take breaks for it :P
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<andrewvos> Hey how do I do an exact match on a string and get the index of the match?
<andrewvos> But it could be any arbitrary string
<andrewvos> So I need it to be escaped too if using regex
<diegoviola> thanks
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<burgestrand> andrewvos: =~ returns the index of where the match was found, Regexp.quote will help converting the string to a regex
<andrewvos> burgestrand: Thanks!
<burgestrand> :)
<apeiros_> if you escape it anyway, just use String#index right away…
<andrewvos> apeiros_: Hmm that will actuall do
<andrewvos> actually*
<burgestrand> I always forget String#index takes a string and not a single character
<andrewvos> Wait, I actually want indices not a single index.
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<apeiros_> that's harder
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<apeiros_> scan with $~ trickery
<burgestrand> ["A", "B", "C", "D"].move(from_index: 0, to_index: 2), assuming all elements are present after the operation and the array size does not change, what do think should be the result?
<apeiros_> I think "to" is bad wording
<apeiros_> either "before" or "after"
<burgestrand> Hm, that’s a good though
<burgestrand> …t!
<apeiros_> with far too much thought, I'd expect the result to be ["B", "C", "A", "D"]
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<burgestrand> So with a to_index: 1 would put it at index 1 after the operation is done?
<burgestrand> I thought that made sense too, glad I’m not alone :d
<apeiros_> yes, I'd expect the element to end up in the named index
<burgestrand> Wrapping an API that has the same operation, but it essentially moved it to (to_index - 1) after the operation, only when moving it to a higher index than it previously had
<apeiros_> that's the order you give
<apeiros_> the primary order, so to say
<apeiros_> anything else is secondary
<burgestrand> Thanks for your input apeiros_, I’ll put it to good use
<apeiros_> yw
<apeiros_> glad I still make sense
<apeiros_> <-- supertired
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<burgestrand> Yeah, the before/after thought was useful, hadn’t thought of that at all either
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<apeiros_> the problem with "to" is: what happens with the thing already occupying that space?
<burgestrand> Exactly :)
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<apeiros_> and since the verb is 'move' and not 'swap' or even something else…
<burgestrand> I’ve been fiddling with it too long, sometimes my brain just skips a few thought experiments
<apeiros_> I tend to notice that I forget about occams razor far too often…
<rue> I don't like moving everything down implicitly
<rue> Especially considering a .move(0, 5) for example
<burgestrand> Anyhow, if you’re curious to see what it’s for: ; got full underlying API coverage, now it’s just to fix up the warts of my own API design
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<burgestrand> Feels kind of similar to the [1, 2, 3][3, 1] thingy with ruby arrays, even though the operation itself is differnt
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<erikh> I'm continually impressed this dwim
<erikh> type[0, 1] = type[0, 1].upcase!
<apeiros_> dwim?
<Mon_Ouie> Fail if the character is already upper cased?
<Mon_Ouie> apeiros_: does what I mean
<apeiros_> ah
<erikh> Mon_Ouie: it modifies the string, then returns the modified content, then assigns it to the first character
<erikh> it's basically a ucfirst()
<erikh> or capitalize I guess.
<apeiros_> erikh: upcase! returns nil if nothing changes
<apeiros_> as most core ruby bang methods with a non-bang twin
<erikh> heh
<Mon_Ouie> And String#[]= fails if you pass nil
<erikh> I'm just surprised it doesn't create a new string
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<erikh> ah, that's probably what happened.
<erikh> tyvm interfriends
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<apeiros_> probably in the top ten of bug sources…
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<apeiros_> number one is most likely still encodings. for some reason people don't seem to grasp those :-/
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* Mon_Ouie looks at shevy
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<erikh> he
<erikh> done my turn with encodings
<erikh> never again if I can manage it. ops has advantages.
<erikh> nobody cares if daemons are localized
<apeiros_> :D
<apeiros_> my only issues with encodings: rails templates (gotta replace them with ones having `# encoding: utf-8` on top) and 3rd party libs (rails included :-S)
<apeiros_> favourite bug in rails related to encoding so far: logger wouldn't log non-7bit ascii… not just that, no, it even crashed.
<apeiros_> I wonder whether they actually fixed that (might have been in rails 2.3)
<erikh> oh wow
<erikh> was that Logger or somethign related to the syslog stack?
<erikh> (I could totally see the latteR)
<apeiros_> no, rails doing stupid re-encoding
<erikh> yay
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<erikh> frameworks are so awesome guys
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<apeiros_> only the NIH ones!
<rue> erikh: Oh, you *think* no-one cares about i18n… give it a year
<rue> In fact, I'm going to start a trolling campaign to make people think it's a good idea
<apeiros_> I'd lend you my hobgoblin for that campaign
<erikh> rue: heh
<erikh> ßøøß
<jbwiv_> guys, is clone defined in Kernel? I'm working on a rails project and trying to track down where clone is defined. method(:clone) tells me "#<Method: Vessel(Kernel)#clone>", while method(:clone).source_location returns nil
<jbwiv_> also, rdoc info on clone doesn't show it being there
<Mon_Ouie> Because RDoc lies
<zedUNDginger> jbwiv_: method(:clone).owner
<Mon_Ouie> It's documented in Object, but really implemented in Object
<Mon_Ouie> And source_location is just nil because it's defined from C code
<jbwiv_> Mon_Ouie, heh...ok. it does show it in object
<jbwiv_> yes
<jbwiv_> Mon_Ouie, did you mean it's documented in object but really implemented in kernel?
<Mon_Ouie> Oops, yeah
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<jbwiv_> Mon_Ouie, is it done and represented that way for a reason?
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<rue> Because they're FUCKING INSANE
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<rue> *cough*
<vikoren> rue: don't hold back man
<jbwiv_> rue, that explains a lot. mind if I use that for my standard answer going forward? :-)
<rue> By all means
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<andrewvos> Does minitest autoload everything in lib??
<zedUNDginger> andrewvos: i dont know sorry
<drbrain> andrewvos: no
<steveklabnik> that wouldnt be very mini
<andrewvos> drbrain: For some reason I renamed a file but all my specs are still passing :|
<drbrain> o_O
<andrewvos> Well, I mean, my specs are still passing for some reason
<andrewvos> Thought vim was getting clever
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<rue> You renamed, didn't just :w to a new file?
<andrewvos> rue: Nope
<andrewvos> Weird. This is blowing my mind
<andrewvos> Does minitest autoload the corresponding production file?
<andrewvos> for example batman_spec loads batman in lib??
<rue> No
<andrewvos> Right this is blowing my mind
<andrewvos> omfg
<andrewvos> Right I'm quitting programming
<andrewvos> This is it
<steveklabnik> ol
<andrewvos> I had my gem installed and wasn't running bundle exec :( :(
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<jbwiv_> is there a way to track down what method super will invoke via something like method()?
<zenspider> what it'll invoke? it'll invoke the same named method via the superclass
<zenspider> are you trying to find out where the code is? or?
<jbwiv_> zenspider, yes, where the code is
<zenspider> is there a reason why you want to know that?
<zedUNDginger> jbwiv_: you can use a gem called method_locator that does that
<jbwiv_> zenspider, yes, trying to trace some unexpected behavior in a library
<zenspider> jbwiv_: use a debugger?
<jbwiv_> zenspider, why yes, I do. I'm actually using pry at the moment
<zenspider> pry isn't a debugger (yet?)
<zenspider> set a breakpoint on the super call. step into it
<zedUNDginger> jbwiv_: pry will tell you using --super
<zedUNDginger> jbwiv_: show-method Class#method --super will tell u what method is called when u do 'super'
<zedUNDginger> chain on as many --super to go up the ancestor chain and return the code for that method etc
<jbwiv_> zedUNDginger, ok, thanks. I'll play with that
<jbwiv_> zenspider, I was hoping to avoid actually having to step into the method to find it
<jbwiv_> but that's an option
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<jbwiv_> zedUNDginger, this appears to be a bit unreliable. now necessarily --super, but show-method in general. For example, pry tells me I'm here (/vendor/plugins/state_machine/lib/state_machine/integrations/active_model.rb @ line 254 in StateMachine::Machine#write), but show-method StateMachine::Machine indicates write lives at /vendor/plugins/state_machine/lib/state_machine/machine.rb @ line 904
<jbwiv_> s/now/not/
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<zedUNDginger> jbwiv_: can u tell me exactly what you typed? maybe gist the session?
<jbwiv_> zedUNDginger, sure, one sec
<zedUNDginger> because i dont see that it can be unreliable, we're just using source_location and friends
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<jbwiv_> zedUNDginger,
<jbwiv_> note how adding --super says a superclass doesn't define that method as well
<zedUNDginger> jbwiv_: can you just type: show-method
<zedUNDginger> with no parameters
<zedUNDginger> and gist the result
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<zedUNDginger> btw u might want to join #pry
<zedUNDginger> but it does seem like something spooky is going on
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<chessguy> ugh, i feel like i should know this, but am i missing some easy way to implement == for something like class Foo; def initialize(bar, baz); @bar == bar; @baz = @baz; end; end
<drbrain> Foo = :bar, :baz
<drbrain> done
<rue> Struct is the best thing ever
<chessguy> drbrain: Struct makes those attr_readers, doesn't it? :)
<chessguy> FAIL
<rue> Everybody likes OpenStruct, but Struct is even more awesome
<drbrain> chessguy: yes
<chessguy> drbrain: so my brilliant implementation was different
<chessguy> anyway the point was, determining equality based on more than one piece of state
<drbrain> class Foo; protected :bar, :baz; end
<drbrain> chessguy: easy fix!
<rue> chessguy: Your original code has a few typos, it seems
<drbrain> or, you can do that yourself and have:
<chessguy> err, yes, sorry
<drbrain> def ==(other) self.class === other and @bar == and @baz == other.baz
<drbrain> end
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<chessguy> oh, right!
<chessguy> for some reason my mind went off on a Comparable tangent
<chessguy> but Comparable doesn't return a boolean
<chessguy> i forgot about just overriding ==
<rue> chessguy: For that, implement #<=> :)
<drbrain> Comparable is a module that provides ==, <, > <=, >=
<chessguy> ok, my head's back on straight, sorry. carry on
<rue> Though the semantics of the conditional might be a little trickier
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<andrewvos> If i have some code how can I execute it line by line, but still keep state between each eval?
<andrewvos> So.. for example
<zenspider> hoe 2.12.4 released
<andrewvos> ["x = 1", "y = 2", "x + y"] should return 3 if that makes sense.
<crankharder> is there some %() equivalent that interpolates?
<Mon_Ouie> Yes, %()
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<Mon_Ouie> %q(…) is the one that does *not* interpolate
<zenspider> crankharder: also, see the quickref
<zenspider> andrewvos: sounds like you want to write an interpreter
<zenspider> that, or do the equivalent of mathematica's FoldList (fold but return each step) and then evaluate each one
<andrewvos> zenspider: Well, I was hoping it would be a little easier than that.
<zenspider> writing an interpreter isn't that hard, honestly...
<zenspider> but I do understand. what are you actually trying to do?
<crankharder> thanx
<andrewvos> Well, I am writing a tool that reads through documentation and execute sthe code in the documentation. It then checks for #=> "value" type constructs and tries to confirm that the last code executed will equal that value.
<andrewvos> zenspider: ^
<andrewvos> zenspider: This might be a better explanation:
<andrewvos> zenspider: So now I want to support examples with multiple #=> assertions in one block
<zenspider> andrewvos: this has been done (multiple times iirc)
<zenspider> you can look at the xmp filter in irb for an example
<andrewvos> zenspider: Hmm. Thanks will take a look
<zenspider> there was one that specifically did # => comments
<zenspider> and another that was a testing tool that made sure that the current code matched the output of the # => comment
<andrewvos> zenspider: Yeah that's pretty much what I'm doing.
<zenspider> I wish I could remember who did those or what they were called
<zenspider> if you just want the functionality, hunt them down... if this is a learning exercise... carry on
<andrewvos> zenspider: I'm digging through pry right now actually :)
<andrewvos> zenspider: It's more a learning excercise.
<zenspider> the problem with my fold solution is that rerunning the intermediate code can break shit
<andrewvos> zenspider: I think that was my first approach. eval each line and keep the response.
<zenspider> well... the FoldList thing is basically: [a,b,c].foldlist(&f) => [f(a), f(b, f(a)), f(c, f(b, f(a)))]
<zenspider> so you'd have 1 line, 2 lines, 3 lines, etc, to eval
<andrewvos> Whoa