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udzinari joined #ruby-lang
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<mksm> Say I have [[1,2],[3,4]]. What's a clean way to separate it into [[1,3],[2,4]]?
<Pip> haha
<Pip> transpose
kmeehl joined #ruby-lang
<mksm> it always so simple :(
<mksm> thanks Pip
<Pip> what ?
<Pip> hehe
banisterfiend joined #ruby-lang
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<erikh> hrm
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<Rakko> who controls the message that ChanServ sends when you enter? It says "Ruby 1.9.2 is out"
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<Rakko> and seems to not be connecting
<erikh> that's probably dblack, zenspider or drbrain
<shevy> true
<shevy> the title here seems to mention 1.9.3, chanserv is lagging behind
<Rakko> fun fact: google corrects stadik to static
<shevy> let me test this
<shevy> hmm not for me
<shevy> stadic is suggested to static though
<shevy> I seem to get german-based results though ... stadik becomes "Michael Stadik - Journalist" guy ... not clicking on that :/
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<shevy> how I'd wish ruby would allow to move this:
<shevy> require 'pp'
<shevy> require 'etc'
<shevy> into that
<shevy> require 'pp','etc'
<shevy> or require %w( pp etc )
<ryanf> %w(pp etc).each { |s| require s }
<ryanf> or %w(pp etc).each(&method(:require))
<ryanf> barf
<porcelina> lol i do Dir['lib/*'].each { |s| require s } all the time. =_=
<porcelina> such a pain haha
<shevy> ryanf yeah I used to use that idiom a lot but I don't like it that much anymore
ecin joined #ruby-lang
<shevy> require 'bla','ble' would be my new favourite :) but these days I don't want to make that many changes for projects I write, it gets complicated when publishing that, and needing to dissect out all the idioms I use myself, but require several other .rb files ...
<porcelina> can't you just like "def mrequire (*args)" somewhere?
<theconartist> that's against the law
<banisterfiend> shevy: or Dir['lib/*'].each(&method(:require))
<banisterfiend> ah
<banisterfiend> ryanf beat me :)
<shevy> yikes
<shevy> that is ugly as hell
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<porcelina> JSON.parse(false.to_json) => unexpected token at 'false'
<porcelina> is there some reason to and from json aren't symmetric?
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<banisterfiend> ryanf: gotta say the windows GUI seems snappier than OSX
<ryanf> are you on lion or snow leopard?
<banisterfiend> lion
<ryanf> osx is pretty animation-heavy, especially in lion
<ryanf> makes things feel less responsive probably
<ryanf> do you have that dumb new-window animation disabled?
<banisterfiend> what is that
<banisterfiend> (probably)
<ryanf> porcelina: I think the json standard requires the outside wrapper to be either an array or an object literal
<ryanf> banisterfiend: it's the thing where opening a new window animates from a point up to the full size
<banisterfiend> yeah i have that
<ryanf> definitely not snappy-feeling having to wait for that every time you open a window
<Rakko> ugh
<Rakko> thanks, apple
<fragmachine> I disabled that somehow
<fragmachine> it's annoying
<fragmachine> "defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticWindowAnimationsEnabled -bool NO "
<Rakko> so it's not just for finder windows anymore?
<ryanf> I can't check, because I disabled it immediately
<ryanf> it still happens for me in some places though
<ryanf> e.g. chrome
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<Rakko> thanks, google
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<Axsuul> would adding methods to String affect performance?
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<banisterfiend> ryanf: how do i now boot back into osx btw
<ryanf> you can always hold the option key while you boot to choose which drive to boot from
<Rakko> Axsuul: only if those methods are called
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<Axsuul> Rakko: I see, so if an object has a million methods, it wouldn't matter?
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<Rakko> I'm not an expert on Ruby or performance
<Rakko> but my guess is that it wouldn't matter unless they were called often
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<porcelina> ("".methods.sort - 0.methods).count => 84
<porcelina> there's already 84 methods on string, i doubt one more would hurt
<banisterfiend> porcelina: that's an ugly method ;)
<porcelina> lol it works :P
<banisterfiend> porcelina: String.instance_methods(false).count
<Axsuul> im planning on adding 100 more methods to String :O
<banisterfiend> ? String.instance_methods
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<jorgenpt> Axsuul: You could test it. ;-)
<porcelina> crap, if i'm using rack::test to test integration between two services at once... is that even possible? do i have to split them out into two projects and make sure one is running while the other is being tested?
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<shevy> hmm how do I add several yaml files into a .gemspec ?
<jorgenpt> "add them"?
<deryl> erikh: btw, can ignore master for now. development is the main action, i *just* started feature/api_key to add the api support to 'test' from 'testsuite'. haven't gotten there yet.
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<shevy> ah
<shevy> spec.files += should do the trick :)
<shevy> thanks jorgenpt
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<bowo> anybody here?
<bowo> helo?
<bowo> can u help me
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<shevy> lol
<shevy> bowo never ask for help, always give your question
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<bowo> .
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<bowo> help
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<injekt> bowo: how did you install ruby?
<injekt> yeah, :D
<injekt> uh wrong window
<injekt> enjoy the pic anyway!
<bowo> injekt :
<injekt> oh, ghetto
<injekt> bowo: did you edit and uncomment the extensions you want to build?
<injekt> it's in the readme ;)
<injekt> er, install instructions*
<bowo> hmm
<injekt> bowo: do you still have the ruby source?
<bowo> yep
<bowo> sure
<injekt> cd ext/readline
<injekt> ruby extconf.rb
<bowo> wait
* injekt waits
<bowo> i got this messages
<injekt> bowo: is there a reason you're building this all yourself?
<injekt> and not using the many, many other methods of installing ruby
<bowo> sory sorry if my english bad
<injekt> your english is fine, my question still stands, though :)
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<bowo> heh
<bowo> how to?
<bowo> how else
<bowo> next
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<injekt> bowo: ubuntu has packages for ruby
<injekt> you can also use a ruby version manager (rvm or rbenv)
<bowo> how to install rvm?
<bowo> sory im newbie
<bowo> sorry i just use linux 2 weeks
<injekt> bowo: join #rvm for help with that
<injekt> I don't use it
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<bowo> omg
<bowo> can u help me about this?
<injekt> 06:53 < injekt> bowo: join #rvm for help with that
<injekt> 06:53 < injekt> I don't use it
<marting_> join #rvm
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<bowo> injekt then you use what?
<bowo> i follow the way you install ruby
<bowo> helo
<bowo> :1
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<erikh> deryl: alright, i'll try to look at it sometime this week. remind me if you make it to wednesday without hearing from me.
<erikh> weeks are typically pretty busy @work
<injekt> bowo: i use rbenv
<injekt> erikh: how's the c? :)
<bowo> i gave instructions to installing ruby and rubygems with rbenv
<bowo> im using ubuntu 10.04 lucid
<bowo> next
<injekt> bowo: sorry, I dont have time to walk you through all of the steps. Both rbenv and rvm are well documented and have simply installation instructions, though
<bowo> bad news , :( thanks friend
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<csmrfx> So anyone work with JRuby on androids?
<csmrfx> I want to do that.
<injekt> csmrfx: checked out mirah too?
<injekt> I've used mirah, jruby is a little heavy for android
<bowo> exit >
<csmrfx> uhhuh?
<injekt> is that a question?
<csmrfx> yes, and an answer
<csmrfx> just looking up mirah
<injekt> lol
<injekt> :)
<injekt> csmrfx: I haven't used it for a while, but iirc manveru built an android app with it more recently, you could also check out the mirah irc channel
<csmrfx> Well is this realistic idea: to develop android apps in ruby? or should one go scala or clojure
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<injekt> well, as someone who's written 3 android apps, I always went back to java.. so perhaps you dont want my opinion on that
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<csmrfx> I have bad dreams about java, even after almost a decade
<injekt> hehe
<csmrfx> ;)
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<csmrfx> So, are there mirah-developed apps in the wild?
<injekt> csmrfx: no idea
<injekt> there would be little support if you went the mirah route, it's very young
<injekt> gtg, have fun
<csmrfx> ok, gg
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<csmrfx> manveru: thanks, whats it do?
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<banisterfiend> manveru: what's it like developing on android with mirah
<banisterfiend> manveru: do blocks work ?
<csmrfx> yeah, is it desirable platf
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<banisterfiend> looks pretty nice as an alternative to ruby
<banisterfiend> java*
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<csmrfx> lol who?
<banisterfiend> csmrfx: oh hey carl
<deryl> erikh: sounds good. i'll be doing studies most this work-week. you work, so if weekend is better, that rocks.
<banisterfiend> csmrfx: long time no see
<csmrfx> banisterfiend: heh, ever made a "smart phone app"?
<banisterfiend> csmrfx: i just bricked my damn android tablet, so no
<banisterfiend> but i was going to
<banisterfiend> now all i have is $800 worth of junk and a broken heart
<injekt> csmrfx: ah that's the one manveru built :)
<banisterfiend> and cheeks streaming with tears
<injekt> banisterfiend: you're such a poet
<banisterfiend> injekt: hehe, $800 down the drain after 2 days of use im allowed so license lols
<banisterfiend> some*
<csmrfx> banisterfiend: hey I just bought a 100 eyro smartphone, its ok
<banisterfiend> though if anyone here can tell me how to fix it
<banisterfiend> i'd appreciate it
<csmrfx> it's not yours, it's the manufacturers, eh
<csmrfx> I guess just wrpping a web app in a custom browser widget would be the simplest solution
<csmrfx> you get to use rails or sinatra or whatever and easily get your app to iphony and angroid and windorks phone
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<shevy> "<banisterfiend> looks pretty nice as an alternative to ruby" <--- WHAT YOU ARE LEAVING RUBY BEHIND! :((
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<shevy> well actually
<shevy> there is one thing that seems nice in Mirah
<shevy> import.*
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<csmrfx> woohoo, android sdk has webview webkit widgt that can serve me webapps so I can stay ruby without ASE
<sirfilip> morning
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<csmrfx> is there a group for ruby android developers?
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<sirfilip> ruby android ?
<csmrfx> well, ruboto, mirah, whatnot
<shevy> what happened to desktop ruby!
<shevy> why is everyone leaving!
<csmrfx> ya mean ruby gui libs?
<shevy> hmm
<shevy> and commandline too!
<csmrfx> shevy: everyone is leaving so you can pick up the gauntlet
<shevy> down with shell scripts, up with ruby scripts
<csmrfx> ll thats what I was planning on doing on my phone with ASE
<shevy> what is ASE
<shevy> is it edible
<csmrfx> ~android scripting env
<shevy> csmrfx let's philosophize about ruby
<shevy> ok can I use ... my ruby-gtk scripts on android with ASE
<csmrfx> gtk - dont know if android supports gtk
<oddmunds> csmrfx: i think there is a google group or something
<oddmunds> at least a mail list
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<sirfilip> rhmobile ?
<oddmunds> ?
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<shevy> "ruboto-irb is an Android application installable from the Android Market and includes an IRB (Interactive Ruby) console"
<shevy> hah!
<shevy> banisterfiend, there! where is pry!
<csmrfx> shevy: to dev gui for android u need to use Android SDK (javva)
<shevy> :(
<shevy> I feel java-zombified
<csmrfx> ruboto seems to run fine on my phone
<csmrfx> uh, ruboto-irb
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<shevy> that's it
<shevy> we need a ruboto-pry
<csmrfx> well, can pry rub off jruby, banisterfiend ?
<csmrfx> *off of
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<banisterfiend> csmrfx: 'run' ?
<csmrfx> if you like
<banisterfiend> csmrfx: yeah it can now
<csmrfx> so, ruboto-pry is possible?
<banisterfiend> csmrfx: have you used ruboto-irb? :P
<csmrfx> yes
<banisterfiend> it's pretty crippled and weird
<banisterfiend> i dont think you'd want to do serious REPL work on there
<banisterfiend> it would be a waste of time to get it running it hink
<banisterfiend> think*
<erikh> is it like the iphone one that just calls out to a service?
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<csmrfx> well, afaik pry is something you as a developer of your app would use for debugging etc
<banisterfiend> erikh: i dont think so
<csmrfx> ruboto-irb runs on your phone
<banisterfiend> csmrfx: wouldn't you prefer to do the debugging on the development machine though rather than on the device itself?
<csmrfx> havent tested ruboto-irb in depth
<erikh> uh, guys
<csmrfx> banisterfiend: well it was shevys idea
<erikh> the development machine is the phone
<erikh> just in an emulator.
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<csmrfx> Isit on my ass all day all year long in this same room for over 10 years on my sweet topre keyb and 24 inch lcd
<csmrfx> *I sit
<erikh> you need to stop dropping acid before you hit irc
<csmrfx> btu developing for android seems like an avenue for income, though
<csmrfx> Acid? I thought this was dar parisian roast
<csmrfx> *dark
<erikh> heh
<csmrfx> seems like ruboto has limitations though. Ive read about long loading times, massive app footprint, slow execution
<erikh> those are all consequences of running dynamic language
<csmrfx> yeah just make an webapp
<csmrfx> I suppose ruboto is great for RD'ing together apps
<csmrfx> *could be
<erikh> maybe, but the sdk does quite a bit for you
<erikh> especially in eclipse
<erikh> ruboto feels a bit more like a toy than anything
<csmrfx> oh, you mean like preprocessing macros or ?
<erikh> eclipse is an IDE with code generation features
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<csmrfx> Ruby fans seemed like ferret owners. They could go on and on about how much they adored their beady-eyed albino stretch-limo rats, and how cute they were, but we all knew they were just looking for attention. Nobody really wants a pet rat.
<csmrfx> :D
<csmrfx> Static ruby. I wonder how that change affects interpretation under the hood?
<shevy> man
<shevy> I cant understand how people manage to be productive with an IDE
<erikh> easily
<shevy> *Every* IDE I tried so far is getting into my way! :(
<kalleth> vim is my IDE
<erikh> wrong method of thinking
<kalleth> :V
<csmrfx> it automates things, s all
<shevy> there must be some black magic going on
<kalleth> :nnoremap
<erikh> the IDE should teach you how to work instead of the other way around
<kalleth> that automates things
<kalleth> ;p
<erikh> I use vim for most things, but visual studio was pretty nice when I started thinking like that.
<csmrfx> :set go=-T
<shevy> erikh but I am naturally stubborn! :(
<erikh> for C#
<csmrfx> erikh: the media *is* the message
<shevy> hmm could try visual studio...
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<erikh> csmrfx: acid leads to all sorts of schizoaffective disorders
<erikh> shevy: it's really nice for MS products. I wouldn't use it for anything else.
<csmrfx> erikh: no wonder you're always talking about it
<shevy> hmm
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<shevy> should I really start to write my own IDE ...
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<shevy> someone beat me please before I do that :(
* erikh large trout, etc etc.
<shevy> lol
<shevy> what was that!
* shevy etc etc. as well.
<erikh> you're not familiar with the /slap command from mIRC ?
<shevy> sure!
<shevy> good old mIRC days! Galaxynet!
<erikh> ah dalnet here
<erikh> 1998 or so
<shevy> hah :)
<erikh> maybe a little earlier; 1996?
<shevy> those were my days too... playing a browsergame back then, sitting on galaxynet watching all the singaporeans speak in singlish wa liao ...
<erikh> ah. I used to be a BBS operator in a small town so some of us were in a private channel there.
<erikh> also I was a giant pothead at the time so I was in #marijuana
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<shevy> hehe
<csmrfx> So, ruboto versus mirah?
<shevy> what is that
<shevy> mirah looks elegant though
<erikh> mirah's a language
<erikh> roboto's a platform
<csmrfx> or is mirah in ruboto?
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<shevy> csmrfx have you tried to run any ruby script on android yet?
<shevy> hello world etc....
<csmrfx> shevy aside from ruboto-irb tests, no
<shevy> you worked in irb on it?
<shevy> how high can you calculate before android breaks down in irb
<shevy> hmmm
<shevy> (22 ** 22234).size # => 12396
<csmrfx> lol is this a trick question?
<shevy> how is that done ...
<shevy> dunno csmrfx I just want to try crash things whenever possible
<csmrfx> `/me 1... 2... 3... 4...
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<csmrfx> shevy I can do 2**62 - 1
<shevy> hmm
<csmrfx> (4611686018427387903)
<shevy> I am puzzling about .size right now
<shevy> 1.size # => 4
<shevy> seems to return the byte size?
<shevy> 7887654444.size # => 8
<csmrfx> shevy and if youre wondering, ruboto seems to be able to run opengl etc on this low low end android phone
<shevy> whoa
<shevy> not so low end after all
<andrewvos> meh
gnufied joined #ruby-lang
<shevy> andrewvos are you still NOT playing skyrim
<csmrfx> well its cool that I can run and edit ruby and 3d in a 100 euro phone
<shevy> hmm
<shevy> yeah but
<shevy> what to do on it
<csmrfx> yeah
<shevy> other than playing games?
<csmrfx> make games?
<shevy> yeah
<shevy> rubygame wraps SDL
<shevy> no idea if that works on android
<csmrfx> perhaps better to use java game lib
<andrewvos> shevy: :(
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<csmrfx> hm, androids actually have SDL
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<csmrfx> aaand... could you actually, instead of jruby, use the C MRI ruby on android, too
<erikh> wrapping libraries on android can be weird
<erikh> probably not to any real effect
<csmrfx> Well, JNI
<csmrfx> ¨why not
<erikh> yeah. System.loadLibrary() has some, er, restrictions
<erikh> like you can't seem to replace existing system libraries even if your code loads later
<erikh> at least, I wasn't successful
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<rue> Java, on the jaaava boat
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<hangingclowns> anyone here ever play with rake and running sell commands and getting back information from them?
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<andrewvos> hangingclowns: What information?
<andrewvos> `ls` <--- will return the output.
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<hangingclowns> yes
<hangingclowns> something like that
<hangingclowns> I was thinking about writing something that checks out a project from a repo using bzr
<hangingclowns> so something like with a command like sh"bzr check URL"
<hangingclowns> then echo back to the user what was checked out
<hangingclowns> wanted to write something standard as a library, then move it into rails or sinatra
<hangingclowns> preferibly sinatra, since I want to learn how to do it
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<hangingclowns> seems like I may be looking for backticks to my question
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<shevy> gah I stepped into glass
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<andrewvos> Like I sai
<andrewvos> d
<shevy> what did you sa
<shevy> y
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<manveru> is there any need to use \a instead of ^ if i'm not using /m ?
<manveru> err, \A
<manveru> ah, seems like
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<rue> manveru: Sure
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<Orian> Hi there ! Has somebody here ever used Parslet ? I'm trying to write Ruby's grammar for an Open Source parser (the whole grammar I mean), but I'm stuck with some features
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<Orian> For instance I'd like to write a rule to describe strings written with delimiters. But how can I do with parslet, to check if the "starting id" is the same as the "ending id" ?
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<Tasser> Orian, ripper? ^^
<Orian> ripper ?
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<Orian> No I don't cut any belly *_*
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<Tasser> Ripper is the ruby-parser.
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<_plg> hi, I installed sinatra this morning in Ubuntu 11.10 by gem install, because the apt-get version is broken, but i keep getting this
<_plg> nvalid gemspec in [/var/lib/gems/1.8/specifications/sinatra-1.3.1.gemspec]: invalid date format in specification: "2011-10-05 00:00:00.000000000Z"
<_plg> any ideas?
<yfeldblum> _plg: for debianoids (including debian and ubuntu), you should not use the packaged rubygems (and you should probably not use the packaged ruby either)
<_plg> ...
<yfeldblum> _plg: one option is to install ruby and rubygems from source yourself; another is to use a tool like rvm to install ruby and rubygems for you
<_plg> I noticed that is easy to trash the system when using the 2
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<_plg> member:yfeldblum: can i bring the system to a pre instalation status?
<yfeldblum> _plg: rvm can install a copy of ruby into your home directory, so it doesn't affect the rest of your system
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<yfeldblum> _plg: i don't know what's up specifically with your machine, and i can't debug over IRC, so
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<_plg> i know, but from my bad experiences I think that to unistall and clean the previous ruby installation is almost impossible
<yfeldblum> _plg: if you use rvm to install ruby, it will update your PATH and put its copy of ruby ahead of your system ruby, so you will be able to use a clean ruby even if your system ruby is broken
<yfeldblum> _plg: just remember, for development, rvm and rvm-installed ruby and rubygems always run as your user - you never need to sudo to install gems
<_plg> member:yfeldblum: i will try it, wish me luck d:)
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<_plg> member:yfeldblum: my problem is that my issues arise when I was installing foreman from puppet labs, and I dont know if I can mix the 2 since forman usually comes in a deb package
<jacky123> i dont feel like coding php anymore
<jacky123> after coding ruby for a while (altho i am no ruby maestro)
<Orian> Tasser: Where can I download Ripper ?
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<Tasser> Orian, ruby 1.9 includes it
<darix> Orian: gem install ripper?
<darix> Orian: 1.9 has ripper already
<Orian> Oh but it's written in C ^^. I'm trying to parse Ruby language... in Ruby :/
<Orian> using Ruby I mean
<manveru> good luck :)
<darix> Orian: ruby_parser from zenspider then maybe?
<matti> manveru: ;]
<darix> hm
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<Jaikrishna> pastie: hello
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<Jaikrishna> pastie: hi
<apeiros_> anybody using active resource with pivotal tracker?
<apeiros_> I'm trying to use the examples straight from the API docs and they fail with a 406 response code (Not Acceptable)
<jacky123> Jaikrishna: the bot is deadf
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<manveru> shevy: you on ruby-talk?
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<porcelina> _plg i had the exact problem you mentioned and rvm fixed it. it's an issue with the debian installed rubygems package.
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<_plg> member:porcelina: I tried to fix the gem installation first, as I'm not a big ruby user, all that I wanted was for it to function properly. I deleted the headers in the problematic configuration files and I'm ok now
<porcelina> _plg which deb are you using tho? if it's 1.9.1 you should really try to get 1.9.2 or 3
<porcelina> cuz the one in the repo is pretty borked
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<_plg> member:porcelina:I think it's still ruby 1.8 if I understand your question
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<yorickpeterse> Probably already linked but w/e :)
<burgestrand> Huh, cool :)
<manveru> wow
<burgestrand> Can’t say I like 2.0 keeping backwards compatibility though :(
<burgestrand> On another note, is it very confusing that a setter does not change the value you’ll retrieve from the getter?
<burgestrand> track.seen? # => false; track.seen = true; track.seen? # => still false
<burgestrand> Hm, actually, now that I think of it this is a non-issue anyway
<burgestrand> Yay rubberducking
<manveru> yorickpeterse: so we gotta remove them from ramaze?
<manveru> damn
<bougyman> manveru: and from all our innate/ramaze apps.
<bougyman> that's part of our skeleton libs.
<manveru> this is bad...
<rue> ʃud ɑɪ ɪkstʰɛnd fonɛtɪks hɪə tʰʊː?
<Mon_Ouie> Mentioning 3.0 before 2.0 even comes out? Are they planning to change the versioning scheme?
<yorickpeterse> manveru: seems so, not entirely sure how I feel about it though
<erikh> I think they're using the linus method
<rue> Mon_Ouie: I think it's mostly because 2.0 has been deemed backwards-compatible. So all the incompatible changes by default go to 3.0
<erikh> if you complain loud enough and frequently enough
<erikh> they'll just bump it when they get tired of hearing about it
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<manveru> yorickpeterse: well, this has major implications
<manveru> we can't just require everything
<manveru> that would make dependencies explode
<yorickpeterse> Yeah, in that sense it is quite bad
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<manveru> so the burden is on the application
<yorickpeterse> I think in that case we have to apply the Linus method :)
<erikh> heh
<yorickpeterse> complain complain complain
<manveru> which means we'll see hacky replacements for autoload in the near future
<yorickpeterse> I wonder, how come autoload isn't actually thread safe?
<erikh> autoload isn't terribly useful, dunno
<erikh> I mean you can get *most* of it out of the begin/rescue LoadError pattern
<yorickpeterse> Aren't constants shared across threads?
<yorickpeterse> erikh: doesn't work for drivers and such
<erikh> sure it does
<yorickpeterse> For example, Ramaze has a bunch of drivers for caching that are loaded whenever needed
<yorickpeterse> without the need of wrapping the calls in begin/rescue
<erikh> oh I'm not saying it's more convenient
<erikh> I'm just saying it's not necessary
<erikh> err, bah. too much coffee, I hope that was clear enough
<yorickpeterse> True, there are ways to work around it but like manveru said they will be hacky most likely
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<burgestrand> yorickpeterse:
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<manveru> either that, or you demand the application will always require('foo/bar/baz/duh') before using Foo::Bar::Baz::Duh
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<yorickpeterse> Ugh Redmine, obviously it takes ages to load
<burgestrand> yorickpeterse: (as a reply to your earlier question :))
<yorickpeterse> burgestrand: Ah
<yorickpeterse> hmm
<erikh> r-l's redmine is old and patched to hell
<erikh> unless it's changed recently
<yorickpeterse> Oh, I'm going down that road with our instance as well
<yorickpeterse> Though most of the work is related to translating plugins
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<yorickpeterse> I wonder if matz thought about the apps using autoload or was just like "Naaah..Fuck it"
<bougyman> yorickpeterse: it's pretty clear.
<bougyman> he made a mistake a long time ago with autoload, it seems.
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<yorickpeterse> Hm
<yorickpeterse> Ah well, it won't be for another 5-8 years before 3.0 is out and widely adopted :)
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<freedrull> has anyone thought of this idea for a vim plugin yet; using the stacktrace as a quickfix list? so hop to the next file and line number with :cnext, :cprev.
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<freedrull> maybe in practice, its easier to just look at the list of files and see what went wrong, however...
<yorickpeterse> :)
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<jondot> i'm trying to find docs for Time.stamp, but cant.. any clue why?
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<jondot> oops. my bad. someone added that to Time.
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<jondot> hey guys, i need to load tons of data into a store. i have written a script which i can execute linearly (1 process, 1 thread). how would you do this with threads? is threadpool meaningless in 1.9.2 ?
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<jondot> ofcourse, the process is io bound, i'd like to max out the network
<deryl> yorickpeterse: as an aside (if i read the conversation correctly) if you're trying to get redmine going, I had *severe* troubles getting it to set up correctly. I found chiliproject which is a fork of that and it set up with no need to go doc hunting etc etc in under 10m.
<deryl> not sure if thats useful to you or not.
<deryl> (i'm taking it you want to set redmine up for use)
<deryl> ahh, nm. reading back over i see i'm off the mark. ignore my commentary then :)
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<andrewvos> recommend("accidnt") => "accident" <--- anyone know a gem that does this?
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<andrewvos> Or a powerful text searcher with recommendations?
<injekt> andrewvos: I personally pipe to aspell
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<andrewvos> injekt: I'm writing a gem. Not too cool to have that dependency?
<rue> Wrap libaspell then
<rue> If someone hasn't
<injekt> andrewvos: you're going to have external deps either way
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<MrPunkin> if you set an environment variable from ruby, and then run a command line process from back ticks, does that cmd-line process use that environment variable, or does that variable only stick for the current ruby script (which the command line process is run outside of)?
<injekt> MrPunkin: try it?
<andrewvos> MrPunkin: No
<injekt> >> ENV['foo'] = "bar"; `echo $foo`
<injekt> => "bar\n"
<andrewvos> MrPunkin: Only for the current backticks
<andrewvos> MrPunkin: Which is very useful.
<rue> …Huh?
<injekt> oh wait i see what you're saying now
<injekt> it's too early
* injekt walks away
<Mon_Ouie> Environment variables are propagated to the child process
<rue> If you set an env inside a Ruby, it's set to that until such time that you exit or change it
<rue> And then ^^
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<rue> There're special functions for when you want to override the inherited env
<andrewvos> Hmm I meant if you do a `export HELLO=1` kind of this then `echo $HELLO`
<andrewvos> this=thing
<Mon_Ouie> Yeah, because you set an env variable in a child process, and try to use it in another child process
<rue> andrewvos: HELLO = 1 # Shell variable
<rue> export HELLO # env
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<andrewvos> rue: What's your point?
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<rue> None, none at all.
* andrewvos can't tell if being sarcastic or..
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<headius> drbrain: PING
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<headius> drbrain: I am stepping away, but this is your Monday ping to release rdoc-data for the other versions
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<shevy> hmm what is the difference between .each and .foreach ?
<manveru> shevy: where do you see that?
<shevy> in old ruby code I wrote ~5 years ago manveru :)
<manveru> what method?
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<manveru> there is Dir::foreach and IO::foreach
<shevy> manveru yeah, on Dir ... that old code iterates through a directory listing
<shevy> but I am wondering why there is .foreach and not an .each ... hmm
<shevy> I mean, in my old code
<vikoren> it looks like its just a function off of IO (IO.foreach(path, sepstring=$/) {|line| block})
<mksm> Dir[] or .glob could not have returned an Enumerable back then
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<shevy> hmm
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<drbrain> headius: ping
<shevy> gah screw that, I will rewrite that old code and get rid of .foreach
<headius> drbrain: howdy...feeling better?
<drbrain> finally!
<headius> I think I'm just at the beginning of something...tonsils in bad shape today
<headius> season change always gets me
<drbrain> I'm wondering if you can comment on regexp magic globals + threads:
<drbrain> … to me
<drbrain> my illness wasn't severe, just lingering on and on and on
<headius> sure
<deryl> change of season is getting everyone around here.
<drbrain> I thought the regexp specials would be method-local per thread
<deryl> more people that i know that are sick than not sick. :/
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<headius> they're frame local, but the frame goes along with a proc
<headius> so if you use that proc across threads...
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<drbrain> let me dig up the code
<drbrain> probably line 80?
<drbrain> if that's a problem with jruby, I guess using #scan instead would fix it?
<headius> hmm
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<headius> that should be ok even multithreaded
<drbrain> ok, do you want to comment on the github ticket then?
<headius> the block never escapes that method body
<headius> I added a simple comment about those vars
<rue> [ɪt wʊd, bʊt ðæt's ə pɹɑːblm ɛnɪwɛɪ]
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<drbrain> thanks
<rue> headius: Pretty sure that should be caught by rubyspec
<headius> rue: that line 80 example should, yes
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<headius> drbrain: I don't see anything here I'd expect to be thread-unsafe
<rue> drbrain: And #gsub's the wrong method anyway :)
<drbrain> rue: yeah, but that gsub is probably eight years old
<drbrain> and I need to replace all that with the parser I wrote in mechanize
<drbrain> actually, net-http-digest_auth is probably not thread safe by itself
<drbrain> due to nonce_count
<headius> drbrain: the description in that bug doesn't give me much to go on I'm afraid
<drbrain> yeah
<headius> random incorrect responses could be caused by anything
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<drbrain> yeah
<drbrain> I'll follow up on this to see if I can get some more information
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<jbardin> heya guys
<jbardin> is there a #rvm specific chat?
<havenn> in #rvm
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<shevy> lol
<jbardin> thanks
<Koolvin> Hey, I am installing a ruby application that calls .source_index in multiple places
<jbardin> course, chances are that someone is awake in there ... < 1
<Koolvin> What version of rubygems should I use
<drbrain> Koolvin: the latest
<burgestrand> jbardin: you always get an answer in there sooner or later, but when they sleep they’re asleep
<havenn> Koolvin: 1.8.11 as of this morning.
<burgestrand> jbardin: I recall they have some system in place for leaving messages
<jbardin> yea, no worries
<Koolvin> Havenn I believe I'm on 1.8.11
<Koolvin> It isn't working
<jbardin> i am trying to "reset" my rvm install
<steveklabnik> jbardin: rvm implode
<steveklabnik> will delete it.
<Koolvin> One sec
<jbardin> yea... i dont want to delete it all though...
<steveklabnik> what do you mean by 'reset'?
<Koolvin> Git@ubuntu:~$ rake ultrasphinx:bootstrap
<jbardin> i just want to full remove all traces of any of the installed rubies
<Koolvin> NOTE: Gem.source_index is deprecated, use Specification. It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
<Koolvin> Gem.source_index called from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.0.10/lib/bundler/source.rb:162.
<Koolvin> NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#each is deprecated with no replacement. It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
<Koolvin> Gem::SourceIndex#each called from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.0.10/lib/bundler/source.rb:162.
<Koolvin> Rake aborted!
<steveklabnik> (normally I'm in #rvm, but i'm not right now...
<shevy> Koolvin well now you have the path!
<steveklabnik> jbardin: what else is there?
<jbardin> i tried remove, but it left some stuf fin bin, and i have a bunch of bad wrappers i mnade
<havenn> jbardin: rvm remove ruby-version-here
<steveklabnik> jbardin: if you're deleting all rubies, the simplest way is to just remove rvm and start again.
<shevy> Koolvin I'd remove /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems and reinstall rubygems from source :P
<steveklabnik> otherwise you just type rvm remove someruby a zillion times
<jbardin> oh sweet, i think i did uninstall
<Koolvin> Ok i'll try =[
<shevy> Koolvin what does "gem --version" return btw?
<shevy> I am on 1.8.10
<Koolvin> 1.8.11
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<shevy> oh
<bubonicpestilenc> hey all
<Koolvin> Yeah.
<shevy> I am lagging behind :(
<havenn> shevy: So last week.
<Koolvin> Havenn, would reinstalling 1.8.11 fix my problem
<shevy> haha yeah havenn
<shevy> <Koolvin> NOTE: Gem.source_index is deprecated, use Specification. It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
<shevy> I hope so Koolvin
<shevy> 1.8.11 was released 2011-11-03 11:06
<Koolvin> So it should be deprecated
<shevy> 2 days after that deprecation warning you get ;P
<shevy> it would make sense!
<Koolvin> What is my error saying?
<shevy> 1.8.11 is now installed
<Koolvin> That the command won't work
<shevy> how do you get that error?
<shevy> ah
<shevy> when you use rake
<Koolvin> Yes
<jbardin> i borked up a wrapper install for god
<burgestrand> Looks like an update of bundler might help.
<jbardin> and ended up with all types of god_XXX wrapper bins
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<drbrain> the only difference between 1.8.10 and 1.8.11 is that Deprecate isn't in the top-level namespace
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<shevy> Koolvin hmm no real idea ... rake must be calling something that causes that ... perhaps ultrasphinx:bootstrap is calling Gem.source_index
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<Koolvin> It is
<Koolvin> But it has to
<burgestrand> Koolvin: could you try upgrading bundler?
<Koolvin> So wouldn't downgrading rubygems fix the problem?
<shevy> Koolvin hmmmmmm
<Koolvin> Command for that?
<burgestrand> Koolvin: gem install bundler
<drbrain> Koolvin: ultrasphinx needs to be updated to newer API
<shevy> let's downgrade to ruby 1.6
<drbrain> Koolvin: you should file a bug against ultrasphinx
<burgestrand> Am I blind or is the trace showing the call comes from bundler?
<Koolvin> Done
<Koolvin> Lets try it
<burgestrand> Which version of bundler do you have now?
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<shevy> version 0.0.1
<shevy> :P
<Koolvin> Burgestrand seems to have fixed things
<burgestrand> 1.0.10 comes from february so it’s kind of old :p
<burgestrand> Koolvin: awesome :)
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<burgestrand> Koolvin: might even want to run bundler 1.1rc if you run this command a lot, it’ll really reduce the time you have to make yourself a hot beverage while bundler is “downloading rubygems index” or whatever
<Koolvin> I'm really not that worried about it
<Koolvin> I'm getting payed to do this
<burgestrand> hehe
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<Koolvin> Git@ubuntu:/var/www/gitorious$ rake db:create
<Koolvin> Rake aborted!
<Koolvin> Bundler couldn't find some gems. Did you run `bundle install`?
<Koolvin> (See full trace by running task with --trace)
<Koolvin> I've run bundle install
<Koolvin> Do I have to do it from that user?
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<burgestrand> Koolvin: hm, peculiar, perhaps it could be a permissions issue?
<tjgillies> anyone successfully run two resque-web apps on same host, it seems it doesn't matter what port i specify it complains theres already another instance running
<Koolvin> Burgestrand, permissions for what
<steveklabnik> jbardin: can't run them on the same port.
<steveklabnik> oh wait
<steveklabnik> you said no matter what
<steveklabnik> derp.
<steveklabnik> and tjgillies rather than jbardin , dammit. i suck. shutting up
<burgestrand> Koolvin: like, if you ran “bundle install” with sudo but then you run “rake db:create” without, perhaps the permissions would get in the way for bundler to find the required gems
<jbardin> yea
<jbardin> i am like, since when did rubies need ports?
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<Koolvin> Meh
<Koolvin> I can't sudo with this user
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<burgestrand> Koolvin: I’m just guessing, if you ran “bundle install” successfully the gems should be there
<burgestrand> Koolvin: could try running “bundle exec rake db:create” just to make sure, too
<tjgillies> steveklabnik: hve you run two instances on same machine before?
<steveklabnik> tjgillies: I don't _think_ so?
<tjgillies> steveklabnik: lol
<steveklabnik> mabe?
<steveklabnik> i tend to use delayed_job
<steveklabnik> but i've deployed resque once or twice
<Koolvin> Think I found the problem
<Koolvin> An error occured while installing nokogiri (1.5.0), and Bundler cannot continue.
<Koolvin> Make sure that `gem install nokogiri -v '1.5.0'` succeeds before bundling.
<Koolvin> Doesn't work
<Koolvin> Won't install
<Koolvin> ERROR: Error installing nokogiri:
<Koolvin> ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
<Koolvin> Checking for libxml/parser.h... yes
<Koolvin> Checking for libxslt/xslt.h... no
<Koolvin> Square 1
<drbrain> looks like you're missing libxslt
<Koolvin> Libxslt?
<Koolvin> Is that a gem?
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<burgestrand> It’s a software library, you’ll probably install it through your package manager
<Koolvin> E: Couldn't find package libxslt
<injekt> libxslt1-dev
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<burgestrand> It’s always fun trying to find out what they named the package
<burgestrand> ^
<drbrain> e is like p?
<burgestrand> makes perfect sense
<Koolvin> That did it
<Koolvin> Bundle installing again
<Koolvin> Be back in a few months when it's done
<burgestrand> Bundler release-candidate FTW ;)
<Koolvin> Meh
<Koolvin> Git@ubuntu:/var/www/gitorious$ rake db:create
<Koolvin> Rake aborted!
<Koolvin> You have already activated rake, but your Gemfile requires rake 0.8.7. Using bundle exec may solve this.
<Koolvin> Bundle exec doesn't do naything
<Koolvin> Anything*
<burgestrand> Slap a bundle exec as a prefix to the command
<burgestrand> “bundle exec rake db:create”
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<Koolvin> Oh alright
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<Koolvin> Yay!
<burgestrand> \o/
<burgestrand> Happy days!
<Koolvin> Another error!
<Koolvin> Git@ubuntu:/var/www/gitorious$ bundle exec rake db:create
<Koolvin> (in /var/www/gitorious)
<Koolvin> Rake aborted!
<Koolvin> Uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Mutex
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<Koolvin> :/var/www/gitorious/Rakefile:10:in `require'
<burgestrand> Huh, peculiar, that looks like a genuine coding error
<Koolvin> We were cheering different things =p
<apeiros_> Koolvin: sounds like somebody forgot to `require 'thread'`
<burgestrand> indeed
<Koolvin> Where at?
<Koolvin> Throw it at the top?
<apeiros_> yepp
<burgestrand> Yeah, adding it to the top of the rakefile might help
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<apeiros_> (unless your rake tasks spawn subprocesses…)
<Koolvin> The fuck?
<Koolvin> Git@ubuntu:/var/www/gitorious$ bundle exec rake db:create
<Koolvin> (in /var/www/gitorious)
<Koolvin> Rake aborted!
<Koolvin> Undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
<burgestrand> heh
<apeiros_> sounds like somebody forgot more than just a require…
<steveklabnik> lol
<burgestrand> Whoever wrote that piece of software did not want you enjoying it
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<Koolvin> It's gitorious
<burgestrand> Aye, still no excuse, I feel bad for you :d
<Koolvin> How can I fix this one?
<burgestrand> Hm, well, you’d have to find the actual source of the error this time, might give you a more meaningful backtrace if you add “--trace” to the command
<burgestrand> Too bad the gitorious source is not at github :p
<Koolvin> Lol.
<Koolvin> Why is that too bad
<burgestrand> Koolvin: because now I had to browse it through gitorious
<burgestrand> Koolvin: anyway, have you created a database.yml?
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<Koolvin> Ya
<burgestrand> Koolvin: config/database.yml to be more exact, it should contain information about the database you wish to use for production/development/test environments
<Koolvin> Right
<Koolvin> It's configured
<burgestrand> By the looks of that error (and source), it appears it cannot find the configuration for whatever environment the application loads up with
<Koolvin> Meh
<burgestrand> (it’d probably be development)
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<Koolvin> It's looking like giving up is getting pretty close
<burgestrand> I’m surprised you’re still here!
<burgestrand> Anyhow!
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<burgestrand> First thing I’d do is double-check to make sure the database.yml file is in order, that’s the most likely culprit
<Koolvin> It looks good.
<Koolvin> BogErfojdovPeardEngesezOaFlidJudawAcFajMaicGamVeHetardOovcidcaikAtghegNighEkWibearcyegfojibUrAvTicsAttyinPimunpigEmekugmyenRyef,JewpaybdakBirtAtdyFrobMajnistacgepEnmopdiebowbEymyietGupOjcawdOuunlos;flibBoognefoxnimOardOsObGabTilAgOdBareunkOotnevRiefJophmegAchyairdeavnuidnoorjyitDetsefBefsyowwekjitharfijDyuddojyunaiHumtDinHorshurvopgeanyisfu1NeebkeucicMitvaigdycsoucucklebWonriokvet2
<Koolvin> Lol?
<burgestrand> Ah, yeah, you have no development section in the database.yml?
<Koolvin> Fibhg
<Koolvin> Lol.
<Koolvin> Right
<burgestrand> Did you remember to do “export RAILS_ENV=production”?
<burgestrand> It appears the rake command is not picking it up
<Koolvin> Yes
<Koolvin> Fuck me.
<Koolvin> I guess switching back and forth fudged with it
<Koolvin> That worked
<Koolvin> I'll let you know
<burgestrand> :)
<Koolvin> Note that it explicitely instructs you to do that
<Koolvin> Note if you have to drop out to root again because it tells you that you missed some gems then remember to do the export again when you have su’d back into the git user!
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<shevy> hmm I just had a great idea
<shevy> let's skip ruby 2.0 and directly go to 2.1!
<shevy> whoa
<shevy> webpage = kup.render ->
<shevy> that is valid coffeescript??
<injekt> -> is just a function
<injekt> so yeah, you're sending a function to the render function
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<shevy> hmm
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<Koolvin> New issue!
<Koolvin> Korvin@ubuntu:/var/www/gitorious$ sudo bundle exec service git-daemon start
<Koolvin> Starting git-daemon: /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.0.21/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:31:in `setup': You have already activated daemons 1.1.4, but your Gemfile requires daemons 1.1.0. Using bundle exec may solve this. (Gem::LoadError)
<burgestrand> Hm, my guess is that git-daemon start does something that essentially circumvents bundler
<burgestrand> service git-daemon start does not feel like a ruby thingy to me
<burgestrand> Hm
<Koolvin> Git-daemon is simply starting the git-daemon
<Koolvin> It's git
<Koolvin> Good news is the site is online
<burgestrand> Yeah, I find it odd ruby is even involved here
<Koolvin> Bad news is you can't log in
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<burgestrand> Ah, I see.
<burgestrand> Now lets’ see.
<burgestrand> Yeah, no bundler in there.
<burgestrand> Koolvin: open script/git-daemon, after “require 'rubygems'” add “require 'bundler/setup'”
<burgestrand> (but before “require 'daemons'”)
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<burgestrand> I wonder if gemfile groups might screw that up… oh well, it’s a thing to try anyway
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<Koolvin> Worked.
<Koolvin> Lol.
<Koolvin> Now
<Koolvin> I'm getting this error when trying to log in
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<burgestrand> Heh.
<burgestrand> Rails has some cross-site forgery protection built-in, and this is what happen when you get it wrong.
<Koolvin> ={
<burgestrand> For example by forgetting to send the authenticity token with your forms!
<Koolvin> Possible fix?
<burgestrand> You can either remove the forgery protection (which is not the best idea, but it should remove the errors), or try to add the missing parameter to the login form (I believe that’s what you’re trying to login with?)
<banisterfiend> git question: how do i 'merge' in from upstream but leave the changes just in the working directory, i.e no commit, and no change to index
<Koolvin> Yes
<Koolvin> Burgestrand, forgery won't be an issue
<Koolvin> This server is only local
<Koolvin> How would I do that?
<burgestrand> banisterfiend: git merge --no-commit origin/master
<burgestrand> banisterfiend: you’d probably want to git fetch origin first
<burgestrand> Koolvin: I believe the relevant piece of code might be in app/controllers/application_controller.rb, if you see a line saying “protect_from_forgery”… remove it
<burgestrand> banisterfiend: can’t say I’ve tried it though :P
<Koolvin> Burgestrand, will I have to re export
<Koolvin> And re rake
<burgestrand> Naw, you should be good
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<Koolvin> I removed that, and the problem persists
<burgestrand> You might have to restart the server itself though
<burgestrand> Running in production rails does not reload code between requests
<Koolvin> Meh that's going to be a cluster fuck
<Koolvin> But lets do it
<andrewvos> How can I convert (nil) into 0 and any number into that number?
<burgestrand> new_number = 0
<burgestrand> Oh, nevermind, misunderstood :P
<andrewvos> burgestrand: You just made me laugh out loud. Well done.
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<andrewvos> Oh wait. nil.to_i works :|
<burgestrand> … wat
<burgestrand> andrewvos: :)
<zzak> :D
<burgestrand> What the hell, I have a distinct memory of *missing* nil.to_i when I needed it merely days ago
<burgestrand> I would’ve gone with new_number = old_number || 0 though ^^
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<andrewvos> burgestrand: haha
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<andrewvos> OMG
<andrewvos> I get to use minitest benchmark stuff!!!!
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<oddmunds> haha
<Koolvin> Meh it's trying to send a confirmation email D=
<andrewvos> Damnit. Guess I don't get to use the benchmark stuff.
<andrewvos> I converted an algorithm from python to ruby and lost much of the accuracy.
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<andrewvos> Does anyone else think 1..2 vs 1...3 can often hide the fact that there's three dots, if you get what Imean?
<samuelkadolph> I can count, if you know what I mean.
<zenspider> andrewvos: usually I'm doing the rhs with a variable, and the context also helps
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<andrewvos> zenspider: RHS?
<jorgenpt> What're my stdlib options for --long-argument parsing?
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<andrewvos> zenspider: Oh. Right hand sign.
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<injekt> jorgenpt: optparse or getoptlong
<injekt> jorgenpt: they're both stdlib, optparse is more popular, and you should prefer that over getoptlong
<injekt> but, if you want to steer away from stdlib, you should use slop
<injekt> </shameless>