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newbold [newbold!] has joined #ruby-lang
Cherrum [Cherrum!] has joined #ruby-lang
<theconartist> newbold!
<newbold> theconartist: you!
<newbold> theconartist: I'm still learning, slowly :)
<drbrain> erikh: the 1.8 version just wakes up every waiting thread which is the "thundering herd" solution
<drbrain> oh, huh, the 1.9 version is (nearly) the same
<drbrain> I thought it had switched to fancier stuff
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jtbandes [jtbandes!~jtbandes_@unaffiliated/jtbandes] has joined #ruby-lang
<jtbandes> Having trouble finding this anywhere... what's the difference between Enumerable's each_with_index and with_index?
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<heftig> jtbandes: none
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<drbrain> with_index is chainable with other enumerable methods like map, each_cons, chunk, etc.
<heftig> no, there's no difference except that with_index is only defined on Enumerator, not Enumerable
<drbrain> also, there's no with_index on Enumerable, it's on Enumerator
<jtbandes> hm
<drbrain> you can get an Enumerator if you don't supply a block to Enumerable defined methods
<jtbandes> so basically it's to make things like .map.with_index look nicer.
<heftig> oh. with_index also takes an optional argument, a starting offset
<heftig> jtbandes: yes.
robbyoconnor [robbyoconnor!~wakawaka@guifications/user/r0bby] has joined #ruby-lang
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<drbrain> I wonder if I should release this as a gem: exit! 0 if rand > 0.9 and OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER == OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
<drbrain> require 'openssl_sanity_check_frustrating'
<andrewvos> drbrain: I would put that in my Gemfile
<andrewvos> +1
<drbrain> andrewvos: there's a non-frustrating version: exit 1 if OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER == OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
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<andrewvos> drbrain: Yeah the random was a bit lightweight
<drbrain> andrewvos: what's great about it is that if you try it again the error MIGHT GO AWAY
<drbrain> … FOR A WHILE
robbyoconnor [robbyoconnor!~wakawaka@guifications/user/r0bby] has joined #ruby-lang
<andrewvos> :)
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imperator [imperator!] has joined #ruby-lang
<imperator> what's the equivalent of rb_thread_blocking_region in pure ruby?
<drbrain> imperator: how do you mean?
<drbrain> there's not really an equivalent since it's "I'm not going to run ruby code for a while"
<drdr> imperator are you trying to do some type of daemon or lock?
<imperator> just converting some c code to ruby code
<drbrain> imperator: FFI?
<drdr> there is way to get a thread to wait
<imperator> wrapping a custom IO.pread implementation
<drdr> thats the closest thing i can think of
<imperator> drbrain, yes
<drbrain> I think it would need to be baked into FFI then
<drbrain> AFAIK, since ruby threads are now Real Threads, pausing the thread pauses the POSIX thread
<oddmunds> drbrain: since when is that?
<imperator> these were some patches from eric wong
<drbrain> imperator: I guess you could wrap rb_thread_blocking_region with FFI too?
<drbrain> oddmunds: for all of 1.9
<imperator> says that it's used to ensure that signals are processed safely when doign IO to a slow device
<oddmunds> drbrain: thanks
<drbrain> imperator: can I see them?
<imperator> one sec
<drbrain> maybe I'll have a better idea then
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<drbrain> for 1.8 that looks fine, since TRAP_END calls CHECK_INTS which calls rb_thread_schedule
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<imperator> Thread.exclusive ?
<drbrain> rb_thread_blocking_region is the inversion of Thread.exclusive
<drbrain> the blocking region is "I would block ruby. When you call me, let other threads run and I promise not to do any ruby stuff"
<drbrain> and the blocking thread continues to run independent of the ruby threads
<drbrain> imperator: so, I think you would need to wrap rb_thread_blocking_region with FFI too
<imperator> alright, thanks
<drbrain> but I'm not sure how you'd get it to unwrap the arguments properly
<drbrain> like in nogvl_pread
<drdr> drbrain if you use gcc they get pushed backwards onto the stack
<drdr> AFAIK
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<drdr> you *can* unroll them yourself if you know the length of the memory block they are stored in
<drdr> but that gets technical
<drbrain> drdr: when you're moving from a C wrapper to an FFI wrapper you really don't want to do that
<drdr> it does
<drbrain> if FFI provides that feature, great
<drdr> and you probably dont
<drdr> last time i did that i fried a 2000+ hour build quene
<drbrain> plus, since this is a callback, FFI would probably need to do that for you
<drdr> right
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* imperator has never tried wrapping an internal ruby function, should be interesting
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<djcercone> any 'foreman' users out there?
<drbrain> I have a George Foreman grill, does that count?
<drbrain> damn, it makes a good sandwich
<djcercone> I wish it did count, then you could maybe answer my question :)'
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<injekt> drbrain: fuck yeah it does
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<injekt> djcercone: ask your question anyway
<injekt> drbrain: now i want a god damn sandwich and it's 3am
<drbrain> injekt: I have about 3/8kg (~ ¾ lbs) of pastrami in my fridge, too
<injekt> wow I need your fridge
<djcercone> Basically, I have a ruby app (using rvm with 1.9.3) and the app depends on couchdb, redis, and resque
<drbrain> it's so good that i'm surprised I can manage to get it between two slices of bread before eating it
<djcercone> foreman is suppossed to help me manage all that but it keeps complaining at starup
<djcercone> couchdb/ruby/1.9.1/gems/unicorn-4.1.1/lib/unicorn/configurator.rb:72:in `read': No such file or directory
<injekt> djcercone: what's the code on that line?
<injekt> oh
<djcercone> line 72 indicates a config file trying to be loaded in ./config/unicorn.rb
<djcercone> when I look there, the file exists
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<djcercone> and has configuration specified in the file
<djcercone> not sure if my problem is 'foreman' or maybe something is out of whack with my ruby environment
<injekt> sounds like the latter to be honest, foreman doesn't do much more than help you run commands
<injekt> which you've told it about in your procfile
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<djcercone> my procfile doesn't specify the ruby environment
<djcercone> if that's what you mean
<injekt> no exactly, which is why I doubt it's foreman
<djcercone> I use rvm to manage my ruby environments
<djcercone> right now I have it set to use 1.9.3
<injekt> I dont really use foreman, but I dont see why it would care about rvm, it should just care about the current environment
<injekt> is this local in development?
<djcercone> yeah
<injekt> what's in your procfile?
<djcercone> this is my first time using foreman
<djcercone> here's what's in my procfile
<djcercone> web: bundle exec unicorn -p $PORT -c ./config/unicorn.rb
<djcercone> worker: bundle exec rake jobs:work QUEUE='c3_retry, c3_receipt, c3_work, c3_notification, c3_telemetri, c3_system, c3_cleaner'
<djcercone> that's it
<injekt> try using an absolute path for your config/unicorn.rb and try it again
<djcercone> tried that and tried specifying the full path with no luck
<injekt> ok, what about forgetting the unicorn config and just trying bundle exec unicorn and letting it use the defaults?
<djcercone> I'm kind of new to understanding Ruby environments so I'm wondering between rvm, bundler, gems ... if I have something out of whack
<injekt> djcercone: can you gist your unicorn.rb?
<djcercone> not familiar with gist
<injekt> sorry, paste it, or
<djcercone> as for the 'bundle exec unicorn' you mentioned, if I have my couchdb instance and redis-server up, it starts no problem
<djcercone> unicorn starts taht is
<djcercone> ...that is
<injekt> heh
<injekt> so start unicorn last?
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<djcercone> not sure how to specify that unicorn needs to start last?
<injekt> put it at the end of your procfile?
<injekt> after the other stuff starts up?
<djcercone> I tried that
<djcercone> but still same error
<djcercone> I only have two lines in my Procfile
<injekt> the unicorn line in your procfile, does that work if you just pull it out and use it directly?
<djcercone> yeah, but I've already started couchdb and redis-server manually
<injekt> djcercone: you just need to ensure couch and redis are running first
<injekt> your app shouldn't have to worry about booting those services
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<injekt> that's what your init scripts are for
<djcercone> I thought that foreman would take of orchestrating the startup of couchdb, redis-server, and resque for me
<injekt> how? you haven't told it to
<djcercone> makes sense
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<injekt> you've asked resque to start processing workers, but redis might not be running
<djcercone> I'm trying to take something someone else put together and made the recommendation to use foreman
<injekt> again though, that's like your app making sure mysql is running, your app shouldn't care about that, it should just fail when you try to boot it
<djcercone> so I thought the config was all in place for me
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<djcercone> like I said before, I'm slowly getting my head wrapped around a ruby environment, so I'm not always 100% sure I'm doing things right
<djcercone> so foreman can manage all that for my local dev environment, I just need to learn what to specify in the Procfile
<injekt> anything you run via bundle exec you should put in your procfile
<injekt> anything you dont (ie booting redis/couch/etc) your procfile shouldn't care about
<djcercone> ok, if I choose not to start things manually (i.e. couchdb, redis) then putting them in the Procfile would be acceptable?
<injekt> no, these services should be running already using init scripts. You can also create rake tasts for booting redis/couch if you want, but I personally wouldn't
<injekt> djcercone: lean on your operating system for booting services
<djcercone> right now I don't have anything specified in my init to start those services
<injekt> what os are you on?
<djcercone> OS X Lion
<injekt> how did you install redis/couch?
<djcercone> redis I donwloaded and then navigate to the 'src' directory and just start ./redis-server
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<injekt> i would recommend searching around for running services like redis on osx and using a launchmanager
<injekt> think of it like this, unless your application kills a service once it's done with it, it shouldn't be booting that service
<djcercone> makes sense
<injekt> your app kills unicorn once it's done with it, so it also boots it. However it doesn't kill couch or redis, because it only cares about them being alive during the boot process
<injekt> so you should leverage your OS for managing services like that, I would recommend googling around, I use homebrew on OSX and have helpful initscripts for this kind of thing
<djcercone> I'm familiar with homebrew, I use it too
<djcercone> that's how I installed couchdb
<injekt> homebrew probably downloads the launch plist, which you can load with `sudo launchctl load -w /path/to/plist`
<injekt> same process with redis
<djcercone> looking at that site already :)
<injekt> sorry I have to go, it's 4am and I have to be up in 3 hours :)
<djcercone> totally understand, appreciate the help
<injekt> no problem, there's also #rubyonrails for more rails specific talk (people in there are possibly more likely to use foreman, for example)
<injekt> g'night!
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<djcercone> Thanks! g'night
<WillMarshall> When defining a new class inline, how can I specify which class my new class inherits from?
<WillMarshall> Spitting out a dummy/empty class for testing Modules in Rspec
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<drbrain> class X < SuperClass ?
<jmontross> how does one add a branch to git!
<jmontross> ?
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<bnagy> wtf how did I end up in #git??
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<bnagy> ( git help branch )
<shevy> the new git fails to compile for me :(
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<jmontross> sorry.. i just am lazy and didn't want to open the #git
<jmontross> and i've been doing all sorts of CL help and troubleguessing
<bnagy> get a gui :D
<shevy> I wanna!
<brownies> GUIs for version control? o.O
<shevy> but dont you have to be on windows for GUIs
<shevy> GUIs have won! see the WWW
<bnagy> gitX is good for osx
<bnagy> for basic stuff, I still use cli for a few things
<bnagy> also, pretty much everything to do with how to use git is contraversial
<bnagy> s/av/ov/
<shevy> when I have a conflict I always remove .git and start from 0
<bnagy> hahaha
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<drbrain> bnagy: nice troll
<bnagy> GIT Y U NO MERGE! DIE!
<bnagy> drbrain: wasn't supposed to be a troll
<drbrain> if you need a diagram to figure out your workflow you're doing it worng
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<bnagy> I _said_ it was controversial
<bnagy> the second link has the command he was asking for in it though
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<bnagy> also those two articles don't really agree
<drbrain> computers were invented to save me from bookkeeping, not to create more bookkeeping
<bnagy> I am just a git gumby, I can branch, merge push and pull. For more advanced stuff I don't think I have ever heard two 'expert developers' agree on how to use git :)
<shevy> they need linus to resolve such conflicts
<bnagy> yes because what every heated debate needs is linux in it :|
<bnagy> *linus
<bnagy> +1 for the resolving conflicts pun though
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<shevy> since his rant I know that:
<shevy> C++ sucks
<shevy> Gnome sucks
<shevy> And it all turned out to be true!
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<erikh> my god
<erikh> grado
<erikh> makes the best fucking headphones
<erikh> these are orgasmic
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<shevy> kinky
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<muzone> erikh: well u know what they say
<muzone> the better the headphones the worse the tinnitus :/
<erikh> hahah
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<bnagy> haaalp :( I am baffled
<bnagy> exact same approach works fine for a local copy of the file
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<robglees_> is popen3 working on Windows yet?
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<bnagy> not sure, I had too many fails with it and wrote my own
<shevy> lol
<bnagy> I believe it is supposed to work now on 1.9
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<robglees_> bnagy: thanks
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<rue> robglees_: Dan Berger's got various Windows tools
<bnagy> I am pretty sure that 1.9 on windows automatically gets the win32api version of popen etc
<rue> win32-process, maybe?
<rue> I dunno about 1.9.3 indeed
<bnagy> you shouldn't have to install anything
<shevy> WE WANT 2.0!
<shevy> shout, come on, loudly!
<masterkorp> Kinda offtopic, can anyone give me the hourly rate medium payment of a ruby developer in the US ?
<shevy> 10 Dollars
<masterkorp> shevy: seriously ?
<rue> No
<masterkorp> that's low even in my country
<masterkorp> so can anyone just give me a mildly idea?
<tdmackey> masterkorp: depends on your expertise, location, and the project
<rue> Contract or FT?
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<masterkorp> tdmackey: the average coder
<masterkorp> let's say
<rue> There's no such thing
<masterkorp> i just need an idea
<tdmackey> masterkorp: there isn't really an "average"
<rue> Lowest contract rates are probably $75
<masterkorp> for a employed ?
<shevy> 12 Dollars
<masterkorp> 75 dollors yay more than a day's work here
<rue> FT hourly rates work out to maybe something like $30 in the lower end?
<masterkorp> sweet, i will ask that :D
<masterkorp> rue: that's like good money in my country
<masterkorp> actaully my actual daily salary O.o
<rue> You could work just a single day, then
<rue> It's an unfortunate problem in Eastern Europe, for example, that many developers work for foreign companies. Unfortunate in the sense that the internal market stays undeveloped
<masterkorp> rue: i am from the wersten europe
<masterkorp> Portugal
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<masterkorp> if you watch the news is totally shit
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<masterkorp> companies closing like hell
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<rue> MM
<rue> masterkorp: Working in IT currently?
<masterkorp> rue: yeah
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<Defusal> can anyone tell me why this doesn't work? '"foo" "bar"'.scan /(?=")[^"]+(?=")/
<bnagy> augh my eyes
<Defusal> do you have a better solution? I'm all ears...
<Defusal> as far as i am aware, the only way to repeatedly match something in ruby is with scan
<bnagy> do you want the quotes in the result?
<Defusal> no...
<bnagy> I guess not or you wouldn't be hurting my eyes with lookaheads
<Defusal> but positive lookforwards do not work
<Defusal> s/lookforwards/lookaheads
<Defusal> (?: and (?= do not match with scan, so i have no idea how to make it work...
<bnagy> '"foo" "bar"'.scan(/"([^"]*)"/).flatten
<bnagy> => ["foo", "bar"]
<Defusal> is that really the best way
<Defusal> i can hack it to work using many ways
<Defusal> i am looking for the best
<bnagy> compared to using assertions? Oh my lordy yes
<Defusal> alright
<Defusal> thanks
<bnagy> no worries :)
<bnagy> I'm probably wrong btw
<bnagy> but rue / manveru don't seem to be awake XD
<Defusal> hehe
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<hagabaka> Defusal: it doesn't work because you're trying to find a sub string where 'the next character is ", but the next few characters are not ", and then a " follows them'. The first lookahead contradicts with [^"]
<Defusal> hagabaka, so then its not possible to use a lookahead i guess
<hagabaka> I think it should be a look behind for the opening quote, but ruby doesn't support it, and I don't know how to test it in python or perl. Anyway using capture bnagy showed you is better
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<Defusal> yeah, alright cool
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<ylluminate> i'd like to understand the flow from script to script better in rails and to this end i was about to place a print statement in each rails script in my application to get a snapshot of which files / scripts are being evaluated on server exec and then during each request, etc. is there a better way to do this or get this kind of output?
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<rob____> hi
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<rob____> if i want a task to run continuously in my ruby app should i use threads or is there a nice library that could handle polling something?
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<bnagy> there are lots, depending on what you want to do
<bnagy> EventMachine is pretty popular
<bnagy> but you might be just as well off with IO#select in a thread, all depends
<rob____> essentially my app sits between a php/ajax frontend and andother RESTful API so i want to pull that other restful api for changes and store them in an object which i can check and give responses back to my frontend with..
<rob____> thanks for the advice :)
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<bnagy> quick and dirty would probably have an upstream Thread with a Queue that loops q.push and a downstream thread that loops q.pop; write_to_wherever
<bnagy> Queue is threadsafe
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<bnagy> so GzipReader sucks
<bnagy> I want my day back :|
<shevy> lol
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<fragmachine> how would I remove all newline and tab characters from each element in an array? I tried a few things like "b.each { |it| it.delete("\n")} " but no joy.
<Mon_Ouie> delete!, to change the string in place
<bnagy> ["foo\n", "bar\tbar"].map {|e|!("\n\t",'')} => ["foo", "barbar"]
<fragmachine> awesome
<lianj> not replace \t with space?
<Mon_Ouie> delete!(…) is better than tr!(…, '')
<bnagy> uh don't really need map for that cause it's inplace tr
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<fragmachine> delete! worked a treat
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<fragmachine> I have an array of strings like this 'Sweden, HTTPS, High+KA, 8minutes,, 3128'. When I try arrar[0].split(', ').last(2).join(':'), I get the ip address at the end joined nicely like a want. But if I try 'arr.each {|it| new << (junk << it.split('. ').last(2))}' I get nothing. Why is that?
<fragmachine> or sorry, not nothing
<fragmachine> I get the origional string
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<lianj>{|i| i.match(/(\S+), ?(\d+)$/)[1,2].join(":") }
<ddfreyne> fragmachine: #each just iterates over the array
<fragmachine> what does map do?
<fragmachine> lianj: that's an awesome one liner, I gotta figure out how it works
<fragmachine> awesome
<fragmachine> I wish I looked that up a long time ago
<ddfreyne> also see #select, #reject, #find/#detect and #inject
<fragmachine> ok cool, will do
<bnagy> ddfreyne, the Dr Seuss of #ruby-lang
<fragmachine> haha
<lianj> map_select would sometimes be nice
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<ddfreyne> lianj: you can do that with 1.8.7 and later where #map returns an enumerator
<ddfreyne> although nm
<injekt> lianj: meh, map + compact works okay
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<ddfreyne> at work here (in smalltalk) we have methods such as select:collect: and so on
<ddfreyne> somewhat more efficient
<injekt> isn't that the same as .select { }.map {} ?
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<lianj> [1,2,3]{|i| i > 1 ? :foo : nil } == [:foo, :foo] is what i mean, without doing a select{}.map{} two rounds
<injekt> ah
<ddfreyne> injekt: same effect
<ddfreyne> but efficiency is better
<injekt> yeah I'd imagine so
<ddfreyne> or we need lazy collections
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<lianj> guess class Array; def map_select(&b); raise 'sorry, no enum' unless b; a=[]; each{|i| a << i if (i=yield(i)) }; a; end; end; [1,2,3].map_select{|i| i*2 if i > 1 } would work as a cheap hack
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<ddfreyne> lianj: put it on Enumerable and raise an argumenterror instead
<ddfreyne> you don't need b anyway... just check block_given?
<lianj> but i hate writing out block_give? :P
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<shevy> hehe
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<rue> What?
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<andrewvos> WAT?
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<jtbandes> I have a line of code with the form "puts (stuff here).join". When I run this I get the message "(...) interpreted as grouped expression".... I can see why, but my syntax is how I want it. How can I avoid the warning?
<shevy> jtbandes you can use a variable
<shevy> x = (stuff here)
<shevy> puts x.join
<jtbandes> :/
<jtbandes> Any one-line options?
<jtbandes> aside from actually using puts((stuff).join)
<shevy> what is "stuff here" precisely?
<jtbandes> It's (method call << method call)
<shevy> hmm
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<shevy> puts ( ["okok"] << ["ok"] ).join # does not give me an error
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<jtbandes> huh. ok, interesting.. so I only get the error when running my script from inside TextMate
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<jtbandes> well I'll just use a variable then. thanks
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<shevy> yeah don't trust any editors more than ruby or irb :) (or rather ruby, irb has a few special cases compared to "ruby foo.rb")
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<judofyr> RUBY!
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<ddfreyne> YAAARRGH!!
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<rob____> hi
<judofyr> hi rob____
<rob____> hey judofyr :)
<judofyr> how's it going?
<rob____> all good thanks
<judofyr> did I confuse you too much?
<rob____> hey thanks for that advice last time
<rob____> i had a look at those links and was going to send you an email
<judofyr> great
<judofyr> so, was it all crap? :)
<rob____> no not at all, it was useful
<rob____> !
<judofyr> nice
<rob____> i find myself doing this sort of thing a lot:
<rob____> is there a more concise way to write this, or a better way to do it?
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<judofyr> rob____: is it an Array?
<judofyr> in that case, there's .join
<judofyr> if not, there's always #inject
<judofyr> inject('') { |m, e| m << e }
<judofyr> rob____: inject is generally a useful method to learn
<judofyr> rob____: inject is like each, but with a temp-variable
<rippa> that's wrong use of inject
<rippa> use each_with_object here
<judofyr> yeah, yeah
<judofyr> inject is useful still
<judofyr> rob____:
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<judofyr> rob____: also, obj.to_s is considered better style than "#{obj}"
<judofyr> at least, I think so
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<rob____> ahh cool
<rob____> it is?
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<fragmachine> if I have an array like this ["UnitedStates", "", "Brazil", "", "Brazil", ""], how can I turn it into a hash with country name as the key and ip as the value?
<fragmachine> this has me stumped
<judofyr> fragmachine: Hash[*arr]
<judofyr> or maybe Hash[arr]
<judofyr> depends on which version of Ruby
<fragmachine> wow
<fragmachine> haha
<fragmachine> what does the '*' do?
<judofyr> actually, Hash[arr] doesn't work at all
<judofyr> fragmachine: it's called the "splat operator"
<heftig> fragmachine: you can't have the key "Brazil" twice
<judofyr> Hash[*[1, 2, 3]] == Hash[1, 2, 3]
<fragmachine> damn
<judofyr> oh, with duplicate keys you need to do some more stuff, yeah
<fragmachine> will arr['Brazil'] only return the first key?
<judofyr> I don't think it's specified
<judofyr> but I think it's the last key
<fragmachine> ok, well that's no good
<fragmachine> I wanted to get all the values that match the one key
<heftig> a.each_slice(2).with_object({}) { |(k,v),h| h[k] ||= []; h[k] << v }
<fragmachine> is that not possible with hashes?
<heftig> will build a hash with arrays as values
<judofyr> heftig++
<injekt> with_object( { |k, v| k[v] = []) { |k,v| h[k] << v }
<injekt> oops silly vars but you get the point
<judofyr> or: a.each_slice(2).with_object({}) { |(k,v),h| (h[k] ||= []) << v }
<injekt> tru.dat
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<fragmachine> that's awesome
<fragmachine> I gotta learn some of this ruby fu
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<injekt> it would look pretty funny if a literal hash could take a block
<fragmachine> each_slice could have saved me ten years in stress if I'd known about it
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<khaase> anyone using em-http-response?
<khaase> I wrote a rack end point proxying an external service
<khaase> if I use it stand-alone, all is fine
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<khaase> if I use it with Rails, I get an empty response from the external server (apparently the request must differ somehow)
<khaase> any idea anyone?
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<injekt> khaase: where in the stack are you throwing it?
<khaase> injekt: I set it up in the routes file with match 'geo_ip.json', to:
<khaase> injekt: trying to move it to now
<injekt> and have you changed it about to see if it makes any difference? It's the only way I see that differing from using it standalone
<khaase> nope, still the same
<injekt> khaase: try inserting it as middleware so you avoid the entire rails stack?
<khaase> injekt: I just moved it to with map
<khaase> injekt: so there is no rails stack in front of it
<injekt> hmm
<khaase> it's nice tho that `rails s` picks up rather than doing something manually
<injekt> yeah, you can always throw it in as middleware anyway using config.middleware.insert_before(index, 'GeoIP')
<injekt> then check env['PATH_INFO'] for '/gep_ip.json' and interupt the call
<injekt> that's how I'd do it, anyway
<khaase> yeah, sure, I'll try that next
<khaase> only rails thing on the stack is railties command handling
<khaase> strange thing is that the HTTP response from the external resource seems to be empty... I'll need to do some tcp dumping or something
<khaase> fun times!
<injekt> yeah, but remember the routing middleware is never reached, so are you sure your middleware is being executed correctly? (ensuring the path requested is /geo_ip.json?)
<injekt> very odd
<injekt> especially it the response is fine stand-alone
<khaase> the path doesn't matter (my endpoint doesn't care), and it is reached, definetly
<khaase> yeah
<injekt> ah
<khaase> i've already used a debugger
<khaase> the (external) response I get in rails seems to be proper, but empty
<khaase> ah, I have an idea
<khaase> maybe request.ip is messed up for some reason
<khaase> nope
<khaase> that's fine
<khaase> :(
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<khaase> injekt: it was a version issue... bundler picked up an old version of em-http-request because newer versions depend on an eventmachine pre-release
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<khaase> injekt: thanks
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<khaase> sweet, rails 3.2 runs into a deadlock with throw :async (the async response works, the next non-async one not so much)
<kalleth> 'sweet'
<kalleth> ;\
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<monkeysmuggler> Question. I've been using FileUtil.cp_r to copy the contents of a directory and its subdirectories. The problem is, I want to ask the user if it finds an existing file if they want to replace it or not (similar to the Rails generator behavior). Any suggestions for where to start?
<ddfreyne> monkeysmuggler: there is the Find module which allows traversal over a directory tree, then you can copy it one by one... not sure if you want that
<Defusal> DOes anyone know how I can have a has_one association using a string column in the foreign table instead of the primary id key using ActiveRecord?
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<ddfreyne> Defusal: this is a ruby channel, not a rails channel
<injekt> Defusal: has_one :foo, :foreign_key => 'foo_id'
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<injekt> monkeysmuggler: what ddfreyne said, if you want to ask the user every time, don't use cp_r
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<Defusal> injekt, and it'll just work?
<Defusal> i thought it would only support a int id by default
<injekt> well
<Defusal> ddfreyne, that doesn't mean their arent smart ruby developers around who use ActiveRecord.. I don't use raisl
<Defusal> *rails
<injekt> using indexed ids is the most logical thing to do, and im not sure why you wouldn't
<Defusal> injekt, I need to implement a users account decoupled from their steam account, so the steam accounts id will be their steam id
<Defusal> as a user could change steam accounts
<injekt> if both tables have id columns I dont see the problem
<Defusal> I'd rather be using MongoDB for this, but since all the other models are already ActiveRecord, I guess this is better
<Defusal> injekt, well the user account has a steam_id column already
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<Defusal> which is a string
<injekt> well, try it
<Defusal> i could technically move that to the steam account model, and then use its id for the association, but do you think thats really worth it?
<injekt> probably, yes, but I dont know exactly
<Defusal> ok, then ill just do that i guess, thanks
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<kfries6> Does anybody know of a easy way to override puts to capture to a string from inside a program?
<kfries6> I tried $stdout =, but that was a no-go
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<lianj> kfries6: that should work
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<kfries6> /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/input-method.rb:97:in `readline': wrong argument type StringIO (expected File) (TypeError)
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<lianj> kfries6: works fine here
<lianj> even in irb
<kfries6> OK, maybe version differences? I am using 1.8.7, which version are you using?
<kfries6> I was testing from IRB
<lianj> 1.9.3
<kfries6> OK, I am doing the right thing then, only it isn
<kfries6> 't working due to an old version
<kfries6> Unfortuantely, I am stuck with 1.8.6 & 1.8.7 due to RHEL4 servers
<lianj> ruby -rstringio -e '$stdout = $stderr =; puts :hi; $stdout.rewind; data = $; $stdout, $stderr = STDOUT, STDERR; p data'
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<lianj> maybe someone with rvm and 1.8 can test it
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<kfries6> My work-around, though not very elegant was to declare "output =", then change all my puts to output.puts, then everything is cached. From there, I can output puts or redirect to another system based upon script parameters
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<lianj> does the line above break for you?
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<lianj> hehe, would be awesome if ideone supported more ruby versions :D
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<zzak> drbrain: ping
<kfries6> $ ruby -rstringio -e '$stdout = $stderr =; puts :hi; $stdout.rewind; data = $; $stdout, $stderr = STDOUT, STDERR; p data'
<kfries6> "hi\n"
<kfries6> lianj: That command seems to have worked
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<Mon_Ouie> You can use $stdout.string instead of rewind and read
<Defusal> Hmmm
<Defusal> This is tricky, does anyone know if you can setup a has_many :through => :through => association with ActiveRecord?
<Defusal> User belongs_to :user_account, UserAccount has_many :games, Game has_many :players -- I want to create a double through so I can use User.players
<Defusal> Any ideas?
<robbrit> Defusal: you might get better luck over in #rubyonrails
<Defusal> yeah i just joined and pasted my question there.. but in my experience, 9 out of 10 times, i either don't get a response there, or no one knows what i need to know
<Defusal> this channel is far better, even when appearing to be idle
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<ReinH> drbrain: :(
<robbrit> Defusal: ah, i gotcha. i'd say think specifically what User.players is supposed to do. does it grab all the players that are in games related to the user? in current games? etc. once you figure that out it shouldn't be too hard to write code for User.players
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<Defusal> robbrit, yeah im looking for a full AR association, but im gonna test and see now, thanks
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<robbrit> Defusal: yeah i can't really give you a good AR anything, it's been a long long time since i touched rails
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<Defusal> robbrit, yeah I learn't rails at the same time as ruby, but have only ever used it for one clients project.. I just use ActiveSupport core extensions and AR when I have to use MySQL
<Defusal> *learnt
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<ylluminate> i've been struggling a little in rails understanding what scripts are being accessed on each request, ie understanding request dependencies. anyone know the best way to approach getting a hierarchical print out of the dependent files/scripts in a stack for each request? would it be best to dump out a stacktrace or is there a better method for more clarity?
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<rue> ylluminate: #rubyonrails
<ylluminate> rue: yes, however i'm not getting quite enough input there. i was thinking that this is more of a ruby question than rails
<ylluminate> i was trying to use `puts caller`, but that is too verbose and not "intra-app" per se
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<rue> You can dump a backtrace, or explore with Pry. Other than that, you'd want to ask #ror
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<ylluminate> how would you dump a backtrace; i was initially under the impression that was what caller was, but that's obviously off
<rue> That's exactly what it is
<ylluminate> huh, well that's only giving rails framework vs the helpers, controller, views etc.
<ylluminate> strange
<rue> It gives you the stack at that point in execution
<rue> If the process has popped into some helper and returned, it won't show.
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<Defusal> If anyone happens to be very familar with ActiveRecord associations, please let me know... :(
<rue> I bet someone on #ror is.
<Defusal> no one was for the past hour
<Defusal> but someone just told me i can use manual joins
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<optikalmouse> has anyone made a Ruby class/module browser that's similar to Smalltalk?
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<rue> optikalmouse: I don't think there's anything current, but I might be wrong.
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<rue> Could search gems, maybe.
<rue> Pry gives you a slightly nicer way of inspecting live code
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<optikalmouse> rue: I'm looking to get as close to Smalltalk as possible ;/
<optikalmouse> can it give me rdoc or ri info too?
<rue> Sure
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<optikalmouse> what do I need to be able to make GTK apps in Ruby?
<Mon_Ouie> I think banister does like the idea of adding a GUI to Pry
<optikalmouse> I just installed gtk2 gem and it doesnt seem like it does much? :S
<Mon_Ouie> optikalmouse: Well, you require gtk2 from your code and you use it (see for an example)
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<optikalmouse> welp apparently one of the example Ruby-GTK2 apps is a class/module browser!;plugin=attach_download;p=rbbr;file_name=rbbr.jpg
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<kyrylo> optikalmouse, you may also want to check this thread out :)
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<ylluminate> i've managed to override Kernel::load for a rails app in the config/environment.rb so that it will print out the filenames of each load it does. it seems, however, once i get into the helpers, controllers, views that Kernel::load is not being used as nothing is being printed out on the console for those. Any ideas of what may be going on here in ruby to load those other aspects of a rails app?
<erikh> maybe it uses require
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<ylluminate> erikh: good idea. i'll give that a shot
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<Ashkin> .
<Ashkin> finally, i can bloody talk
<injekt> oO
<injekt> hey erikh
<erikh> injekt: hi
<injekt> erikh: not sure if you got my message, but that code looks great
<erikh> raggi gave me a laundry list of improvements to make
<injekt> I have a couple, not quite as many as that it seems
<erikh> can you email them to me?
<injekt> yup, give me some time but I'll get that to you later
<erikh> no rush
<erikh> thanks for looking at it!
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<injekt> anytime
<Ashkin> fairly new to ruby. anyway: i'm trying to make a template class which i can use to create several similar classes, each containing different values, an altered routine or two, etc, so i don't need to duplicate code every time. i've googled inheritance and extend/inclue in ruby, but i haven't found a way to do this. am i missing something simple?
<drbrain> class GenericName; …; end
<drbrain> class SpecificName < GenericName; …; end
<workmad3> Ashkin: tbh, that sounds like a design smell to me
<drbrain> never name your class Base unless you're making a baseball or calvinball simulation
<Ashkin> that doesn't seem to allow me to call the routines in the base class from the specific one
<erikh> calvin ball
<erikh> haha
<workmad3> Ashkin: inheritance does let you call base-class methods from the derived-class
<Ashkin> hehe. terribly difficult to keep score in that :p
<workmad3> Ashkin: it's kinda the whole point ;)
<injekt> hrm
<Ashkin> know i've tried this before; however, it works in a quick test i wrote. hrm :/ anyway, thanks
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<zenspider> minitest 2.11.1 released
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<injekt> \o/
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<Ashkin> everything works nicely in tests, but not in my code. so, it must be something i've done wrong.
<Ashkin> thanks for the help, even if it was an obvious answer <3
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<leafo> how can I add an UnboundMethod object to a class as a new instace method?
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<bglusman> anyone have good suggestions for alternative tokenizer to Ripper's?
<bglusman> it seems to be skipping newlines selectively
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<bglusman> drbrain, erikh, zenspider or other likely candidates particulalry welcome if around :-)
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<erikh> yeah I think zenspider has a few he could recommend
<bglusman> googling around but thought I might as well ask in here
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<erikh> there's parsetree which might give you what you want and laser I think it's called
<bglusman> nod, looked at both a bit
<bglusman> not sure if either has a good drop in tokenizer, but will check those again if zen doesnt chime in momentarily :-)
<bglusman> The guy who did laser has his own improvements to Ripper in RipperPlus, but I beleive that doesnt include tokenizer changes
<bglusman> Michael something
<bglusman> so I wasn't planning to look there, but maybe its in a different package
<bglusman> laser's so gigantic i wanted to leverage it but can't even fully start to read it :-)
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<bglusman> grr, parse_tree doesnt work with 1.9.3 to even check
<manveru> a long time ago there was diamondbackruby
<muzone> damn im hung over today :(
<manveru> but it doesn't run on 1.9 either
<bglusman> manveru: hmm, thanks though
<drbrain> bglusman: try ruby_parser
* muzone is now playing: Muzone - Hangover (
<bglusman> drbrain: thanks
<bglusman> forgot about that one
<ylluminate> what's the proper way to monkey-patch IO:read?
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<ylluminate> sorry, :: but yeah, was hoping to find an example
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<drbrain> ylluminate: don't?
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<ylluminate> lol
<drbrain> ylluminate: why do you think you need to do that?
<ylluminate> i'm working on forcing rails to print files out that it accesses in order on requests
<ylluminate> seems that the cleanest method for doing this is to add a print to the methods by overriding them in the environment.rb
<drbrain> like from app/views or ?
<ylluminate> worked very well so far for kernel::load and require
<ylluminate> right
<ylluminate> i want to get the full stack of files that are accessed in order when a request is made
<drbrain> you can alias the old read aside then redefine read
<ylluminate> right
<ylluminate> doing that so far
<drbrain> however, I think files are only loaded from disk once in production mode
<drbrain> and probably only when they've changed in development mode
<ylluminate> drbrain: this is working so far and i'd like to do likewise for File::read and IO::read to see if those are being used:
<drbrain> ylluminate: this won't capture use of open, though
<ylluminate> and this is working amazingly well for me, but not giving me a complete picture
<ylluminate> okay, right. so i'm trying to catch them all or do that as well
<ylluminate> effectively i'd like to get each that could be possibly used within rails to access the app files
<ylluminate> would open, for example, be base enough that it would be called as well from the reads?
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<drbrain> nope
<ylluminate> the lower i can go vs redoing a bunch of them, the better
<zenspider> bglusman: just catching up... why just a tokenizer?
<ylluminate> alright, so it seems that instead of module Kernel as above, i have to use class File and class IO for the reads there
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<ylluminate> but i can't follow the exact same template as the others so i was hoping that someone could clarify how to do it similarly for those and as you say, open as well
<manveru> ylluminate: uhm
<manveru> you ever heard of set_trace_func ?
<Confiscative> Hi. When writing Ruby C extensions, when defining a module 'mFoo = rb_define_module("Foo")', then defining a class 'cBar = rb_define_class_under(mFoo, "Bar", rb_cObject)', then a method 'rb_define_method(cFoo, "hello", hello_func, 0)', should I be able to call
<injekt> Confiscative: did you try it?
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<Confiscative> injekt: Of course. I assumed it to be implicit that it didn't.
<zenspider> why?
<zenspider> oh.... because you defined the method in Foo?
<Confiscative> No, sorry. I expect it to work. But it doesn't. Forget about implicitness :)
<zenspider> why do you think it should work?
<drbrain> Confiscative: it should work, how doesn't it work?
<zenspider> module Foo; def hello; end; class Bar; end; end; -- doesn't make sense to me
<Confiscative> Sorry, I meant to say: rb_define_method(cBar, "hello", hello_func, 0)
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<ylluminate> manveru: no i've not. interesting
<zenspider> Confiscative: 1) just paste the fucking code instead of leading us through proof reading your typos
<Confiscative> So module Foo; class Bar; def hello; end; end; end;
<zenspider> 2) why are you doing this in C at all?
<bglusman> zenspider: sorry, I'm using Ripper's tokenizer in outlaw in a way that could possibly make you cry :-) but basically to have individual tokens to pass to lexer in some cases and handle special cases in other places
<zenspider> bglusman: haha
<zenspider> I don't think I've seen outlaw yet
<zenspider> unfortunately, ruby_parser is a full parser, not just a lexer
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<zenspider> you can't really lex ruby w/o also parsing
<zenspider> unfortunately
<bglusman> nod, the lexer form ripper is actually working fine i think, or maybe i'm confusing myself
<zenspider> the rubylexer project attempts to... but it is a fucking horrendous mess and I doubt it is all that correct
<ylluminate> manveru: do you know of or can you shoot me an example of using that in this context?
<bglusman> but one of them is selectively and seemingly randomly not generating newline tokens
<Confiscative> zenspider: You have a point. C code here:
<zenspider> bglusman: newline tokens (well... nodes) aren't consistent
<optikalmouse> is rubydoc separate from the code?
<bglusman> trying to allow whitespace sensitive and vertical_whitespace sensitive rules
<manveru> set_trace_func(lambda{|*a| p a })
<optikalmouse> I mean, if I inspect a method can I get the documentation about it?
<manveru> ylluminate: something like that
<bglusman> zenspider: not sure if I know what you mean, i know it has ignored_nl tokens and nl tokens
<zenspider> Confiscative: that seems fine to me... still not sure why you're writing C
<manveru> from there you're a regex away from what you need
<bglusman> and thats fine, but i want to see them :-)
<bglusman> or maybe you can help me rethink the current approach if you're interested in the project :-)
<Confiscative> zenspider: This is obviously a very first step in the domain of C extensions for performance
<zenspider> bglusman: my expertise is in the 1.8 parser, so there could be changes I'm not familiar with... but in 1.8 newline nodes are only generated "once in a while"... it isn't terribly consistent... just at the beginning of things that are statement like
<injekt> Confiscative: paste ALL of the code
<bglusman> I can push up what i have now, I think if ripper were passing more consistently it'd probably work now, but it'd probably seem very hacky to you
<zenspider> Confiscative: I have doubts
<bglusman> hmm
<zenspider> bglusman: yes, ripper is hacky to me :)
<zenspider> but... so is ruby_parser and ruby's parse.y... to be fair
<zenspider> the grammar is a fucking mess
<injekt> ^
<WillMarshall> Hey guys! Doing some clever trickery, trying to work out how I can set up a Module so that any Class that included said module will run a little include that looks something like "include "Pipes::#{self.class_name}Pipe".constantize"
<zenspider> but if you only want a tokenizer, unfortunately ruby_parser is prolly not what you want
<injekt> WillMarshall: what?
<bglusman> yeah, didnt look right
<zenspider> it's spelled "clevar"
<WillMarshall> Basically, I want the module to automatically include another module by naming convention, but the naming convention is pulled from the Class the module is included in, not the Module itself
<injekt> WillMarshall: sounds like a job for the included hook
<WillMarshall> Some sort of after_include hook?
<zenspider> WillMarshall: have you looked at the included hook?
<zenspider> hee
<WillMarshall> Thanks guys!
* injekt wins
<bglusman> I need to head out in a minute, but i just pushed up failing test and proposed solution to github, if you or anyone else wants to take a look or offer suggestions
<bglusman> i'd lvoe to have some othr more experienced heads involved :-)
<zenspider> unfortunately I'm backlogged for the week... send me a url tho
<bglusman> ok, will do
<bglusman> thanks man!
<optikalmouse> so what's the replacement for docstrings in ruby?
<optikalmouse> rdoc? ri?
<zenspider> n/p
<injekt> WillMarshall: module Foo; def self.included(into); into.send(:include, "something#{}"); end; end or something
<zenspider> optikalmouse: rdoc and ri play together
<WillMarshall> injekt: Found a good blog post on it. Sorted!
<drbrain> optikalmouse: ri
<drbrain> optikalmouse: ruby has never had docstrings
<Confiscative> injekt, zenspider: This is all I think is relevant:
leafac [leafac!~leafac@] has joined #ruby-lang
<optikalmouse> zenspider: so if I want to look up docs for core classes, I would use....what? (please don't say web browser please don't say web browser...)
<Confiscative> If I make a module method, that works, so the building process seems alright.
<zenspider> bglusman: hahaha... I think I'm in love
<zenspider> optikalmouse: ri String or ri String.split
<zenspider> etc
<Confiscative> I'm getting a "NameError: uninitialized constant Ceaming::Foo"
<zenspider> optikalmouse: make sure you install the rdoc gem to have the latest version
<WillMarshall> injekt: A followup question. self.included(base), base is referring to the parent class rather than the class I want to modify directly
<WillMarshall> Is there a way around this?
<optikalmouse> zenspider: you sure? it's only showing me methods and stuff added on by other gems and not core docs :S
darkf_ [darkf_!~darkf_dix@unaffiliated/darkf] has joined #ruby-lang
<WillMarshall> I'm trying to do some introspection and writes of dynamic methods via inheritance from a specific class, but it's tricky
<injekt> WillMarshall: class you want to modify directly? I'm nto sure I follow, can you paste a use case?
<injekt> Confiscative: at first glace I can't see anything wrong with that code
<zenspider> Confiscative:
<WillMarshall> injekt: Here:
<injekt> zenspider: :D
<bglusman> zenspider: what, with outlaw?
<zenspider> bglusman: the idea at least. I haven't read the code yet
<bglusman> heh, that'll break your heart :-)
<WillMarshall> injekt: The problem is, "base" in my self.included method near the bottom has a reference to Product, not HealthProduct
<zenspider> haha
<bglusman> but appreciate the interest either way :-)
<bglusman> and that's somewhere you can help :-)
<WillMarshall> injekt: So I'm wondering whether there's a cleaner way to set up automatic includes like this?
<Confiscative> zenspider: That looks very shiny.
<fragmachine> How can I confirm a string contains digits?
<fragmachine> I tried a bunch of these sorts of things - "12.4324.23.543.4:32".include?(/0-9/)
<bglusman> I'll give you commit priveleges now if you want :-)
<zenspider> fragmachine: have you bothered to look at ANY reference before asking here?
<fragmachine> yes
<fragmachine> I'm noob
<fragmachine> I tried
<fragmachine> map
<fragmachine> select
<zenspider> ri String
<bglusman> i gotta run, thanks ryan!
<zenspider> bglusman: my pleasure
<injekt> WillMarshall: ahh, you can't do that
<WillMarshall> injekt: Can you think of a tidier way to achieve this sort of thing?
<zenspider> WillMarshall: you write code like yoda speaks
<WillMarshall> zenspider: It makes a lot more sense in context
<zenspider> it's backwards! :P
<injekt> ^
<injekt> Pipes::Pipe should be first, then Product, then HealthProduct
<zenspider> basically, you want an included not on Pipe, but on Product
<injekt> but nonetheless
<injekt> WillMarshall: there's self.inherited you could use on Product
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<WillMarshall> The reason why the include is pushed to Pipes::Pipe is that I'll have another family of generated stuff living in Foo::Bar as well
<zenspider> so you could define AutoPipe that defines an inherited INSTANCE method, and then _extend_ the Product class with that, so it has an inherited CLASS method
<WillMarshall> So all that is automatically pulled in from the Product superclass, and I'm trying to make sure each module takes care of its own
<Confiscative> zenspider: I don't see any converting of Ruby VALUE's with your inline gem. How is shared memory handled between C and Ruby?
<zenspider> but I wouldn't bother with such clever for now... I'd throw in the included as-is in Product and refactor later after the proof of concept shows it is worth it
<zenspider> Confiscative: my code is fucking magic
<Confiscative> zenspider: A, I see the map in Inline::C now.
<injekt> said like a true rubyist
<optikalmouse> zenspider: which platform are you on?
<zenspider> optikalmouse: osx
stepnem [stepnem!] has joined #ruby-lang
<optikalmouse> zenspider: ok, now I know why ri String doesn't gimme core docs, I'm using Ubuntu and probably to generate the rdocs and point ri to them myself? ;p
<zenspider> optikalmouse: what ruby version are you using?
alexeyKolosov [alexeyKolosov!] has joined #ruby-lang
<andrewvos> OH: "my code is fucking magic"
<zenspider> ubuntu has fucked up so much stuff with ruby it isn't funny. you may want to seriously consider rolling back any and all ruby packages and starting over with rvm
<optikalmouse> zenspider: 1.9.3
<zenspider> that _should_ have rdoc data just fine
<optikalmouse> I *am* using RVM.
<injekt> generate it with rvm