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steveklabnik [steveklabnik!] has joined #ruby-lang
<steveklabnik> hello everyone
<steveklabnik> anyone good with the C api in here?
<manveru> steveklabnik: plenty who hate it
<zenspider> define "good" :P
<steveklabnik> hahah
<dreinull> see the #rubinius channel
<steveklabnik> my question is pretty basic.
<dreinull> plenty of love there
<zenspider> dreinull: describes map to TestCase classes. its map to test methods
<steveklabnik> i'm changing some stuff that's implemented in C into ruby instead.
meth [meth!] has joined #ruby-lang
<meth> what am I supposed to do about, "licenses must not be nil" ?
<steveklabnik> but sometimes, the C needs to reference the Ruby.
<zenspider> meth: define a license
<meth> idk i just fetched a gem and made a small change
<steveklabnik> I used to have a constant, when the class was being defined by the C api itself. Now I have to grab that from Ruby instead. any pointers?
<steveklabnik> rb_cont_get, I assume
<manveru> lianj: what the hell is that cod even supposed to do?
<zenspider> steveklabnik: just paste
<zenspider> manveru: shock and awe!
<dreinull> zenspider: ok, thanks
<zenspider> ah. you pushed up a rb_define_class and you still have C code that needs the class (or something similar)
<steveklabnik> yeah
<steveklabnik> is what used to exist
<steveklabnik> for example
<steveklabnik> but some of the C code uses those methods and constants
<meth> zenspider: do you know how i can do that ?
<zenspider> rb_const_get(VALUE, ID) will work for top level stuff, you'll need to do the equivalent of the inject hackery to walk down a const tree if it is namespaced
<steveklabnik> it is almost all namespaced.
<steveklabnik> :/
<steveklabnik> what is the inject hackery?
<zenspider> name.split(/::/).inject(Object) { |k,n| k.const_get n }
<zenspider> in your case, you'll just have multiple statics
<steveklabnik> mmm.
<zenspider> one for the top level namespace
<zenspider> and for each one directly under that, etc
<steveklabnik> i'm about to do a METRIC FUCKTON of that
<steveklabnik> over the next few months.
<zenspider> inline.rb has:
<zenspider> ext <<"::").map { |n|
<zenspider> " c = rb_const_get(c, rb_intern(\"#{n}\"));"
<zenspider> }.join("\n")
<steveklabnik> so i guess there's no time like the present to learn...
<erikh> look at strsep()
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<zenspider> if you don't care about overall speed right now, you can do the inject hack directly
<erikh> that should make it pretty easy
<steveklabnik> speed is totally irrelevant.
<zenspider> but eventually, you should move to static definitions directly
<ged> Anyone have a recommendation for an inifile library that works under 1.9.3?
<steveklabnik> erikh: hrm. what's that?
<erikh> man 3 strsep
<steveklabnik> ahh, nice.
<erikh> basically strtok++
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* steveklabnik nods
<zenspider> steveklabnik: what all are you pushing up to ruby?
<steveklabnik> eventually, almost everything.
<steveklabnik> i picked the smallest class
<steveklabnik> to get started
<steveklabnik> the only thing I want left in C (someday) are the things that are under the shoes_native namespace.
<steveklabnik> it should be a reasonably mechanical transformation.
<steveklabnik> I'm just not that experienced with the C api yet.
<steveklabnik> so it's gonna take me a while.
<steveklabnik> i managed to port that entire class's methods to ruby.
<steveklabnik> it's just the extraneous references that are the issue right this second.
<lantins> erikh: I found this alright . should work with 1.9.3, though I had to stop using it and just deal with my .ini files direct as they were a bit ... well lets say unreliable
<erikh> I think you want ged ^^
envygeeks [envygeeks!~envygeeks@pdpc/supporter/professional/envygeeks] has joined #ruby-lang
<lantins> erikh: shit
<lantins> ged: see above ;-)
<ged> lantins: Thanks, I'll give it a try. :P
<steveklabnik> oh, and zenspider, how are the rest of the reviews going? I want to try to get another patch or two in this week, but i've stepped away from rubygems for a while
<lantins> ged: it explains the 'rules' of the ini files it expects, if thats fine with your files/input you should find it decent
<ged> lantins: Yeah, mine aren't fancy at all, so I'm hopeful.
<drbrain> steveklabnik: I'm figuring out how to merge Gem::Builder, Gem::Format and Gem::Package into something non-sucky
<steveklabnik> drbrain: hmm, that sounds exciting.
<steveklabnik> i'm not sure i read any of that code.
<erikh> it's eeeeeevil
<drbrain> the tar code itself is ok
<drbrain> but there's some weirdness
<steveklabnik> there's always weirdness.
<steveklabnik> :)
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<ged> lantins: It works great; it turns out it's a more up-to-date version of the library I was initially trying to use ('ini'), so I didn't even have to change anything.
<envygeeks> is there a way to segregate threads so that they c an't access variables in the function that created them?
<lantins> ged: sweet dude :)
<steveklabnik> okay, i'm out again while i toil away at this
<steveklabnik> thanks guys.
<drbrain> envygeeks: threads are also closures, so no
<envygeeks> damn :(
<drbrain> except by reducing the number of local variables in-scope when the thread is created
<envygeeks> yeah think I'm gonna have to to use a hash to reduce local variables
<drbrain> envygeeks: well, you can probably work with this: def m() p :woo end; t =; t.join
<drbrain> or by using a pre-defined proc in a clean scope
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<drbrain> s/in/from
<jorgenpt> What's the preferred way of creating a bin/foo in a gem that works when run during development (using ./bin/foo) and also when deployed as a gem?
<jorgenpt> Works as in finds lib/foo.rb
<drbrain> jorgenpt: ruby -Ilib bin/foo
<jorgenpt> Hrm :/
<jorgenpt> Ok, thanks. :-)
<drbrain> bin/foo should have these three lines:
<drbrain> #!/usr/bin/env ruby
<drbrain> require 'something_in_your_library'
<drbrain> ARGV
<andrewvos> Amen
dv310p3r [dv310p3r!] has joined #ruby-lang
<andrewvos> Wish I had done that in my projects :(
<deryl> sois that a ruby hail mary or our father?
<erikh> parse error
<deryl> nm, far left orbital location is where i be
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<lantins> jorgenpt: ... thats how I done it, main reasion for that project was to build a gem with a executable. couldn't say its the preferred way though =)
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<drbrain> NO, NO, NEVER
<drbrain> that's what rubygems does for you
<drbrain> and, if you don't have rubygems, -I will do it
<drbrain> … because you're developing
<andrewvos> I imagine this is what rue is doing when he's not in ruby-lang
<shevy> lol
<shevy> how do you find such things andrewvos
<drbrain> adding load paths just slows everything down with more stats
<drbrain> stat(2)
<andrewvos> shevy:
<lantins> drbrain: thanks!
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<drbrain> lantins: yeah, it puts me in AAAAACK mode when I see stuff like that ☹
<lantins> drbrain: heh, I'm just happy to learn something =)
<drbrain> lantins: the other reason I recommend having only 3 lines in bin/foo is that you can test all of it
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<drbrain> you can't test the option parsing stuff as easily as if it were in lib/
<drbrain> I usually put that code in parse_args that hands back a hash
<drbrain> my structure is:
<drbrain> class method ::run which accepts ARGV, class method ::parse_args which returns a Hash of options
<drbrain> then ::run calls ::new with the options hash
<lantins> oh okay, I've always pondered how you'd go around building something with cli options with the ability to test more of it
<lantins> i'll crack open the editor later and have a play :)
<drbrain> I wonder if I have a good example...
dv310p3r [dv310p3r!] has joined #ruby-lang
<drbrain> here's an ok example, every executable has slightly different needs :/
<lantins> drbrain: thanks, can more easily see what you mean
<drbrain> this one probably doesn't have tests, though
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<ReinH> drbrain: DISAPPOINT
<lantins> heh
<drbrain> ReinH: I know ☹
<drbrain> envygeeks: heh :)
<drbrain> only 165 lines and it's already got code rot!
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<envygeeks> inject({}) doesn't work on Ruby 1.8.7?
<drbrain> the diff support is pretty damn sweet, though
<drbrain> envygeeks: ew
<envygeeks> drbrain: was just to stringify keys for comparison
<drbrain> it should work, that's my default reaction to inject
<drbrain> unless you're actually folding
<envygeeks> hmmm it doesn't seem to be working for me :(
<envygeeks> [6] pry(main)> {:herro => 'you'}.inject({}) { |hush, (key, value)| hush[key.to_s] = value } => "you" is what I get
<envygeeks> fixed it, rob reminded me I need to return hush in 1.8.7
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<manveru> >> {herro: 'you'}.each_with_object({}){|(k,v),o| o[k.to_s] = v }
<manveru> => {"herro"=>"you"}
<manveru> >> {herro: 'you'}.inject({}){|o,(k,v)| o.merge(k.to_s => v) }
<manveru> => {"herro"=>"you"}
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<josh9> "6.00".to_f => 6.0 how to always get 2 gidits after the decimal point?
<manveru> >> class Float; def inspect; "%.02f" % self; end; end; "6.00".to_f
<manveru> => 6.00
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<josh9> manveru: sweet!
<josh9> i'll try doing it without opening the Float
<josh9> it's not a good practice, riht
<josh9> right
<manveru> yeah
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<josh9> manveru: what do u think of "6.00".to_f.round(2)
<erikh> you could use singleton classes
<josh9> erikh: nice
<erikh> f = 6.0; class << f; def inspect ... end; end
<erikh> probably a memory hog though
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<josh9> how to make this assertion to fail? assert_equal 6.00, 6.0
<josh9> .to_s makes both 6.0
<heftig> they are equal.
<josh9> heftig: not from the user standpoint
<josh9> i want to save everything with 2 digits
<heftig> then save strings.
<josh9> (in my domian objects and db)
<josh9> heftig: or convert in the UI
<canton7> a float is a float, regardless of how it's displayed. When it's displayed, it's converted to a string. During that conversion, you can specify things like the number of decimal places... specifying that for the float itself makes no sense
<josh9> canton7: got it. so it's better to keep it as float and when it's displayed, tweak the presentation
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<canton7> exactly
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<josh9> i am using this: sprintf('%#.2f', "6.0")
<matti> manveru: I did solved the problem :)
<matti> manveru: I can push > 10k events in more or less ~1 second. EventMachine is so amazing :)
jessemc [jessemc!] has joined #ruby-lang
<bougyman> nice, idn't it?
<matti> bougyman: You mean, the EM?
<bougyman> yah
<matti> Indeed it is :)
<bougyman> i got familiar with it on a project and fell in lust
<bougyman> now i'm like: What's a raw socket?
<matti> bougyman: Haha
<bougyman> cause EM just does all that for me.
<matti> bougyman: And it is so very little code most of the time.
<bougyman> yep
<matti> bougyman: Its is just... magic ;] Unicorns and rainbows.
<matti> I wish Firefox could be that awesome.
<matti> Right now it is about to crash... causing 100% CPU utilisation.
<matti> Meh ;]
<bougyman> if it weren't for the comments would be like 7 lines of code.
<bougyman> ok, maybe 10
<matti> Haha
<matti> It is also eimpler to use than Twisted in Python.
<matti> I keep finding Twisted... a little twisted.
<matti> ;]
<bougyman> have you seen Untwisted?
<bougyman> the author of that brags about it daily, i haven't really looked at it much.
<matti> I haven't.
<matti> Its a blog?
<bougyman> nah, a python competitor(maybe?) to twisted.
<matti> Ah.
<bougyman> again, haven't looked much, just hear the guy's rant all the time.
<matti> I have came across Eventd (or something like that? citation needed) for Ruby as well.
<bougyman> eventlet
<bougyman> it looked nice.
<bougyman> and revactor
<bougyman> overall EM wins because it's what I use :)
<matti> ;]
<matti> AH.
<matti> No more.. select and Co.
<matti> Life is so nice right now.
<matti> ;]
<matti> bougyman: LOL :)
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<lantins> making changes to code that was 1.9+ to support 1.8, in my test files is it better to include my helper like this `require File.expand_path('../test_helper', __FILE__)` or another way?
<lantins> tests are run from a Rakefile using
<lantins> ignore that
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<robgleeson> lantins: so then your test helper is available for ya
<robgleeson> you can change the load order if you want
<lantins> i see you can add the test dir to TestTake using `libs`
<robgleeson> you could do that, yeah
<robgleeson> or make sure 'test_helper' is the first element of the array given to files=
<drbrain> I have taken to writing lib/my_library/test_case.rb and having all my tests require that instead of test/test_helper.rb
<drbrain> I don't have to worry about having test/ in my load path and MyLibrary::TestCase is also reusable by people extending my library, which I think is a nice benefit
<lantins> robgleeson: ahhh, yeah i see both work. any reasion to do one method over the other?
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<robgleeson> not really
<lantins> robgleeson: okay, thanks
<robgleeson> np
<lantins> drbrain: not sure i follow?
<lantins> are you saying what people usually have in there test/test_helper.rb you put in a file inside your lib directory?
<drbrain> and
Natch| [Natch|!~natch@] has joined #ruby-lang
<drbrain> lantins: correct
<robgleeson> drbrain: so all your tests are subclasses of TestCase?
<drbrain> lantins: so if you wanted to write some extension to opengl you could use my test helper methods
<drbrain> robgleeson: yeah
<robgleeson> drbrain: is that not awkward with something like minitest/spec?
<drbrain> I think RubyGems has 3 different TestCase subclasses
<lantins> drbrain: okay, but have that extension inside your own projects dirs rather then adding it to the libs test suite?
<drbrain> robgleeson: I think this strategy only works for unit-style tests ☹
<robgleeson> ah
<lantins> drbrain: if i was making an extension of my own that is
<lantins> think I understand what your saying :)
<drbrain> opengl/test_case lives in opengl, and your extension simply requires it
<drbrain> … which will also load opengl
<drbrain> (because you'll probably need that for your extension)
<drbrain> I don't know if I answered your question
<lantins> yeah thats a good summary, I thaught I got it before, now I'm sure =)
<lantins> thanks :)
<drbrain> my tests and your tests would be separate, but you'd get the advantage of all my work getting a proper setup/teardown and other utilities I may need
<lantins> yup, i think thats really cool!
<drbrain> robgleeson: for minitest/spec-type tests could you have lib/my_library/spec_helpers.rb ?
<drbrain> and require that from each spec file?
<drbrain> robgleeson: you just use top-level methods, right?
<robgleeson> you could have TestCase be a subclass of MiniTest::Spec, then create a subclass of TestCase
<robgleeson> but it'd be bit annoying to do that for every test case
<drbrain> or MyLibrary::Spec
<robgleeson> yeah
<drbrain> yeah, I can see it being annoying
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<drbrain> the downside of this approach is that it locks extension writers into using my preferred test framework
<drbrain> they either use minitest or reinvent the wheel
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<drbrain> a module providing setup/teardown and utilities that's included into MyLibrary::TestCase may be sufficient, though, since you could include it where necessary
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<josh9> how to implement << on an array that is an instance variable of my class?
<josh9> class User @products = [] end
<josh9> usr.products << product1
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<lantins> josh9: use `attr_accessor :products` and init it to an empty array inside your initialize method?
<lantins> josh9: - does that help?
<josh9> lantins: let me see
<josh9> lantins: i want my products array to be unique, so i want to add some code right after << is used.
<josh9> i was thinking of singletone method - def @products.<<(product)
<josh9> but it's not callind it.
<josh9> calling
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<Banistergalaxy> Hai2u
<lantins> josh9: when you say it needs to be unique how do you mean? prevent duplicate products from being in it?
<sj26> josh9: this is about as close as you'll get: class User; def add_product product; @products << product; end; end
<sj26> unless you expose the whole products array
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<lantins> josh9: you could always do something like this:
<sj26> wait, that's an instance variable on the eigenclass?
<sj26> josh9: why don't you just use a set instead of an array?
<bougyman> a product is likely going to have attributes, anyway.
<bougyman> a hash would guarantee uniqueness, though not in any orderly way.
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<josh9> lantins: unique in my case is product.url
<josh9> sj26: i can use add_product but i thought it's nice to use <<
<sj26> josh9: the only way to achieve that is as lantins suggests, create a custom array class and override <<
<sj26> or include a module into the eigenclass of the specific array you construct
<sj26> josh9, this works:
<josh9> lantins: nice idea, the inherintance one
<josh9> sj26: yeah, that's what i wanted to do. let me see
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<sj26> updated with an example in a class:
<sj26> or a more practical and probably applicable example now at the end:
<sj26> try to mixin a module, saves replicating methods for every instance
<josh9> sj26: OMG! instance_eval
<josh9> never used it but maybe it's about time...
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<drbrain> it's never time to instance_eval
<josh9> (:
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<josh9> is it dangerous? i don't see the reason to use it in this case. i can just do blah.a << 2
<drbrain> it's not dangerous
<drbrain> there's often (not always) a simpler way
<drbrain> it's easy to abuse is all
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<josh9> sj26: so a mixed module is shared? that's cool
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<josh9> i am extending an array variable with a module that overrides << i just figure out that if i want to change self inside my method, i should use self.replace.. just wanted to share..
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<WiiW> how to read a large file, on it's pos at 2000000 ?
<yorickpeterse> pos as in character number of line number?
<WiiW> yorickpeterse: pos as byte number
<yorickpeterse> #read() takes a limit and offset I believe
<yorickpeterse> (File#read/
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<WiiW> yorickpeterse: ok
<yorickpeterse> For IO that would be'file', length, offset)
<WiiW> yorickpeterse: and but IO.write as the same ?
<WiiW> replace at that pos to write .
<rue> Or just seek
<yorickpeterse> Hm, seems File#read doesn't take an offset
<rue> #seek, that is.
<WiiW> yorickpeterse: I find , but File.write does't write at that pos
<yorickpeterse> rue: ah
<WiiW> rue: can follow that pos . But File.write always write at end , not on pos .
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<rue> You said read :P
<WiiW> I will need write next time
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<rue> WiiW: You need to open the file r+
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<WiiW> rue: oh , got it . thanks
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<brahmana> Hi all
<brahmana> Is there a way to update an installed gem to a particular version?
<brahmana> I do not see a --version option in the help doc of update command and when I tried it, I got an error saying "no such gem as version"
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<brahmana> To be precise I have rails 3.0.0 and want to update to 3.0.11
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<brahmana> where as the latest rails gem is 3.1.3
<josh9> brahmana: are u using bundler and Gemfile?
<brahmana> josh9: Yes, I am. But I was wondering if I can do it from the command line via "gem update"
<josh9> brahmana: not sure.. i would just modify the Gemfile
<Asher> i believe you can do gem install rails-3.0.11
<brahmana> Asher: Wouldn't that keep both v3.0.0 and v3.0.11?
<Asher> yes but if you're using bundler then you can specify which one you want
<Asher> you can also do gem uninstall rails-3.0.0
<brahmana> Ok
<brahmana> Which one will come into action when using the "rails" command from the shell?
* brahmana wonders if that question should go to #rubyonrails
<Asher> the newest one should
<brahmana> Ok
<Asher> rubygems should take care of hte install path to point to the newest one
<Asher> but bundler doesn't use rubygems
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<micha--> hi, is there an easy way to make a gui dialog on linux? i just need a ok/cancel box...
<Asher> shoes might suit you
<charper> or ruby-gnome .
<micha--> Asher: i tried to install that once, didn't succeed
<Asher> "didn't succeed"?
<micha--> Asher: as far as i remember, it's installable only in windows
<Asher> it works on mac… i would be quite surprised if it didn't work on linux
<Asher> there is even a screenshot there of it running on… gnome i think
<Asher> if you want to pastie the error or whatnot we can probably help you figure it out
<Asher> and the shoes maintainer is a regular here
<micha--> ok, I'll try again...
<micha--> the installer from stops with "./ Zeile 391: ./shoes: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden"
<micha--> which means "File or directory not found"
<Asher> how about "gem install shoes"
<dreinull> how do I properly do this in RDoc: <tt>hash[key]</tt> withouth creating a link?
<micha--> hm. i read somewhere that shoes doesn't work that way -- seems like that's wrong :-)
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<micha--> Asher: require 'shoes' tells me "Sorry, this gem currently does nothing. Team Shoes is working on Gemifying Shoes, and this is just a placeholder until then."
<Asher> ah i see
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<Asher> what dist are you using
<micha--> Debian
<workmad3> micha--: install the green_shoes gem
<workmad3> micha--: it's a gemified shoes implementation for the QT framework
<micha--> workmad3: looks good
<micha--> but it seems to install a lot of gtk/gnome stuff, even better than qt for me
<workmad3> micha--: ah, I guess it's GTK then :)
<workmad3> micha--: I think I got confused with green_shoes and capybara-webkit for UI frameworks :)
<micha--> :-)
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<erikh> rue: uh, if you want some chef help, I'm happy to help
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<llaskin> hi, can someone help me with this gist: ?
<llaskin> it doesn't seem to output a valid CSV
<llaskin> it just ends up being a series of numbers in the CSV file
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<rue> erikh: Thanks, I'm still kinda deciding between it and Puppet… I've to move servers in a while, and I figured I'd do it right this time
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<erikh> rue: yar. just let me know if you have any questions
<erikh> I know the chef stuff pretty well at this point; pretty much have been spending all day in it for the last 6 months or so
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<robgleeson> what do you use Chef for? Sys admin tasks?
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<bjensen> When using Rails. Is there a big performance gain on using jruby compared to ruby 1.9.3p0?
<shevy> bjensen not sure about rails, I think jruby is faster than 1.9.3 everywhere though, startup time ignored
<imperator> shevy, not necessarily true
<imperator> besides, the web server and/or the database is usually the bottleneck, not the language
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<bjensen> well Im using nginx + unicorn, I can't come up with anything faster than that
<bjensen> caching excluded
<imperator> alright, when did chrome start getting confused by .tar.gz file extensions? weird
<imperator> bjensen, is your app Fast Enough?
<shevy> down with chromers!
<bjensen> Its never fast enough :D
<bjensen> Im dev AND a product owner ;-)
<shevy> imagine matz
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<shevy> every time he has to hear "ruby is too slow"
<shevy> :D
<imperator> bjensen, well, there's one sure fire way to find out, eh?
<bjensen> Well Im sure people have walked that path before so I was just hoping some of them were in here :)
<bjensen> to tell me about it
<imperator> maybe in #rails ?
<imperator> er, i guess it's #rubyonrails
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* imperator builds 1.9.3-p-uh-oh
<shevy> lol
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<imperator> alright, wtf is this libyaml shit?
<bougyman> bjensen: what's your r/s on the raw rails app?
<bougyman> and what do you want it to be?
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<bjensen> I haven't measured lately. I just noticed that render time was increased from rails 3.0 to rails 3.1
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<shevy> haha imperator :D
<shevy> psych.rb needs it
<imperator> and rubygems packaged with 1.9.3 needs it
<imperator> apparently
<imperator> and, even though i installed it and rebuilt and reinstalled psych, it's still whining
<shevy> yeah
<shevy> I had that too
<imperator> this is crap
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<shevy> I dunno, I think I removed it, and installed it again... and compiled ruby again... and somehow it worked suddenly
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<imperator> yep, and to install :(
<imperator> er, *had*
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<imperator> anyone know of a standard sparse file location on osx?
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<imperator> oh, nm, hfs doesn't support sparse file creation :|
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<erikh> robgleeson: automation
<erikh> configuring servers and networks
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<Rich_Morin> I'm using rubygems-mirror and see something odd. All of the (>100K) gems live in a single directory. Is this the way they are actually stored on
<arium> Guys, how to make my class to behave like an array? I have TodoList class and want just to push instances of Todo class as into array: todolist_instance <<"make coffee") and then get it: todolist_instance[1,2,5] (should return first, second end fifth todos)
<apeiros_> arium: << and [] are just plain methods
<apeiros_> def <<(value); …; end
<apeiros_> and: def [](*keys); …; end
<arium> apeiros_: Thanks! What about mixing Enumerable and then overriding << and [] methods? Isn't it a way?
<apeiros_> arium: Enumerable does not define << nor []
<apeiros_> so you wouldn't be overriding them
<apeiros_> but yes, mixing Enumerable is a good idea
<apeiros_> don't forget, you need to define `each` for Enumerable to work.
<arium> apeiros_: thank you
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<apeiros_> you're welcome
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<Tasser> arium, I'd start with 0
<Tasser> arium, otherwise your class won't behave like an array
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<erikh> Rich_Morin: they're on S3, but more or less
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<Rich_Morin> Well, S3 (IIRC) is basically a flat namespace, so this makes sense. I was wondering about the efficiency of having a directory with that many items...
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<apeiros_> Rich_Morin: depends on the file system
<apeiros_> afaik many don't cope well with more than a couple of hundred files per directory
<apeiros_> which is why you occassionally see hashed directory structures
<Rich_Morin> yep
<Rich_Morin> In V7 Unix, IIRC, the directory was a linear list of name/inode tuples. Didn't handle large directories well. BSD added inode caching, etc.
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<arium1> How to implement events in Ruby? Each time I add value to array I want it be saved to database. Could I set something like event 'on push' on array and describe saving to database code in it?
<apeiros_> ruby is not an AOP language. one way to do it is to override the methods in question, another way is to wrap the whole object into a proxy.
<RickHull> also, seems like a bad idea. arrays strictly within ruby interpreter have few failure modes. talking to an external DB introduces many more. you probably won't want to treat this thing "like an array"
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<RickHull> similar to how RPC seems great in theory but tends to be troublesome in practice
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<arium1> Should I just write method 'array_save' with saving to database implementation and call it each time I add something to array?
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<shevy> seems like one simple way to solve it
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<aarkerio> hi! I am noob in ruby, in:
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<aarkerio> @current_ability ||=
<aarkerio> what "||=" means ?
<apeiros_> works the same as +=
<apeiros_> a ||= b --> a = a || b
<aarkerio> is a concatenate operator?
<apeiros_> ummmm nooooo? || is or
<apeiros_> you really should know ||. if you don't, it's high time to learn ruby basics…
<apeiros_> zenspiders quickref eg. is helpful to get an overview of rubys syntax.
<aarkerio> ok, let me google
<aarkerio> thanks!
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<aarkerio> I found it:
<aarkerio> x ||= "default" #=>"default" : value of x will be replaced with "default", but only if x is nil or false
<aarkerio> thx!
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<rue> aarkerio: As he said, a
<rue> Er. a ||= b is the same as a = a || b (or not exactly, I think it's more like a = b unless a)
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<shevy> rue has his confused day
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<apeiros_> rue: a || a = b
<brahmana> Hi all
<apeiros_> (the sole exception in the <op>= family afaik)
<brahmana> Is it possible to tell rake to not print a stack trace if the task exits with a non-zero value?
<apeiros_> brahmana: um, don't use --trace?
<apeiros_> kinda the default…
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<brahmana> Specifically I am running cucumber features for a rails app and whenever a feature fails a big trace is dumped.
<brahmana> I am not using the -t switch..
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<apeiros_> then it's probably cucumber, not rake, which emits the trace.
<brahmana> So I do not who is turning that feature on..
<brahmana> ok
<apeiros_> run cucumber by the cucumber command directly then and use its command line options…
<apeiros_> I'd assume it has one to suppress traces.
<brahmana> Ok.. will look into cucumber docs
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<apeiros_> `cucumber -h` is probably sufficient
<shevy> cucumber -h banana
<rue> apeiros_: No, there's something different there
<rue> Or was at some point
<rue> Oh er yes. Misread
<rue> That
<shevy> see!
<apeiros_> rue: :)
<shevy> rue isn't his usual self today!
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* apeiros_ wonders whether a &&= b expands that way too…
<shevy> ewww
<shevy> never saw that yet
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<yxhuvud> apeiros_: should be easy to test. I believe it does
<apeiros_> I'm lame today. but yes, should
<apeiros_> and should
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<rue> Last time we pondered about usability of &&=, someone came in about 17 minutes later and their problem was exactly solved by &&=
<apeiros_> hammer searched for a nail and found one…
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<rue> I dunno why everyone sees nails everywhere. You can use a hammer to bang at lots of other things besides nails
<apeiros_> heads, f.ex.
<apeiros_> maybe hammers are rasistic
<apeiros_> *racist
<Asher> dude you didn't know hammers are racist?
<Asher> haven't you seen The Wall??
<Asher> :)
<apeiros_> what's a "Wall"?
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<Asher> pink floyd...
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<rue> I don't remember a Pink Floyd in Game of Thrones
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<Asher> they kept in the shadows
<whatasunnyday> I'm having my regular expression match too much. Anyone mind taking a look?
<rue> You probably meant () around the exts.
<brahmana> apeiros_: Running cucumber directly does not print stack trace. Like rake it too has a switch to print backtrace
<brahmana> any chance rails is turning it on?
<apeiros_> no. but cucumber != cucumber rake task
<whatasunnyday> rue: do you mean i should drop #{..}?
<rue> whatasunnyday: I mean you should enclose that part in ()
<apeiros_> brahmana: I'm almost certain it is *not* rake printing the trace. note, *anything* in rake can print whatever it wants, that doesn't make it *rake* that prints it.
<whatasunnyday> oh okay
<whatasunnyday> perfect
<whatasunnyday> i'll try it
<ReinH> apeiros_: yes, ||= and &&= both expand to a <op> a = b rather than a = a <op> b
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<apeiros_> ReinH: thanks for the info :)
<ReinH> mainly for performance reasons although there are edge cases where this causes a change in behavior
<apeiros_> well, all "foo=" methods…
<ReinH> right
<ReinH> so lasgn and foo= methods have this behavior
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<whatasunnyday> rue: if i may ask one more question, should (..) include the \. or $?
<brahmana> apeiros_: The reason I suspected rake is because of this error message : rake aborted! Command failed with status (1): <stack trace starts>
<apeiros_> I think I became first aware of the special casing due to a hash with default_proc set.
<rue> whatasunnyday: Just the options. /.(foo)
<rue> Damn it.
<rue> /.(foo|bar)$/
<whatasunnyday> thanks
<dbernar1> Hi. I'm looking for confirmation, or otherwise, for HighLine as the library of choice for command-line interaction with users. Any opinions/alternatives?
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<rue> dbernar1: It's…old
<dbernar1> old could mean good or bad
<whatasunnyday> thank you rue!
<dbernar1> which do you mean?
<whatasunnyday> it worked exactly as planned
<rue> If you're going interactive, maybe something in ripl? If a CLI program, then I like main
<dbernar1> what's the diff with CLI and interactive, rue?
<dbernar1> rue: thank you for the references.
<dbernar1> ha, ripl, like a repl. Interesting. Probably I want main then
<rue> CLI = just using it like any program. myprogram subcommand --some-argument=yay and so on
<dbernar1> rue: and not thor?
<rue> I don't like Thor
<dbernar1> Cause that is what I was sent on a mission to implement so far
<dbernar1> Cool, good to know about the alternative
<rue> It'd probably work, too
<brahmana> rake --versoin prints "rake, version 0.8.7", but I only see rake gems of version 0.9.2 and Where is the 0.8.7 version gem?
<dbernar1> It "works"
<rue> brahmana: System rake?
<dbernar1> Just I have some beefs with the highline stuff inside, it doesn't even do as good a job as highline (spitting out passwords in plain text when prompting for a password.
<RickHull> brahmana: try `which rake`
<brahmana> RickHull: I did, it points to a wrapper script
<RickHull> you can follow it to the executable then
<brahmana> And the wrapper just requires rake and calls run
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<brahmana> So as rue said it is probably packed with ruby installation
<RickHull> yep
<brahmana> got it..
<freedrull> i have an encoding that returns UTF-8 for encoding? and returns false for valid_encoding?. it has two umlauts that print as \xF6 when i simply inspect the value in irb, but when i call `puts` on it, it prints the umaluts fine. why does it print fine using `puts`, is it because my terminal understands the encoding even though it is techincally invalid as UTF-8?
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<rue> It could be, yes
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<rue> #valid_encoding? is a stupid name
<rue> I think I cursed it before
<freedrull> does it not do what i think it does
<apeiros_> freedrull: \xF6 is certainly not an umlaut in utf
<rue> It tells you if the string is correct for the encoding
<apeiros_> umlauts in utf (any utf) take multiple bytes to encode.
<freedrull> umlaut in utf is the umlaut + the roman letter right, so two bytes?
<Asher> isn't the umlaut one byte and the character another?
<apeiros_> so ruby says that you told it your string was utf-8 (.encoding returns UTF-8), but ruby tells you that it contains byte sequences that are not valid in that encoding (.valid_encoding? returns false)
<apeiros_> freedrull: depends on the normalization
<apeiros_> "\xF6".force_encoding('iso-8859-1').encode('utf-8') # => "ö"
<apeiros_> I'd assume what you have is that… and that your terminal is set to iso-8859-1, not to utf-8.
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<freedrull> apeiros_: hmmm yes that terminal appears to be utf-8 however.
<freedrull> ┐('~`;)┌
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<freedrull> anyway thanks for the help...i'll have to go fix my database now :)
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<brahmana> apeiros_: That backtrace is printed by rake. There is this code in rake.rb -
<arium> I develop application wich I will pack into gem. This gem could be used for command line applications, web applications or gui applications. It requires DB to save data. Which 'bridge' should I use to provide possibility for users to configure and use database they want? It can be SQLite, MySQL, MongoDB and so on. But here is important note: I think in most cases it will be used inside Rails apps.
<arium> Should I use ActiveRecord which is also used in Rails?
<apeiros_> brahmana: great, you've found a line in rake that prints a backtrace… that 'or true' is suspicious however…
<rue> arium: Hm. All rails installs don't use ActiveRecord, either`
<mrneighborly> arium: there's a data_objects gem that provides a universal database api but i don't know how maintained it is (haven't used it by itself in a little while)
<rue> Most, naturally, but not all.
<rue> mrneighborly: Hidyho!
* mrneighborly waves
<brahmana> apeiros_: Yeah, I wonder why that code is there in the first place.. !! Nevertheless a puts around that line confirmed that it is the line from where the backtrace is being printed.
<rue> arium: Is your gem going to be the *whole* thing, or is it embedded into some other app?
<apeiros_> brahmana: what rake version and what file is that?
<rue> As in, is it realistic to assume the app is already using some ORM/similar?
<brahmana> apeiros_: 0.8.7 . File - ruby-1.9.2-p136/lib/rake.rb or after installing - <install-dir>/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rake.rb
<arium> rue: it's going to be some kind of project managment tool but without any interface - interface should be built on top of it - interface may be command line, web or gui. My app will provide only business logic
<arium> mrneighborly: thanks, i will take a look at it
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<brahmana> arium: Take a look at the devise gem (or anything like that which supports multiple ORMs). That will give you an idea about how you can support multiple dbs
<apeiros_> brahmana: seems buggy, try a newer rake
<arium> brahmana: thanks, i missed this way
<rue> arium: ^ That's probably the way you have to go
<rue> There's impedance if you provide an ORM the rest of the app doesn't (want to) use
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<brahmana> apeiros_: Previous to 0.8.7 I had tried but it just errors out saying at this line undefined method `deprecate' for #<Rake::Application:0x8bd3898> :
<brahmana> It's a method call within the rake gem which is defined here :
<brahmana> And yet it is not able to find that method... !
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<hzlocky> what is best solution to parse text via some rules?
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<hzlocky> maybe some gem that regex wrapper
<rue> Guys, is there a way to make a question even vaguer?
<Asher> which guy, the one with glasses?
<rue> More vague…
<Sailias> rue: sure, eg. why?
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<rue> hzlocky: Elaborate
<rue> Parse what, how…why?
<rue> By whom?
<rue> Regexps? XML?
<rue> Structured, unstructured?
<hzlocky> I am written a special Chat Bot for geeks.
<rue> Natural language parsing?
<hzlocky> that would be some nice girl, that will for phrases like: "Kiss me tomorrow at 7Am", "Call me today at 19 45" will parse it
<Asher> are you the chat bot?
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<rue> Yeah, NLP.
<hzlocky> and in proper time(7:00, 19:45) will just reply: "You are just ***cken looser!"
<Sailias> lol, this is great
<hzlocky> rue: kind of)
<rue> Chronic would probably be able to extract the time
<shevy> I wanna ban him
<mrneighborly> hzlocky: use the nickel gem
<hzlocky> rue: yeah, but what about other part of phrase? I got some rules for phrases, but of course trying to regex it - it is too much
<mrneighborly> that will pull the time out, give you the phrase by itself which you could then use regex or a parser like treetop on
<rue> Well, yeah. Human languages aren't regular :P
<brahmana> :D
<Asher> at least not regular enough :P
<Asher> or regular in the ways we expect...
<rue> There are some libraries for at least basic NLP, like the various Elizas
<Asher> alice is the best for your purposes
<Asher> AIML
<hzlocky> mrneighborly: thanks, I hope there is possibility with this gem to define rules
<mrneighborly> there isn't. :) but if oyu're wanting something that fancy, i highly doubt you'll find it. you'll just have to write
<mrneighborly> it
<hzlocky> mrneighborly: thanks! awesome!
<mrneighborly> perhaps in the process, i'll learn to write english. sigh.
<shevy> too optimistic
<rue> Once you extract and remove the time, you can just do fuzzy matching against the remainder… check for verbs and objects…
<shevy> settle for very simple english
<hzlocky> rue: I cant use NLP, it is just goverment project to decrease suicides among geeks.
<rue> hzlocky: I think you should reconsider your response, then
<RickHull> hzlocky: that's hilarious
<hzlocky> rue: no, who cares about geeks...
<rue> RickHull: Maybe it's a secret project to drive geeks to suicide by trying to get them to implement good NLP
<hzlocky> rue: thats not so simple, actually
<RickHull> rue, exactly
* brahmana wonders if hzlocky is actually a very smart bot already.. !
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<rue> hzlocky: There's a reason Siri – limited as it is – is exciting
<RickHull> here's a project with poorly defined and likely unattainable goals. it's your job to complete it, but you can only use a highly restricted set of tools
<Asher> are we talking about natural language processing or neuro linguistic programming?:P
<rue> The voice recognition isn't the cool part
<Asher> or both ;)
<rue> Asher: Only nerds talk about neurolamer programming
<hzlocky> brahmana: I am bender. I want to kill all humans!
<brahmana> RickHull: lolz
<Asher> rue - well he was talking about geek suicides...
<shevy> chaotic projects are the best
<hzlocky> rue: Siri is just stupid tool to find gay bar
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<shevy> every day the specification and feature list changes
<brahmana> and the tools list gets shorter
<rue> hzlocky: Until your bot can find a gay bar…
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<jaimef> def pdebug puts "#{__method__} args:#{ARGV}" end # how does one print out the arguments passed to a method ?
<shevy> jaimef ARGV is passed to a file, not a method
<RickHull> def method(*args); p args; end #?
<jaimef> shevy: yeap
<jaimef> was looking for a __method__ equivalent for *args as a means of debugging
<shevy> I dont think there is something like __method__ available for methods
<shevy> I mean, for the arguments to it
<jaimef> ok
<shevy> there is .arity to find out how many arguments a method accepts
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<shevy> "sss".method(:concat).arity # => 1
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<RickHull> quite sensible :)
<RickHull> could have made one large expression with 'and' instead, no?
<RickHull> this probably looks nicer, though
<drbrain> I could have, but it would have been unreadable
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<shevy> whoa
<shevy> ok &&=
<shevy> have_header('GL/glu.h') ||
<shevy> have_header('OpenGL/glu.h')
<shevy> that boggles the mind
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<erikh> it skips if it already found the header. if it hasn't, it looks in those two dirs
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<rue> N-uh
<erikh> UH HUH
<erikh> oh wait
<erikh> I need to sleep
<rue> Me too
<rue> Sleep buddies!
<lantins> oooo-errr
<tbuehlmann> let's make some waffles
<lantins> waffels, now your talking!
<RickHull> could do: still_ok = true; still_ok &&= ...
<RickHull> I prefer waffles
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<jaimef> so [/\w+\"$/] matches what I want but includes the " in the results which I want to match, but not include
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<manveru> so use ()
<jaimef> ahh. thanks
<manveru> [/(\w+)"$/, 1]
<lantins> dumb question, but what is &&= ? its only set if everything returns non false/nil?
<manveru> no need for \ either
<jaimef> oh for the " yeah it's a font-lock issue
<manveru> lantins: ι ~ % ruby -e 'a, b = nil, 1; a &&= 2; b &&= 3; p [a, b]'
<manveru> [nil, 3]
<lantins> manveru: aahhhhhhh, thanks!
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<shevy> yeah my brain is still trying to wrap itself around &&=
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<RickHull> "andgets" ?
<RickHull> orbits ||= "andgets"
<lantins> i can't say ive ever seen anyone use it, its a new one on me
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<drbrain> using &&= is extremely rare
<lantins> I sware there's gonna be no slates left on this roof once this evenings over if this wind keeps it up
<oddmunds> but it's just sets the variable if it's not nil nor false?
<lantins> oddmunds: thats how i understood it from manveru' example
<oddmunds> it just has less obvious use cases?
<RickHull> yep, did you see drbrain's example?
<oddmunds> no, but looking now
<shevy> lantins, you in europe?
<lantins> shevy: yup, the lovely rainy Lake District in the UK =)
<lantins> population: mostely sheep
<oddmunds> &&<< could be useful too, i guess
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<oddmunds> ||++ :P
<lantins> shevy: how about you?
<shevy> hehe some news station here in austria reported heavy storm crossing over middle europe
<lantins> yeah its been heavy for about 2 days now
<tbuehlmann> yup
<canton8> hmm.... a ||= b is short for a = a || b... But a << a && b, and a = a++ b make no sense methinks
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<oddmunds> ||++ was a joke
<burgestrand> canton8: not quite, a ||= b is more like a || a = b
<canton7> :P
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<shevy> this boggles the mind
<canton7> burgestrand, it literally means a = a || b
<RickHull> canton7: that's the C convention. ruby is implemented differently
<shevy> that one looks easier
<zenspider> meh... it is a pedantic distinction
<zenspider> canton7: no
<oddmunds> canton++ D:
<canton7> hehe, fair play
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<manveru> :)
<manveru> well, it becomes more important once you do things like: " ||= baz"
<manveru> "a = a || b" would call and in any case, while "a || a = b" will only call in any case
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<zenspider> s(:op_asgn2, s(:call, nil, :a, s(:arglist)), :b=, :"||", s(:call, nil, :c, s(:arglist)))
<RickHull> manveru: in 1.8.7 -- a = nil; a ||= b #=> NameError
<manveru> because there's no b?
<zenspider> ... um. duh?
<RickHull> ok, i was thinking the assignment wouldn't happen
<zenspider> nil is false
<manveru> if a is nil?
<RickHull> shoot me plz
<manveru> lol
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* zenspider hands RickHull another coffee
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* RickHull -= 6 beers
<RickHull> (from last night)
<RickHull> i guess you don't need a headache to be hung over
<erikh> rue: for some reason I think our wives would disapprove
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<muzone> manveru: any chance you could check your pms?
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<RickHull> manveru: true ||= b # ha!
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<manveru> RickHull: ?
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<manveru> muzone: /qumu
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<RickHull> manveru: it "attempts" the assignment
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<manveru> RickHull: no
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<RickHull> "Can't assign to true" I never asked it to ;)
<manveru> it raises a parse error
<RickHull> SyntaxError: compile error
<workmad3> RickHull: ||= counts as an assignment to the compiler
<manveru> ι ~ % ruby -e 'def x; true ||= 1; end'
<RickHull> hence the scare quotes
<workmad3> s/compiler/interpreter
<manveru> you don't even have to execute it
<manveru> ruby will not allow any possible scenario where you displace true
<workmad3> manveru: 'true ||= false' will never displace true though :)
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<RickHull> the right side doesn't matter
<manveru> ?
<manveru> well, that's... true :)
<RickHull> for appropriate values of true
<drbrain> … ignoring the whole problem of the syntax error
<manveru> >> class X; attr_reader :h; def initialize; @h = []; end; def a; h << :a; end; def a=(n); h << :a=; end; end; x =; x.a ||= :b; x.h
<manveru> => [:a]
<manveru> if you return nil/false from a instead, a= will be called
<manveru> i guess there's a shorter way to demonstrate that
<manveru> but i'm out of coffee :(
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<ben> Where do I learn to use DL?
<erikh> r. kelly
<manveru> ben: do you need DL or would FFI suffice?
<ben> manveru: I am trying to get an old library to work that uses DL. Ideally I'd just learn how to use DL and make a minimum of changes, but I'm not sure where to start. I've been out of the loop with ruby for a while.
<manveru> 1.9.3?
<ben> yes
<manveru> well, dl changed an awful lot since 1.8, and uses FFI now
<ben> well then
<manveru> i haven't kept up with all the changes either, but if you can provide the source of the lib i might be able to help
<ben> Specifically the library is using DL::Importer's struct() to define a few structs, and one of them now has an anoynmous union in an anonymous struct in an anonymous union and I don't know how to represent that since the library only seems to defin flat structs so far.
<manveru> ouch
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<lantins> guys, is there a 'nicer' way to format this string? "0000000000000100".scan(/(.{2})(.{6})(.{6})/).join('-') # => "00-000000-000001"
<lantins> by nicer I guess im asking if it can be more easily done without a regex
<drbrain> lantins: IMO, that's the best way
<drbrain> nicest
<lantins> okay, im fine with how it is, just something ive always pondered about
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<drbrain> there's also: "0000000000000100".gsub(/(.{2})(.{6})(.{6}).*/, '\1-\2-\3')
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<lantins> think i find the first easier to understand. imo. prob just because im use to it. though i didn't know about \1 stuff for match results ;-)
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<sendnoflowers> drbrain: sub is enough and should be the fastest among scan/gsub/sub
<drbrain> sendnoflowers: yeah, I just forget
<drbrain> I type gsub 10x more than sub
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<sendnoflowers> and probably you don't need gsub every time ;)
<jaimef> output = output.split("\n\n").select { |l| l.match(filter) } if filter # This seems to fail to match if filter is say "Ubuntu (32 bit)"
<sendnoflowers> and?
<jaimef> output contains the string that is filter. however fails to match
<shevy> divide and conquer
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<drbrain> jaimef: ri String#match
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perryh_ [perryh_!~perryh@unaffiliated/perry753] has joined #ruby-lang
<drbrain> the first example illustrates your problem
<jaimef> having to escape the () in the string seems like a limitation to be found in bash and not ruby. </ignorance>
<drbrain> jaimef: you're using a method that matches strings to regular expressions but are passing in the wrong type
<drbrain> hint: Regexp.escape
<sendnoflowers> bash really?
<jaimef> drbrain: thanks.
RickHull [RickHull!~rhull@pdpc/supporter/active/rickhull] has quit [#ruby-lang]
<lantins> sendnoflowers: quite a diff in speed with `#sub` like you said, just checked it out, thanks =)