closer changed the topic of #ruby-core to: check the latest release candidate for 1.9.1 release
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42738] nobu:r54811 (trunk): win32/win32.c: remove unnecessary declaration -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42737] svn:r54812 (trunk): * 2016-04-29 -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42739] hsbt:r54813 (trunk): * doc/maintainers.rdoc: Removed Ruby 1.8 entries. It's not necessary to -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42740] hsbt:r54814 (trunk): * doc/maintainers.rdoc: Removed deprecated entries. These are already deleted. -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42741] usa:r54815 (ruby_2_2): merge revision(s) 54706: -
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<travis-ci> The build is still failing. by @usa: See
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42742] hsbt:r54816 (trunk): * doc/maintainers.rdoc: Update latest maintainers list on Ruby 2.4 -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42743] hsbt:r54817 (trunk): * gems/bundled_gems: Update latest gems, test-unit-3.1.8 and rake-11.1.2. -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42744] usa:r54818 (trunk): * doc/maintainers.rdoc (ext/win32): of course, it's still maintained. [skip ci] -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42745] nobu:r54819 (trunk): maintainers.rdoc: update ext/io/nonblock [ci skip] -
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<zzak> [Charlie,] benzrf: i believe the problem is that by default popen only opens in "read" mode, meaning it only hijacks the stdout from the child process, not stdin
<zzak> [Charlie,] benzrf: this fixes the problem for me: ruby -e 'puts IO.popen("cat", "r+").read'
<zzak> [ben z rf,] ah, useful
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<zzak> [Charlie,] that opens both stdin and stdout of the process
<zzak> [Charlie,] you'll likely then want to use close_write at some point
<zzak> [ben z rf,] kk
<zzak> [Alexander von Gluck,] Q: I'm making a gem to interface with a rest API and turn the results into objects (Think ActiveRecord-like). I just can't figure out a great way to store something at the module level for the Gem... any ideas? I wrote an example gist:
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<zzak> [Alexander von Gluck,] I want to make a new instance of my gem and set the REST uri at the module level... if that makes sense :-|
<zzak> [ben z rf,] kallisti5: use a constant
<zzak> [Alexander von Gluck,] Right now i'm "CATApi::Breed.all"
<zzak> [Alexander von Gluck,] googles
<zzak> [ben z rf,] kallisti5: when you set "@uri =" in the module block, you're setting one of the *module*'s instance variables
<zzak> [ben z rf,] so of course it won't be visible in the method
<zzak> [ben z rf,] constants, however, are scoped semi-lexically
<zzak> [Alexander von Gluck,] benzrf: is there a way users can define the constant though?
<zzak> [ben z rf,] oh, you want users to be able to supply it
<zzak> [ben z rf,] why not make your thing a class, and then the url is an instance variable?
<zzak> [ben z rf,] (barring that, i *guess* you could do "class << self; attr_accessor :uri; end" in the module)
<zzak> [Alexander von Gluck,] oh.. so pretty much turn the CATAPi module into a class?
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<zzak> [Alexander von Gluck,] That seems to make more sense... I just thought Gem's almost always worked out of modules :-|
<zzak> [ben z rf,] kallisti5: well, they do tend to
<zzak> [ben z rf,] you can put the class in a module, if you want :)
<zzak> [Alexander von Gluck,] lol what's the best practice there? module CATApi -> class CATApi -> class Breed ?
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<zzak> [ben z rf,] kallisti5: well, here's a good rule of thumb
<zzak> [ben z rf,] kallisti5: if you're making something a class, you should be able to coherently explain "what" an instance of the class is, and in what circumstances you would instantiate it
<zzak> [ben z rf,] if you're really only defining the class for the features of classes that don't involve instances, you should be making a module
<zzak> [ben z rf,] also, i think it's unusual to nest a class inside another class - normally you nest modules like directories, and then classes are leaves, like files
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<zzak> [ben z rf,] i might be wrong.
<zzak> [ben z rf,] (er, modules can also be leaves)
<zzak> [purple,] can i unzip NUGET package using Ruby ZIP ?
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