closer changed the topic of #ruby-core to: check the latest release candidate for 1.9.1 release
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<zzak> [shevy,] long live ruby!
<zzak> [,] uhh
<zzak> [,] Weird...
<zzak> [,] Why is it that when I escape a backslash in a string, then print it, it shows \\ instead of the \ I wanted?
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<zzak> [,] oh
<zzak> [,] nevermind
<zzak> [,] needed a forward slash anyways
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<zzak> [The Thought That One Day The Mouse Will get The Ch,] woah
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<zzak> [Realname,] There is this but cannot get it running
<zzak> [shevy,] yeah that is a gem
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<zzak> [Realname,] I do not care about particular gem.
<zzak> [Realname,] Just want to read a streaming http get response by line.
<zzak> [Realname,] shevy Got any idea how? The only way I got idea is read_body with block and somehow detect new line.
<zzak> [Realname,] Me got two ideas. a) raw TCP and gets, b) make api put records by line to the pipe
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<zzak> [The Thought That One Day The Mouse Will get The Ch,] now that i had to re install my OS i dont have ruby 2.3 anymore D:
<zzak> [The Thought That One Day The Mouse Will get The Ch,] how do i install it cause i dont have it writen down
<zzak> [The Thought That One Day The Mouse Will get The Ch,] pls help
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<zzak> [shevy,] TheCubeLord wget; compile it into a prefix like your home directory if you want to; alternatively use one of the handholding solutions that do these things for you like rvm or chruby and follow the instructions
<zzak> [The Thought That One Day The Mouse Will get The Ch,] k
<zzak> [The Thought That One Day The Mouse Will get The Ch,] umm how do i install rvm
<zzak> [The Thought That One Day The Mouse Will get The Ch,] noob here
<zzak> [shevy,] did you try the instruction yet?
<zzak> [shevy,] lol I just tried and it failed
<zzak> [shevy,] gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3
<zzak> [shevy,] \curl -sSL | bash -s stable
<zzak> [shevy,] curl: (23) Failed writing body (0 != 15611)
<zzak> [shevy,] ok this one works
<zzak> [shevy,] sorta... ./scripts/functions/utility: line 381: groupadd: command not found
<zzak> [shevy,] pretty messy
<zzak> [The Thought That One Day The Mouse Will get The Ch,] welp found it
<zzak> [The Thought That One Day The Mouse Will get The Ch,] thanks anyways
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<zzak> [Adium User,] hey everyone. i've forked a gem, modified it slightly, and want to include it in my project, but I’m getting: LoadError: cannot load such file
<zzak> [Adium User,] I have followed the instructions here:
<zzak> [Adium User,] This is what I have added to my Gemfile: gem 'mondo', :git => ""
<zzak> [Adium User,] When I run bundle install, everything seems to go well
<zzak> [Adium User,] but when I require 'mondo' the gem doesn't load
<zzak> [Adium User,] LoadError: cannot load such file -- mondo
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42545] ktsj:r54619 (trunk): * array.c (rb_ary_sum): [DOC] fix typos. -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42546] nobu:r54620 (trunk): error.c: remove unused function -
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<travis-ci> The build is still failing. by @Kazuki Yamaguchi: See
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