closer changed the topic of #ruby-core to: check the latest release candidate for 1.9.1 release
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42570] sonots:r54644 (trunk): * ChangeLog: Add descriptions for logger updates -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42571] sonots:r54645 (trunk): * ChangeLog: Fix dates of previous commits -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42572] nobu:r54646 (trunk): use more descriptive assertions -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42573] sonots:r54647 (trunk): * lib/time.rb: revert r54167 because it would break -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42574] nobu:r54648 (trunk): appending compile error without rb_errinfo -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42575] nobu:r54649 (trunk): refactor parser error -
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<zzak> [OpenSuse,] hi
<zzak> [OpenSuse,] i have csv with column a,b,c,d. How can I sum all rows of column "d" where respective column "c" == value.
<zzak> [Jonne Haß,] &ri Enumerable#select Enumerable#map Enumerable#reduce @Abhijit
<zzak> [OpenSuse,] `derpy, thanks.
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<zzak> [shevy,] derpy is such a nice guy
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<zzak> [SporkWitch,] so, new to ruby and rails, i'm a bit lost. I'm used to more traditional stuff, you yum install your deps and then your web app lives in some folder to get called when someone browses to the URL pointing at it. I'm not understanding at all where I'm supposed to install the ruby and rails stuff, what user i should be doing it as (do i create a user to run redmine as?). Trying to figure out how to
<zzak> [SporkWitch,] install redmine
<zzak> [┬─┬ノ(ಠ_ಠノ),] SporkWitch: you should ask in the redmine irc-channel
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<zzak> [SporkWitch,] apologies, this seemed more applicable, since it's more general ruby that i'm not understanding. i'll of course ask there as well
<zzak> [OpenSuse,] SporkWitch, use rvm to install ruby and rails. assuming you are on linux just do this as regular non root user
<zzak> [OpenSuse,] SporkWitch, it will live inside your /home/user/.rvm
<zzak> [OpenSuse,] SporkWitch, if that redmine is a gem, you have to add it to your rails project Gemfile and run bundle
<zzak> [SporkWitch,] that's what it seemed like and that's why it was confusing me, since normally server applications have their own no-login users
<zzak> [OpenSuse,] SporkWitch, when you put your rails in production the nginx / apache will be running as their standard user or your non root user whatever is standand to them
<zzak> [OpenSuse,] SporkWitch, my nginx run as my non root user. i have project dir as /var/www/proj which is user:root group and nginx runs as user "user" here
<zzak> [OpenSuse,] nginx + passenger
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<zzak> [SporkWitch,] ok, so really i'm just telling it WHERE to install, and then apache would just point to that location like anything else, such as owncloud or w/e. the user i do it as is just determining location and owner?
<zzak> [SporkWitch,] assuming i understood that right, that helps; thanks
<zzak> [OpenSuse,] SporkWitch, no. "you" have to configure apache / nginx config file then it will know where is your rails. additionaly you have to do passenger / unicorn configuration also.
<zzak> [SporkWitch,] yeah, sorry, of course i have to point it at it still
<zzak> [OpenSuse,] :-)
<zzak> [OpenSuse,] yeah, so basically put app in location, then configure, passenger/unicorn/whatever then configure apache/nginxl/whatever and you are live!! :-)
<zzak> [OpenSuse,] SporkWitch, since you have to execute the command "bundle" as non root user (thats restriction from rails/ ruby) you have to chown the project dir to nonrootuser:root
<zzak> [SporkWitch,] yeah, that was the first thing that tipped me off that this was not like installing anything i was used to, heh. normally i just drop my web apps int /var/www, chown to apache:apache, and then create the vhost. done.
<zzak> [SporkWitch,] any "install" stuff just does the same, dropping stuff where it needs to go
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<zzak> [NaN,] i'm trying to use capistrano for deployment and i'm getting TypeError: no implicit conversion of Symbol into String
<zzak> [NaN,] is my ruby2.1 too old or what?
<zzak> [shevy,] that error can happen on ruby 2.1.x just as it can on 2.3.x and on 1.9.x and 1.8.x
<zzak> [NaN,] so what is going on there?
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