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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42576] svn:r54651 (trunk): * 2016-04-20 -
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<zzak> [j,] Mornin'
<zzak> [Textual User,] afternoon
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<zzak> [realname,] Suppose i have installed ruby from source, now i want to update the ruby, how can i do it?
<zzak> [oddmunds,] shibly: just get a newer source and install from source again?
<zzak> [realname,] If i delete the old source code, will it delete the gems too?
<zzak> [Jason King,] shibly, no, not the source code, you'd need to delete the install directory.
<zzak> [realname,] Where do the gems reside?
<zzak> [Jonne Haß,] shibly: gem env will hint
<zzak> [Jason King,] shibly, I came in late, so maybe this has been proposed, but these things you're talking about are why most of us use a version manager like chruby or rbenv.
<zzak> [Jonne Haß,] you actually joined before them :P
<zzak> [realname,] Should i use chruby?
<zzak> [Jason King,] Ah :)
<zzak> [Jonne Haß,] chruby only switches rubies, but possibly
<zzak> [Jason King,] shibly, yes, with a few sensible assumptions about your setup, yes.
<zzak> [Jonne Haß,] if you pick that one you also should pick an installation helper, like ruby-build or ruby-install
<zzak> [Jason King,] Oh sorry, yes ^ I forget that they're different components.
<zzak> [realname,] Is rbenv a alternative to chruby?
<zzak> [Jason King,] Yes.
<zzak> [Jonne Haß,] and so is RVM
<zzak> [Jason King,] rbenv will also use ruby-build or whatever to manage the installations.
<zzak> [realname,] No, i will install ruby from source.
<zzak> [Jason King,] rvm is a bit heavier and ships with the installer part too (and a gem management part which is mostly redundant because of bundler)
<zzak> [Jonne Haß,] rvm, ruby-build and ruby-install are designed to install ruby _from source_ to a specified prefix
<zzak> [Jason King,] shibly, they all install from source, but regardless - you can still use chruby or rbenv to switch between your installed versions.
<zzak> [realname,] If i need to install another ruby, i will delete the older ruby and install the newer
<zzak> [realname,] If i delete the older ruby, will it delete the older gems too?
<zzak> [Jonne Haß,] that has already been answered
<zzak> [realname,] jhass, It's not answered.
<zzak> [Jonne Haß,] you didn't specify how exactly you installed ruby, you didn't specify what exactly you plan to delete, but you do seem to have a specific plan as to how to delete
<zzak> [Jonne Haß,] your question as to where gems reside was answered, the output of gem env shows it
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