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<wpwrak> hmm. the FLL works a specified. with quite precisely the -558 ppm error they designed in. if they had been a little bit more reckless, it could run with +125 ppm. well, i can detune the crystal to still make it work, but ...
<DocScrutinizer05> I wonder what for you need such precision in system clock
<DocScrutinizer05> ok, on 2GHz it's already 500kHz
<DocScrutinizer05> err 1MHz
<wpwrak> for USB. USB is picky.
<wpwrak> and it's also nice to have a decent RTC
<wpwrak> though i can correct any constant error there by software,
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<DocScrutinizer05> exactly
<DocScrutinizer05> anyway I doubt you want to use a sysclock based RTC
<DocScrutinizer05> prolly way too greedy to do the CMOS clock
<DocScrutinizer05> there's a lot of reasons why all such RTC use a true 32kHz crystal
<wpwrak> i am using a 32 kHz crystal :)
<wpwrak> the FLL then generates a 48 MHz clock from it
<wpwrak> but if i have to detune the 32 kHz clock to get the 48 MHz right, then i also get incorrect RTC readings, so i'll have to correct these "back"
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<wpwrak> hmm, wrestled the beast down to 504 uA "suspended". that's about 500 uA more than i'd like to see ... i wonder who is stealing all that power. still haven't equipped all the components, so the number of suspects is small ...
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<wpwrak> grmbl. qi-hw servers down again :-( i wonder what's killing them so often ... moribund hardware ? "visitors" ? the global conspiracy of ddos'ing script kiddies ?
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<wpwrak> wolfspraul: thanks ! ;-)
<wolfspraul> I need to move to a new physical machine though
<wolfspraul> It's only stable for minutes now - enough...
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: btw, /srv/www/ seem to fail mounting quite regularly. i wonder if setting it to bg may help
<wpwrak> oh, so the hw is dying
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<kyak> must.. resist... moving... to cloud.. :)
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<wpwrak> hmm .... <>... Deferred: Connection timed out with
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<larsc> pcercuei: I was informed that you haven't signed up for the christmas party yet
<pcercuei> hmm yes
<wolfspraul> wpwrak: I'm setting up a new machine
<larsc> pcercuei: is that a "Yes I'll be there"?
<pcercuei> yes
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: great :) thanks !
<DocScrutinizer05> wolfspraul: elcos gone dry and popped up?
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<DocScrutinizer05> (the usual fatal failure pattern of old PC boards)
<DocScrutinizer05> except when fan gets stuck and whole PC overheats
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<pcercuei> what possibilities do I have to debug a kernel which won't start at all?
<larsc> jtag!
<pcercuei> I don't have jtag, unfortunately
<pcercuei> anything that can be used on serial? KGDB?
<pcercuei> from what I can see KGDB can be used on a running kernel, not to debug a kernel that fails to boot
<larsc> strategically placed gpio toggles
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<DocScrutinizer05> exactly. Use the LEDs or whatever you got, to signal checkpoints your code reaches
<DocScrutinizer05> [2014-07-28 Mon 01:48:37] <wpwrak> well, in a bit, i'll make my code return that register value. then i'll know for sure what's cooking there. for now, all i have is a lone LED :)
<DocScrutinizer05> [2014-07-28 Mon 01:49:41] <whitequark> hook a scope there - then shift it out
<whitequark> so, somewhat relevant
<DocScrutinizer05> very convenient: a piezo beeper
<whitequark> I found an old ar9285 wifi card
<whitequark> and turns out it has JTAG and UART pins on the sides, and open-source firmware for a very close device in same family, and the host interface allows to arbitrarily dump RAM
<whitequark> I want to run something there
<whitequark> 96k SRAM, 1M of architectural SPI (i.e. SoC-integrated) flash
<whitequark> and if I understand it correctly, ar9k (PHY+MAC) series is basically the same IP core as their earlier ar5k (PHY) series and some CPU with a PCI interface that twiddles it
<whitequark> so that FOSS firmware just contains a port of mac80211 stack (!)
<DocScrutinizer05> sounds about correct
<whitequark> only problem is, i have no idea how to program the PCI-e interface
<whitequark> no FOSS drivers, firmware or even docs exist that mention PCI or PCI-e host iface
<DocScrutinizer05> umm, on card side?
<whitequark> yes
<DocScrutinizer05> yeah, prolly pretty unusual platform for FOSS
<whitequark> it doesn't make it easier that they use some incredibly obscure CPU architecture I've never even heard of
<whitequark> tensilica
<whitequark> *tensilica xtensa
<DocScrutinizer05> errr
<whitequark> apparently it is synthesizable and customizable, and tailored for DSP
<whitequark> but I've seen prcisely 0 DSP operations in FOSS firmware
<whitequark> which makes me wonder, why not just put a cortex-m there or at least keep using SH-2, as they used to
<whitequark> yes, sure, I found it already
<whitequark> but I never heard of it before, which is unusual
<whitequark> because I've heard of most CPU architectures :p
<whitequark> the host-side driver is weird, too
<whitequark> it -appears- like the PCI-e transceiver has some kind of a huge shift register somewhere, and you can shift a configuration there?
<DocScrutinizer05> that's a meta CPU
<DocScrutinizer05> kinda like ARM
<whitequark> *nod*
<DocScrutinizer05> >>synthesizable and customizable<< as you said
<whitequark> oh, wait, I just realized what does that PCI-e related code do
<whitequark> it writes *through* PCI-e *into* the registers on the device-side to configure *device-side* serdes
<whitequark> I wonder what PCI-e IP cores are popular in industry, maybe it's not a custom one
<DocScrutinizer05> 288 bit serial shift register - eeeew
<whitequark> exactly
<DocScrutinizer05> dunno if you seen it, or whether it's worth anything:
<whitequark> so they want me to register, but their registration page resets the connection
<whitequark> awesome
<whitequark> hmmm, linux-xtensa may have device-side PCI-e
<DocScrutinizer05> that's what I thought
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<whitequark> no, only has host-side PCI
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<whitequark> well, I'll just hope that either UART debug output gives some hints, or it's something simple like a shared memory buffer
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<whitequark> actuall, yes, it will be something like that, since PCI-e is more or less system bus extension
<whitequark> so invariably, when I look at the BAR on the host, I view some kind of shared memory with the device
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