<unclouded> hey can I get commit to the openwrt-packages project?  I've got a port of Freedroid to upload
<wolfspraul> unclouded: sure you can!
<wolfspraul> do you have an account on projects?
<unclouded> yes, by the same name: unclouded
<wolfspraul> if you commit something, I can also test the new commitlog scripts :-)
<unclouded> ok, maybe I should commit it one file at a time then ;-)
<wolfspraul> unclouded: thanks for asking, I added you as member to openwrt-xburst and openwrt-packages
<wolfspraul> you need to upload your ssh public key, then it should work...
<unclouded> I think I remember uploading my key.  I must have if Ive committed to other projects, right?
<wolfspraul> hmm
<wolfspraul> not sure whether it is shared across all projects or not
<wolfspraul> maybe
<wolfspraul> just try, you should not be able to easily break something on the server :-
<wolfspraul> :-)
<bartbes> *crack*
<wolfspraul> that must have been the heads of the second mirrored hdd
<bartbes> probably
<unclouded> thanks for the access!  I'll say so just before I commit
<wolfspraul> zear: hi zear!
<zear> hey wolfspraul
<wolfspraul> I was playing with eggdrop a bit, improving a few things
<zear> ah, so you can finally remove my nick from logging? :D
<wolfspraul> one sec
<wolfspraul> back then you told me you didn't like that the IP would get logged
<zear> ah, yes
<wolfspraul> which I can kind of understand, plus it doesn't provide any value to others
<zear> yes, because they can always do /who to get his whereabouts anyway
<wolfspraul> so since I reviewed this eggdrop monster a bit more now, I realized the log flags were 'jpk'
<wolfspraul> j = joins, parts, etc. k = kicks, bans, etc.
<wolfspraul> so actually I think all we need is 'p'
<wolfspraul> the public messages
<wolfspraul> so for now, I changed the log settings to 'p', which in my theory means the IP addresses won't get logged anymore, because the join and part messages are not logged
<wolfspraul> that's a small step forward I think
<wolfspraul> :-)
<wolfspraul> now I am wondering whether I should go over the entire archives and strip out all such 'j' and 'k' messages as well?
<wolfspraul> what value does it have that we remember who and when people joined and left?
<wolfspraul> I think all we care about is the actual content of the messages, i.e. actual public messages
<wolfspraul> zear: what do you think?
<zear> i think stripping the actual logs from joins and kicks is a good idea
<zear> though google had enough time to cache them already ;)
<wolfspraul> one by one
<wolfspraul> yes I know but it's never too late to improve :-)
<zear> i agree
<wolfspraul> so first of all - you agree that going forward, removing the 'j' and 'k' log types does not remove any value, right?
<wolfspraul> I mean I don't see any value...
<zear> yes, there's no point logging them
<wolfspraul> ok, next question is whether I should also retro-actively strip them from the archives
<wolfspraul> I lean towards doing that, but I'm always careful about censoring/removing data...
<wolfspraul> but in this case, same as for future logs, I don't see the value
<wolfspraul> it's just junk!
<wolfspraul> and lots of IP addresses as you said correctly
<zear> why not, they are all in a similar form:  nick(~nick@ip) has joined #channel
<wolfspraul> shall we purge the junk?
<zear> should be rather easy to set up a script removing these lines
<wolfspraul> yes sure, it's not a technical problem
<wolfspraul> I just don't want to go through the archives purge stuff unilaterally
<zear> wolfspraul, make a copy
<wolfspraul> I feel this is a community server and I respect that the data is owned by everybody...
<zear> in case people want them back
<wolfspraul> ok, easy
<wolfspraul> that would be a very exotic wish anyway, I really cannot imagine what the value of these log lines could be
<wolfspraul> already, so after the copy we purge them?
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: backgammon of bsd-games http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/48e547c
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: backgammon of bsd-games http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/d696302
<zear> the purpose of public logs should be easy access to precious informations about the nanonote, and not easy access to personal data ;)
<wolfspraul> totally agree with you
<zear> so i say purge the already existing logs
<wolfspraul> that's why I was happy today to realize that we can improve something
<wolfspraul> alright, will do. backup copy first.
<bartbes> I agree, it's just so you can look up what was said
<bartbes> say, wolfspraul tells you how to do something, you forget, you want to look it
<bartbes> up
<bartbes> then you don't need join/quit messages
<bartbes> if you are however spying on people, then you're just plain weird anyway
<unclouded> wolfspraul: beaten to a commit by kyak.  do you want to make any changes to the commit scripts before the next commit?
<wolfspraul> yes agree, the join/part messages and IP addresses do not belong in the archives and create no value
<wolfspraul> unclouded: no no :-)
<zear> bartbes, it's not about you spying on people, it's about google caching everything
<wolfspraul> just commit
<zear> bartbes, it's just in case someone ineeds choose to look up some information about you ;)
<wolfspraul> it creates no value, it has to go
<wolfspraul> that simple
<bartbes> I was merely stating the use cases of the logs
<bartbes> saying thatthe join/quit messages are useless
<wolfspraul> if my mind would work quicker I would have done this right the day when I installed eggdrop, but that thing has so many config options and my brain is so slow nowadays, it takes some time...
<wolfspraul> zear: in hindsight, thanks for alerting me about the IP problem, I might not have noticed...
<zear> ;)
<qi-bot> [commit] Neil Stockbridge: Merge branch 'master' of git@projects.qi-hardware.com:openwrt-packages http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/ad78aa7
<qi-bot> [commit] Neil Stockbridge: initial port of Freedroid http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/88b28ae
<unclouded> wolfspraul: when it says "error: hooks/post-receive exited with error code 1", is that something up with your scripts?
<bartbes> heh
<bartbes> not quite fixed then
<wolfspraul> hmm
<wolfspraul> guess so :-)
<wolfspraul> unclouded: when did you get that error?
<wolfspraul> you did a 'git push' from the command line?
<unclouded> yup
<unclouded> should I not have?
<wolfspraul> sure why not
<wolfspraul> strange I tested this carefully, didn't see anything
<unclouded> I'm not all that familiar with git.  I use svn and mercurial mostly
<wolfspraul> unclouded: it's just a minor annoyance, the git push went through just fine
<bartbes> unclouded: you did nothing wrong, don't worry
<wolfspraul> just a bit surprised why I didn't see it and how to reproduce it... should be easy to fix
<unclouded> RE: the Freedroid port: the title music doesn't work but the rest seems to.  If you liked Paradroid on the C64 then this game will bring back memories
<unclouded> wolfspraul: I had to pull and merge before pushing.  I don't know if that would affect anything
<wolfspraul> zear: hmm, I think actions and nick changes are still important, need to check whether they are still logged...
<wtest> testing logging
<bartbes> agrees
<zear> I was wondering. I can agree nicks are important, but what if the logs would color the logs depending on who said what
<zear> each nick currently on channel would be assigned a different color
<zear> that way the logs would be anonymous, but one could still distinguish different persons in discussions
<bartbes> but why the anonimity?
<wtest> the nick change is not logged anymore, the actions are
<wtest> I think we can get rid of nick changes too
<wtest> most of the time it's just things like
<bartbes> in my example, if I wanted to know what wolfspraul said, I need to know it's him
<zear> bartbes, because say something inappropriate and it will be saved for ever by google ;)
<bartbes> then don't say anything inappropriate
<bartbes> (using this name)
<zear> yea, but i use this name on other channel in freenode
<wspraul_away> bartbes: yeah but irc is not attempting any real authentication
<zear> i'd have to use a different irc client to have a different nick just for this channel
<wspraul> does anybody feel 'nick changes' need to be logged?
<bartbes> I know
<wspraul> cause they are not with the latest settings...
<bartbes> making the solution simple
<wspraul> I can live without them
<bartbes> do not say inappropriate things
<wspraul> actions are logged
<zear> bartbes, you don't know what will be inappropriate after years
<zear> maybe you will say something like "I hate microsoft products" and in 5 years you will be trying to get a job at redmond
<zear> and then they will google your nick and find out about your hatred towards ms ;)
<bartbes> bartbes: heh
<bartbes> oops
<bartbes> did I just direct that at myself?
<bartbes> zear: heh, I have that
<bartbes> but think about this: http://www.qdb.us/302429
<bartbes> zear: btw, I'm pretty sure they'll 'bing' my nick
<zear> haha
<zear> i remember reading somewhere that most of ms employees use google
<zear> their programmers also work on linux machines
<wspraul> gentlemen
<wspraul> logging without 'nick changes' - OK?
<bartbes> yeah sure, why not
<wspraul> I see no value in tracking nick changes, most of them are just _away changes
<wspraul> and nicknames on irc are freely chosen and have little/zero authentication value anyway
<bartbes> I have nick enforcement
<zear> <paranoia on>and _away changes can give the informations about hours when you start/end your work, or when you're not at home</paranoia off>
<wspraul> ok, unless someone says they want nick changes in the logs, they are gone
<wspraul> zear: yes, but we can also think about the positive value. Is there any positive value? if no, why log. it's just junk.
<wspraul> most of what I see is people changing their nick to _away and back later.
<wspraul> no need to log that
<bartbes> zear: somehow I think you don't even need to switch the paranoia on
<zear> ;P
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: btw, what would you think of me checking the scan stuff into a git on projects.qi-hw ? (tomorrow or so) not sure how git likes large binaries. i think it should be fine, but i've never tried it. size is around 90 MB now, but growing. should be ~500 MB in the end.
<zear> i'm not paranoic, it is a fact that google caches it
<zear> and i don't want to give informations about myself so easily
<zear> it's not that i'm scared about being spied by someone, it's just that i don't want to give all that information
<wpwrak> zear: if you want to hide your comings and goings, just don't /n *away ? :)
<wspraul> wpwrak: yeah totally, git is good let's try
<zear> i never do ;)
<zear> wpwrak, and that about _away was a joke anyway ;P
<wolfspraul> zear: your point about the IP addresses being logged was very good, I'm seriously happy you brought it up
<wolfspraul> someone could do all sorts of profiling, and I think none of use would want that
<wpwrak> wspraul: kewl. i might even be able to link directly to the files, avoiding the copies on my server (with an ancient and small disk)
<wolfspraul> there is enough data already everywhere, no need to create more and more
<wolfspraul> wpwrak: should we create a separate project?
<bartbes> hmm, what are you guys doing?
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: (project) yes, i think i should do that
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: but first, i have to get a bunch of new and (hopefully) improved idbgs to work ...
<wolfspraul> wpwrak: project creation is not automated, I need to do it for you
<wolfspraul> do you have an account on projects?
<wolfspraul> I need 2 things: your account name (wpwrak?) and what name you want for the project
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: account: werner, project name: how about keeping the not entirely accurate but reasonably self-explanatory "Ben NanoNote Case Scans" ? short name perhaps ben-scans or ben-case-scans
<kyak> guys, this is a good point indeed, but IRC never assumed privacy. That's why bnc's found a great use and host cloaking
<wpwrak> (not entirely accurate) because the scans also include items that are not really part of the case, such as the PCBs
<kyak> kyak [~kyak@unaffiliated/kyak]
<wpwrak> the main privacy concern is linking odd statements to well-known identities anyway. i mean, after a while, it's pretty clear who you are in real life :) but yes, you can defeat the stray google search
<wolfspraul> ben-scans is good, the shorter the better
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: convert all icon to 32x32, add one termnial apps icon http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/a3542cd
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: convert all icon to 32x32, add one terminal apps icon http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/448990f
<bartbes> again? :P
<xiangfu> bartbes, there is a typo "termnial" --> "terminal" :P
<bartbes> ...
<bartbes> so ehm, how did you fix it, --amend?
<wolfspraul> xiangfu: did you get an error when you did 'git push'?
<xiangfu> bartbes, yes
<xiangfu> wolfspraul, no
<bartbes> well, normally you should amend before you push though
<xiangfu> wolfspraul, wait. there is one: "error: hooks/post-receive exited with error code 1"
<bartbes> now we all got to see your type anyway
<bartbes> fears SuperLinda
<xiangfu> bartbes, yes.
<SuperLinda> does any one know how to connect devices to the nanonote
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: (short names) yup :) i might also try to simplify the file names a little. e.g., the draft-1mm isn't so pretty.
<SuperLinda> how do you do you do it
<wolfspraul> wpwrak: did you know that indefero supports both git & svn? do you want git or do you feel you have no choice?
<SuperLinda> I could not use lsusb
<wolfspraul> I'm slightly leaning towards git because it receives more love (commit logs etc), but if you are happier with svn we get that to work as well...
<SuperLinda> so does anyone know how to mount devices
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: whichever has a repository-to-web gateway that gives nice mime types, so that i can link to :)
<xiangfu> SuperLinda, there is one way: "sudo sshfs root@ /mnt"
<wolfspraul> let's do git then
<SuperLinda> thanks I will try this now
<SuperLinda> thanks xiangfu, I will look at this as well
<xiangfu> SuperLinda, you are welcome. :)
<wolfspraul> wpwrak: if anything doesn't work, let me know
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: thanks ! i'll get to it once the idbgs are up.
<wolfspraul> wpwrak: if you want shorter URLs you can use http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-scans/ ...
<wolfspraul> I'm pretty sure we keep this second domain stable since we use it also for the commit log URLs
<SuperLinda> hey, do any of you guys use another browser other than lynx
<SuperLinda> and like connecting a linux pc as host to Ben, is there a way to connect a phone directly as a modem
<wolfspraul> xiangfu: I am trying to understand why unclouded (Neil Stockbridge) got a script error earlier when he pushed into git
<wolfspraul> if you see any error when pushing, let me know
<wolfspraul> unclouded did 2 commits it seems, I don't fully understand why http://projects.qi-hardware.com/index.php/p/openwrt-packages/source/changes/master/
<wolfspraul> he got "error: hooks/post-receive exited with error code 1"
<xiangfu> wolfspraul, me too.
<xiangfu> wolfspraul,  17:18 wait. there is one: "error: hooks/post-receive exited with error code 1"
<wolfspraul> you got that error too?
<xiangfu> wolfspraul, yes.
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: (short url) oh, nice ! the less redundancy, the better :)
<wolfspraul> xiangfu: ok I'll try to reproduce it then.
<bartbes> SuperLinda: well, it doesn't have USB host mode
<bartbes> so I guess you'd need to create some serial connections manually, then get some drivers, do some more hard work, etc
<bartbes> though I believe there were some working wifi cards
<SuperLinda> Bartbes: well what if my phone does have usb host mode?
<bartbes> well, in that case you'd need to mimic the setup you do on your comp on your phone
<SuperLinda> and would installing debian be good for doing this?
<SuperLinda> I see
<SuperLinda> hey... a little sidenote... I have tried to set the password, using passwd
<SuperLinda> but when i reboot it does not remember this
<bartbes> that's weird
<bartbes> I never had that..
<bartbes> maybe some of the other guys here now
<bartbes> *know
<SuperLinda> have you upgraded to the latest os
<SuperLinda> and when you boot openwrt, does it boot with root at start?
<bartbes> I am root, yes
<bartbes> is there a way to check which version you are running?
<xiangfu> /etc/VERSION
<SuperLinda> Xiangfu: are you able to set a static root password?
<bartbes> right, and what is the newest one?
<xiangfu> SuperLinda, yes. I also use "passwd" to set password. if your rootfs mount as Read Only.
<xiangfu> bartbes, "2010-06-15"
<bartbes> right
<bartbes> I have that
<SuperLinda> Xianfu: what do you mean by "if your rootfs mount as Read Only.
<xiangfu> bartbes, I am plan to  add commit number to the /etc/VERSION.
<bartbes> SuperLinda: type mount
<xiangfu> like "2010-06-15  #commit d795fb"
<bartbes> the first line should be something like "ubi0:rootfs on / type ubifs (rw,relatime)
<bartbes> "
<bartbes> notice the rw, meaning read/write, if it says ro, then your fs is mounted read-only
<SuperLinda> the first line I get is: rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
<SuperLinda> then the next line is :ubi0:rootfs on / type ubifs (rw,relatime)
<bartbes> ehm
<bartbes> I might've had some minor scrolling :P
<bartbes> well, that sounds right
<SuperLinda> ok cool
<SuperLinda> then I wonder why I boot into root automatically with no request for a password
<bartbes> oh
<bartbes> you wonder *that*
<bartbes> because a login prompt is never started, it's that easy
<wolfspraul> xiangfu: you got that script error when you did git push?
<wolfspraul> on the console, in Linux?
<xiangfu> wolfspraul, yes.
<bartbes> SuperLinda: actually I don't think there's a login prompt installed
<wolfspraul> ok thx
<wolfspraul> ok I think the irclogs are much cleaner now http://en.qi-hardware.com/irclogs/
<wolfspraul> no more join & part messages, no more IP addresses, no more netsplits and what not administrative stuff
<wolfspraul> only public messages and actions
<wolfspraul> I also purged the entire irclog archives so it's all consistant past and present
<xiangfu> great. :)
<bartbes> (actually, it makes sense for actions to be treated as public messages, because they are)
<bartbes> (an action message is a normal public message with a CTCP command)
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: sound now works in freedroid, but only after enabling swap (takes quite http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/1ad8df0
<kyak> btw, i confirm error: hooks/post-receive exited with error code 1 :)
<SuperLinda> hey do you know how to make the password stick, when setting the password with passwd?
<SuperLinda> is anyone here?
<xiangfu> SuperLinda, just input passwd twice. follow the `passwd` tips.
<bartbes> they stick
<bartbes> you simply never have to log in
<bartbes> as I said
<bartbes> xiangfu: ehm, how do I quit joe? :P
<SuperLinda> Ok Xiang let me try
<SuperLinda> Xiangfu I have tried this and it still does not work
<bartbes> SuperLinda: but when do you expect a password prompt?
<SuperLinda> I mean it accepts the password, but it does not request the password at boot
<xiangfu> bartbes, Ctrl + C.
<xiangfu> bartbes, for save file "Ctrl + K, D"
<bartbes> found it
<bartbes> I think I died ctrl+x though
<bartbes> must've missed the button ;)
<bartbes> SuperLinda: because it can't
<xiangfu> SuperLinda, oh. you want the system stop at login prompt. wait for username and password.
<bartbes> there is *no* program installed that prompts you
<bartbes> or, that boots anyway
<bartbes> but I doubt it is installed
<bartbes> I told you that before (or I tried to)
<SuperLinda> Ok Xiangfu: so there is no use in setting a root password?
<bartbes> when you ssh
<xiangfu> bartbes, "Ctrl + K, H" for help, :) just fyi.
<bartbes> meh
<bartbes> it's not like I'm going to use joe anyway
<bartbes> I used to use nano
<bartbes> but I switched to vim
<SuperLinda> noticing that openwrt uses ikpg packages has anyone converted any other browsers to use for wrt
<SuperLinda> maybe a project in the works
<SuperLinda> :)
<bartbes> I think the wiki says someone is working on links2
<SuperLinda> hmmm let me look that up
<wolfspraul> zear: I finished the irclogs cleanup
<zear> wolfspraul, looks great, thanks
<wolfspraul> nah thank you for highlighting the issue
<wolfspraul> let's try like this for a while...
<Jan0> Can anyone help me?
<Jan0> PLease
<Jan0> can anyone help me here?
<Jan0> i have some questions about hardware
<xiangfu> Jan0, what is the question?
<bartbes> I'd appreciate it if you didn't start a private message but talk in here, Jan0
<bartbes> *send
<bartbes> it's not like I didn't already have 16 tabs open
<bartbes> xiangfu: so does joe still drop you to a terminal?
<xiangfu> bartbes, I am test the guile Makefile file now. will check the emails and test after test and commit guile. :)
<bartbes> it's not like there's a solution
<bartbes> more like
<bartbes> "works for me" ;)
<qi-bot> #qi-hardware-test [commit] Xiangfu Liu: [links] move to Web submenu http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/5efb573
<qi-bot> #qi-hardware-test [commit] Xiangfu Liu: [guile] fix compile error by John Moore http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/5492fb2
<xiangfu> bartbes, I modify the "joe" shorcut to yours. but still not work. :(
<bartbes> that's weird..
<bartbes> same for other applications?
<bartbes> and, it does work if you start gmu for example?
<xiangfu> bartbes, gmu, dgclock works fine.
<xiangfu> only the terminal apps
<bartbes> strange
<bartbes> and, what is that illustrious wrapper?
<rafa> larsc: you there?
<larsc> rafa: yes
<rafa> larsc: Hi. I am trying to boot jlime from NAND. I am at kernel menuconfig.. if I read qi config I read :
<bartbes> xiangfu: do you know how the file browser in gmenu2x works?
<rafa> but I do not find those options in device drivers -> MTD -> mtd partition support
<xiangfu> bartbes, don't know. I never make it work.
<bartbes> :(
<bartbes> it sucks
<bartbes> because that'd make linking easy
<xiangfu> bartbes, we are think add more terminal apps to gmenu2x "applications" section.
<xiangfu> bartbes, then people can easy run terminal apps.
<bartbes> that'd be nice
<bartbes> maybe even an option to drop to a terminal
<xiangfu> bartbes, yes. there is "fbterm"
<bartbes> ooh
<xiangfu> bartbes, I already added it. but not make it work. just like other terminal apps.
<bartbes> wow, Jan0 had an amazing question
<wolfspraul> xiangfu: I cleaned up the git commit log scripts a bit more, although I could not reproduce the problem and I don't think I changed anything significant.
<wolfspraul> so next time you commit - watch any unusual messages. I have a bit more logging turned on on the server now.
<xiangfu> wolfspraul, ok.
<wolfspraul> you just committed a few things - did you get an error there?
<wolfspraul> (it went into my test setup though, that's why it didn't show up here...)
<xiangfu> wolfspraul, there is an error , same as before.
<wolfspraul> hmm
<wolfspraul> don't know why I can't reproduce them
<bartbes> permissions?
<bartbes> (again)
<wolfspraul> I'm going through the full procedure, only with a test project
<wolfspraul> ok we will find the problem... I will just commit into openwrt-packages tomorrow, maybe I see it then
<bartbes> yes, write a nice package Makefile :P
<bartbes> (just to be clear, this is a joke)
<wolfspraul> why not, I need to speed up. only that I dont' want to delay tracking down and fixing this particular little thing...
<wolfspraul> so I'll just commit a test makefile, then delete it again. just want to get rid of this error quickly...
<xiangfu> wolfspraul, I have fix some typo not commit to openwrt-packge.git. I can commit it now.
<wolfspraul> yeah but you will probably just see the bug again
<wolfspraul> just try
<wolfspraul> I'm too tired now to put more loggin in
<wolfspraul> the bug may even be in the git script, not our commitlog/irc part
<bartbes> sends wolfspraul a pillow
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: [fbgrab] fix typo http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/819508f
<wolfspraul> there is the commit :-)
<xiangfu> Total 4 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
<xiangfu> error: hooks/post-receive exited with error code 1
<xiangfu> To git@projects.qi-hardware.com:openwrt-packages.git
<xiangfu>    5492fb2..819508f  master -> master
<wolfspraul> yeah
<wolfspraul> I can imagine
<wolfspraul> I'll look into this tomorrow, it doesn't happen in my test project even though I go through the exact same scripts
<wolfspraul> n8 everybody
<bartbes> night wolfspraul
<qi-bot> [commit] David Kühling: a new joe package that includes all the emulation modes for Emacs, Pico etc. http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/8cd0be9
<qi-bot> [commit] David Kühling: Merge branch 'master' of projects.qi-hardware.com:openwrt-packages http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/eef6ed8
<bartbes> back already?
<wolfspraul> zombie
<larsc> rafa: i think you can ignore those entries
<qi-bot> [commit] Mirko Vogt: NanoMap: adjust Makefile to use the new and more generic way of handling projects using qmake, remove BROKEN flag http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/b73cede
<qi-bot> [commit] Mirko Vogt: NanoMap: update to latest git revision http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/9e13344
<mirko> finally this qt-stuff is going to be work smooth... :)
<kristianpaul> :D
<bartbes> that's so cute ;)
<kristianpaul> running fastgps
<mirko> bartbes: i think they just pronounce it "cute" because of so many possible wordplays...
<bartbes> they probably do
<viric> Hello
<viric> I wonder... all the kernel code needed for the nanonote is already upstream in any release?
<viric>, let's say?
<larsc> it's going to be in 2.6.36
<larsc> most of it
<larsc> the udc driver and the lcd panel driver won't be in it, cause they need some more cleanup
<viric> About the nanonote I have...
<viric> When I write the nand, it has troubles writing the 0-1023 blocks (those of uboot)
<viric> nanddump also fails there
<viric> also usbboot
<viric> Is that a common phenomena?
<larsc> nope
<viric> uhm
<viric> # nanddump /dev/mtd0 > /dev/null
<viric> ECC failed: 82
<viric> ECC corrected: 0
<viric> writing the sectors does not help.
<larsc> hm
<viric> it fails every 0x01000
<viric> 0x000000, 0x010000, 0x020000, ... until 0x070000
<viric> for the detail of nanddump: http://qi.pastebin.com/SmvzFyCg
<larsc> and you say you can't even access through usbboot?
<viric> I can access it
<viric> but it complains the same way when writing
<viric> Do you want a pastebin of that?
<viric> I'm using the latest xburst-tools built yesterday
<viric> It went the same way through the back usbboot button or through u_key+power_key
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: hmm, don't you want to submit sharism's (or qi-hw's ?) USB vendor ID to http://www.linux-usb.org/usb-ids.html ?
<wolfspraul> yeah we should
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: as an added benefit, I could then pick up the official name of the entry and use it in my #defined in the idbg-ben firmware ;-)
<wpwrak> #defineS even