<unclouded> is there a way to tell the OpenWRT image builder to build only the kernel?
<kyak> make target/kernel/compile
<kyak> something like this
<unclouded> it says "No rule to make target `target/kernel/compile'.  Stop."
<kyak> make target/linux/compile
<unclouded> thanks, that works although it doesn't seem to rebuild bin/xburst/...uImage.bin
<kyak> ah, i got you wrong
<unclouded> probably rather I didn't explain myself very well
<kyak> make target/linux/install
<kyak> it is to make the image out of your compiled kernel
<unclouded> kyak: thanks, that's just what I wanted
<Ornotermes> what do you people think of a smaller kernel logo and a smaller banner? http://gallery.slashhome.se/main.php?g2_itemId=2692
<wejp> both a smaller logo and a smaller default font would be nice
<wejp> the current font is just way to large
<Ornotermes> sure, but i think it gets kind of hard to read pretty fast
<wejp> maybe if the font is too small, but it does not need to be that large
<wejp> with this font one cannot use the terminal for most stuff
<unclouded> I'm using a 5x10 font and it's awful to look at but having a 64x24 terminal makes it worth it ( just)
<Ornotermes> unclouded: do you have a screendump of it?
<freespace> do you have a copy of the font file :)
<kyak> i think all fonts smaller than 10 are useless
<kyak> well, they hurt my eyes
<unclouded> of course it looks even worse on the device itself
<kyak> it looks pretty well on a dump because pixels are aligned
<kyak> if the LCD remains the same for Ya, it is all useless
<Ornotermes> kyak: how did you get the right colors in you terminal?
<kyak> Ornotermes: i didn't do anything for the colors, they just were :) it's fbterm
<Ornotermes> ah
<Ornotermes> i use the console and the colors are all wrong :/
<kyak> try playing with LS_COLORS env variable
<nebajoth> hello
<Ornotermes> kyak: it's not only for ls, it's all text colors -> http://gallery.slashhome.se/main.php?g2_itemId=2677
<kristianpaul> gbraad: if you know people with a ben and a gps we need help/test about this http://en.qi-hardware.com/wiki/GPS
<gbraad> I saw the message on Identi.ca
<gbraad> I will keep the beat going for this
<gbraad> So tomorrow I will post another message and ask around
<gbraad> wolfspraul today spoke that Chinese hardware engineer.  really a great guy. he does low-level stuff in FPGA and for ARM.
<gbraad> about that last I talked with him and explaiend ewhat Qi Hardeware's goal is
<gbraad> apologies for the typos
<gbraad> he was very interested as on the USRP (SDR) and hardware we agreed a lot
<gbraad> he wanted to do an open platform/versatile platform for SDR development
<gbraad> wouldbe a good idea to share ideas and see if he can contribute to milkymist and Qi
<gbraad> have to be off now. will get in touch with you soon
<kristianpaul> SDr
<kristianpaul> ops
<kristianpaul> SDR devel board will be :O
<kristianpaul> more if is floss documented
<gbraad> kristianpaul: very well aware of this. creating a hardware design is 'easy', but make it usable is hard ;-)
<gbraad> now really away
<kristianpaul> bye
<kristianpaul> wow NEMA is fater
<kristianpaul> faster*
<wolfspraul> NEMA?
<kristianpaul> prtocol for gps
<kristianpaul> i discover my gps have two serial ports
<kristianpaul> one uses SiRF (gave me lots of problems with gpsd)
<kristianpaul> other uses NEMA wich seems gpsd work faster
<kristianpaul> i'm on testing on copmuter now but i'll move nano now..
<kristianpaul> rafa: ping as soon you avaliable please
<kristianpaul> :D
<kristianpaul> gps working on nanonote !
<wolfspraul> kristianpaul: congrats!
<arctanx> kristianpaul: I think you mean "NMEA", btw
<arctanx> also, awesome
<kristianpaul> ohh yes sorry
<kristianpaul> it happens all time (swiching characters in words)
<arctanx> no problem. I don't make a habit of correcting spelling, but that one might be confusing :)
<kristianpaul> yeah i know
<kristianpaul> NEMA is somethign else
<kristianpaul> ahh
<kristianpaul> is my stepper motor type for reprap xD
<kristianpaul> thats why i confused
<kristianpaul> arctanx: http://en.qi-hardware.com/wiki/GPS pics and more info
<rafa> kristianpaul: I willl read if you write
<rafa> I have short internet access
<rafa> (traveling)
<rafa> kristianpaul: gps : great man!"
<rafa> kristianpaul: congratulations!! great job man
<kristianpaul> rafa: i need recompile gpsd with the parameters that are in http://en.qi-hardware.com/wiki/GPS#To_do
<Ornotermes> 6x11 font looks quite good. http://gallery.slashhome.se/main.php?g2_itemId=2696
<kristianpaul> Ornotermes: yup
<ezdagor> Anyone know where the ks7010 kernel patch is? It isn't included in the newest jz-2.6.34 kernel source..
<ezdagor> Thanks, man.
<kristianpaul> verdad
<kristianpaul> os
<kristianpaul> ops
<kristianpaul> waa gpsd in openwrt is really fast !
<kristianpaul> now compile nanomap, or binaries around?
<kristianpaul> ok compiling now
<kristianpaul> ahh no
<kristianpaul> omg ther eis no makefilwe !!
<kristianpaul> damm
<kristianpaul> any one can help compile nanomap?
<kristianpaul> ok got a binari
<kristianpaul> but is outdated
<kristianpaul> i need gps supprot
<Ornotermes> well, i found the escape codes to edit the console palette but it doesn't seems to treat the data right
<sid-user> hmmm... i am drunken but i think you do not mind the question: are you only hardware and kernel hackers?
<sid-user> had problems to build a running gentoo into nn
<kristianpaul> where i should point QMAKESPEC for crosscompiling qt stuff?
<kristianpaul> xiangfu: help
<kristianpaul> do you know how compile nanomap?
<xiangfu> kristianpaul: hi
<kristianpaul> xiangfu: hello :)
<kristianpaul> i'm doing QMAKESPEC ='../../openwrt-xburst/staging_dir/target-mipsel_uClibc-'
<kristianpaul> but got make: mips-linux-g++: No se encontró el programa (not found)
<xiangfu> kristianpaul: I am not look into it. but it's in my TODO list.
<kristianpaul> ok
<kristianpaul> ..
<xiangfu> why is ".../usr/share/mkspecs/qws/linux-mips-g++" not "...usr/bin/openwrt-linux-g++" ?
<kristianpaul> ahhh
<kristianpaul> hehe
<kristianpaul> i tought was mips
<kristianpaul> i'll change
<xiangfu> oh.
<kristianpaul> xiangfu: but i dont have nothing called openwrt-linux-g++
<kristianpaul> is normal?
<xiangfu> kristianpaul: oh. sorry . it's mipsel-openwrt-linux-g++
<kristianpaul> ahh
<kristianpaul> ;)
<kristianpaul> lets see
<kristianpaul> Failure to read QMAKESPEC conf file /srv/data/Desktop/copyleft_hardware/openwrt-xburst/staging_dir/toolchain-mipsel_gcc-4.3.3+cs_uClibc-
<sid-user> how do you get direct the compilers? i am spoiled by ~crossdev
<sid-user> e.g.  mipsel-softfloat-linux-gnu-gcc
<kristianpaul> well i'm done here, i'l read some MM docs
<xiangfu> kristianpaul: Hi /openwrt-xburst/feeds/packages/Xorg/lib/qt4/Makefile can be a reference , line 173
<kristianpaul> just pending having nanomap working to have a better gps experience in the nano
<kristianpaul> oh i'll see
<kristianpaul> xiangfu: http://paste.debian.net/80193/
<kristianpaul> better wait nanomap devel reply at mail list
<kristianpaul> wow gpsd plus tangogps work in less than 10 seconds !
<kristianpaul> :D
<kristianpaul> jlime**
<kristianpaul> rafa: :)
<kristianpaul> rafa: no need for gpsd tweak, i tweak the wires now all work better (no human errors)
<xiangfu> kristianpaul: good job about the GPS. great.
<kristianpaul> :)
<kristianpaul> finally i did something :p
<kristianpaul> focus is good
<kristianpaul> well i'll read
<kristianpaul> gn8
<xiangfu> kristianpaul: good night.
<xiangfu> sid-user: hi.  the compilers is in openwrt.
<gbraad> xiangfu
<gbraad> é
<gbraad> sorry for not contacting you, but have been very busy last week
<gbraad> we are still very busy to get the build/compile infrastructure done for fedora mips on our servers (getting ready for mass rebuild of F13)
<xiangfu> gbraad: hi
<xiangfu> gbraad: sound good. :) take your time.
<kristianpaul> gbraad: ping me when have a done repo i  have a yeeloong to test
<kristianpaul> now really offbed