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<hio> Look, in the age of vscode there is literally no excuse anymore not to provide full intellisense for your custom language
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<vaninwagen> say i want to write a unit-test for ponyc (the compiler) and want to get an ast_t from some pony-code in a string. is there already something like this in the test framework for ponyc?
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<hio> vaninwagen, maybe this helps:
<hio> i googled it bro
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<vaninwagen> yo, hio thx for the pointer
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<vaninwagen> i will definitely have a look into it
<vaninwagen> but what i need is some C code from the ponyc-compiler as i am in this context. should have mentioned that
<hio> well lol, cant you just use this: static void print(FILE* fp, ast_t* ast, size_t indent, enum print_special kind);
<hio> in ast.c
<hio> i literally just look at it for 10 seconds
<autodidaddict> hio: to your comment about there being no excuse not providing full intellisense. Obviously that's the plan, but every language that _does_ have full intellisense support in VSCode has developers who wrote the code to make that happen. The "excuse" is literally lack of resources.
<autodidaddict> I'm looking into possibilities for making that happen, however
<vaninwagen> hio: ha, thanks for looking it up. but this is the other way around: having an ast_t and creating a char* from it
<vaninwagen> i used this heavily for ast debugging :)
<vaninwagen> i need to create an ast_t* from "actor Main\nnew create(env: Env) => env.out.print(\"ast me if you can\")"
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<vaninwagen> i guess i need to have a deep look at it when work doesnt distract me anymore
<vaninwagen> or maybe hio just finds the right function to call before i do :P
<hio> PassTest::test_compile(const char* src, const char* pass)
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<vaninwagen> hio you my man :)
<SeanTAllen> hio: we prefer to keep things positive around here. if you can teat everyone with respect, we will end up asking you to leave.
<hio> another SJW cuck language! no thanks!
<autodidaddict> wow
hio was kicked from #ponylang by SeanTAllen [hio]
<SeanTAllen> Just a reminder. We want to keep the pony community a positive, civil community where everyone is treated with respect. If you haven't read the code of conduct, I ask that you take the time to review it now. I'm available to answer questions if you have any:
<Candle> SeanTAllen: Given their first message to the channel, I was not particularly surprised with that outcome.
<SeanTAllen> I have to try and keep an optimistic view on possible outcomes.
<Candle> Oh, yes, give people a chance to contribute meaningfully, (which you did) and they then demonstrate that they can't cope with being civil. Thanks! :)
<SeanTAllen> How are you things with you Candle? Haven't seen you around here in a while. Have you been Pony'ing off in the background or did you put it down for a while?
<SeanTAllen> doublec: i added your post to the "Planet Pony" section of the website and it will appear in the next "Last Week in Pony"
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<Candle> SeanTAllen: I've been lurking; day job is Java, and highly unkilely to adopt pony. I tend to only make stuff public that I'm happy with, but there are a dozen small 1/4 - 3/4 completed things.
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<voldyman> Candle: i feel ya man, but i passed around the pony type safe paper around to my team mates as an "interesting read", will slowly try to convert them. I need to get proficient in the language first though :D
<voldyman> day job is java and C++
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<vaninwagen> voldyman, Candle my day job is scala - huge ecosystem to compete against - best selling argument for pony in my area would be a lightning-fast http(2)-server
<vaninwagen> i will try to push this a bit once i am done with the current items on my list...
<voldyman> vaninwagen: i try to start small, replace something that requires the strengths of pony then see if it works for the team. once your foot is in the door then it will be considered for large(er) projects
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<voldyman> interesting, didn't know that one could implement an interface without implementing all the methods
<SeanTAllen> you can if the interface defines a default implementation voldyman
<voldyman> so if method doesn't return anything then None can be a default information?
* voldyman is reading HTTPHandler interface
<SeanTAllen> it would have to be something like
<SeanTAllen> fun blah() => None
<SeanTAllen> the => None
<SeanTAllen> is the default implementation
<SeanTAllen> if it was just
<SeanTAllen> fun blah()
<SeanTAllen> then because there is no default implementation, it is required
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<voldyman> nice
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<autodidaddict> matching on a union type is my new favorite thing
<SeanTAllen> hehe
<SeanTAllen> trying to figure out how to make this code not kill our performance is my current least favorite thing
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<autodidaddict> did you guys know that the `JsonDoc` class violates your published style guide?
<doublec> It probably predates it
<doublec> The Json classes are a good exercise in rcap errors when you use it - exposing the Map collection to get field values can be surprising to new people.
<SeanTAllen> autodidaddict: Theo might have missed it when updating code. PR appreciated
<autodidaddict> to make JsonDoc conform to style guides?
<jemc> autodidaddict: right
<autodidaddict> will do
<jemc> the style guide is fairly recently added - theodus did a herculean effort to update old code into compliance, but I'm not suprised to hear something may have been missed, given how much code had to be combed through
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<doublec> Was there a syntax change that for function calls to force returning this?
<doublec> Ah, method chaining
<autodidaddict> PR submitted
<SeanTAllen> you rock autodidaddict!
<autodidaddict> \m/. .\m/
<SeanTAllen> what a long weird day. very exhausting.
<SeanTAllen> there will be no ponying tonight for me
<SeanTAllen> should it be JSON not Json ?
<SeanTAllen> apparently yes
<SeanTAllen> this is a thing i didn't knwo
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<doublec> I've updated my closures in pony post for the new lambda syntax and the partial function call syntax change.
<doublec> I'm working through the code examples in the others to do similar
<SeanTAllen> ^5
<SeanTAllen> morning doublec!
<doublec> morning SeanTAllen :)
<doublec> Although evening there I guess?
<SeanTAllen> Ya.
<SeanTAllen> Evening
<SeanTAllen> I am learning the french
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<doublec> I stayed on a pacific island for a few days where no one I encountered spoke english, only french and their native language. I didn't speak either.
<doublec> It wash challenging.
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