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* cousin_luigi keeps seeing segfauls on i586 in seemingly random tests, now it's CompilerSerialisationTest.SerialiseAfterSugar. In addition to the writevLarge thing already under investigation, that is.
<cousin_luigi> Not sure how to addresse the former, since it seems to happen in different places.
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<cousin_luigi> But it always has "serial" in the name, not sure if it's of any use.
<Praetonus> cousin_luigi: Could you try getting a backtrace for these segfaults?
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<cousin_luigi> Praetonus: How do I run a specific test? Or should I run everything under gdb?
<Praetonus> There is no way to run a specific test, you'll have to run the whole suite under gdb
<jemc> Praetonus: I don't think that's true, actually
<cousin_luigi> Also, do you believe tests are parallel-safe ?
<jemc> cousin_luigi, Praetonus: you should be able to set the following env var: GTEST_FILTER='CompilerSerialisationTest.SerialiseAfterSugar'
<jemc> I use it commonly when working on compiler tests
<Praetonus> jemc: Oh, I wasn't aware of that
<jemc> you can also test an entire group using: GTEST_FILTER='CompilerSerialisationTest.*'
<cousin_luigi> jemc: Good, will try again. But now the damn thing failed on writevLarge
<cousin_luigi> Oh, I forgot. For some reason numerous tests fail when I try to run them interactively.
<Praetonus> cousin_luigi: The compiler is mostly thread safe, but there are parts that aren't
<Praetonus> So generally speaking, no, the tests aren't thread safe
<cousin_luigi> Ok, make -j1 it is
<cousin_luigi> Although I suspect we're talking about slightly different things.
<cousin_luigi> <- what do you make of this? If I can't run tests interactively, I'll never be able to properly debug:/
<Praetonus> I'm suspecting that too
<Praetonus> I may have misunderstood your question, I understood that you were talking about running tests with multiple threads in the same process
<cousin_luigi> Praetonus: No, I asked if tests are interdependent and possibly creating race conditions.
<cousin_luigi> Anyway that's the least of my worries right now:|
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<JustVic> Maybe a stupid question, but Is it possible to write an OS kernel on pony language? And how is pony language ready to that task?
<Praetonus> JustVic: That wouldn't be possible without an extensive rewrite of the Pony runtime, perhaps by integrating the low level stuff of the kernel directly into the runtime. The official runtime is written in C but any language with low level access to memory and threading primitives (e.g. Rust) is suited for the task
<Praetonus> But an entire OS running entirely on top of the Pony runtime is an interesting thought
<JustVic> Praetonus: Thanks for answer, I understood.
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<SeanTAllen> JustVic: its something that Sylvan is very interested in and who knows, something might come of it some day
<JustVic> SeanTAllen: Good, It will be interesting to see some code, when it will be available. Sadly, I have too little knowledge(only barebones tutorial in C on to start experimenting from zero point.
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<tokenrove> pony as a unikernel language would be very interesting
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* SeanTAllen JustVic I wouldnt hold you breath at this point. There's an awful lot that would need to happen for that to happen.
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