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<oats> SeanTAllen› whereabouts are you from?
<SeanTAllen> oats: I currently live in NYC
<oats> sweet
<oats> it's pretty humid out here in indiana too
<oats> heat isn't great, but I hate humidity
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<SeanTAllen> A new "Last Week in Pony" is out...
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<endformationage> I'm currious, would the work on Alpine Linux compat ( allow for statically compiled binaries as discussed here: ?
<cquinn> I'm curious about this case I am seeing ponyc complaining about a field being left undefined:
<cquinn> it seems ponyc is not able to tell that the try and the else cases should satisfy the initialization of the field
<cquinn> I can either use the try/else as an expression to initialize the field once, or return from the try and lift the else body to the method level after the try. But it seems that ponyc should be able to tell that the assignments in the try and else completely cover the initialization.
<Praetonus> cquinn: I think we have an issue open for cases like that somewhere
<cquinn> ah, ok. I thought it seemed familiar
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<jemc> cquinn, Praetonus: yes, here's the ticket
<jemc> I assigned myself to it but never finished :/
<jemc> going to unassign myself for now
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<cquinn> oh good. I knew it seemed familiar
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