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<ada[m]> Morning ponyland. Having trouble understanding what adding refcap notation to a constructor means. Doesn't seem to be explained in the tutorial, but doing so is necessary to get some of my code to compile...
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<SeanTAllen> new val create() would default to 'val' for any object created with that constructor
<ada[m]> I thought that's what e.g. `class val Foo` did?
<SeanTAllen> thats on a class
<SeanTAllen> so class val Foo
<SeanTAllen> means when you say
<SeanTAllen> let x: Foo
<SeanTAllen> it is
<SeanTAllen> let x: Foo val
<SeanTAllen> class iso Foo
<SeanTAllen> would make
<SeanTAllen> let x: Foo
<SeanTAllen> be equiv to
<SeanTAllen> let x: Foo iso
<ada[m]> So having e.g. `class val Foo` with only one constructor `new ref create()` would be silly and pointless, right? Just checking my understanding.
<jemc> ada[m]: not necessarily pointless - in fact I could think of some cases where that might be the only way you can make it work
<jemc> a `ref` constructor can be lifted to `val` if you put it inside a `recover` statement
<jemc> a `recover` statement only allows sendable references to pass into it and be used
<jemc> a `val` constructor only allows sendable arguments to pass into it and be used
<jemc> there's a subtle difference there that you could create non-sendable things inside the recover block and pass them to the `new ref` constructor as arguments, that you wouldn't be able to pass to a `new val` constructor
<jemc> still, that situation would be quite rare
<jemc> at any rate, if the receiver cap of a constructor is not documented in the tutorial, that's an oversight - would you mind filing a ticket about it?
<ada[m]> I'd forgotten about recover. Think I understand now. Thanks for the help!
<ada[m]> of course. Maybe I'll even PR with my newfound knowledge if I get a minute.
<SeanTAllen> ada[m]: awesome!
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<tschuxxi> hey, I'm new to pony lang and I wanted to give it a try. I'm running FreeBSD and wanted to compile the ponyc but alway run into the following error. Is this problem already known? src/libponyrt/platform/threads.c:(.text+0xd): undefined reference to `pthread_create'
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<jemc> tschuxxi: welcome!
<jemc> no, that's not a known problem, and freebsd is one of the platforms we aim to maintain support for on a best effort basis
<jemc> can you file an issue ticket?
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<felixgallo> morning all. Question involving this code:
<jemc> tschuxxi: looks like this we have special logic in the Makefile for FreeBSD to add `libpthread`, so maybe that's not getting triggered?
<felixgallo> on line 32, I am in the apply() of a TimerNotify, which is part of an iso structure of a Timer that has been handed to a Timers actor, which is started by a Waiter actor.
<SeanTAllen> tschuxxi: sounds like new versions of FreeBSD require a different dependency for pthreads than what previously was required. I'm not a FreeBSD user so if you can identify a fix (or we can help) that would be great. Also as jemc said, if you can file an issue that would be great.
<felixgallo> I want to be able to return false if the Waiter actor says so, or true otherwise, but can't figure out in my head how to access a value from the Waiter actor.
<SeanTAllen> felixgallo: give me a moment
<SeanTAllen> felixgallo: so "owning actor is 'Waiter' correct?
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<nadirs> hello all
<nadirs> I'm trying to get started with ponylang but am unable to compile the hello world
<nadirs> I'm getting an error similar to this issue:
<nadirs> I tried adding the --pic flag, but with no good
<nadirs> here is the output for both attempts:
<SeanTAllen> felixgallo: you aren't going to be able to do that, for reasons i'm happy to go over. im putting a playground together for what you can do
<nadirs> I'm on Archlinux (Linux arch 4.11.9-1-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux)
<SeanTAllen> you shouldnt be getting: Warning: environment variable $CC undefined, using cc as the linker
<nadirs> SeanTAllen: I also tried "CC=gcc ponyc" and "CC=gcc ponyc --pic", without success
<SeanTAllen> so...
<nadirs> I'm sorry, I think I misunderstood your sentence
<SeanTAllen> i think i musundertood your problem
<SeanTAllen> hold on
<SeanTAllen> which gcc are you using nadirs?
<nadirs> SeanTAllen: gcc (GCC) 7.1.1 20170630
<SeanTAllen> nadirs: we aren't supporting gcc 7 yet (unless something changed and i didnt notice). work needs to be done for that. can you try gcc 6.
<nadirs> SeanTAllen: I am sorry I missed that, thank you for taking the time to help :)
<SeanTAllen> has gcc 7 been officially released?
<nadirs> I'll try with gcc 6
<SeanTAllen> look like it has
<nadirs> I don't know, it's in the core repository
<SeanTAllen> i missed that
<SeanTAllen> ugh we need to update docs for that until we are supporting it
<SeanTAllen> sorry for the pain nadirs
<nadirs> SeanTAllen, no problem at all :)
<nadirs> thank you for this interesting language
<SeanTAllen> felixgallo: you'd need to do something like:
<SeanTAllen> felixgallo: or this but its more limited because `keep_going` can't do much...
<SeanTAllen> so really the 2nd one is useless, and you need to go with the first
<felixgallo> hmmm
<felixgallo> reading
<jemc> felixgallo: the bottom line is that you can't access an actor's state (fields) from outside the actor synchronously
<SeanTAllen> and you cant hold a non-tag reference to WaiterNotify because Timer needs an iso to it
<felixgallo> yeah, that was the hangup. I kept wanting Timer.apply() : Bool to return true/false appropriately, but there's really no way it can in most scenarios because the iso structure can't reach outside
<felixgallo> so Timer.apply()'s return value is limited only to the information inside the iso at the time of the iso
<jemc> yeah, I think the async cancel call is the best you can do
<jemc> (SeanTAllen's first playground link)
<felixgallo> the fact that it exists kept me frustratedly thinking it was there for a reason but it probably isn't
<felixgallo> thanks for the help @seantallen and @jemc
<jemc> felixgallo: I think it's primarily useful in relation to the `count` parameter
<SeanTAllen> Sylvan's async-lambda idea would be nice here. But that doesn't exist at this time.
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<SeanTAllen> 0.16.0 has been released. It has a rather large breaking change that will impact everyone. Details on how to address are in the release notes:
<felixgallo> that's a pretty opinionated change
<SeanTAllen> not sure what you mean felixgallo
<felixgallo> I'm trying to reconcile the amount of extra typing and the compiler annoyance against the number of times I've ever failed to remember a function was partial and forced decoration would have helped me
<felixgallo> so far not seeing it, but I'm sure people have way bigger pony codebases than I do
<felixgallo> seems like something more for a -w flag or 'use strict' than a compiler error but I need to think about it some more perhaps
<SeanTAllen> there's an RFC process, we announce everything that comes through. it was approved by everyone interested and involved.
<SeanTAllen> everyone who participated in the RFC said they would find it very helpful in their codebase.
<SeanTAllen> everything in a programming language is "opinionated", i believe you are using it to mean "one i dont agree with".
<SeanTAllen> is that a reasonable reading on my part?
<felixgallo> grant me a little more nuance and less ill will :)
<SeanTAllen> no ill will
<SeanTAllen> that's how im reading it
<SeanTAllen> i could be very wrong
<SeanTAllen> thats my interpretation of what you said
<SeanTAllen> can you clarify where i am wrong?
<jemc> felixgallo: one of the reasons for this change is that we've heard a lot of people complain about not being able to understand/trace the control flow of a `try` block
<felixgallo> it's a surprising and novel addition, and at first glance I can't figure out why. I haven't formed a strong enough opinion on it yet to say whether or not I agree with it
<felixgallo> I do understand it's supported by the RFC commenters so I'll go try to understand from them what the reasoning is
<jemc> usually what those people ask for has been the ability to read a backtrace out of the error object, which is something that we don't want to support for various other reasons
<jemc> but requiring a `?` to mark function calls where the control flow can jump to the `else` block is another solution to the problem of debugging error paths
<jemc> for the reader it provides a clear indication of everywhere a control flow jump can happen
<jemc> for the writer it provides a constant reminder of all the control flow paths they have to be concerned with, to be sure their error handling has the proper semantics
<felixgallo> ok, I have read all the RFCs and listened to the explanation, and have now formed the start of an opinion. I agree that exceptions screw up try blocks, but I (a) disagree that the writer gets enough info from just scattered ? symbols at call sites, and (b) think there has to be some less heavyweight solution
<felixgallo> maybe I don't understand the problem with stack traces
<jemc> regarding (a) - what information is the code writer missing, and how do you suggest we support them getting it?
<felixgallo> the case I'm thinking about is the case where the coder is thinking, 'I now want to refactor/redesign X, where are all of the places that X is called such that making the function partial-or-not will cause problems'
<SeanTAllen> my requiring ? on methods that throw errors, it allows me to look at a local block of code and know which methods might change the control flow. that to me is a big win.
<felixgallo> the thought process is 'for all X', not 'for all X that I witness in my editor', which is what you get with ? marks
<felixgallo> I agree it has that benefit Sean
<jemc> > where are all of the places that X is called such that making the function partial-or-not will cause problems
<jemc> this is actually directly addressed by this RFC
<jemc> you can get that info by changing the method signature to include the `?`
<jemc> then the compiler will give you a list of all the places where it's being used
<jemc> (because they will now be errors)
<felixgallo> yeah, I guess you could do that.
<felixgallo> I still wonder if that's a lot more question marks than are needed.
<SeanTAllen> as someone who works in what might be the largest pony code base, i'm very happy this is arriving, even if it is going to be a pain in the ass when we upgrade, then again we are still on 0.9.x until sometime in october or november so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<felixgallo> as someone who works in what is absolutely the smallest pony code base, I'm sympathetic
<SeanTAllen> i bet there is smaller.
<SeanTAllen> unless you want to be the smallest in which case i take that back
<SeanTAllen> ;)
<jemc> > a lot more question marks than are needed
<jemc> I'm not sure what you mean by that - can you elaborate?
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<SeanTAllen> jemc: i just manually updated pony-playground, i think that is the final 0.16.0 release task
<SeanTAllen> it didnt update on its own ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<SeanTAllen> good thing paul gave us access
<jemc> great, thanks
<SeanTAllen> and "last week in pony" is updated so hopefully nothing happens tonight or tomorrow to deserve being included
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<jemc> I'll take that as a challenge to hurry up and finish lambda/array inference then :D
<jemc> I can't tell you how excited I am for that one
<cquinn> I'm excited for that one
<SeanTAllen> lol
<SeanTAllen> ok
<SeanTAllen> cquinn: is the CLI in a place where we should deprecate Options yet? or do you want to hold off?
<cquinn> I think it is now a super-set. Adding in the string_seq allows people to grab the command line tail as the trailing args.
<SeanTAllen> CLI is a superset?
<SeanTAllen> so is that a "yes, we can announce it is being deprecated" and then remove for next release?
<felixgallo> @jemc - re: more question marks than needed -- I feel like the problem (hard to infer vs. partials) is important, i just don't know it's question-marks-on-method-and-at-the-call-site-and-compiler-errors-always important
<felixgallo> having a hard time qualifying that and clearly I need to come up with a better idea to have a meaningful discussion
<jemc> for whatever it's worth, among the pony core team I'm probably the most sensitive to concerns about succinctness in syntax, but I see the burden as being very light compared to the benefits
<jemc> that is, I think it solves a major pain point from pony in a way that doesn't have any runtime costs, and improves readability
<felixgallo> I wonder if optionality would make it feel better. So if you included ?s for readability and safety reasons, you could get your compiler errors
<SeanTAllen> that makes it meaningless from a reading standpoint
<jemc> but the main motivating use case for this RFC was guarding against the problem of unknowingly introducing a new control flow path when you refactor some method to be partial (action at a distance)
<SeanTAllen> now i have to know what sort of codebase i'm in
<jemc> if leaving out the `?` means no errors, it means that the compiler can't issue an error in that motivating use case
<SeanTAllen> so felixgallo thing i love
<SeanTAllen> now if i have 3 statements in a try
<SeanTAllen> and the else only deals with 1 of the statements (only 1 to throw an error)
<SeanTAllen> and one of the other 2 is changed to throwing errors, then i get an error
<SeanTAllen> because i need to update
<SeanTAllen> and now i can make my else handle this case
<jemc> yeah, exactly
<felixgallo> I get it. Definitely does make sense
<SeanTAllen> this to me is very much in line with the pony philosophy point: "Aim to reduce common programming bugs through the use of restrictive syntax."
<felixgallo> on the other hand, we have 'try env.out.print(env.args(0)?) end
<felixgallo> '
<SeanTAllen> thats true
<SeanTAllen> life is tradeoffs
<jemc> because Pony has no state or information carried in the error, it's critical to sane Pony programs / best practices that errors are handled close to the source of raising, and that the `else` clause is written with the specific kind(s) of errors that could be raised there in mind
<felixgallo> and there are many cases where people will have accidental partials. I'm just yet unconvinced (although, please don't take this as an assertion that I _need_ to be convinced) that the tradeoff is the right side of grey
<felixgallo> I expect I will be typing blah(foo) a lot, and then cursing when the compiler tells me I really meant blah(foo)?
<felixgallo> I suspect I will be doing 10x as much cursing and typing on that as I will trying to deal with refactoring partials in a try, but again, I am the world record smallest pony codebase champion
<jemc> come on, it can't be more cursing than with reference capabilities :D
<felixgallo> true
<felixgallo> which, I am proud to say, I briefly understood in their totality from 3:14 to 3:18 today, July 28
<SeanTAllen> god bless them rcaps, they have stopped me from introducing several subtle bugs!
<felixgallo> 4 complete and uninterrupted minutes of understanding them, and then I tried to use generics at the same time
<SeanTAllen> felixgallo: not sure if that is a joke or not but if you ever want to do a zoom sometime to pair and work on rcaps and generics, i can make myself available
<felixgallo> now I am back to square(0), or should I say square(0)? ...
<felixgallo> @SeanTAllen having bounced harmlessly off pony about 5 times by now I may take you up on your generous offer at some point
<SeanTAllen> although sometimes i struggle to get my generics working correctly rcap wise. so be forewarned, it might involve me cursing some.
<jemc> SeanTAllen: if there's anything I've learned in the past few years it's that limitations => freedoms, and cursing => blessings :D
<SeanTAllen> limitations lead to freedoms, cursing leads to blessings ?
<SeanTAllen> am i reading that => correctly?
<felixgallo> I think my problem is I come from erlang and functional languages, where the true freedom comes from the fact that everything is always val :D
<jemc> yeah, I was slow in typing it, but referencing your "god bless them rcaps" comment
<jemc> felixgallo: that's a pattern you can do in pony if you like
<felixgallo> not if you want to call a method on an actor
<SeanTAllen> ?
<jemc> jtfmumm__ is fond of the everything-is-a-val paradigm I think, and he has a very impressive pony codebase:
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<SeanTAllen> the work codebase is more impressive
<SeanTAllen> but we use mutable references all over the place in it
<jemc> I imagine so - I'd love to see it when you guys release it :D
<SeanTAllen> mid september i think
<SeanTAllen> then everyone can he horrified by the tradeoffs we made and shortcuts we took
<felixgallo> having multiple large professionally written pony codebases is going to be pretty helpful
<SeanTAllen> we should also be releasing a kafka pony client around then too
<jemc> ah, great - I thought I was going to have to write one
<SeanTAllen> dipin has a good chunk of one done
<jemc> thanks for mentioning it before I actually went down that path
<SeanTAllen> he's working on error handling like leader changes now
<jemc> pure Pony, or FFI using librdkafka?
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<SeanTAllen> pure pony
<SeanTAllen> librdkafka we looked at but we were worried about performance impact on us of it starting its own threadpool
<jemc> I hate FFI on libraries that have their own threads
<SeanTAllen> me too
<SeanTAllen> i have from before pony
<jemc> me too (in Ruby)
<SeanTAllen> ok
<SeanTAllen> i am off to take a end of work day walk
* jemc waves
<jemc> thanks for doing the release! you freed up my night's pony time for lambda inference
<doublec> I should probably revisit my old blog posts and update for the partial syntax and less-recent lambda syntax changes.
<doublec> One thing I disliked about learning Rust was all the old blogs with outdated Rust version examples
<jemc> thank you!
<jemc> I am a little bit worried about that in general, so I really appreciate you taking the time to update
<jemc> (because your blog posts have been frequently cited)
<doublec> thanks, I think it's worthwhile. It makes it less of a pain point for new users.
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