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<SimonJF> hi! i've just started playing around with pony. i think i may have found a bug in the documentation; the example in seems to be missing the "times: USize" argument. is there somewhere i could submit a PR? thanks!
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<autodidaddict> promises and actors q: If I have an actor that is maintaining an array of actors, and I want to "ask" each actor their name and then send that array of names to a final actor... what's the best approach?
<autodidaddict> I like the idea of sending an actor a promise that, when fulfilled, contains some internal state (e.g. a name)
<autodidaddict> the trick is, how do I effectively map/reduce this so I can ask 6 actors for their names, gather the results with ".next" calls on the promises, and then send the final collection to another behavior
<autodidaddict> as an analogy, in Akka/Scala ..I would make use of a pattern where I could create an array of promises and then convert that into a promise of an array and then when I "awaited" fulfillment, I'd have an array of answers that I got from my supervised actors
<autodidaddict> I used this pattern DAILY in Scala
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<autodidaddict> psuedocode of what I'm thinking:
<autodidaddict> for player in _players.values() do ... player.fulfillname(namepromise) ... end // ??? and then "collect" all of my namepromises, convert into an array, and send to a last actor