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<doublec> eg. this shows the error using Array directly
<doublec> I don't know how to get MyArray to compile with the init constructor
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<SeanTAllen> hmmm
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<SeanTAllen> yeah
<SeanTAllen> its the iso
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<SeanTAllen> I think the constraint you want is [A: Any #alias]
<SeanTAllen> the error message isnt very good
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<pduncan> SeanTAllen & doublec: thanks for the help, I'm braindead right now but I'll try your suggestions and see what might work best for me in the morning
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<SeanTAllen> good luck pduncan
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<earnestly> Small issue with openssl 1.1.0.e:
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<SeanTAllen> does 1.1.0 have breaking changes from 1.0.0 ?
<SeanTAllen> earnestly ^
<earnestly> SeanTAllen: Both API and ABI I believe
<SeanTAllen> At the moment, we support 1.0.0
<SeanTAllen> is that available as an option for you?
<earnestly> No, but it's not a big issue either way
<SeanTAllen> what distro/platform etc?
<earnestly> Think of me as a canary
<earnestly> A frankenstein Arch where I run most of my userland from git releases
<SeanTAllen> i see
<earnestly> Surprisingly stable but it's the first to shake the issues out of the tree. OpenSSL 1.1.0 is afaik a big departure from OpenSSL 1.0.0 in terms of API and ABI going forward
<earnestly> For example, they now use `int OPENSSL_init_ssl(uint64_t opts, const OPENSSL_INIT_SETTINGS *settings);' instead of SSL_library_init();
<earnestly> #if OPENSSL_API_COMPAT < 0x10100000L
<earnestly> void SSL_load_error_strings(void);
<earnestly> #endif
<earnestly> Not that I know what I'm doing really, but feel free to ask questions or whatnot. I assume in a case like this it's more just finding time to support the new version and finding out what changed. At least my paste can act as a list of possible issues
<earnestly> "The ERR_load_crypto_strings(), SSL_load_error_strings(), and ERR_free_strings() functions were deprecated in OpenSSL 1.1.0 by OPENSSL_init_crypto() and OPENSSL_init_ssl()."
<earnestly> The locking stuff is gone too, here's an example of one project's solution:
<SeanTAllen> if you could put all this in an issue, that would awesome earnestly
<earnestly> Ah, okay
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<earnestly> SeanTAllen: Alrighty, good luck :p
<SeanTAllen> thanks earnestly
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