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<TheDireLynx> hi
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<elmar_> Hi! We are just making our first steps in Pony after watching the talk "Pony - A new, race-free, safe & fast actor programming language - YouTube"
<elmar_> Great talk … by the way!
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<elmar_> But currently we are struggling because the "Standard library docs" seems to be down:
<doublec> elmar_: welcome to Pony!
<doublec> elmar_: the docs are generated from the source so you can read the docstrings in the source, or generate them locally
<elmar_> Let's see…
<elmar_> ok, could do that
<elmar_> Still would be nice if the docs webpage would be fixed … later. :-)
<elmar_> Thanks for now!
<doublec> elmar_: no problem, feel free to ask anything here
<doublec> elmar_: the docs webpage is being worked on last I heard so shouldn't be long
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<elmar_> doublec: good to hear, thanks!
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<SeanTAllen> elmar_: you can get them online til everything is fixed at
<SeanTAllen> note they will be moving to the previous will remain non functional.
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<elmar_> @SeanTAllen: just redirects to resulting in the "not found" error page
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<SeanTAllen> blarg ok
<SeanTAllen> I dont have control over the DNS so I'm waiting on Sylvan for that to be updated and he seems to be offline at the moment.
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