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<shadowfeindx> Err hello?
<jemc> shadowfeindx: yes, welcome
<shadowfeindx> Hi
<shadowfeindx> I can't seem to run ponyc on windows
<shadowfeindx> Linker error
<shadowfeindx> WOuld you be able to help me out?
<jemc> unfortunately, probably not - I'm not one of the team members who has expertise in windows
<shadowfeindx> Ah, alright then
<jemc> but there's an off chance that I might be able to recognize an issue we've seen before, if you describe your situation and symptoms
<shadowfeindx> Ok well
<shadowfeindx> I just downloaded ponyc from bintray
<shadowfeindx> And when I tried to compile hello world it says unable to locate Visual Studio 14.0
<shadowfeindx> And then unable to line: no vcvars
<shadowfeindx> *link
<shadowfeindx> But I'm quite sure I have visual studio installed since I'm using it
<shadowfeindx> As well as the windows 10 sdk and visual syudio 15 build tools
<jemc> okay, I'm noticing that we just got a PR in about 2 hours ago that says it fixes detection of Visual Build Tools C++ 2015:
<jemc> looking at the mentioned commit that broke detection, it looks like it was broken just before 0.12.1 was released
<jemc> can you try downloading 0.12.0 from bintray, and see if that works? (or alternatively, upgrade to visual studio 2017)
<jemc> this PR that fixes the issue will be merged in the next day or so, and we can get a 0.12.3 release, but for now, doing a slightly older release is your best bet
<shadowfeindx> I saw that there was a pretty serious windows issue that was fixed in 0.12.2
<shadowfeindx> Is that going to be an issue?
<jemc> the only issue you might notice is higher-than-normal CPU usage when you run your program
<jemc> we'll be sure to get 0.12.3 out soon, so you can have both fixes
<jemc> but if you're itching to get started tonight, 0.12.0 is probably your best shot
<shadowfeindx> Will using vs2017 fix the issue? I can upgrade if that would work
<jemc> theoretically, yes it would
<shadowfeindx> Anything specific that I need to install with it?
<jemc> not that I know of (sorry I can't be more helpful than that)
<shadowfeindx> Alright well I suppose I'll just install the lot of it. Thanks for your help!
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<Xyliton> I'm now trying to use .expect in my websocket lib and for some reason some of the payload data is cut. I'm 75% sure that I'm expecting the correct sizes though
<Xyliton> also, I found the header of one message as part of another one, which shouldn't happen either
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<SeanTAllen> there are so many things that could be an issue there Xyliton, that i'm not in a position to help
<SeanTAllen> you'll need to start debugging your logic and figure out where you've gone wrong
<Xyliton> oh, okay
<Xyliton> damn
<SeanTAllen> that said i can see a problem right off the bat
<SeanTAllen> or a possible problem
<Xyliton> yes?
<SeanTAllen> how much data are you receiving the first time received is called?
<Xyliton> I'm not sure. It's a HTTP header and I don'T know if it's fixed size or not
<Xyliton> do I have to .expect that too?
<SeanTAllen> well you have to deal with that
<SeanTAllen> right now it appears
<SeanTAllen> that the first time you get received called you say, "i can throw all this data away, and say expect(2)"
<SeanTAllen> whats going on with that?
<SeanTAllen> logically it doesnt make a lot of sense
<SeanTAllen> whats the intent there?
<SeanTAllen> i'm not sure what this is supposed to be doing
<SeanTAllen> ```
<SeanTAllen> if(not _connected) then
<SeanTAllen> _base_header = true
<SeanTAllen> _in_header = true
<SeanTAllen> conn.expect(2)
<SeanTAllen> _connected = true
<SeanTAllen> ```
<Xyliton> I only get a http header there, which I don't need. It only tells me that the server accepted my handshake
<Xyliton> and communicates through the ws protocol now
<SeanTAllen> thats not what your code is doing
<SeanTAllen> you could get 1 byte of the header
<SeanTAllen> not the entire thing
<SeanTAllen> and then
<Xyliton> oh
<SeanTAllen> nothing is going to work after that
<SeanTAllen> TCP is stream oriented
<SeanTAllen> not message oriented
<Xyliton> so I have to .expect the header too
<SeanTAllen> i dont want to say yes to that
<SeanTAllen> expect is way to chunk TCP which is stream oriented into messages
<SeanTAllen> assuming you can know the size ahead of time
<SeanTAllen> you are saying "i dont know the header size ahead of time"
<SeanTAllen> so no, expect wouldnt work for htat
<Xyliton> I'm not sure if I know the size ahead of time
<SeanTAllen> what you are writing is a state machine
<SeanTAllen> so your first state is apparently the header
<Xyliton> I have to check the RFC for that
<SeanTAllen> or rather the initial header
<SeanTAllen> you need to deal with that
<SeanTAllen> remember TCP Is stream oriented not message oriented
<SeanTAllen> so if a 100 byte message is sent
<SeanTAllen> you might get it 1 byte at a time
<SeanTAllen> _connected is a confusing variable name for how you are using it
<SeanTAllen> you are already connected
<SeanTAllen> i think what you mean is something like _handshake_completed
<Xyliton> yea, true
<Xyliton> I think I got it working now. It "skips" the handshake header and I receive the first frame as expected. But somewhere midway through to receiving other payloads it "breaks", giving me data missing the first few bytes (2-3) from the beginning
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<Xyliton> nevermind. I had messed up some comparision in my code
<Xyliton> everything is working now!
<Xyliton> thanks <3
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<SeanTAllen> awesome
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<staticassert> With the HTTP auth I see "auth: (AmbientAuth val | NetAuth val | TCPAuth val | TCPListenAuth val)" - does that mean it will work with any of these, with TCPListenAuth being the least privileged?
<staticassert> Also, I remember in a conference talk on pony hearing that the queue implementation is really simple. Where could I find the implementation?
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<Praetonus> I wouldn't say that they're simple (especially the scheduler queue), but the implementations are short and efficient
<staticassert> thanks
<staticassert> how come the queue is mpmc? wouldn't it only need to be mpsc?
<Praetonus> It's for the work stealing
<Praetonus> When a scheduler runs out of actors to execute, it will try to get one from another scheduler
<staticassert> interesting
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<SeanTAllen> 0.12.3 has been released. recommended upgrade if you are using Windows, otherwise you can ignore:,,,20,0,0,0::recentpostdate%2Fsticky,,,20,2,0,4737546
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<Xyliton> is it possible that a behaviour doesn't execute at all?
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<aav> is there a reason that F64._inf and F64._nan are private?
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<Praetonus> aav: No particular reason. I added these to help fix a few bugs in implementation details and I didn't bother with making an RFC to include them in the public interface
<Praetonus> I'm not opposed to making these functions public, and I'm not sure if it really requires an RFC or if it should be considered a "principle of least surprise" case. If you'd like to make the functions public, I think you can open an issue on the Github repo or send an email to the dev list to see what folks think about making an RFC for that
<Praetonus> Xyliton: If you send a message to an actor, it will always execute the associated behaviour after some unbounded amount of time
<Praetonus> If you generate a lot of messages and the schedulers can't keep up with that, pending messages will accumulate and possibly take a really long time before being processed
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<Xyliton> I have an actor with a beahaviour being called in a timer. Interestingly, said behaviour isn't called when the timer interval is high (I tested this by having a debug in the timer and the behaviour), but it executes fine when the delay is small
<Xyliton> this kinda breaks my discord lib because I have to route data from a websocket notify to an actor
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<SeanTAllen> Xyliton: the behavior will be called, if it isnt because the timer is high, then the timer hasnt run and fired off the messafe
<Xyliton> the timer ran though. I checked that by having a Debug in the timer's apply
<Xyliton> also, the websocket notify receives all the messages, but sometimes it decides that the call to the actor, notifying it of the message, doesn't have to run either
<SeanTAllen> ive used pony every day for over a year for work Xyliton, ive never seen any indication of messages getting lost
<Xyliton> here is my code. It prints "Created timer" and the "INTERNAL TIMER CALL", but I don't get any "SENDING HEARTBEAT"
<SeanTAllen> i would suggest not doing the recover object, creating a class and verifying that something odd isnt happening with that
<SeanTAllen> i'd be interested in knowing the identity of "this" before the recover objcet and _par at the time it runs.
<SeanTAllen> also
<SeanTAllen> timers is going out of scope at the end of your _received
<SeanTAllen> you need to create timers as a field on your actor
<SeanTAllen> check out timers.pony
<SeanTAllen> in particular dispose
<SeanTAllen> this will be called when you go out of scope:
<SeanTAllen> its going to clear out the entire wheel
<Xyliton> the timer itself is called though
<Xyliton> the behaviour just doesn't execute
<SeanTAllen> i will say: you are setting things up in a way i have never seen
<SeanTAllen> your timer will go out of scope at the end of your method
<SeanTAllen> i'm not sure when that debug is getting executed
<SeanTAllen> its not going to do what you want no matter
<SeanTAllen> start by handling timers as a field so that aren't throwing it away
<Xyliton> but the interval for the timer is unknown at compile time
<Xyliton> so I can't just create the timer in the constructor
<SeanTAllen> i cant replicate your error
<SeanTAllen> you need the Timers
<SeanTAllen> as a field not Timer
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<Xyliton_> Did that now. That doesn't fix my problem though
<Xyliton_> I still get the "internal call" message, but the behaviour stays quiet
<SeanTAllen> i did a simplified version and it works fine for me
<Xyliton_> T-T
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<SeanTAllen> what are your timer interval values?
<Xyliton_> let me check
<Xyliton_> I believe it's somewhere around 40 seconds
<SeanTAllen> well, i'm using latest master
<SeanTAllen> that simplied example works quite fine for me
<SeanTAllen> and ive never seen pony "lose" a message
<SeanTAllen> and ive run tons and tons and tons
<SeanTAllen> so you have some debugging ahead
<SeanTAllen> Debug is async
<SeanTAllen> if you want to be able to get a sync notification use
<SeanTAllen> @printf[I32]("message\n".cstring())
<Xyliton_> but why is the timer's apply firing, just not the behaviour?
<Xyliton_> and there's a second problem where a behaviour is called only sometimes
<Xyliton_> _received only receives some messages, while loosing others
<SeanTAllen> its not losing anything
<SeanTAllen> you have a bug
<Xyliton_> but how can a function which literally only calls the behaviour contain a bug?
<SeanTAllen> i cant run your code
<SeanTAllen> so i cant replicate your issue
<SeanTAllen> so i cant start to answer what might be going on
<SeanTAllen> i created a simplified version and it works fine
<SeanTAllen> have you tried running my simplified example?
<Xyliton_> I'll do that now
<SeanTAllen> And that simpilied example could have a problem
<SeanTAllen> If I called foo() multiple times
<SeanTAllen> it would create a new Timers object each time
<SeanTAllen> and that is not going to turn out well at all
<SeanTAllen> especially if it was inside something like a received
<Xyliton_> I moved the Timers out of the received
<Xyliton_> also, your example seems to work
<Xyliton_> I'm only ever creating this timer once though
<SeanTAllen> in your example
<SeanTAllen> you will create many many many
<SeanTAllen> o wait
<SeanTAllen> no there is you setting it to trye
<Xyliton_> here's the modified one