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<SeanTAllen> jemc: i have a number of performance improvements for TCPConnection coming in the next couple weeks. Probably say, 3 weeks. I want to run them for a while in our app and verify they work. Just an FYI.
<jemc> thanks
<jemc> maybe after those land would be a good time to work on encapsulating that logic into classes that can be used for other ASIO actors
<jemc> so they can reap the same benefits
<SeanTAllen> i'll also be making changes to the epoll implementation. not using EPOLLONESHOT causes lots of problems at higher throughputs and can put TCPConnections into a death cycle. And, not using it, is also increasing latency. I'm going to open a short term fix to address a couple of those epoll issues in TCPConnection.
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<avsej> i've just pulled new changes, and now ponyc does not compile: "cp: cannot stat 'build/release/libponyrt-pic.a': No such file or directory"
<avsej> okay. 'make install' doesn't seem to depend on 'libponyrt-pic' target, if I specify it explicitly 'install' works
<avsej> thank you
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<SeanTAllen> Can you open an issue?
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<andreaa> About stdin in Env.input, how can I detach my StdinNotify once I've read all the input I needed?
<andreaa> ie, do I need to necessarily attach a noop or start to manually ignore new input in my StdinNotify?
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<avsej> is it possible to specify name for the binary? -o sets the directory, but file name still name of the current directory
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<avsej> how I can have both access to .body() and .respond() inside HTTP handler?
<andreaa> ie, do I need to necessarily attach a noop or start to manually ignore new input in my StdinNotify?
<andreaa> ops sorry ,bad window!
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<andreaa> Is there a way to define a method of a trait/interface that returns the same concrete type that implements the trait/interface? Eg. clone()?
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<andreaa> Like in a Cloneable interface, but if T is Cloneable t.clone() gives you a T instead of a Cloneable
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