In "ip_endpoint.pony:32:9": lambda(IPAddress): String end val is not a subtype of Fulfill[IPAddress val, String val] iso: val is not a subtype of iso
I'm trying to experiment with a "net" package that's based on promises when applicable. For example, a `TCPListener` might be able to bind to a port, but it also might not which seems to be better suited for a promises-based API than using the notifier pattern.
malthe: this is one of the usability issues with lambdas that I want to resolve - the compiler sets the type of the lambda based only on the lambda itself, with no inferring based on the type that is expected for assignment or argument passing
the solution is to surround your lambda in a recover block
I tried that to no avail
same error message. sometimes I just can't wrap my head around what I'm supposed to do, but generally speaking, once you arrive at a solution it becomes clear.
jemc: oh, actually I think recover iso does work.
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jemc: so the only way I can make it work is to add an arbitrary (and unused) capture to the lambda - see updated gist.
isn't that bizarre? how does that change anything
if I leave out the capture and recover explicitly to iso, then I get "can't recover to this capability".
this happens because a lambda with no captures is implemented as an anonymous primitive, and a lambda with captures is implemented as an anonymous class (same as an object literal)
it's definitely a usability issue that the compiler can't make this work automatically for you
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right. where to begin looking at improving that I wonder
it needs to be fixed in the compiler passes - I've spent time working on this before, but the way the passes currently work it's rather difficult to get it done in the right place
is it because the Fulfill is "interface iso" that it insists on the iso and not e.g. val
I had previously been thinking of this as a case where we want to auto-recover the lambda, but your example actually shows that this isn't true, as a `val` constructor can't be recovered to `iso`
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ya that would break expectations :-)
I usually hit this problem going in the other direction - I have an `ref` lambda (with captures) that I need to pass where an `iso` or `val` is expected, and recover works fine for that
what's something that's either an iso or a val
but your example is a great reason to think that this is a deeper problem that is more specific to lambda
malthe: I didn't mean the same situation accepts an `iso` or `val` - I meant different situations, some expecting `val` and some expecting `iso`
ya but so the promises interface wants an iso fulfill object, but couldn't you argue that it could accept a val just as well?
both of those can be sent to the promise actor ... isn't that the requirement here?
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I posted the question on the dev list to see if it might be possible to adapt the promises implementation so that it might actually also accept a val fullfill/rejected.
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I think it probably could be, though it would complicate the codebase
I see this as a general problem with lambda usability, rather than a specific problem with the promises package
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