... No space or newline is printed between individual items ...
what's the difference between output with "" and without ""?
'print', 'println' and 'prinsp' output Lisp data in the form accepted by (read)
'prin' etc. generate "human" output
also dont forget (tab)
: (println 123 "123")
123 "123"
(prinl 123 "123") prints 123123
yes, (tab) is a useful formatting function
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am I wrong when I think that PL is a kind of "lisp1" like scheme rather than a "lisp2" like CL?
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Yes, this comes close
Though I do not care about the exact differences
In any case Pil precedes CL
I think the criteria was whether symbols may have a function definition AND a value at the same time (Lisp-2) or just one of them
PicoLisp makes no distinction between code and data, so there is no differentiation between functional and non-functional value
hi all
Hi beneroth
hi Regenaxer :)
welcome in the community, cilz :)
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thanks for answering and welcoming
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cilz: If you know CL or Scheme I think you'll be able to understand most picolisp solutions on Rosetta and in tankf33der 's repo without much hassle, both are great resources.
cess11: I don't know scheme but I have some "classic" textbooks on CL and Rosetta Code is obviously the place to go...
beneroth: Ouch.
cilz: pil is much leaner and less clunky than CL, and less 'pure' than regular Scheme:s. The db is really, really nice to work with.
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cilz: where you from?
and how did you find us? ^^ (asking for marketing reasons)
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tankf33der, beneroth, you're so curious ;-)
I'm from in the suburbs of Paris, FR
I have registered to PL's mailing list in 2016
though I've far from coding for nearly 1.5 year
I'm resuming my interest for PL :)
I came to PL because of its database and webframework right out of the box. but now I need to figure out how to master them...
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cilz: About the same time I started using picolisp, then. My usual recommendation is to use pil instead of your regular shell for some time, it will go real fast.
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cess11: are you suggesting to replace "fish" by "pil"? if so how am I supposed to do that?
$ pil +
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