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<beneroth> Good morning all
<Regenaxer> Good morning beneroth
<beneroth> hi Regenaxer :)
<tankfeeder> how was mountains?
<Regenaxer> I think beneroth went to the mountains? (though de is always there anyway ;)
<beneroth> snowy and cold it was
<Regenaxer> We have 2 cm snow and around -2
<beneroth> now I'm back in the Swiss Flatland (meaning 450 m above sea level within hills)
<beneroth> it was about 10 cm or more in the Jura Mountains
<beneroth> yeah snowed here too. but snow does not stick on the streets yet.
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<beneroth> now it just started snowing again :)
<beneroth> I like snow :)
<Regenaxer> Me too, only not directly before the house ;)
<beneroth> hehe, I see :)
<beneroth> bbl
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<mtsd> Morning all
<Regenaxer> Good morning mtsd
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<cess11_> morning
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<Regenaxer> Good morning cess11_
<miskatonic> mornin'
<Regenaxer> Hi miskatonic
<beneroth> hi all :)
<mtsd> Hello beneroth
<cess11_> looking and acting inhuman becomes more and more of a necessary survival skill.
<cess11_> though real time classification in video data can be optimised further it is also easy to input both fud and noise
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<cess11_> the fundamental danger isn't in mutating algorithms but in the powerful wanting to be able to blame property for their shortcomings and failures' thus replacing the power of minds with empowered machines
<cess11_> -'
<cess11_> google search is already sucky since years back due to its classifications being real bad with literal interpretations of input replaced by stupid conformist guesswork
<cess11_> 'your IP looks european so we'll interpret this arabic/indonesian/whatever word as a really weird misspelling'
<cess11_> probably ought to read more deleuze and guattari
<beneroth> well I see danger in the (trending) over-reliance on (imperfect) algorithms and systems. this is strongly increased by centralising such stuff.
<beneroth> another point is the automatic production of such systems... if this gets scaled up and employing programmers and mathematicians etc. is eventually not necessary to build such systems.. then the need of education and creative humans gets much smaller... and then the need for freedom (necessary to grow educated creative people) is also getting smaller
<beneroth> it doesn't even have to work correctly, just enough that it is believed to be working.
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<miskatonic> google search sux even more due to their user tracking
<cess11_> yeah, that's what I mean by empowering algos and machines
<miskatonic> java is the worst
<cess11_> yeah comal is the way to go
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<miskatonic> what is comal?
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<cess11_> miskatonic: basic but for cobol-type programs
<cess11_> a bad joke
<cess11_> java is good at what it is designed for
<cess11_> I believe there are worse beasts out there
<miskatonic> what language can be more creativity-constricting and stultifying than Java?
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<cess11_> comal 80, for example
<cess11_> visual basic
<cess11_> probably perl
<cess11_> golang
<miskatonic> computed goto is good for creativity, especially in snobol
<miskatonic> i've heard that Rust is the new hype ... certainly not much better than java
<beneroth> maybe less limited?
<beneroth> afaik it should be a sane C++
<beneroth> anyone having experience with one of them (or another FF-pre-57-fork) ?
<tankfeeder> nope
<tankfeeder> FF57 is enough
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<beneroth> not for me, as it has no more support for tab-groups (a native feature once).
<beneroth> also, occasional bundling with spyware can happen with the new firefox.
<tankfeeder> how ?
<beneroth> "This experiment will run only in Germany, and for less than one percent of users who download Firefox from Mozilla's website. These users will have Cliqz activated as an add-on automatically according to Mozilla."
<beneroth> "In other words, users who are selected for participation are opted-in automatically in the data collecting.
<beneroth> Cliqz runs cleanup routines according to Mozilla to ensure that sensitive information is not transferred"
<beneroth> probably is not affecting you yet.
<beneroth> but I find the thinking behind this a violation of firefox's principles and promise to protect privacy
<beneroth> especially the invisible opt-in
<tankfeeder> ok
<beneroth> ah ok, only like 2 posts..nothing to see there really ^^
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<viaken> beneroth: I ran Pale Moon for a short while, a couple years back. The dev push behind it didn't seem large enough (at the time) to ensure security updates would be pulled back over from Firefox, so I switched back.
<beneroth> interesting, thx viaken
<viaken> I'm hoping nEXT Browser will come to Linux before too long. I haven't looked into where the GTK port is currently.
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<miskatonic> ff 57 and up is entirely useless
<miskatonic> it is is like comal, just a browser instead of a prog language
<miskatonic> there's no way i would have used a firefox from the mozilla site. It's either from debian archives (rebranded or esr version) or compiled from source
<viaken> miskatonic: Missing extensions you require?
<miskatonic> viaken: xul/xpcomm implemented all extensions I needed to take the pain out of using firefox. and 57 is the first version without xul/xpcomm
<miskatonic> especially mozrepl and pentadactyl
<viaken> Pentadactyl was nice
<miskatonic> what is next browser based off?
<viaken> I'm not sure; can't findf that info.
<miskatonic> it has nothing to do with NetStep, the former proprietary Unix-based System?
<cess11_> it's CL I think
<cess11_> the fellow who builds it is in #lisp IIRC
<miskatonic> ahhh I hope not clozure
<cess11_> if you visit the repo you'll see
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<f8l> miskatonic: I use Tridactyl now if I have to use Firefox. You may find it similar.
<miskatonic> does tridactyl allow for editing input areas with an external editor?
<miskatonic> the docu says it doesn't support mouseless cutting and pasting - another ko criterium
<f8l> I am not much familiar with it. I started using it recently since Uzbl no longer works on my work computer.
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<cess11_> f8l: how come? same as dwb, old insecure libs?
<f8l> I don’t know. Probably the Arch package hasn’t been rebuilt against the newer ones. I could work it around by downgrading a dependency, but after ICU upgrade this is no longer feasible. It works fine on NetBSD at home.
<f8l> dwb is a different story. It uses an obsolete API and has no manpower to move it to the newer one.
<miskatonic> vimb has upgraded to the new libs
<f8l> So did Uzbl and probably some others.
<cess11_> ah, right
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<viaken> As an alternative, Qutebrowser seems in favor currently.
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<beneroth> yeah seems still to be on the rise
<beneroth> viaken, the main developer is a good friend of mine
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<beneroth> s/mine/me
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<viaken> They seem pleasant to interact with and active in the community.
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<beneroth> Im not following qute. I know him as a very active and nice guy
<cess11_> for the most part w3m is good enough and url history is better to keep in pil db than someone else's homebrew
<cess11_> diy, as chuck moore puts it in that essay or book or what it was
<beneroth> T
<beneroth> being a wizard eh programmer should be applied to ones own tools
<cess11_> content discovery is easy, aggregate rss xml files, extract urls, fetch html and headers, save a w3m- or xml2-cleaned version for later or automatic parsing, do whatever searches or comparisons seem interesting, save what seems to be the good stuff
<cess11_> put 'stamp in fields like +List +String/+Date on everything, all the time, and it will be easy to build views of what you enjoyed when
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<cess11_> seems a sexual predator shithead person has been influencing the nobel prize in literature for many years
<beneroth> I get paywall
<cess11_> turn off js and it'll work I think
<beneroth> its still swedish then ^^
<beneroth> anyway.. any proves? why was there not earlier a court case?
<cess11_> try machine translation
<cess11_> three women have just now started to tell the press
<beneroth> this whole course of affairs is... a bit weird
<beneroth> one would think all these "successful" guys would have enough opportunities
<cess11_> and lots have witnessed about his taste in vulnerable women recently
<cess11_> he's been exploiting fairly openly, but it is something else that he's been able to push around the Swedish Academy committee
<beneroth> it's just really horrible how now suddenly so many cases come up without any earlier attempts to properly use the lawful way
<beneroth> that means?
<cess11_> they decide where cash and some prizes go, nobel literature prize being one
<cess11_> it's not suddenly, it's just getting press coverage
<beneroth> no, I wonder why no charges happened in the past
<cess11_> usually women talk about these things in private and courts mostly find a lack of evidence since it tends to be intimate situations. they're also biased in favour of bleak males
<cess11_> also it could cost one's career
<beneroth> goes both ways
<cess11_> how
<beneroth> accused people losing their careers
<beneroth> sometimes wrongly
<cess11_> when?
<cess11_> is it a common problem?
<beneroth> there is the case of the german meteorologist Kachelmann. court case resulted not in lack of evidence but in prove that the accusations were forged. doesn't help when the witchhunt via media already happened.
<beneroth> I also know of multiple cases where teenage girls accused teachers/professors and later admit that it was a lay.
<beneroth> s/lay/lie
<cess11_> if he didn't die horribly in public we can be very sure it was nothing like a witch kunt
<cess11_> *hunt
<beneroth> oh it was, pretty famous case in german speaking area
<cess11_> so he died?
<beneroth> no.
<cess11_> they tortured him in public?
<beneroth> 3. A public smear-campaign against an individual.
<beneroth> figure of speech :)
<beneroth> my point is not weighting this cases against other, probably truthful accusations
<beneroth> my point is the surprising lack of presumption of innocence.
<beneroth> and the fact that we appear to not have good law/justice tools to process this cases properly, or if we have than for some reason they are ineffective/not used
<beneroth> this is bad in many ways I find.
<beneroth> and there are so many cases coming up recently
<beneroth> why did nothing happen earlier? this needs to be debugged I find.
<beneroth> e.g. this current case of this opera director in New York.. worked there for 40 years, fired within 24 hours after accusations of sexual abuse/misconduct of teenagers 30 years ago
<beneroth> WTF ??
<beneroth> how was this an unknown or (probably, if there is substance to it) ignored topic for 30 YEARS ?
<beneroth> and then kick this guy out and halt all planned shows (affects some other musicians I would believe) without waiting for any investigation results?
<beneroth> whats the plan if the guy was innocent (probably only counts when he can somehow prove it without any doubt) ?
<cess11_> what do you mean nothing happen earlier? don't you see men like these around you in society, keeping on being shitty for years?
<beneroth> I don't but I believe I don't have such humans in my nearer circle of people. and I don't follow celebrities news.
<beneroth> and apparently (as far as I notice it) we seem not to have so many cases of this in switzerland.
<cess11_> you do
<cess11_> they're called men
<beneroth> they're also humans. let not forget that.
<beneroth> currently there is one case of a politician stalking his ex.
<beneroth> came up in the wake of this international publicity rise of this cases.
<beneroth> then there was another guy earlier last year, mayor of a smaller town who sent unsolicited dick pics around.. was kicked out his party, and on next elections kicked out.
<beneroth> nothing criminal, just an idiot asshole afaik.
<cess11_> and silence isn't the guarantee you're looking for, just because they aren't talking to you or the police doesn't mean they aren't talking to anyone
<beneroth> of course not
<beneroth> but I cannot judge what I don't know.
<cess11_> well, you should listen to the women talking about this issue instead
<beneroth> then we had a high profile case of an female politician which was seen talking/kissing/fumbling with male politician from opponent party, who claimed he was using a date rape drug on her.. big media scandal for weeks.. medical analysis (which was made on-time) proved that wrong, and this combined with other irregularities in her testimony made this case result in aquittal. which didn't stop her from trying to get her story in different versions to the pres
<beneroth> s until she was successfully sued for defamation
<beneroth> sure we should listen to the victims
<cess11_> men are in general too dismissive about the problems with manly ideals and norms all over the occident
<beneroth> T
<beneroth> but automatically believing every female accuser is also no optimal solution, I find.
<beneroth> the point I tried to make above was about the fact that apparently nothing/not enough happens without a big public outcry
<beneroth> THAT is a problem.
<beneroth> and yes, another topic, but yes I find there is absolutely never a reason to suspend someone’s human rights.
<beneroth> two wrongs don't make a right.
<beneroth> we ought to be better.
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