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<wpwrak> now we need also need a process that can move a little from A to B. but that "a little" has slightly different characteristics than the things in "everything"
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<Joerg-Neo900> o.O
<wpwrak> so we have to see what the impact of these differences is. maybe it's negligible. maybe we hit unexpected issues, like today. maybe it turns out to be very hard, harder than what we solved today.
<Joerg-Neo900> now that made it absolutely clear ;-)
<wpwrak> in the latter case, a fallback solution could be to just re-generate periodically or such. that would create certain issues, too, though. so that needs to be evaluated.
<Joerg-Neo900> please don't overengineer!
<wpwrak> in any case, atk seems to be optimistic that it's now smooth sailing. i never worked with those hooks while he has.
<Joerg-Neo900> we don't need hooks to populate the empty ee repo with what's already there in ee-full
<Joerg-Neo900> we only need to run that job, no?
<Joerg-Neo900> hooks will be needed when somebody does next push
<wpwrak> yes
<Joerg-Neo900> so, why don't we already populate the repo with what we got so far?
<wpwrak> becasue there are more details missing. e.g., the definition of the committer. the committers influences the hash. if the committer changes, and the repo needs regenerated, all hashes change too. this will cause git to freak out for everyone who has cloned the repo.
<wpwrak> so as i said, we can do that, but it's not very civilized
<Joerg-Neo900> ok, so the big job is not ready for primetime. Simple answer
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<wpwrak> precisely
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<Joerg-Neo900> it seems my brain isn't fit anymore for elaborate long answers, neither for "simple" ones with little things and big things
<wpwrak> a nap may help :) or, in my case, dinner ... and then a nap (plumbers announced their visit for tomorrow. of course, that probably means that i'll wait in vain, once again)
<Joerg-Neo900> I'm pretty sure it's not a nap that's needed here
<wpwrak> seep helps to detox (chemically) the brain. that's scientifically proven :)
<Joerg-Neo900> it's probably I never will adopt that terminology and view to the world that comes with excessive use of git
<wpwrak> sLeep even
<wpwrak> yes, it was all easier with steam-driven punchcard readers :)
<Joerg-Neo900> or simply put: I git this wrong: [2016-12-19 Mon 00:21:09] <wpwrak> yeah ! so we now recreate a perfect copy of the "censored" repo
<Joerg-Neo900> got even
<wpwrak> nice freudian ;-))
<Joerg-Neo900> no, mechanical failure
<Joerg-Neo900> I got motoric issues
<wpwrak> yup, we have the copy. now we just have to make sure it stays current. plus a script or two to wrap it all up.
<Joerg-Neo900> you just said we don'
<Joerg-Neo900> t
<Joerg-Neo900> sorry, this is too bizarre for me now
<wpwrak> anyway, that's for tomorrow
<Joerg-Neo900> either we got a perfect copy then it's ok to have it available via webgit for public, and it will not even be a drama when there might be a push of new stuff in two days since we could re-initialize and resync the whole thing in no time. Or the copy is not yet perfect then I got a two or three statements wrong
<Joerg-Neo900> anyway I'd like to have *some* content on webgit rather sooner than later
<Joerg-Neo900> it's pretty embarrassing to have an empty repo that we made such fuzz about all the time
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<wpwrak> Joerg-Neo900: agreed. i was quite surprised to see you guys "pull the plug".
<wpwrak> how900, atk: now, about setting the committer name. do you know if there is any sort of convention the kind of automated committer we'd have in this case ?
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<wpwrak> from what i gather, having an e-mail address (at least syntactically) in there, is required. (e.g., the behaviour of "git commit --author=AUTHOR" strongly suggests this)
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<how900> wpwrak: it's set with git config foo ; git config
<how900> wpwrak: so the git config of the user running the script, or for each commit...
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<wpwrak> how900: yes, in our case, there isn't really a proper "user" who is the committer (well, if someone runs things manually, then there technically is, but that's spurious). so it would be nice to use something a) less misleading, and b) properly reproducible
<Wizzup> can I ask approx how many orders does neo900 have atm?
<wpwrak> how900: could be "whatever <>", or such. so i wonder if there's some precedent for such names we could follow, or if we get to make up our own
<wpwrak> how900: another option could be to use the author for the committer. but it seems that this would require more elaborate tweaking.
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<wpwrak> maybe something like "Generated from internal repo <>" ? (to indicate 1) that it's not a true source, 2) that it's no a proper subset either, 3) roughly where it comes from. i.e., it's basically what you'd expect of a regular repo, but you'll find quirks if you look really closely)
<wpwrak> Wizzup: should be around 350, i think
<Wizzup> cool, thanks
<Wizzup> so for the final prod you are looking for 450 more
<how900> Wizzup: yup
<how900> anyone going to 33c3? We should organize a meeting...
<Wizzup> I am not - already had other (hard to change/family) plans, and no ticket
<atk> wpwrak: 350 now? that sounds like it has gone up from 250 since a good while ago.
<atk> wpwrak: is the target still 500 or has that gone up?
<atk> wpwrak: I could have a look at what committer info linux has for pre-bitkeeper times
<wpwrak> atk: it was some ~320 a year ago. so that's +10%, with only collateral PR (i.e., hellekin's newsletters sometimes motivate lurkers. but we haven't really tried to reach out to new people in 2016)
<atk> ah
<atk> Linux-2.6.12-rc2 is the earliest commit in mainline
<atk> They didn't bother importing history before that.
<bencoh> iirc there'is a history tree
<wpwrak> grr. so how will i build my 0.12 kernel now ?
<atk> Linus is the committer in the few I've just looked at.
<atk> hmm
<wpwrak> Commit: Linus Torvalds <>
<wpwrak> yup
<atk> some others have other committers
<atk> it just seems like the committers were preserved there
<atk> I guess linus applied patches way back when
<bencoh> (now back to my jtag)
<atk> Just make the committer "Auto Commit <>"
<wpwrak> bencoh: thanks ;-)
<atk> I'm impressed that the history stretches that far back.
<atk> and if you host this on cgit, explain in the "about" page that this tree is a copy tracking the internal tree and why some parts are being temporarily censored.
<atk> Anyway, I need to go, see you this afternoon.
<wpwrak> Joerg-Neo900: does "Generated from internal repo <>" for the committer sound okay ? once we've picked a name, i'll process "ee-full" with it and push it into "ee" on
* ceene wonders why are you doing such strange things
<wpwrak> ceene: the filtering ? because joerg doesn't want the kicad_pcb file(s) to appear in the public ee repo. so we need to filter this from ee-full.
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<ceene> i thought the way to do that was gonna be gitolite partial copy
<Joerg-Neo900> wpwrak: yes
<wpwrak> ceene: naw, gitolite is the wrong layer. there, you can hide things from a web browser, but not from git clone
<wpwrak> ceene: i.e., you can hide it from a lawyer, but not from an engineer :)
<ceene> partial copy wouldn't copy just master branch, leaving aside all other commits not related to this branch?
<Joerg-Neo900> I think it's partial-copy is poorly documented, fragile, and depends massively on discipline op committers
<Joerg-Neo900> of
<Joerg-Neo900> and you have no control over stuff a posteriori
<ceene> the kind of loops wpwrak seems to be doing doesn't look any less fragile, though
<ceene> discipline committer is a real issue, though
<ceene> i've committed too many things i didn't want to commit
<ceene> :/
<Joerg-Neo900> ceene: we simply "copy" the complete repo, and we can apply filters during that
<Joerg-Neo900> no loops
<ceene> but i wonder if git format-patch | git am the best way to do that...
<Joerg-Neo900> well, it seems really simple, standard, and it's already tested and seems to do what we want
<ceene> don't know, i think i would have used filter-branch
<Joerg-Neo900> the guys considered all that
<Joerg-Neo900> don't worry, you won't notice either
<ceene> in any case, "if it is working don't touch it", as the engineers' maxim says
<wpwrak> ceene: there are no loops now :) and it's git log, for the precious -m option. that's what makes it all work :)
<Joerg-Neo900> and it works with scripts, which I like ;-)
<Joerg-Neo900> it's so tangible
<wpwrak> is alive again
<Joerg-Neo900> scripts and hooks. A concept I'm *very* familiar with
<ceene> great! :)
<wpwrak> and in one can see that it is the work of our publication process
<ceene> good, author is preserved but committer is the automatic thing
<wpwrak> note: there are no automatic updates yet. so until we set up this as well, it'll lag a little.
<ceene> btw, english is a very redundant language, committer has two double consonants
<Joerg-Neo900> compared to arabic? ;-)
<wpwrak> ceene: i'll see your committer and raise you a mississippi
<ceene> :D
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<Joerg-Neo900> wpwrak: re LEDs: we want a low Vfwd (so red?) high efficiency LED operated at a current of less than 1mA
<Joerg-Neo900> ideally side looking, though that's not really mandatory
<Joerg-Neo900> sorry, seems those are called "low current" not "high efficiency"
<Joerg-Neo900> arbitrary search hit: funny how most of them are 1V8 irrespective of color
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<Joerg-Neo900> well the real threshold Vfwd is 1.62 to 1.74V for red over orange to yellow
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<Joerg-Neo900> with a virtual ESR of ~25 Ohm
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<Joerg-Neo900> though we can adjust that very easily in prototypes, I'd suggest a series R of 1k
<Joerg-Neo900> for 1V8 logical signals
<Joerg-Neo900> that roughly equates a 0.1mA
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<Joerg-Neo900> ooh, and GND side of diodes please across one common 0R
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<Joerg-Neo900> unrelated: (stencil 0.3 pitch)
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