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<timclassic> Is it still possible to update to PR-1.3 over the air? I'm trying to get my new N900 updated to CSSU and it's currently on version...
<timclassic> (stand by)
<timclassic> 10.2010.19-1.002
<timclassic> Which is PR-1.2 I suppose
<timclassic> You know what, let me search some more
<timclassic> I was tired last night when I started this and probably had 0 neurons working on it.
<bencoh> :)
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<sixwheeledbeast> timclassic: should be, you may have to roll the system date back to 2010 IIRC.
<timclassic> sixwheeledbeast: Wow, really?
<timclassic> Do you know the reason?
<DocScrutinizer05> repo cert expired
<timclassic> Aaaah okay, that makes sense
<sixwheeledbeast> HAM throwing warnings due to expired cert
<timclassic> And is this coming from Nokia's servers?
<timclassic> I'd like to preserve this process in a way that I don't depend on external parties, in case I later want to return to this (or any) version.
<timclassic> Perhaps that's already been done by someone.
<timclassic> At worst, I suppose I can mirror the source repo
<bencoh> yeah, the binaries still comm from nokia's servers
<DocScrutinizer05> ~#maemo mirror
<infobot> it has been said that #maemo mirror is or - for fighting hashsum error, or see ~rmo-new
<timclassic> For my info, is it possible (given the correct set of source files) to flash directly to PR-1.3?
<timclassic> (I'm still unsure of the layout of all the components, what can be flashed, etc.)
* timclassic probably needs to spend more time on
<bencoh> it is, with the right pr-1.3 image
<DocScrutinizer05> ~pr13
<DocScrutinizer05> ~#maemo pr13
<DocScrutinizer05> dang
<DocScrutinizer05> ~pr1.3
<infobot> i guess pr1.3 is the latest (and probably last) software update for Fremantle, available since Monday October 25 2010. More information at -- see ~flashing for how to update
<timclassic> Correction: I need to spend more time with infobot ;)
<DocScrutinizer05> ~flashing
<infobot> hmm... maemo-flashing is, or - on linux PC - download, cd into it, do ./
<timclassic> Fantastic. Thanks guys
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<DocScrutinizer05> timclassic:
<DocScrutinizer05> ~cssu
<infobot> hmm... cssu is, or (Community Seamless Software Update)
<timclassic> Grr, after resetting the date to 2010, all that shows up is the Documents To Go Installer, heh
<timclassic> DocScrutinizer05: Thanks, that link I've found, which is what got me started searching for PR-1.3
<DocScrutinizer05> so forget about Noia SSU to PR1.3, rather follow my instructions above
<DocScrutinizer05> use
<timclassic> DocScrutinizer05: Thanks, I'll do that then.
<DocScrutinizer05> it gives your device an easy convenient complete new start
<DocScrutinizer05> take care! all contewnt on device gets erased
<timclassic> That's fine, it has no data yet
<timclassic> But I appreciate the warning
<DocScrutinizer05> ok then
<DocScrutinizer05> ~literal flashing
<infobot> "flashing" is "<reply>see maemo-flashing"
<DocScrutinizer05> ~literal maemo-flashing
<infobot> "maemo-flashing" is ", or - on linux PC - download*|.tgz), cd into it, do ./"
<DocScrutinizer05> infobot: no, maemo-flashing is, or - on linux PC - download&extract, cd into it, do ./
<infobot> okay, DocScrutinizer05
<DocScrutinizer05> ~literal maemo-flashing
<infobot> "maemo-flashing" is ", or - on linux PC - download&extract, cd into it, do ./"
<DocScrutinizer05> infobot: no, maemo-flashing is, or - on linux PC - download&extract, cd into it, do sudo ./
<infobot> DocScrutinizer05: okay
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<Pali> timclassic: set date to 2009 or 2010 and OTA update should wotk without problem
<Pali> gpg key used for nokia signing apt repository expired and nokia was not able to extend expiration date
<DocScrutinizer05> except it takes like hours, and depends on nobody messed up the catalog list
<Pali> and by default gpg refuse everything with invalid singatures (invalid signature is also done by expired gpg key)
<Pali> somebody should look into big gpg documentation and find way how to change gpg behaviour that expired gpg key will be handled as valid
<DocScrutinizer05> ooh, and of course it needs internet connectivity on N900 instead of dlashing PC
<DocScrutinizer05> flashing PC*
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<raccoon_> Pali: that's not the right way to fix gpg issues, is it... an expired key is invalid; that's the reason you set the expiration dates in the first place
<raccoon_> changing default behavior to consider expired keys valid breaks the entire model of gpg
<kerio> it woudln't break it that much if you allow expired keys but only for an explicit list of keys
<kerio> but it doesn't help for the existing, non-cssu n900s
<DocScrutinizer05> it would also not hurt to completely disable gpg key validation in maemo apt
<raccoon_> i was reading this as more of a general attitude to gpg, not maemo-specific. i agree
<kerio> DocScrutinizer05: it would
<kerio> mh, can redistribute (c)nokia stuff?
<DocScrutinizer05> community wasted weeks to investigate ways out of this deadlock and explain it to Nokia, just to hear that Nokia is not willing to use and implement the solutions we found
<kerio> i assume we're talkinga bout this for the neo900
<DocScrutinizer05> kerio: no, we neither can nor may we
<kerio> ok then we abuse http redirection
<DocScrutinizer05> hmm that would be a possibility, an entry in etc/hosts, indeed
<raccoon_> good idea
<kerio> nah, not even that
<kerio> recent apts follow redirects
<DocScrutinizer05> eh?
<kerio> we host Packages - which is not (c) nokia by any means - and we sign it with a new key, marked in HAM as system
<kerio> but the .debs are just redirects to
<Pali> raccoon_: no, I if I trust particular key for 100% I trust that key. And not some stupid SW implementation by gpg devs...
<kerio> or, hell
<kerio> we sign the Packages file from nokia
<DocScrutinizer05> LD_PRELOAD for systime() ;-)
<Pali> its broken SW that gpg
<kerio> LOL
<DocScrutinizer05> anyway expect to vanish soonish
<kerio> ;-;
<kerio> what do we do then
<DocScrutinizer05> and I think not much is lost, since every single package there is also in fiasco image, right? Except an occasional manpage that gets docpurged
<DocScrutinizer05> sure annoying to not be able to reinstall core system packages like e.g. camera-ui
<kerio> i really don't think every package there is also in fiasco
<DocScrutinizer05> instance please
<Pali> yes, it is
<Pali> I checked that year or two ago
<DocScrutinizer05> :-)
<kerio> is stuff docpurged before or after firstboot?
<DocScrutinizer05> I guess in fiasco it's already docpurged
<Pali> some ovi or additional spam packages re not included
<DocScrutinizer05> otherwise postinstall does docpurge aiui
<Pali> but I do not care about them
<Pali> fiasco rootfs is docpurged
<DocScrutinizer05> :nod:
<timclassic> DocScrutinizer05: If I remember my Debian packaging, we may be able to reconstruct the packages from the files on disk pretty easily
<kerio> timclassic: in theory
<kerio> except that no
<Pali> yes, we can
<kerio> documentation is purged, and config files aren't guaranteed to be the same
<Pali> but without doc
<kerio> we can definetely try
<Pali> rather do backup of nokia repos now :-)
<kerio> afaik, the md5 of all dpkg-installed files are stored
<Pali> and no future work is needed
<kerio> Pali: we can't redistribute that
<DocScrutinizer05> we also can try to mirror as long as it still exists
<DocScrutinizer05> we did before
<Pali> also we cannot redistribute fiasco
<timclassic> Oh sure, if the packages are currently available we should save those
<DocScrutinizer05> we could do again
<timclassic> What is "fiasco?"
<DocScrutinizer05> ooh, Pali beat me to that mirroring idea
* DocScrutinizer05 sighs and mumbles 'skeiron'
<kerio> DocScrutinizer05: not only we can mirror that, we can re-sign Packages with a key known to N900s
<DocScrutinizer05> sure
<DocScrutinizer05> just we would need a higher trust level than Nokia's domain then
<timclassic> Hrmph, even after change my year to 2009 I still get GPG key errors
<kerio> well, yes
<kerio> but that's solvable by a single, non-system package installed by the user by clicking on a .install link
<timclassic> DocScrutinizer05: I'll definitely try your reflash tool, but I'm at work and was hoping this would Just Work
<kerio> ...admittedly, that makes the "trust level" thing quite silly
<kerio> doesn't it
<Pali> everything what is needed to create backup!
<kerio> how much stuff is there?
<Pali> everything is there!
<kerio> no i mean
<kerio> how big is it
<kerio> also what's the difference between apps and ssu apps
<timclassic> Pali: Great link, will be mirroring that tonight.
<dos1> timclassic: if your date will be too early (before the cert was created) it will also fail
<timclassic> dos1: Gah, haha
<timclassic> I guess i'll just look at the cert :)
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<kerio> meh, 11.2GiB
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<Pali> kerio: its about 220G
<kerio> k
<kerio> i'm not mirroring tho
<kerio> only the stuff
<Pali> about 60G is
<kerio> WHAT IS THIS
<Pali> kerio: SSL
<Pali> encryption is not cheap
<Pali> specially you need to decrypt about 60G of binary data
<DocScrutinizer05> and often useless
<kerio> encryption is cheap
<kerio> with chacha20/poly1305
<kerio> DocScrutinizer05: ur face is useless
<DocScrutinizer05> yep
<raccoon_> kerio: hand over that wget command line and i'll make a local backup archive too :-)
<kerio> raccoon_: apt-mirror
<raccoon_> the manpage is so... far... away...
<raccoon_> ah
<kerio> with some patch to do http auth
<kerio> ok no
<kerio> these wgets are using 3.8gb of ram each
<kerio> this shit will not fly
<kerio> this is not encryptin
<kerio> on
<kerio> what the fuck is wrong with this
<raccoon_> apt-mirror messing with ionice/nice levels?
<kerio> no no
<kerio> each wget instance legiterally using 8gb of real memory
<x29a> how much of real memory do you have?
<kerio> 32gb
<x29a> nice
<kerio> i was *swapping* dude
<kerio> i'm not even sure why i had swap
<DocScrutinizer05> ulimit is your friend
<kerio> but as the disbelieving friend said to the inventor of the feces-powered helicopter
<kerio> this shit will not fly
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<kerio> ok, trying again with a reduced mirror.list
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<kerio> and two wgets
<kerio> 5gb and going up
<DocScrutinizer05> heck, a mirror list will not change what a single wget process does
<DocScrutinizer05> sth is terribly odd
<DocScrutinizer05> only thing I could think of why wget needs RAM is recursive stuff that does some back/forward-referencing
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<kerio> that's what i was thinking
<kerio> 12gb each, before i stopped this shit
<DocScrutinizer05> that's insane
<DocScrutinizer05> limit depth!
<DocScrutinizer05> aaah and UPDATE wgate! it been vulnerable to exploits
<DocScrutinizer05> wget*
<kerio> let's try making the limit 10
<kerio> it's a wget bug, apparently
<DocScrutinizer05> :-/
<DocScrutinizer05> try -d
<kerio> alright, --ca-directory=/noexist helps a ton
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<kerio> apparently it was looking through all the certificates for each connection
<DocScrutinizer05> toldya encryption is useless ;-P
<kerio> ._.
<kerio> it was patched upstream
<kerio> i'm running debian stable here
<kerio> cut me some slack
<kerio> do i have to care about the non-global, non-apps, non-ovi stuff
<kerio> hey what the fuck
<timclassic> kerio: Horray wheezy
<kerio> there's ovi maps stuff in .debs
<timclassic> (same here)
<kerio> like, maps for eastern europe
<kerio> well, i'm done
<kerio> yay
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<Oksana> Moin. Thank you, kerio :-)
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<kerio> Pali: the stuff only weighs like 10gb
<Pali> you downloaded only fremantle?
<kerio> of course
<Pali> ok
<Pali> and as I said: encryption is not cheap!
<Pali> anyway, going offline, bye
<DocScrutinizer05> repo.m.o is a daunting 700some GB, with several original symlinks transformed into a explosion of redundant data during some funny guy doing a server migration via wget
<kerio> lol
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<Oksana> Is anybody going to clear it up?..
<kerio> dude it's like free backups
<Oksana> Alright. As long as they can actually detect when a file becomes corrupted, and recover it from one of its copies.
<Oksana> Though, having a properly cleared-up filesystem, with a proper backup system, could be better-safer. But let's see what techstaff says...
<kerio> alright, got all the fremantle nokia repos now
<kerio> for some reason
<Oksana> DocScrutinizer: since maemo domains have migrated, should I ask warfare about domain transfer of ? Just asking...
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