sb0 changed the topic of #m-labs to: ARTIQ, Migen, MiSoC, Mixxeo & other M-Labs projects :: fka #milkymist :: Logs
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] jordens commented on issue #936: Lets try to figure out aravis. I suspect it will work fine. Will build and install the Debian package and then we can give the gobject stuff a spin....
<sb0> whitequark, SMA?
<sb0> it should go to DAC_CLK_P and you should also change the clock switch. did you do that?
<whitequark> ooh I didn't change the mux
<sb0> why did it hang before? was that "resolved" by swapping sayma-1 amc with sayma-3?
<whitequark> yes
<whitequark> no idea why or where it hung, didn't investigate that as it was getting late
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] hartytp opened pull request #969: Zotino (master...zotino)
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<hartytp> I've finished my version of the zotino driver
<hartytp> can you have a look, please?
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<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] whitequark commented on pull request #969 a7dd3e7: I think that calling both units of time and voltage `mu` is going to cause confusion at some point.
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on pull request #969 a7dd3e7: @hartytp Did you eventually deem it unnecessary to support configurations without LDAC?
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on pull request #969 a7dd3e7: no space
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on pull request #969 a7dd3e7: I don't think this redefinition helps.
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #969: There should be an entry in RELEASE_NOTES about the rename to ``ad53xx`` and methods that have changed - written for users of the old driver that need to switch to the new.
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<GitHub-m-labs> [rust-managed] whitequark closed pull request #9: Map::iter_mut() (
<travis-ci> m-labs/rust-managed#39 (master - e99e959 : Astro): The build passed.
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on pull request #969 a7dd3e7: It can simply be:...
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<GitHub159> [smoltcp] whitequark pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub159> smoltcp/master cd893e6 whitequark: fn PacketMetadata::empty() → const PacketMetadata::EMPTY....
<GitHub156> [smoltcp] whitequark closed issue #181: Can't create IcmpSocketBuffer without heap allocation
<GitHub-m-labs> [rust-managed] whitequark tagged v0.6.0 at fa8076e:
<GitHub-m-labs> rust-managed/v0.6.0 fa8076e whitequark: Bump version.
<GitHub-m-labs> [rust-managed] whitequark tagged v0.6.1 at master:
<travis-ci> m-labs/rust-managed#40 (v0.6.0 - fa8076e : whitequark): The build passed.
<travis-ci> m-labs/rust-managed#41 (master - f716a8a : whitequark): The build passed.
<travis-ci> m-labs/smoltcp#826 (master - cd893e6 : whitequark): The build passed.
<travis-ci> m-labs/rust-managed#42 (v0.6.1 - f716a8a : whitequark): The build passed.
<GitHub43> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on issue #180: Thanks for the PR! This looks good to me, but can you extract the packet definitions into `wire/`, as discussed before? They would still be defined for the same structure, I think `use super::icmpv6::*;` should do the trick visibility wise.
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<GitHub133> [smoltcp] whitequark opened issue #182: Use core::time::Duration
<GitHub148> [smoltcp] whitequark closed issue #154: Add an EthernetRepr type
<GitHub46> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on issue #63: @batonius How do you feel about the plan outlined [above](
<GitHub93> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on pull request #178 8c745c8: Nit: since IGMP is a part of IPv4 protocol suite, can you please put it after `proto-ipv4`?
<GitHub158> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on pull request #178 8c745c8: I'm not sure I fully understand the mechanics of this function, could you document it in a more verbose way?
<GitHub23> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on pull request #178 8c745c8: Also `proto-igmp` should imply `proto-ipv4`.
<GitHub21> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on pull request #178 8c745c8: I would prefer a `let iface_addr = match self.ipv4_address() { ... }` here.
<GitHub44> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on pull request #178 8c745c8: Why?
<GitHub43> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on pull request #178 8c745c8: Can you replace `InterfaceBuilder<'b, 'c, 'e, DeviceT>` with `Self` and fix these spurious diffs forever?
<GitHub69> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on pull request #178 8c745c8: Shouldn't this be gated by `proto-igmp`?
<GitHub57> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on pull request #178 8c745c8: Rebase error? I specifically renamed it to `max_resp_time`, since that's how the field is called in the RFC.
<GitHub76> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on pull request #178 8c745c8: Ipv4Address is Copy.
<GitHub156> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on pull request #178 8c745c8: These will all go away if `proto-igmp` implies `proto-ipv4`.
<GitHub118> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on pull request #178 8c745c8: I also think this function should do an early return if the address being considered is not a multicast address. This will save us the map traversal.
<GitHub139> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on pull request #178 8c745c8: These will need to be updated for current master.
<GitHub48> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on pull request #178 8c745c8: It returns `Result<()>`, how can that indicate whether an immediate announcement has been sent?
<GitHub124> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on pull request #178 8c745c8: Here too.
<GitHub149> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on pull request #178 8c745c8: :+1: great that you wrote an example!
<GitHub45> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on pull request #178 8c745c8: Can you explain why you cannot just report immediately? Preferably in the comments.
<GitHub137> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on pull request #178 8c745c8: This should be conditional on `feature = "proto-igmp"`, like the rest.
<GitHub63> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on pull request #178 8c745c8: There should probably be an issue about adding RNG to IGMP code.
<GitHub85> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on pull request #178 8c745c8: This is quadratic isn't it? Why not store an index into `ipv4_mcast_groups` and invalidate it when changing the map?
<GitHub194> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on issue #60: Superseded by #178.
<GitHub19> [smoltcp] whitequark closed pull request #60: IGMPv2 (master...igmp)
<GitHub195> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on pull request #178 8c745c8: From #60:...
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<GitHub28> [smoltcp] astro commented on pull request #178 8c745c8: @podhrmic did that
<GitHub171> [smoltcp] batonius commented on issue #63: Looks good to me. Right now `dhcpd` is implemented on top of `std::net::UdpSocket`, so being able to use it with the state machine directly would be great.
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] hartytp commented on pull request #969 a7dd3e7: I take your point, but we currently use mu for all units even freq phi and amp for dds. So this is just being consistent (which is the least confusing thing to do imo).
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] hartytp commented on pull request #969 a7dd3e7: True that works, but it seems a but heavyweight for me unless there is a concrete use case for it - I'm not aware of one. My approach is to start simple and add that kind of feature when a need is expressed....
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] hartytp commented on pull request #969 a7dd3e7: Thanks! Will fix
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] hartytp commented on pull request #969 a7dd3e7: Yes let's scrap it. Remnant f old version of code. Will fix.
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] hartytp commented on issue #969: Yes. Will do once we agree that the changes are ok.
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<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on pull request #969 a7dd3e7: Just need to check that e.g. NIST don't need it... @dhslichter ?
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] hartytp commented on pull request #969 a7dd3e7: Assuming no major objections, would you mind finishing this off from here? This is now all working on the hw and I'd like to prioritize analogy tests on Zotino.
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on pull request #969 a7dd3e7: Ok.
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] hartytp commented on pull request #969 a7dd3e7: @sbourdeauducq thinking about this more: using this without ldac is probably a rare use case, so let's not clutter up the driver with it if we can avoid it. What about having a general dummy ttl that the device manager can provide for this kind of case?
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<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] jordens commented on issue #969: In general commit messages should be as concise and readable as possible. That means including the area where the work was done. "fix core device addr." is not decipherable. And if at all possible, that commit and the change it reverts should not appear in the history....
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] jordens commented on pull request #969 a7dd3e7: IMO `mu` is ok for an opaque quantity of machine units independent of what the quantity describes if the corresponding SI unit is always clear from the context and it's not used as a variable name (`mu` itself is not ok, but `voltage_{to_}_mu` is fine).
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] jordens closed pull request #969: Zotino (master...zotino)
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] jordens commented on issue #969: Is "Test Zotino on hw" a TODO or was that done?...
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] hartytp commented on issue #969: Testing done....
<bb-m-labs> build #1385 of artiq-board is complete: Failure [failed conda_build] Build details are at blamelist: hartytp <>
<bb-m-labs> build #2219 of artiq is complete: Failure [failed] Build details are at blamelist: hartytp <>
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] jordens commented on issue #969: We should probably write up a check list for pull requests in the contribution guidelines.
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<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] jordens commented on issue #969: Is "Test Zotino on hw" a TODO or was that done?...
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] jordens commented on issue #969: Is "Test Zotino on hw" a TODO or was that done?...
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] jordens commented on issue #969: Is "Test Zotino on hw" a TODO or was that done?...
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] jordens commented on issue #969: Is "Test Zotino on hw" a TODO or was that done?...
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] jordens commented on issue #969: Is "Test Zotino on hw" a TODO or was that done?...
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] jordens commented on issue #969: Is "Test Zotino on hw" a TODO or was that done?...
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] jordens pushed 11 new commits to master:
<GitHub-m-labs> artiq/master 2cf414a Robert Jordens: ad53xx: move 8 bit shift out of ad53xx protocol funcs...
<GitHub-m-labs> artiq/master 08326c5 Robert Jordens: ad53xx: style [nfc]
<GitHub-m-labs> artiq/master 68e433a Robert Jordens: opticlock/device_db: resurrect novogorny...
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] jordens commented on issue #969: Is "Test Zotino on hw" a TODO or was that done?...
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] jordens pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub-m-labs> artiq/master a20dfd9 Robert Jordens: examples/master: ad5360 -> zotino
<bb-m-labs> build #1386 of artiq-board is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] jordens commented on issue #687: Zotino done as well a992a672 up to a20dfd9c
<bb-m-labs> build #806 of artiq-win64-test is complete: Warnings [warnings python_unittest] Build details are at blamelist: Robert Jordens <>
<bb-m-labs> build #2220 of artiq is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<bb-m-labs> build #1387 of artiq-board is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<bb-m-labs> build #807 of artiq-win64-test is complete: Warnings [warnings python_unittest] Build details are at blamelist: Robert Jordens <>
<bb-m-labs> build #2221 of artiq is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<GitHub157> [smoltcp] astro commented on pull request #178 8c745c8: I thought otherwise, because in `Repr` we're no longer dealing with the `max_resp_time` code but with a proper `Duration`. I'll rename it back if you don't agree that that's a significant difference between the two.
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<GitHub127> [smoltcp] astro commented on pull request #178 8c745c8: Unused when `feature = "proto-ipv4"` is **absent**.
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<GitHub24> [smoltcp] astro commented on pull request #178 8c745c8: I don't like the semantics of TTL=255, that is: reporting group membership to every group listener across routers. I'm not seeing it in the wild either....
<GitHub11> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on pull request #178 8c745c8: The *concept* is the same (maximum response time), the *units* are different (floating point in i8 vs Duration). You could call it `max_resp_time_fp` and `max_resp_time_duration` but that's annoyingly long.
<GitHub102> [smoltcp] astro commented on pull request #178 8c745c8: Right! Thank you for pointing out.
<GitHub97> [smoltcp] astro commented on pull request #178 8c745c8: I thought otherwise, because in `Repr` we're no longer dealing with the `max_resp_time` code but with a proper `Duration`. I'll rename it back if you don't agree that this is a significant difference between the two.
<GitHub141> [smoltcp] astro commented on pull request #178 8c745c8: I thought otherwise, because in `Repr` we're no longer dealing with the `max_resp_time` code from `Packet` but with a proper `Duration`. I'll rename it back if you don't agree that this is a significant difference between the two.
<GitHub39> [smoltcp] astro commented on pull request #178 8c745c8: I disagree, because in `Repr` we're no longer dealing with the `max_resp_time` code from `Packet` but with a proper `Duration`. I'll rename it back if you don't agree that this is a significant difference between the two.
<GitHub50> [smoltcp] astro commented on pull request #178 6b8f926: Ok!
<GitHub59> [smoltcp] astro commented on issue #178: Next round.
<GitHub1> [smoltcp] astro commented on issue #178: Still working on it…
<GitHub2> [smoltcp] astro commented on issue #178: Next round.
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