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[artiq] jordens commented on issue #636: > We can merge address and write enable instead....
[artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #636: Doing that to the channel register is difficult because DRTIO uses it to look up first the state of the remote channel, and test for underflow, FIFO full, etc....
[artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #636: > using a channel-dependent bit mask....
[artiq] jordens commented on issue #636: Does it do that channel status lookup early to be in parallel with the CPU doing the address/data writes?...
whitequark: why are the access functions "pub unsafe fn .." and not "pub fn ... { unsafe { ... } }"?
whitequark: i.e. why do you consider the unsafe-ness to be cured only so late in the stack?
rjo: e.g. consider FIFO functions. by manipulating the FIFO pointer you could cause unsafety elsewhere because the safe wrapper will unexpectedly encounter something\
this doesn't apply to most CSRs, of course
rjo: feel free to add some marking to CSRs that indicates whether writing to them is memory-safe
oh hm
I think all reads would be memory-safe
so we can do that right away
or you can also add an issue and assign it to me.
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they might be memory safe, but you can still crash the system by writing to many of them
e.g. mess with the timer, disable the DDR3 controller, ...
where do you draw the line?
you can actually write to any DDR3 location with just the CSRs
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afaict once an unsafe primitive is "correctly" wrapped, the unsafety is gone (in the rust sense).
afaict even reads are still unsafe because e.g. in the rtio_counter case a read is corrupted by a _update()
then i guess what you are doing right now is ok.
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[artiq] jordens commented on issue #563: Funded by UMD/Britton except the IOSERDES port.
sb0: "unsafe" is specifically for memory safety.
so the DDR CSRs are definitely all unsafe but in case of timer that's not true.
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rjo, i'd be careful using an IRQ to mark a RTIO FIFO full condition
how do you know what to retry?
how do you know the write has been accepted and you can free your retry buffer?
sb0: yep. tricky. either track it on the host like for drtio and poll-update when uncertain. or wait for unasserted irq before writing/sumitting.
maybe the write can be followed by a short read - could be as short as 1 bit to say if everything is OK or if a longer read should happen to check the status?
ironically, SPI has less latency than the GTX
but isn't that the same as the IRQ?
i mean. yes. absolutely duplicate the IRQ in a register that can be read.
or are you annoyed by the fact that this would make the IRQ meaning context-dependent?
we can design it in a way that a read that follows a write always correctly returns the information corresponding to the write
there is a single channel - SPI
with a IRQ line you have a race between two channels
can't the IRQ line indicate the channel status from X spi cycles after the channel number has been written to Y cycles before the next channel number is written?
yes, you can have this sort of timing constraint, and theoretically they work
but yes. can also be done using SPI alone. i am fine with that. except that you can't use it nicely with a CPU and listen for SAWG clipping, input overflows,
but they're a lot more complicated than SPI alone
especially if $SPI_MASTER isn't good at timestamping IRQs
or controlling SPI timing
why bother dealing with a nasty race condition when you can just avoid it?
no need to timestamp AFAICT. but let's just expose this as a status read plus some IRQ line if people want to listen to that.
it's useful to not have to poll everything all the time.
fine. but I'm pretty sure people using the IRQ line will write concurrency bugs more than once
what would the IRQ handler do anyway?
feed the FIFO?
the irq handler would crawl the status registers, figure out what the source it, handle it, and clear the irq.
as usual.
yes. I mean the handle part.
rjo: do you mean that the license changes to "GNU Lesser General Public License"? you wrote "GNU General Public License" in the 4th paragraph of the mail
since this affects how the rest of the code should be structured, to synchronize the data structures used.
acknowledge the clipping of a saturating adder etc
we'd have to use lockfree queues...
so just atomic flags.
felix_: oh. yes. will fix that.
whitequark: yes.
whitequark: anyway, in this case we are just building a "peripheral". the handling and that cpu etc is somebody elses problem.
rjo: sb0: I see no problem with that, given that in the end it just results in the flag being polled by some other code
if you use Rust atomics and safe code to handle it you should not generate any concurrency bugs
(although I will double-check any caveats Rust's memory model has wrt IRQs)
whitequark: it wouldn't even go through the/our cpu. this is basically "DRTIO-over-SPI".
rjo: oh, I just realized what you meant by an IRQ line.
disregard what I said as I think it's irrelevant
whitequark: i was doing some recreational LLVM IR and OR1K ASM reading the other day. And i noticed all that array checking code that is generated on every access. isn't that slow and lots of code?
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[artiq] jordens pushed 2 new commits to phaser2:
artiq/phaser2 d34084b Robert Jordens: README_PHASER: update
artiq/phaser2 5efd0fc Robert Jordens: sawg: documentation
rjo: it is, sorta.
I'm not sure if there's an easy way around it in general, though we may well add microoptimizations for specific cases.
list comprehensions and loops generally work better than explicit indexing.
the enumerate() wrapper may be a substantial win