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<GitHub18> [migen] sbourdeauducq pushed 1 new commit to new:
<GitHub18> migen/new 4451bb2 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: genlib/fifo: remove Record support
<GitHub142> [misoc] sbourdeauducq pushed 2 new commits to new:
<GitHub142> misoc/new 1b8f313 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: lasmicon: do not depend on FIFO Record support
<GitHub142> misoc/new b3d5d16 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: interconnect/stream: remove param, do not depend on FIFO Record support
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<travis-ci> m-labs/migen#117 (new - 4451bb2 : Sebastien Bourdeauducq): The build is still failing.
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<GitHub163> [migen] sbourdeauducq pushed 1 new commit to new:
<GitHub163> migen/new 0c1e1c9 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: test/fifo: do not use Record
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<travis-ci> m-labs/migen#118 (new - 0c1e1c9 : Sebastien Bourdeauducq): The build is still failing.
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<GitHub60> [migen] sbourdeauducq pushed 1 new commit to new:
<GitHub60> migen/new 6c01f80 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: genlib/fifo: add missing imports
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<travis-ci> m-labs/migen#119 (new - 6c01f80 : Sebastien Bourdeauducq): The build is still failing.
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<GitHub88> [misoc] sbourdeauducq pushed 2 new commits to new:
<GitHub88> misoc/new 617c6ec Sebastien Bourdeauducq: interconnect/stream: add multiplexer and demultiplexer
<GitHub88> misoc/new d21358f Sebastien Bourdeauducq: liteeth_mini: fix imports, replace Counter and FlipFlop
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<sb0> _florent_, what's the point of Chunkerize/Unchunkerize? why not use Cast or just xxx.raw_bits().eq(yyy.raw_bits()) ?
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<_florent_> When you have byte enables with your data in a stream:
<_florent_> Chunckerize: from payload data(dw=64)/be(dw=8) creates n chuncks of data(dw=64/n)/chunks(dw=8/n)
<sb0> all those special cases and adhoc solutions make me thing that the current dataflow abstractions do not work
<sb0> *think
<sb0> what is "be"?
<_florent_> but maybe what you suggested yesterday about params can also be applied here: use 2 endpoints
<sb0> does liteeth_mini require this little mess, and can it use the bare Pack/Unpack?
<_florent_> yes I think you need it
<_florent_> for converter
<sb0> cool. some more rewrite is needed then.
<sb0> meh
<sb0> be == byte enable?
<_florent_> yes
<_florent_> you just have to provide an equivalent to Converter
<sb0> brb
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<sb0> of course, after all those changes i did to liteeth, ethernet is 100% broken
<_florent_> what have you changed?
<sb0> I have copied the current modules chunkerize/unchunkerize modules into for now (not committed)
<sb0> there was another commit before, but it only touched the imports
<_florent_> the changes in the first link seem fine
<sb0> where are the byte enables in (un)chunkerize/converter?
<sb0> I don't get it...
<_florent_> that was just an example
<_florent_> data and byte enables are defined in the description of your enpoint
<sb0> so chunkerize is like cast, but only applies to a part of the layout?
<sb0> ok
<sb0> and what do the chunkerize stuff make out of this?
<sb0> *does
<_florent_> when use with the Converter: eth_mac_description(8) to eth_mac_description(32) for example
<sb0> ok, so the converter does pack/unpack on each field of the layout, independently?
<_florent_> yes that's what I was trying to explain (without success)
<sb0> ok
<sb0> you are testing for the sum of the lengths of all fields, whereas you should compare the lengths of each pair of fields independently
<sb0> e.g. if you feed it from=(length 1, length 2) and to=(length 2, length 1) it will silently connect the fields one by one instead of erroring
<_florent_> right it's not detecting that and using witdh is probably not appropriate
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<sb0> blergh
<sb0> Pack/Unpack doesn't deal with EndpointDescription, but Chunkerize/Unchunkerize do
<sb0> _florent_, could you reimplement the Converter cleanly?
<sb0> make it part of liteeth (it's not very generic...) and monolithic - a Converter module that instantiates UpConverter or DownConverter would be good.
<sb0> those last two modules should essentially be like the current Pack/Unpack
<sb0> and not do any crazy stuff
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<sb0> flattening the hierarchy a bit (remove core/frontend), not using factory functions, and not having code in would be nice as well ...
<sb0> if isinstance(sdram_controller_settings, str):
<sb0> self.sdram_controller_settings = eval(sdram_controller_settings)
<sb0> ...
<sb0> why is SDRAMCore accessing phy.settings and its caller accessing phy.module.geom_settings and phy.module.timing_settings before passing them to it?
<GitHub28> [artiq] whitequark pushed 2 new commits to new-py2llvm:
<GitHub28> artiq/new-py2llvm 7a6fc39 whitequark: Make delay component of function type unifyable.
<GitHub28> artiq/new-py2llvm 651e6b1 whitequark: Remove build products from git.
<whitequark> ^ was a pretty nasty correctness bug
<sb0> and why does the PHY need this module attribute at all?
<sb0> it needs to know nothing about the DRAM geometry, goddammit
<sb0> _florent_, the "margin" parameter of the ns function in SDRAM is to account for a possible change of the command phase (when switching between reads and writes) in half-rate PHYs ...
<sb0> and more generally, when you find a "margin" in code I have written, there is a definitive reason for it
<sb0> what's the point of the class attributes in the classes that inherit from SDRAMModule, if you need to overload and pass their values to the constructor?
<sb0> also, why the discrepancy between NamedTuple and the dictionaries?
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